62 thoughts on “The Seeds of Doubt

    • St.Thomas Mount, India
      According to Syrian Christian tradition, Saint Thomas was allegedly martyred at St.Thomas Mount in Chennai on 3 July in AD 72, and his body was interred in Mylapore.

  1. I’ve become an obsessive compulsive. I check everything three times when I leave the house. I sometimes find myself at the gate then going back inside to check I’ve switched off all the switches. I shat myself the other day because I remembered when I was on the bus I’d left my phone charging. I had visions of returning to a burnt out shell of a home. Seeds of doubt fuck off you’re a cunt.

  2. That’s the OCDs of doubt.
    Have I pressed post comment? Fuck knows.

    Had a workmate who used to photograph her switches etc before she left home.

  3. I know that I have no seeds of doubt that I’d happily break the neck of the Prick on a motorbike that I saw go screaming past a young girl on a horse today.. didn’t give the horse a fucking inch,just fucking lucky that the old horse is var-nigh bombproof…I’ll be out on the County next weekend driving very slowly around a few blind corners when I hear the bike exhausts backfiring their way up the valley…

    • As I biker, and animal lover, I find that behaviour disgusting. I also slow right down, pull the clutch and pass slow and wide. Unpredictable beasts. Have to say, was out on the bike today, and realised why I don’t usually go out on a Sunday. Nutters on motorbikes, cars and fucking bicycles. By the way, noisy bike exhausts also get my goat.

      • Afternoon,Lord C.
        I know 99% of the bikers are alright but there seem to be more and more utter dickheads on bikes that I can only assume are deliberately badly-tuned to make them scream and backfire….that irritates but the Prick today really fucking angered me…..would have served him right if the horse had spooked and put him through the stone wall….I’d have fucking laughed my cock off as they scraped his bits into a bin-liner.

      • Having done the bike training, my trainer told me to go wide and slow around horses or stop if appropriate. Why the fuck wouldn’t you just do that then? Fucking idiots.

      • Seconded. Have ridden motorbikes too and every cunt who learns knows about not scaring horses. They have no excuse.

        These people are cunts. The only saving grace is that one day, they might spook out a horse who kicks out as they pass. I’m guessing being kicked off a bike doing 80, by a big fucking horse won’t end too well for the rider.

      • I suspect some of the Cunts are racing each other,Cuntologist…I’ll slow their fucking rush next weekend.

      • 99 percent of bikers being tidy is a bit optimistic, and I say that after coming back from a ride on my motorbike today. Noisy exhaust cunts dressed as power rangers, chavs in trackies and trainers, there’s plenty of bellends about. I slowed right down and gave the wild horses on a mountain road a wide berth earlier, and they are used to cunts, as the road in question regularly featured on top gear.

    • Horses? Large, skittish, unpredictable and a serous dislike of idiots who fly by them.
      It’s not rocket science – slow down, knock the revs off, give plenty of room and don’t to anything liable to spook them.

      • Most of my bikes have had straight pipes. Never managed to upset a horse or rider yet.

        Must be a skill I don’t have.

    • On the County, as in big arse 4×4 tractor tank looking beast?

      You will find bikers and other feral cunts tend clog the mudguards unless it’s on the lowest speed range. If it’s get a fresh set of boots on it will clear those bits of brain and bone matter fairly quick though….

      • Oh.we’ll be crawling along just as slowly as we can manage…


    • Effing Bastard. There was a horse drawn coach for the bride and groom at our local church a few tears ago. Bastard came around the corner,at speed, and ran into it, killing one of the horses.

    • “Unpredictable beasts….”

      Not half; I used to do a bit of hacking out at the local stables and occasionally rode on a massive hunter that shat itself and sheared off at right angles at the mere sight a fluttering crisp packet. …”Murphy”… remembered his name… a veritable Laverda Jota of a horse and a right fucking handful!

  4. I often doubt my sanity.

    Then I look at what’s going on in the world – like the BBC Head of Diversity (WTF) saying the TV series is Luther is racist because he doesn’t eat Caribbean food or have bleck friends) – then I realise I’m one of the sanest people in the country. Self-doubt gone in a second.

    • Dear Marvellous please never mention the BBC again as it singes my bladder everytime as my piss turns to steam. Thank you in advance.

      • I know how you feel, Uttercunt. The BBC is a septic pimple on the boil of broadcasting.

    • If I was the producer of Luther, for the next episode, as a protest, I’d have the main character with a bone through his nose. He’d do a bit of da old Papa doc black magic to help him solve dee crimes.

      Police Chief:Luther, we’ve run out of leads

      Luther: Dis not problim. Me slice up a live goat and chiggun over dee shrine of Chiggun George Floyd. Den mus’ bring me virgin white girl to deflower. Dis essential to break dee no leads curse lordy lordy.

      • Brilliant Cuntybollocks ?

        Certainly would make for a more interesting series.

  5. Good nomination?

    Learning to trust yourself, to ignore nagging doubts and have belief in your own actions-the secret of a happy life.

    You are always going to meet cunts that will try and undermine your confidence, due to jealousy or personal greed-the last thing you need to be is an ally to the fuckers.


  6. It’s a pity that cunt in Grenfell Tower didn’t switch the marijuana lamps off before he went out. Or was it?
    Lammy had a friend who lived there you know?

    • Apparently a Peaceful cunt bypassed the fuse on a 3 pin plug. It’s taken the “enquiry” four years and £50 million to work that out.

  7. I fucked off on holiday and 30,000 ft up in the air I couldn’t recall if I’d locked the back door.
    Luckily a load of wine and beer sorted it all out.

    • Fuckin’ hell Uncle Terry I would have expected more from a pilot like you. You should always lock the door before you leave the runway and as for drinking on the flight . . . ,well.

  8. I doubt that I’ll be voting Labour on the 6th of May.

    (To add insult to injury, it also happens to be Blair’s birthday)

    • Never been quite that bad, but did find myself colour matching pegs when hanging the washing outside.

      Solved that problem. Chucked the evil little cunts away and bought wooden ones instead.

      All joking aside, I think we’re all a bit OCD at times, especially when we feel vunerable, and atm I feel very vunerable.

      More rum, Captain!

  9. I doubt the Gorton Globetrotters are going to win the ‘Quadruple’. Not after Chelsea gubbed them yesterday. The usual media cunt trombones do their annual I look a cunt routine as the “best team in the history of the universe” go out of the FA Cup.

    Unbeatables, untouchables, quadrupabbles. Change the fucking record, eh?
    Citeh would be fucked if they brought proper tackling back. Softarsed blue cunts.

    • Football is fucked Norman if this proposed super league got off the ground.
      Now is the time to say enough is enough.
      Kick all these fuckin’ clubs out of EUEFA now .
      This is the time to Build Back Better with grassroots fans in control.

      • Aye they’re kicking off about the proposed Super League I see.

        Gary Neville almost had a heart attack.

        Find it a bit rich though, that Sky pundits are moaning about clubs being greedy.

        What do they think Sky getting into bed with the premier League clubs was back in 92?

        Greed. Nothing more.

        Still, it sounds like a shite idea to me. A closed shop where no cunt gets relegated. Add VAR and the knee taking and it’ll be the shittest thing ever.

        I hope the clubs go for it and go fucking broke.

    • True that. The game’s too soft nowadays. As you know, I’ve been watching old footy and recently finished watching the 74 and 78 World Cups (in full, sad cunt that I am).

      Some of the fouls that didn’t even get yellows? Fuck me. They’d be thrown in prison nowadays, the soft cunts that they are.

      • I always remember the German keeper Schumacher from the 82 WC. The ‘foul’ was more akin to GBH with the French player losing a couple of teeth, broken ribs and slipping into a coma. Wasn’t even booked too.

      • Aye. It was a world cup semi final that. The cunt was also waving the medical staff away and telling them to get out of the box so he could take a goal kick. The poor cunt he poleaxed was knocked out and being given oxygen. Schumacher didn’t give a fuck though. Being the ultimate pantomime villain, he also saved the Frogs’ penalties in the shoot out too. Epic cunt.

        Still, ‘Needs oxygen does he? Broken back? Knocked out? Shattered cheekbone and his own teeth around him on the floor? Play on, you cunts’ lol.

      • Schumacher later admitted he was doped up to his eyeballs on speed .saw that match live on tv and GBH it was ,fucking shocking.

    • Back in the sixties and seventies, many referees would only give a red card on production of a Death Certificate.
      How times change.
      Good evening.

      • If I may Jack the cunter, players in the 60s70s were roughly of the same physique ,Schumacher was an Arian bastard, physically and way ahead of the others ,the French player stood no chance. It was simply kill. He got away with it the cunt but it was the first time I felt sorry for a Frenchman I have to say.

      • One should never feel sorry for a Frenchman.
        It just isn’t British.
        Or a German.

      • I’m Irish Jack but I suspect you know that . I not a Frenchman lover as I have experience with there shrug. I did however work in your homeland and found things not to be as bad as people made me welcome after a time.

  10. Doubt?
    Never really suffered from it – do or do not do, but never doubt.
    Although I have been known to check the remote control unit on the central heating at 3AM..

  11. A bit of self doubt in life is a healthy thing. Isn’t it just self-questioning and shows you have a conscience?

    Domestic life on the other hand. can be summed up with checklist of stuff you have to get through. When I leave the house I think: “spectacles, cards, iron off, phone, facemask, shopping bags, fuel, doors locked, valuables put away, house tidied, am I on time?”

  12. I get worse with it when I’m anxious or stressed. It’s fucking horrible. Checking the door handle, have I turned the gas off, worried about germs etc. Those fuckheads Whitty and Vallance are making it a hundred times worse for people with their scaremongering and bullshit. They really are full weight twats. We’ll all end up like Howard Hughes listening to those pricks. By the way The Aviator is a great film about Hughes’s life and his OCD.

    • Every time I meet someone new I doubt that they’re worth a minute of my time. And I’m usually right.

  13. You are not alone.

    My earlier nom about being misdirected by the media mentioned ” a creeping sense of dread “. It’s all part of the paranoia that has been built up, nay encouraged, aided and abetted by the media screaming about 3rd and 4th waves, further lockdowns, variants, blood clots.

    Fuck sake, give it a rest, otherwise I may take a few of you with me when I go postal/ suicidal!

  14. Must be my age because my two seeds of doubt are:
    Have I cleared my browser history?
    and did I remember to deliberately shit the bed after a night’s stay in a scruffy b&b in Immingham because there was no hot water?

  15. You can get that hit and run version of OCD where you keep thinking you’ve hit some poor Cunt while driving. Me I accidentally bunted a pedestrian in Oakland just prior to Covid for real. Didn’t up my insurance premium though so that was alright.

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