Apparently, a topless climate protester decided to get her knockers out during Philips funeral.
Of course dear cunters, without even seeing her, you would no doubt guess that she wouldn’t be a 25 year old beauty. No, this cunt is 55 and looks like a bloke, with flabby fat belly and saggy tits ( MNC, I know you’ll have the horn) (If he doesn’t appear on ISAC for a couple of days we’ll know why! – DA).
Every time you see any white BLMers, Antifa, Extinky rebellends, they’re always munters.
Nominated by: Cuntington Smythe
Thats a bloke, surely???
I was expecting Erica Roe!!!
Gravely dissapointed☹️
What do you mean!!
Ive got the horn!!
Some very hurtful people on here.
Good work ??
Sure as ive got a hole in me arse thats Johnny Vegas!
To be fair MNC, Vegas has better knockers, met him in a pub once, he was out with Simon Pegg and another cunt Irish comedian who carked it. I did comment to him about his moobs, but the cunt was that pissed he didn’t respond. ?
Evening mr Smythe!
Dont see Johnny Vegas much nowadays , used to be on everything didnt he?
Teabag ads, panel shows etc
Too white? Too working class?
I quite liked him!
I like him Mis, my favourite is him in Sex lives of the potato men, brilliant film.
Mis: time to contact a claims-for-cunts type ambulance chasing lawyer.
Your good name is being dragged through the mire.
Used to be one on here-DS, BS?, no-CS?
Wonder what state Erica is now..
Erica Rowe now –
Gravity has taken over.
I see the Daily Mail article is not accepting comments; probably for that very reason!
That’s put me right off my fucking porridge auuwwww
Extinction rebellion is planning a mass trespass tomorrow with these kind of m0ngs, I hope Herr Fiddler has enough 12 bore cartridges in his armoury to repel these peasants from his vast land holdings, fill a few harpies cunts will buckshot, that’ll learn e’m!!!
Looks like one of the Fat Slags.
There’s a time and a place for everything.
The Dukes funeral was neither.
Thoughtless, disrespectful, attention seeking lump of blubber, I hope she gets a custodial!
I stood at the back with my cock out.
But in a respectful way.
MNC, from what we know about you , you’d have to have been stood on the coffin before anyone would have noticed your apology for a todger!
I wear a extension nowadays GG!
The Roncko elephant trunk®
For those who need a little extra..
Were you eyeing the ‘HRH’ plaque for a place above the other throne in the Chez Miserable downstairs toilet, Mis?
Charged with causing “harassment, alarm and distress”! Any fucking wonder, what a monster!
The personification of the left wing voter. I can smell her putrid body odour from the pictures so I bet the police were very relieved to be wearing masks.
It just needed old Phil the Greek to sit up and yell from the back of the hearse, “For Christ sake Liz, stop piss arsing around and release the fucking corgis”, and then lay at peace once more.
What the fuck was it whining about?
A difficult wank, but times are hard.
Get em in, get em in….
Another flabby, middle-aged, mentally- parlous, bitter, twisted lunatic woman, who feel life has dealt them so a bad hand.
There are so, so many of them about. Nasty, argumentative, unreasonable. Fuck me, the planet is infested with them.
They just need love Paul.
Love from a 6’8″ bald, bearded removal man from Stockport with debonair charm and deft, exploring hands?
?? ?
Hey luv! Wanna monster mash?
I never noticed Terresa May in crowd??
So the cringe minge wants to protest about how horrible every ones to the planet and the climate is going to change unless we stop abusing it . Now judging by that naked body I’d say she is the last person to be lecturing on a stable environment. Bandwagon nutter
Quite. If she wants to save the planet perhaps she ought to stop eating so much of it.
Prince Philip would’ve loved it.
Get one’s rat out, out you bally minger.
Never mind fat old mingers getting their flabby tits out what about the tree huggers smashing windows in Londonstabistan while the coppers stand around watching them as usual? If you are a posh libtard the law doesn’t apply to you it seems.
Speaking of fat bitches did you see that bird shot by the copper in Ohio? Sixteen years old? Did you see the size of her? A bad day for the local takeaways if you ask me.
Just posted a nomination about that.
Fuck me sideways, you couldn’t make the shit up that comes out of their mouths.
Ladies, you aren’t talking on my behalf, I don’t support your crackpot views, but maybe smoke a little less, you might find a life!
Yeh! saw that mr frog, what a greedy bitch, she even brought a knife for some cake, cop had to shoot her, to stop her eating her friend.
Nobody could get the horn over that. Not MNC. Not even RTC. It’s that grim.
Best thing would be to strip it naked, impale it’s arsehole and mouth then roast it on a roaring, open barbecue.
Yes but, no but, would you eat it?
Fuck no, I’d feed its barbecued carcass to the local wildlife.
Because its a chap with boobs. Check out the upper arm muscles, muscly calves, wide neck, manly shaped beer belly, thin lips.
That’s my take on it-looks like Ian Blackford on his annual holiday to centre parcs?
Thinking about it, if she’d have got her clopper out, it would’ve kept the flies away from the horses arses.
Hehehe ??
Like a fishermans baitbox..
Like the dunny door on a prawn trawler
I feel sick.
A quick .38 round in the back of the head would have saved all of us the erotic pleasure of that voluptuous beauty.
Looks improved by exit wound.
Fuck Off.
Demented cunt.
St George’s Day greetings cunters and go fuck yourselves.
You fucking racist.
If her carbon footprint is just half the size of her arse, then she needs to look closer to home first.
I love it. Any time someone drones on about how the sexes are equal these hairy hysterical harridans are my immediate go to retort! They can’t bring anything to an argument except tits no one wants to see.
No one would give a fuck if a man whipped out his nuts. Thus men learned to craft intellectual arguments. We realised this eons ago. Apparently women still haven’t figured it out.
Get yer growler out girls!
But not this one, please. Fucking hell, imagine the stink? It’d be a gaping hole the size of a small country, webbed with pizza cheese-like strands.
I wonder if Greta Thunderbox will get her growler out?? So long as Treason May doesn’t. Mention of her earlier… the grim realisation that she MIGHT stage a nudey protest… Oh Dog.
Women were ready to take over the world, then someone invented a mobile phone that was actually mobile, & not a fucking suitcase.
We should give thanks!
Send her to Ryan Giggs. He’ll sort her out (allegedly).
Ryan Giggs, Ryan Giggs running down B-Wing…
I downloaded’ The jinx’ as you recommended it..
Enjoyed it too. Ta
No problem. The ending made me go ‘No fucking way!’
He’s on trial next month I think because of that ending, basically.
6 years after that show. Given his age and the protracted legal system makes you think. Great watch though.
If you haven’t seen it, try The fear of 13.
Will do as long as it’s not ‘bash the honky’ stuff.
Yeah, took 6 years, but the cunt has a lot of fucking money and can drag it out.
Money talks, even in cases like that.
The copper in the middle looks like he’s trying to cop a feel.
Off topic, but there’s been a mostly peacefull Tunisian gimmegrant who’s knifed and killed a police officer in Paris this evening.
Ain’t it funny that the MSM are largely quiet about the whole sorry affair. If it had been a jig a boo dying at the hands of the law we’d never hear the end of it.
Not the world’s most peaceable religion? Again.
Funny ole thing…..
I think the froggy rozzers shot it, hopefully to death. I suspect the fucking BBC will already be making the case for Tunisian Lives Matter.
Expect 2mins kneeing at all premier league games tomorrow…
As much as your comment drips in sarcasm, it’s about as legitimately ridiculous as how the media canonised serial criminal, piece of human garbage, George Floyd.
So watch this space.
I’ve known a few blokes with that particular type of physique.
The “skinny but fat boy”
get a girlfriend you sad ugly wanker!
There are never any fit leftie birds. There were a few in the 80s, but now there’s none. My sister’s best mate was a PETA nut and an animal rights fanatic years ago. She was also fit as fuck, and her naked protest in Manchester City Centre will stay with me till the end of my days. She’s a lot more respectable now, but still into the vegetarianism. But I think – on reflection – I probably still would.
I notice the cops in this photograph don’t look as happy as the ones that arrested Erica Rowe. Who can blame them ? This slapper has a mans beer gut, the legs of an arthritic pensioner and, as far as I can tell, udders like a couple of used condoms. Gross.
If we could choose a topless protestor…
Mine would be Christina Hendricks or Paige Spiranac (below).
Linda Harrison.
She was fit as fuck as Nova in the original Planet of the apes with Chuck Heston.
A mute too!!
Perfect ?
She looked great in Beneath the Planet of the Apes too,
Here is the magnificent Ms. Hendricks.
I feel sorry for two coppers, they must of felt a pair of tits.
That picture… I always wondered what happened to Hunny G.
BREAKING NEWS: women identified as Greta Thunbergs older sister.
Fuck me, looks like a bloke to me…..
Not another Transexual, they’re fucking everywhere, the poor freak only came out of the beer tent for a piss.