The “Movies”

The word “Movies”

I fucking hate this word and i’m afraid it has become almost universal in this country.
Fair enough, when I am in Yankland I use words like “sidewalk” , “restroom” and “gas station “ because I need to make myself understood. I remember asking some Yank where the nearest petrol station was and he looked at me like I was talking Russian or something before I realised my mistake.

But in my own country I go to “ the pictures” or “the cinema”. I don’t go to the fucking “movies” because i’m not a fucking Yank. I don’t talk to “guys” I talk to blokes or geezers. Nothing wrong with being a Yank but if you ain’t one stop talking like you are……you just make yourself look like a cunt.

Or you could just fuck off to America…….. they would probably suss you as a wanker ( or “jerk”) though.

Just my thoughts.

Nominated by: Freddie the Frog

138 thoughts on “The “Movies”

    • Freddie clearly feels strongly about it, Ruffers, which is understandable given that movie is a septic word.

      My own pet hate is Tom Bradby. I hesitate to nominate him again for a sound cunting in case the readers of this fine forum think “Oh fucking hell, not Maskinback and his pet cunting of Bradby again”. Oh, but I am so torn; I so want to see Bradby on the wall, alongside Peston if possible.

      • If Bradby gets cunted often, he might find links to his cuntings when googling himself.

      • I do hope so, HBC.

        Just seeing that wanker’s face drop like a bloodhound’s when he realises that not everyone thinks he is the best thing since Peston’s wardrobe.

    • Fuck me, what are you….a fucking archivist or something?
      Ok you got me. Cocksucker.

  1. Is the phrase ‘can i get’, as in can i get a caramel marshmallow latte,much used by trendy cunts, a yank phrase as it sounds it to me?
    If not the mainly millenial cunts that use it still sound like pretentious twots that need a good kick up the arse.

    • or, to the question, “how are you?” one gets the response “I’m good”. For fuck’s sake. Us British say “I’m well”.

      • On talk back radio, after the fifth phone-in has asked the host “how are you?”, I imagine he’s starting to get shitty and likely to say something like “fummy you should ask. Since the last caller 1 minute ago asked me the same question, I’ve developed brain cancer”

  2. Im no fan of the term ‘movies’ either.
    Doesn’t particularly annoy me just dont like it.
    Kids saying santa too.
    Its Father Christmas.
    This is England. *
    I dont mind yanks saying it but if your English it seems a bit gay,
    I dont wanna be American.
    Like the Clash,
    Im so bored of the USA.

    *A great movie!
    Gee, it sure is swell, its really neat.

    • I thought you’d become involved in a major RTC, MNC. Your absence was loud!

      A lovely spring evening here in M20, and a splendidly short day’s work for me, which has been most gratifying.

      • I’ve never heard of M83 before RTC. A swift Google appears to suggest that they are from France (my initial assumption without TCP/IP intervention would have been that they were Scottish, named after the motorway, haply). Null points to mec, then!

        Like Ballard Berkeley, I’m not keen on the French. Some mildly challenging C19 organ stuff from my youth was OK. Such guff as Mulet, Widor, Lefébure-Wély, Franck and a multitude of other Left Footer potboilers… and who can fault Ravel or Messaien or Jéhan Alain? The Jarres were good, although they did «jarre» a tad after a while.

        Overall though, I prefer Faust, Stockhausen, Einstürzende Neubauten, FM Einheit et hoc genus omne (in all candour) over Didier Malherbe, par example and as a general rule I avoid anything French other than immediately comestible products.

        Glossary needed? I trust not!

      • Evening CS.

        Frog bands don’t figure much on my playlist nowadays. Occasionally listen to Gong’s Shamal. Apart from the aforementioned M83, the only others that come to mind are AIR and Mylene Farmer.

        Naturally she gives me the horn. As do Faust and Stockhausen. Did you know Stockhausen’s first name is a trigger word for moderation? Either that or it makes your comment disappear altogether!

      • Yes RTC: I was aware of the “57 varieties” of WordPress moderating sequences.

        Quite agree about the French (nice to be in Concord(e) again!) but then, you are the expert in this aréna and no error.

        Insufflation of decent tackle will result in sooncome resumption of service, meinerseits ?

      • They are indeed a fine French electronic group Ruff.
        They are probably best known for their track Versailles which featured as the signature tune of the drama of the same name.

      • Here we go. Am I on detention again, Bertrand? Answers, with the customary SAE please, to:

        K Knowles
        KW17 2LN

        There may be a delay, due to the Procurator Fiscal’s recent findings. Beyond my control, and apologies for that possibility.

      • CS – I know not what you refer to?
        You passed your probationary period some time back!

      • Errm, well Albert, em, errr. I guess I refer to the fact it’s not actually your own personal fiefdom.

        Now, how would ROFL phrase that?

        I must concede, Bertie, that your dedication to the blogsite is unusual, impressive, and touchingly charming.

        Dinner time here. A delivered order from Mazaa in Longshite of Haleem, 2 seek kebabs, 3 chicken shasliks, extra elephant’s foot¹ and burnt lamb cutlets on the side. Extra pickled jalapeños, obviously.

        ¹ Mazaa Longshite (very highly-recommended) specify their own mix of tallow, grease and hooves. The incorporation of cinnamon is the distinguishing feature. Lovely, and damned good service/value/flavor [sic]

      • Careful, Herr Ajax. According to Manchester Evening News, the Mazaa was given a 2 star cleanliness rating.

        I would urge you to thoroughly check your comestibles. Tandoori rat can often look very much like chicken.

      • I take it you’re not local, Paul? The throughput at Mazaa is so high, the bacteria simply don’t have the time to multiply. Also, commercially available halal chicken and lamb is so ridiculously cheap, it wouldn’t be worthwhile butchering the rats for their meat. It’s a good myth, though.

        Mazaa is, beyond any doubt, one of the best kebab shops¹ in the world². I have no affiliation whatsoever to the business. One word of warning, though. I advise you use delivery (unless of course you have the misfortune to actually live nearby³); if you opt to pick it up, they tend to dick you around and keep you waiting… and then you have to drive it home anyway.

        ¹ or should that be “stores”

        ² having actually lived in Ankara, Chongqing, Belgrade and Sofia (in the mid 90s!) as well as holidaying extensively all over the planet, I have been exposed to an abnormally wide range of cuisines. Turkey, although the home of the kebap surprisingly perhaps is not the ideal place to enjoy them. Their lamb is not the best. Ürümqi in Xinjiang (in China) is… but Mazaa is not far behind.

        ³ Longsight isn’t dubbed “Longshite” without good reason. To be sure, it is over-run with effluvia from a cornucopia of divers poverty-stricken and war-torn Nation States, but the main problem is the white trash that breeds uncontrollably with assorted pikęys in curious little pockets of ultra-squalid “communities⁴” of back-to-back tenements off the A6. Several of them have been clients of mine.

        ⁴ or should that be neighbourhoods?

  3. There’s a lot of American imports not only in language there’s also abbreviations ( which completely get on my tits) and there’s things like Halloween, turkey at Christmas instead of a goose . Yes you can blame the “ movies “even the silent ones for Americanism’s exported across the globe . The only we did not adopt was The Drugstore which was used a lot in films in the 50’s

  4. Is it that time already, RTC?

    Golly gosh (or should that be Jeepers Creepers?) this is getting circular, ain’t it just!

    What a crock.

  5. American gas? petrol isnt a gas fuckos. Its a liquid. The only gas Americans have comes out of their arses or asses. Cunts.

  6. Is it that time already, RTC?

    Gølly gosh, cor blimey guv’nor (or should that be Jeepers Creepers?) this is getting circular, ain’t it just!

    What a crock

  7. Go to the cinema on average once every two or three years, due to the fucking cost and other people (noisy, inconsiderate cunts). Primarily I don’t go because most films these days do not hold any appeal to me, the vast majority being unoriginal, rehashed, predictable, over hyped special effects shit with overpaid, woke “actors” who are cast because of their looks and not their ability.

    When I do go I have always referred to it as going to the pictures- as I did the first time I want to Saturday morning pictures. Flash Gordon and all. Happy days.

  8. TV series are now called seasons by all accounts.
    Etc etc
    The Americanisation of English is a shitty cunt.
    Fuck Off.

    • Well better than the Chinkification of our language, I can see that happening in the future.

      • Even worse are words from the peacefuls creeping into our language. The worse one is ‘halal’ which translated into real English is savagely-slaughtered shit.

      • Nihau is well known, not many know that it actually means “hello, we are here to take over now, resistance is futile”

    • Don’t get your ovens in a twist Unkle, they’re still called series in the UK.

  9. I’m walking down the sidewalk toward (sic) the intersection where I’ll make a left at the stoplights. I wanna buy a faucet for my sink so I gotta go to ‘the mall’ to spend my monies. Y’all reaching out and acting like asses but I could care less.

    Anyways, Awesome.

      • Liquors, I always chuckled at the theme tune to The Nanny’ when it said, “? She was out on her fan-ny.”

        Bit harsh.

    • Wouldn’t you prefer to take your veeheecle Captain?

      Make sure you put some gas in it, you’ll find the filler cap by the trunk.

      You have a nice day.

      • Yes they do have problems with their vehicles Willie.


        They veer all over the road.

      • Where’s the bathroom here? I got to take a great many things.
        I gotta take a piss.
        Then I got to take a shit
        Then I got to take a shower.
        Afterwards I will take a beer, the I gotta take off.

      • That”s


        They veer all over the road.

        left me at a loss, Miles. Mostly, in fact invariably, I do get the humour. In this case, I am at a loss.

        Presumably it is my failure.

        Warm regards

      • I think it’s supposed to be a light hearted comment re the shenanigans of East European drunk drivers CS.

      • American cars veer all over the road because they don’t go round corners very well.
        Like their motorbikes…

  10. I still haven’t got used to Marathon being renamed Snickers.

    And cunts that call crisps ‘chips’. Or cunts that refer to a TV series as a ‘season’.
    And don’t get me started on English schools doing a fucking Prom.

  11. And sneakers, they are call trainers, sneakers sounds like some so of kiddy fiddling clothing, the sort of thing Johnathan king or Michael Jackson would wear, fuck off

  12. ?Saturday night at the movies,
    Who cares what picture you see
    When you’re huggin’ with your baby
    In the last row in the balcony??

  13. I like Americanism such as “jerk off”, “laid back”, “scumbag”, “dirtbag”, “getting laid”, “spick”, “wetback”, “asshole”, “raghead”, “pussy”, “fag”, “limey” and all those other words Lincoln used in the Gettysburg Address. And will no doubt be blocked by WordPress.

    • Yes the Yanks have a particularly good line in swearing and abuse, you have to hand it to them. I am especially fond of the word “fuckstick”. It doesn’t actually mean anything but I like the sound of it.

      • The Irish have some good abusive terms. Feck off, yer lickarse, stick it up yer bollocks. take that yer cunt.

        All courtesy of Roy Keane.

  14. I will never call the ‘movies’ the ‘Movies’. I’ve about 10,000 films here across various formats, and they are fucking FILMS.

    As opposed to FUCKING films, I’ve got some of them too.

    • “Motion pictures” surely WokeUp (as have I).
      What would John Schlesinger have said?

  15. Of course, you can’t go to the movies/pictures/cinema/flicks. There is another fucking lockdown on, and Boris is a huge cunt.

    You may be allowed to go again at sometime in the future, but whatever is on will be a load of woke shite involving gay bum action, all black casting, women Presidents, Asian superheroes, and with a Disney family friendly PG certificate to make sure kids get the right messages.

    RIP Sam Peckinpah, Stanley Kubrick, Ken Russell, Michael Winner.

    • In a single day I read about three new films that have been through the woke factory:

      1) Some action film with ‘the rock’ (not his real name) stuffed full of tokens and even has “black” in the title.
      2) A homô Captain America (some superhero shite).
      3) Kate Winslet and some pointy-faced Oirish whelp lezz-ing it up in a cheap attempt at art.

      Thank goodness the cinemas are closed.

      • Strong rumours abound that they are ditching Henry Cavill from the role of superman and rebooting with an “actor of colour”.
        Had to happen eventually…

    • You appear to have excellent taste in films.

      The Devils is the perfect (or rather despicable) parable for what is happening today.

  16. A good treatment of this nomination was one of the themes of Diamonds Are Forever.

    Charles Gray, who played the part of E S Blofield to perfection: he of the famous “vocoder” voice changing device (which made him sound like Willard Whyte) famously said –

    or should I say elevator, 007?

    • Charles Gray was magnificent. His portrayal of Mocata in “The Devil Rides Out” was very close to how I had imagined the diabolist when I was reading Wheatley.

      • He was very under-rated, I concur.

        [I’m in need of some euphoriants and may be a while]

  17. A good treatment of this nomination was one of the themes of Diamonds Are Forever.

    Charles Gray, who played the part of E S Blofield to perfection: he of the famous “vocoder” voice changing device (which made him sound like Willard Whyte) famously said –

    or should I say elevator, 007?


  18. Remember when the ruins of the world trade centre became “ground zero”. I fucking hate that kind of Americanism. Cheap, abbreviated sound bites that grate on my nerves.

  19. “Movies, diapers, soda” etc.
    English for the lazy and stupid.
    On other news I have bought a camera.
    Miss busty is suspicious of my motives..

  20. Silly yanks can’t even pronounce Squirrel or mirror properly. Skwirl and meeeerrr. Thick cunts.

      • The septic cunts can’t pronounce lieutenant correctly either. They think the rank below captain is someone who rents a toilet (loo-tenant).

    • Best one is aluminium. I do like how they can’t pronounce our county names either.

    • The Yank pronounciation of “laboratory” always gets me. They pronounce it lab-ra-tory. Always makes me think of lavatory.

      • I get completely pissed off with those on this site who replace an s with a z in a vowel, such as comprize for comprise.
        These are very often Scots but then, what would you expect?

    • A Jersey girl at school called any fluffy active arboreal rodent a ‘Squorl’

  21. Cinema… appropriated from the French word cinéma… itself an abbreviation of cinématographe. Camera is not an English word either! Oh, the shame…

    • I have well over three hundred feature films in my collection and not one of them is a movie, not even the ones made in the States.

  22. I’m a “yank”. I found is a cunt because to ya’lls credit, you invented the most insulting word in the English language: the word “cunt”. The way some people are requires them to be best described with this word as they have chosen to become intolerable.
    So we pronounce the letter R. It’s in the word. Pronounce it.

      • Americans always blither about this but we do pronounce it, we just don’t roll it. Words like butter, letter, or water have a ‘schwa’ sound at the end (-er), impossible without the “r”, yet Americans feel the need to roll it like a drunk Scotchman impersonating a camp tiger. Ironically, our Yank friends skip the ‘t’ sound in those words.

        There are plenty of letters Americans don’t pronounce. One that puzzles me is, instead of saying ‘herb’, they say ‘erb like a twinkletoes French duke.

  23. When RN ships tied up at some foreign port getting ashore was of paramount importance.
    Everybody awaiting the pipe ‘Libertymen to the gangway’.
    Not so the yanks who were often tied up alongside. There tannoy….
    ‘Liberty guys to glamourise.
    Muster abreast the forward smokestack.’
    Fannies, all of em!

  24. It also sucks being 6 hours behind y’all. I’m posting comments eating supper and it’s in the middle of the night “across the pond”.

  25. Bugs the crap out of me “movies” . A mate says it, when in the local, I take the piss constantly. Strange thing is, the cunt takes the piss out of retards who say”can I get”. Landlady addresses groups as guys. I still can’t work out why this cuntery is happening in a pub with an average age of 50.

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