Who’s that I hear you say ? Barry Price was Bedfordshire Police’s ‘Most Wanted’.
I saw this walking sack of shit on ’24 hrs in Police Custody’ – a vile dog turd, an evil remorseless scumbag, an absolute shithole.
Described by police as a “walking crimewave”, the 23 year old pikey shouldn’t reach 24 if there was any justice in the world.
We were first shown footage of the scrote stealing a motorbike (hardly Jeffrey Dalmer I thought) – it then turned out that the fucking turd rode the motorbike on the pavement, knocking down an 8 year old girl, who ended up in hospital with a 5 inch gash torn in her cheek – scarred for life.
Price “dah now nothing- nah comment”
We then saw footage of an elderly woman having her bag snatched as a motorbike tore by, leaving her thrown the pavement seriously hurt.
“Insufficient Evidence” the CPS concluded. Price swaggered out the station, huge grin on his cunt face.
I was by this point, trying to put my hands through the TV to throttle the arrogant fucking cunt.
In the end, the bastard got 18 years (will he serve 9 even?) for 2 rapes – a 15 & 16 yr old. His own dad told Police where to find him – it appears even some Pikey’s have a line that shouldn’t be crossed.
Why do we even bother jailing repeat offenders ? This is Price’s 4th time in prison. He has no conscience, no remorse, no limits. He will never change.
Shoot the cunts with a captive bolt gun & toss the bodies in a cesspit where they belong. They are a scourge on society & a waste of good oxygen.
Nominated by: Lord of the Rings
By all accounts he is dreadful at tarmacing a drive too! Hanging is too good for him!
Hang the cunt and have done with it. A waste of good oxygen.
He needs bum raping by a fucking over excited racehorse until his arsehole resembles the size of a dinner plate, whilst simultaneously his genitals are eagerly devoured by a pair of ravenous Dobermans.
What’s left of the cunt needs feeding into a meat grinder.
Feet first.
Even better, send him an invitation to Michael Barrymore’s next pool party.
Should be three strikes and then jail for life. Either that or a certain person’s oven.
Get Dan Dare in!
The Mekon is back!
This is what happens when you fuck your sister at Appleby Horse Fair.
He might look like a harmless, country bumpkin with more teeth than brain cells but he’s a dirty cunt who should be deported;
to Hades.
Absoloutey. He deserves a traditional Pie-key funeral, burning caravan, the lot. With him in it, alive.
Evil little cunt.
I do not believe in capital punishment, for a number of reasons.
But I definitely agree with the “three strikes” policy – I assume many people have done daft things and sometimes illegal things, but life without parole for persistent offenders would cut crime considerably – policing, Courts and prosecution should be a frightening deterrent, not an advisory service.
Sex beasts get a very hard time in prison, and they fucking well deserve to – vile, predatory rats.
Little Barry best be sleeping with one eye open.
I too don’t believe in capital punishment. Don’t think I have the right.
Also I was a bobby for 3 hrs, till I failed the medical on account of impaired hearing. During my couple of days selection process I learned that if we have capital punishment that a jury is more likely to acquit.. Do believe in corporal punishment birch the cunt live on TV and internet once a week for the rest of his natural.
Remind me why we have to import scum again?
He isn’t british-if he is a Pie-key, then he is Oirish.
This cunt should be put to death with immediate effect. I will quite happily administer the does of pentobarbital. Or we can tie him up and piss on him. Then literally kick him to death.
Dose* Piss flaps.
With doc martins so the kicking to death takes a jolly good long time
Maybe the turd would have done well in the Army. Thats all gone as we dont actually have one (Army 100 000 men). Hed do better in the French Foreign Legion. I dont feel sorry for him but he is a rudderless cunt.
Hel be converted in muslim run prison into a jihadi nutter. what a waste of young life.
I can only hope he upsets some nutter in clink who bums him to death.
When he dies, his brain (if found) should be removed and donated to medical science so scientists can poke at it with scalpels, forceps and probes to determine how on earth such an organ be so fucking inactive.
The brain (and corpse) could then be rendered down into a fine mince and fed to the prison piggies.
Apt, Paul.
A pig to pigs.
Slit his throat in a savage manner, let him bleed to death and feed him to the radical peacefuls in HMP Belmarsh.
This heap of shit is why hanging should never have been abolished. The only thing he’s good for is testing out a gallows the heap of shit
I too am a massive fan of hanging Bob.
It raises moral Questions certainly,
Like where do we go for dinner afterwards?
Was that noose made in the UK?
Did we check his pockets for change?
But it certainly solved reoffending and offered some justice to victims of crime.
Id hang this gyppo cunt simply for looking like the Alien autopsy.
I’m of the theory he won’t be a danger any more if his neck is stretched. Also I’m a traditionalist
Where does a gyppó keep his money?
In your wallet.
MNC@ – I admit “Kaya” was a shit album but hanging Bob? – it does seem a tad excessive! ?
No Foxy I meant Bob Holness.
Ill have a P please Bob…?
Not the Trenchtown Rasta musician.
Id of shaved his head and given him 12 strokes of the cat.
But even I would nt hang Bob Marley.
Hey how does Bob Marley like his doughnuts?
With a hole in you bloody racist!!?
Oh Joyus day ! The benefits of our Social and Welfare System allows Scum to breed even more scum.
Good target for cunting.
Punishment should be just as barbaric as the crime. Should be simple, cheap, and dreadful. Prisons would be sparsely populated if there was actual justice and law enforcement. Instead we have cunts letting cunts repeat offend until they do something really bad. Then they get only a small fraction of the justice they deserve.
He should be harvested of any usable transplantable organs and then the rest just fed to the pigs. I too watched the programme with this little shit stain and was left raging. I hope the cunt gets surprise sex every morning whilst in jail.
The only way to deal with him and people like him (think muz rat terrorists) is to round up 100 of his kin folk at random, confiscate all their possessions and deport them.
Quite quickly the rivers and ditches of this green and pleasant land would be full of corpses of turd gurglers like this, the good folk of those communities would not and should not hesitate to haze their own. And they all know who they are, best way to break that code of silence.
24 hours in police custody makes for good TV.
For those who haven’t seen this, it’s quite accurate.
Sorry, scroll down to caravan song.
Glad you said that, because I was vomiting in the sink at the first clip.
That, however, quite restored my spirits.
Now, I must go restore the spirits I just lost down the plughole.
Yes! It’s early, it’s my birthday, alright?
Many happy returns, fellow cunter?
This is why hang, drawing and quartering people was a great idea. Once someone has seen their own guts and had their know chopped off they tend to be sorry before they die. It usuall has the correct effect on their mates aswell.
Clearly (from my spelling), Technology does not work for me.
Flaying alive is something to consider.
Tan the hide and upcycle into something useful.
More than this cunt is.
Pikeys are a curse, particularly if you involve them in fortune telling.
On one occasion, an elderly Pikey helped me with my family planning. We were looking in the crystal ball when she said “it seems you won’t be able to have children” At this I got up to leave and the crystal ball rolled of the table and crushed my testicles. I was unable to come again.
It was that cold last night the pikeys and pikelets had their hands in their own pockets.
Cunts such as this should be burnt at the stake.
He has the sort of expression I associate with prefrontal lobotomy.
Last I read (2019 I think) it costs upwards of £21,000 per annum to lock our cretins up. Our prisons are always full, and the early releases we habitually read about will be down to making way for fresh court convictions. What’s the bloody point?.
A woman I know works in the youth correctional services, and when I first met her I was expecting some left wing sentiment, but no she said they’re all filth, and life long scumbags, shortly to be released and end up in proper prison for a reduced term.
One would have to argue these days for the place of capital and corporal punishment (and I’m all for it by the way), but the very least our government could do when booting these cunts out early is adopting the old Chinese way of the Cangue. I’d love to see some old fashioned denunciation happening on our streets. I could throw my shit at their faces, say mean words to them and kick them over.
They’d soon fucking learn I tell you.
Isn’t it incredible that it costs 21k to lock up these cretins but maybe 5 times as much per annum for our elderly folk?
Who says crime doesn’t pay?
Fuck Off!
Crime certainly does pay from my witness, and that was my point. A considerate percentage of elderly people however end up paying for their own care now, whether sheltered or private home help by way of house sale or equity release. Much to frustration of the middle aged middle class who want their inheritance money yet are unwilling to look after and suffer their parents in old age.
They’re cutting off catalytic converters around these parts. They’ll take anything that isn’t nailed down, no go areas for the police etc.
I went to a trial a couple of years ago of a gippo who had stuck a crowbar into a guys head.
Prosecutor asked why was the jemmy in your van?
It was from a job the night before he answered.
What was that?
Oh nothing really, I’d been breaking into a container lorry.
Just like it was an everyday job.
Nobody batted an eye, all just normal activity.
He got life (min 17)
I watched this programme and it was obvious there’s nothing between this cunt’s ears. He thinks he can do what he likes and no-one can do a thing about it.
It would be nice to watch someone change his mind. I’d like to see him kept in general population where he can be raped and beaten every day. After nine years he might wonder if it had all been worth it.
The criminals are often treated with more care and tact than the victims these days.
Some poor cunt arrives home to find they’ve been broken into and you get a crime number.
If the Police get out of McDonalds and find them, they invariably come from an abusive background, have been victims of race abuse blah blah blah and so on.
I’ve always been puzzled by child abusers who go on to abuse themselves, surely after the hell on earth you suffered the last thing you’d do is inflict it on another? What have I missed?
The modern world is a complicated place.
Best thing for this piece of monkey shit is a Joberg necklace, I’m sure his own pappy. Will do that himself when he gets flushed out of prison, this cunt gives the thieving gypsy basterds a bad name, I fucking h?te pikeys, but this cunt steals the biscuit.
Release the dogs…..
Off topic.
On the news is chiggun George’s brother Philonese,
Saying he misses George,
And that George taught him to eat Banana butties?!!?
At this point I too couldnt breathe.
Im not by any stretch a intellectual, but I didn’t need to be shown how to eat banana butties,
Picked it up on my own.
Maybe some people find it tricky?
Maybe the Floyd family aren’t that good at problem solving…
Perhaps George taught him the easiest stores to steal the bread, butter (he was a decent man after all) an nana’s from. Just a thought.
Lets all go daaaahn the strand
ace a ba-naaaa-an
Best thing for this piece of monkey shit is a Joberg necklace, I’m sure his own pappy. Will do that himself when he gets flushed out of prison, this cunt gives the thieving gypsy basterds a bad name, I fucking h?te pikeys, but this cunt steals the biscuit.
Release the dogs…..
I really think these cunt like prison because of the sex, they are all bandits of one way or another….
A few thoughts ………
Firstly, concerning this Price cunt. Hopefully, in prison, he will be introduced to the delights of daily bumming, courtesy of Rastus The Donkey, who’s doing life and needs some distractions to pass the time. He should endure this for a long time, before experiencing another time honoured prison tradition, namely, Being Stabbed To Fuck In The Showers With A Sharpened Toothbrush.
Number two, I fucking hate pikeys and would gladly see every last one of them wiped from the face of the earth.
At three, Capital Punishment. Why oh fucking why did we ever get rid of it ? Like a lot of our moral and national decline, you can trace this shit back to the ‘ Swinging Sixties ‘ with its fucking hippies and poofy liberals. Murderers, rapists and child molesters should all be strung up. The particularly heinous and gruesome ones should be hanged, drawn and quartered, then gibbeted. There’s an old gibbet field near us, I would happily tend it for free, keep the grass nice and short etc.if it was returned to its original use.
Straight in at four. The CPS. Purge it of all its woke, pansy do gooders and get some good old fashioned fire and brimstone bastards in there. Let’s get prosecuting, 24hrs a day.
And at five. Sort out the police. Out with the right on, ‘must have diversity regardless of ability,’ fanny licking, cross dressing, knee bending p0ncey twats. Get some Jack Regan / George Carter / Gene Hunt / Harry Callaghan / James Anderton types in. Start clearing the shit up properly.
Will it happen ?
Will it fuck.
Vote J-T-C for minister for justice ??
Moderation ?????
I’m shocked, nay stunned. Most of my musings were lifted directly from the Parish Magazine.
Good Heavens !
Hehehe ??