Topless Climate Protesting Munters.

Apparently, a topless climate protester decided to get her knockers out during Philips funeral.

Of course dear cunters, without even seeing her, you would no doubt guess that she wouldn’t be a 25 year old beauty. No, this cunt is 55 and looks like a bloke, with flabby fat belly and saggy tits ( MNC, I know you’ll have the horn) (If he doesn’t appear on ISAC for a couple of days we’ll know why! – DA).

Every time you see any white BLMers, Antifa, Extinky rebellends, they’re always munters.

Nominated by: Cuntington Smythe 

77 thoughts on “Topless Climate Protesting Munters.

  1. Its a fat bloke no?

    I have two proposals for these BLM/exticntion rebellion etc etc people

    1) the return of traitors gate, hanging drawing and quartering at tower of london

    2) leasing a piece of land on guernsey for a guantanamo style camp where they are waterboarded and horrifically tortured indefinetely. We could call it guerntanamo.

  2. Sirs:

    Recently some enviros dumped wheelbarrows full of cow crap at the White House because President Depends hasn’t ordered the U.S. to immediately transition into agrarian communes.

    Today’s “activists” use their ostensible causes for acting out. What we are seeing is not free speech, it is untreated mental illness.

    And it always seems to boil down to flinging feces.

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