Sarah Morton

Sarah Morton is a cunt.

Councillor Sarah Morton, who represents (surprise surprise) Labour in the Clubmoor ward of Liverpool, made this very cuntish remark on Facebook on Friday. She shared a news article announcing the Duke of Edinburgh’s death and wrote: “Just a list of reasons why the world is a better place without this fascist piece of inbred shit in it.”

Typical dribbling Labour cunt. And she’s also an ugly fat Scouse slag. Why can’t these Labour scum ever control themselves in public?

Nominated by: Norman

62 thoughts on “Sarah Morton

  1. I hope somebody makes a similar list after her death. I am not a royalist, but that remark is the sign of a cunt.

  2. ‘Fascist’ is a meaningless word these days. As is ‘racist’ or any other word ending in ‘ist’ or ‘phobia.’ No fan of the DoE but he actually fought Nazis and fascists, he didn’t just write shit on Wankbook.

  3. Hopefully she’ll become a target of abuse on social media, and will no doubt start blubbing about being bullied etc.

    I have little time for the RF, but the DoE did more for his country in one day, than this fat attention-seeking cunt will ever do in her Miss Piggy lifetime.

    When she does kick the bucket and is buried we can also piss all over her grave for being a cunt.

  4. The remarks by this ugly heifer are just another manifestation of these left-wing cunts hating everything British, its values, traditions, history, achievements, heroes and heroines. Only the other week another bunch of Labour councillors in Warrington were calling the Union Jack “fascist” and the cult of Magic Grandpa still lingers on.

  5. In better times this sack of shit would have been broken in the wheel and it’s family turned out on the streets.
    Fat commie cunt.

    • Sarah does a disservice to the fat cunt community.
      Theyre meant to be jolly!
      Same with the scouser community,
      Cheeky quick witted theives throughout Merseyside must of gone ‘aw hey girl’,
      Scousers dont wish old people dead!
      ‘Dey bombed our chippy’
      Is their only mention of nazis.
      As someone who lives off the British taxpayer she should have a affinity with the Duke.

  6. Looks like the Scouse slag is at an empty Goodison Park in that photo. I wonder how she gets to attend?….. surely there isn’t a footballer desperate enough to have this commie bitch sucking his cock?

    • Great minds think alike, your post wasn’t there when I posted mine yet we managed to both get the same wonderful photo.

    • If that is the same Sarah Morton (and it looks like it is) it’s interesting that she appears to work for the DWP yet campaigns against one of her departments flagship policies (Universal Credit). I wonder how the Civil Service code allows the heffalump to do that? Hopefully, if it is the same person, she’ll be hauled over the coals by the mandarins and lose her job.
      Photos don’t do her fleshiness justice. Comes out better in video with a grating scouse accent to put the icing on the cake

      • I’d campaign against universal credit too, it’s far too generous for many of its recipients, especially with the extra tenner they’ve been getting since chinkyflu.
        Most of those unemployable dregs should have turnip soup and fuck all else, the bone idle overbreeding smegma.

      • She looks like Hagrid.

        Also looks like she’s collecting the Gregg’s Best Customer of the Decade award in that photo.

        What a cunt.

    • Fuck-me-ragged???

      What a boiler! Looks like Giant-fucking-haystacks, without the beard.
      Only uglier ???

    • Fucking hell, I can understand why she’s such an angry, intolerant cunt now, she looks like fucking Hagrid!

  7. Fat slag indeed. The Duke made many positive contributions to this country. What contribution has this lard arsed turd made. Nothing. The only contributions she’s probably made are to the pregnancy test kit industry through her extensive purchases and to gonorrhoea research. Fuck off you ugly fat slag.

  8. Better an ‘inbred piece of shit’ than a toad-faced turd-mountain in a transvestite’s wig.

  9. Fucking hell, she’s the size of a house! I bet she’s visited every food bank in Liverpool……. and gone home with half the contents!

  10. When she snuffs it they’ll need more than a Land Rover for the coffin. More like a flat bed truck with a fucking crane on the back!

  11. Next to the DarkKeys and other BAMES, Liverpudlian’s are the biggest victims in this country. According to them. It has not been cool to be in the Pool since the Beatles left in 1964.

    Dame Keir makes such a big thing about “his party being “under new management” but he still has all the minceers (WF doesn’t like it – DA), benders and skanks St. Jeremy had. He should either have a purge or get out of my pub!

  12. Fucking worthless, piece of shit, socialist munter. Labour is a refuge for freaks and misfit scum. Good morning, everyone.

  13. ‘Fascist’ is used incorrectly all the time. Adolf made the ideology untenable, due to genocide, for the most part.

    It’s become a spooky word, one which means ‘You’re evil’ more or less.

    The truth is, most of us, self included, don’t really know what the ideology really stands for. I’m pretty sure genocide and war were not part of the ideology itself. A bit like with communism, which killed even more and followed similar rules.

    However, this ideology does not have the same reputation.

    Before you say, yes Adolf was a cunt. But so was Lenin, who many in academia/society openly come out in support of (including the cunts at BLM).

    ‘Fascism’ is an ideology which cannot be discussed. It’s just a pejorative term. A word that has completely lost its meaning.

    And as an insult, it is used by idiots from all sides of the political spectrum (but mostly the left).

  14. Liverpool council is full of dross like this and has been for decades, they continue to get voted in by thick cunts who have a major difficulty with logical thought.
    Mayor Joe ‘ I’m not bent ‘ Anderson is a cheeky chappie, he wants the council to fund his defence, after being arrested over murky property deals. They’ve told him to Fuck Off, but he hasn’t given up hope.
    He’s a mate of Derek Hatton’s, so he must be as straight as a die ?
    He’s also another great slab of lard, like the lovely Sarah, between them, they must have the calorific intake of a medium sized country.
    The fat cunts.
    Get To Fuck.

  15. I can actually smell shit looking at those pics. Fat sweaty unwashed Scouse class-war sow.

  16. Remember when Liverpool wanted independence. Let’s cut them loose as soon as we can get a border wall built.

  17. Whilst she was apologising an artic lorry with four scousers in shell suits and masks turned up and stole her vibrator ??

  18. Every morning, this heffelump looks in the bathroom mirror and realises just how repulsive she is.
    Every day, she gets a little angrier with the world.
    Every day she hates, just that bit more.
    Her words on the Duke, are a reflection of her character.

    I have encountered it many times in life-usually Fat & Ginger are the worse type.

  19. This just highlights the double standards of the hard left. I’m a monarchist, plenty on here aren’t, which is fine, but whoever it is, it just comes down to basic decency, not to say things like this woman has. Double standards I say, as imagine Corbyn popped his clogs, and someone to the right of centre said similar things? The braying halfwits on the left would be calling for murder. I dislike Corbyn massively, but would I wish death on him or take pleasure in it? No. I honestly wouldn’t. Wouldn’t mourn the cunt, but would keep my mouth shut.

  20. UB40 wrote a song about her:

    Oh-oooh, never been so lonely
    Your not a beautiful woman
    Oh homely girl

    Oh-oooh, face like Robbie Coltrane
    Are you really a woman
    Oh homely girl….


  21. Looks like the world would be a much better place without these fat space hoppers with bad hair and a face like a fucking welders bench expressing their opinion.
    The best bit is its another worthless MP from a worthless shit hole with her piggy snout in the trough that we all have to pay for.
    Keep your opinions to yourself lardarse and worry more about taking up 2 seats on the bus…..fuck off

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