Claudia Webbe MP – racist, professional race baiter and shameless trougher.
I am truly surprised that former Labour MP Claudia Webbe appears not to have been nominated before – she is a truly worthy candidate!
Ms Webbe has been charged with harassment and is due to face trial for this – Webbe has stated she will resign her Parliamentary position in May after having the whip withdrawn by Labour some time ago – But she is still an independent MP for Leicester East, as well as – up until her resignation this Month, a Councillor for Islington Borough, raking in thousands of Pounds in “expenses” for this role on top of her salary as an MP in an entirely different part of the Country and despite admitting she has only spent 15% of her time actually doing the Councillors job.
Is there a single Labour politician who is not in Court?
Is there a single politician of any party who does not deserve to be publicly flogged for their shameless greed and despicable behaviour?
Nominated by: Vernon Fox
As you say,Vernon..she is a greedy,venal,shameless Cunt. Unfortunately she isn’t alone, the whole stinking bunch are at it.
Labour M.P.s fiddle a few grand in expenses…Tory MP.s fiddle billions in shady deals with their friends.
Fuck them All.
Each-way bet for The National.
Magic of Light.
I’ve had a flutter, thanks.
I was gonna back Pairofplums
Only carrying 2 stones.
Daft bitch shared a map of the colonial division of Africa on Twitter (where else?) like it was news. This map has been in every History book on pre-First World War Europe ever written…
In other news, I’ve come up with a corking idea for a news reality show (Thought #24)…
You could have a novichok special event, door handle roulette ?
Today its all owned by the Chinks. Bet the dumb cunt doesnt even know that. Its “hidden”
A modern version would show Africa colonised by the rinky-dinks.
Corrupt, criminal, black privileged, bongo bongo land cunt. Fuck off.
Godfrey Bloom? I claim my £5.
Lure it onto a boat with some chugging in a basket,watermelon and a basketball then float it back to Africa.
Greedy venal cunt.
Fuck off you thieving piece of excrement.
By the way as far as I’m concerned, your life doesn’t matter.
Is that nom pic correct? Is she really taking part in a debate about the aviation industry?
“ big white bird in sky mean white man come. Bring money and Lenny Henry. Ooga booga! “
She’s already dressed for the funeral of the aeroplane accident.
“Big metal bird flown by cousin D’gdempe. It go crash crash. Everyone dead. Big feast come. Ooga-dooga.”
Or maybe she’s joining in the debate on aviation, to ask if anyone knows what happened to her cousin.
The one who thought he could hitch a ride on the landing gear of the big metal bird. And ended up splashed all over someone’s patio in west London.
House of Commons? House of corrupt, grubbing, hypocritical, lazy, power-crazed, pervo cunts more like.
Claudia is just carrying out a traditional role in political circles.
Grab everything you can get away with shamelessly.
They all do it to some degree.
Dont be fooled into thinking any will be any different,
All pigs at the trough
Oink if you have a slush fund.
But I like her hat!
Never considered wearing a pillow case on my nut.
Invented something,well done.
Morning MNC, good morning everyone.
You know what they say, ‘If you want to get ahead get a hat.’ Or maybe it is ‘If you want to get a hat get a head.’
Morning Twenty.
Sooties love funny hats and novelty wigs dont they?
I feel sorry for the wimmin,
They have sort of fuzzy wool for hair, and envy white chicks flowing locks.
Although their wool does make excellent scouring pads for cleaning rust off metal!
Obviously you have to ask permission to clip them.
Traitor and a liar.
Guillotine surprise.
@MNC hair relaxer is big business in Nigeria, the women are desperate to culturally appropriate white wimminz hair.
20, 000 – you have nailed one of the greatest conundrums for me. I always thought that “If you want to get a hat, get a head”. made much more sense.
Confuckius, he sa “Man who has appointment with guillotine saves money at milliner’s.”
Not just a professional race baiter but a very well qualified one…….she has a masters degree in “Race and Effnik Relations”. Who knew such a thing existed? Also awaiting a court appearance for threatening some bitch. Presumably somebody who jumped the queue at the KFC.
With that stupid hat she reminds me of King Henry IV –
I’m calling her out for cultural appropriation?
Not so much usurper Bolingbroke as I-hope-she’ll-soon-be-fucking broke.
“Orf wiv ‘er ‘ead!!”
Her trial opened on March 16th but was adjourned on the same day as her dark key QC had to be taken to hospital.
I suppose that a rearranged date well into the future will allow her to keep feeding from the trough.
Guzziguy@ – As far as I am aware the trial has been moved to September so Webbe will be able to pocket approximately £42,000 in salary for not doing her job plus all the expenses she can twist, and as I believe Ms Ugadoo is also getting legal aid funding that will be 25 grand on top of the bill.
Assuming she is finally found guilty there will be a by election (presumably) and the chance to get the first independent MP in.
Why do people vote for these useless bastards in the first place? Do sometimes think we end up with the “leaders” most deserve. As a child myself and my siblings were informed by various relatives that you can tell when a politician is lying, their lips are moving. Heartbreaking is the fact that we are funding these cunts to the tune of millions their “job” makes money for old rope look miserly. Damm the fucking lot.
Counsellor for Islington. What a fucking surprise. The Leicester electorate must be particularly dull cunts to think she gives a fuck about them.
The voters of Leicester have never been accused of being bright.
Leicester East is where all the parking stanleys live. Need I say more?
At least there’s one thing they’ve never been accused of. To be fair, Leicester West (Liz Kendall) and Leicester South (Jon Ashworth) are no better.
Put a monkey in some electoral wards with a red rosette and it will win, as this one did.
Is that racist ?
Well done.?
Thanks Mis, I was worried that I may be getting more tolerant of the soots.
For once I’m not sure race is an issue here. Plenty of honky ministers who have large ‘expense’ claims. Look at that cunt Blackford, for example. 200k a year expense claims every year. Mostly paid for by the English taxpayer…whom he fucking despises. Absolute piss take.
Still, I bet she cries racism at every opportunity.
Cuntybollocks@ – Claudia Webbe does indeed claim fabricated racism with every word she says.
Even by political standards this one is a very nasty piece of work (don’t want to say much until the trial is done but if she is found guilty a custodial sentence is the only option)
And still the labour party stare blankly at election results, and wonder why white working class voters are deserting them.
Bearing In mind that most of the Labour Party hierarchy avoid white working people it is not surprising that Starmer & co. have no idea why this section of society have rejected them.
No gainsaying it, the dark key and Paki MPs could teach even Anthony Blair and Granny Rayner a thing or two about “maximising” expenses!
Leicester East is an effnik shithole, the kind of place where you could dig up Jimmy Savile, stick a Labour rosette on the corpse and they would still vote for the cunt.
They voted several times for that tarry fingered closet homosexual thieving scumbag, and part time washing machine engineer, Keith Vaz so they would clearly vote for anything Labour fished out the khasi for them, however much it stunk.
Vazaline, does my heart good to hear that beshitted name again. The fucking devil had a job being a bigger bastard than the Romanian rent boy inspector. The day that bent, unctuous cunt gave up his place at the trough was a day to be remembered.
They were the party of the working class, coal miners didn’t mind if his work mate looked like one of the Black and White Minstrels, never had to worry about shirt lifters when he bent down with his pick to increase the nations wealth. Socialists are the worst parasites of all, they enable a select few to feed at the trough and the those feeding from it will use Genocide and any other method to keep themselves at the top of the pyramid, these self serving bastards have the blood of millions on their hands and continue to be culpable in any future (and there will be) murder of their own citizens in the name of equality. Far left and far right are a bunch of self serving Cunts!
How people like her are not in jail is bewildering. It must have something to with her being Black. People are scared to accuse and act against them incase that all to familiar ‘Race Card’ is pulled.
Webbe of deceit. There is a hand on her head under that rag…..a hand of bananas.
They are all troughing cunts, but I think I hate the labour troughers worse, because they use the politics of envy all the time. Pointing at cunts with cash and painting them as the enemy, at the same time packing away the cash themselves.
And, stupid cunts fall for it every time. How can someone who lives in a free house, with free money, sometimes a free car depending on if they can swing the lead enough to ‘earn’ a motability car, plead hard done by? I know cunts who haven’t done a days work in their lives who have more disposable income than me. They will always vote labour because they give them that life, but the cissy conservatives won’t do fuck all about it either. Dole scum currently get an extra tenner a week while lockdown is about, fuck knows why, they would hardly notice, and there are calls for them to keep it. Fuck them. Soup vouchers and fuck all else. Want a life? Get a fucking job.
GJ@ – Two free homes, 30K each for furniture, decorating etc, 30K more for each property every 3 years, unlimited money to extend, refurb and improve the homes, then sell them on and keep the massive profit. Free food and alcohol, free first class rail travel, 30K a year to employ “assistants” who they pay 20K and pocket the change, free clothes, shoes, etc, free hotel stays even though they have 2 homes, the most generous pension scheme in the entire civil service and onwards to the HOL to keep tooting the whistle on the gravy train.
When you find out what these fucking leeches get it is infuriating as they expect the public to work themselves to death for 18K a year.
They are v*rmin, and I want all 650 gone at the next election.
Time for some Cromwell type action.
I had my way?
No last cigarette,
No last words,
Just bayonet+pit+lime+ bulldozer.
For ALL of them.
If you want to replace those currently serving with other humans, eventually you have the same result, as human nature is corrupt. The system is fucked and turkeys will never vote for Christmas.
I agree GJ,
But the idealist in me likes to think theyd be slower to pilfer having to walk past the mass grave of their predecessors…
It would be a big mound, because there would be a reckoning for some of the cunts still living who put us in the shit we are currently swimming in. Step forward the Blair government. Then work our way up to the present day, making sure we didn’t miss anyone, like John Major for instance.
Once grassed over and a few daffodils planted itd be nice for people to go on family picnics on!
Reckoning Hill we could call it!
Any politico steps out of line?
“Reckoning is beckoning…”
Soon behave.?
This peice of shit is a typical example of your inner city , champagne socialist, tree swinging cunt and should be boiled in piss.
Fucking thieving simian bitch.
Masters degree. “Master” is an horrendously racist word, slave “master”, picking’ de cotton for de “Masser”, “Master race”, “Mastermind” making Lammy look like a cunt.
I might be onto something here. I will stand for parliament-my hobby-horse will be the reclassification of educational awards, to be less offensive to BAME cunts.
who was it the other day talking about dark keys sitting on your roof flicking shit at you before they robbed your house? Think it was Fiddler. Never mind, an excellent analogy that would also apply here I think.
That picture. For fuck’s sake…
I keep expecting the daft cow to screech ‘Free-ee Nelson Man-de-la!’
or some other tuneless right on 80s dirge.
You can take the cunt out of the thieving, stinking third-world shit-hole they came form, but you can’t take the stinking third-world shit-hole out of the cunt.
It seems that half the “Labour” politicians are in Court for something or other.
The rest are just a bit better at not getting caught.
There seems to be a long list of Liebore lady MPs of colour being totally thick or totally corrupt. Same in the States with The Squad. Box ticking cunts.
I just read an article about our good friends BLM, they have found someone who can write and sent a letter to Boris to ditch the Race Report because, well, they don’t like it ?
Maybe the real report which agrees with everything BLM say has been hidden along with the colonial map of Africa ?
She looks like a villager from ‘Willow’.
‘Mad Mortigan!! Feed me clementines!’
This nasty bitch has that nasty left-wing look about her. Fill her cunt with quick-drying cement so she doesn’t breed nasty left-wing sprogs.