Their current crop of adverts with the (ubiquitous) mixed-race couple, the dad who looks and sounds like he’s special needs, patting his pocket, (I’d like to pat the back of his head with a cricket bat), is sending my blood pressure dangerously high. Again.
Because of that, Asda can shove their shop right up their khyber.
Now, excuse me while I pop a bisoprolol or ten.
Nominated by: DCI Gene Cunt
and seconded by Spanky Mc Spank
I second this, mixed race advertising is really annoying…fuck me, Amazon has one with a dim looking architect gigging around like she has fleas and it also features mixed race fucking DWARF couple.
“That’s Asda price”. Which is exactly why I shop at Aldi, you overpriced cunts.
That and the fact that I’m a fucking cheapskate.
It’s only mixed race if there is more than one person. If there is only one, they will rarely be white.
More shit that is making people have an opinion, and the opinion will not be the one they want.
Dw@rf couple you say?
Ill look out for that!!
I dont like the asda advert with the dozy ethnic twat
And im no fan of the Sainsbury’s one either.
Whats the Amazon one?
Family of cannibals sat round a Christmas cauldron cooking a missionary?
Im just having a merry
White Christmas…
That ethnic twat seems like he is on drugs. Someone should call the pigs before he drives out of the car park.
Can you imagine the actor’s agent pitching him to Asda –
“Well, he is ugly. Course he’s single HAHA! Im surprised he didnt go into comedy like the rest of them. Would make a great nerd! Need any nerds in your ad? No? Ok… Maybe he could be a mental patient? He does look like someone pissed in his mother. No? Ok, thats usually an oscar role. OH! He’s middle eastern! Im thinking Corner shop or Al Qaeda! Need either of those? No? OK. Sorry what is this role again? Asda? Jesus Christ. A Christmas advert as well? I thought chavs got their supplies from the food bank and pissed it all on drugs and Stella. Stop laughing, you know its true. We’re getting somewhere here. You need a dad? YES! He can do that! Trust me, he ticks all the boxes! He’s brown, non threatening, married to a white woman and mentally challenged! He’s here in my office right now! Nah he doesnt need to speak to you, you would have trouble understanding him anyway. Start filming tomorrow at 5am? Money should be in my account in 3 days? OK. Dont worry just give me his fee and Ill make sure he gets it. GREAT! CIAO!”
Now Mis-I hope you will still be engaging in jovial twattery with me and giving me lots of tickies✔︎✔︎✔︎
I have asked for a tickie-bot from the missus for Chrimbo. She looked at me a bit strange but a Google search says a specialist shop in Soho may have the very thing in store and ready for delivery?✔︎
Evening CG,
I always give you a ticky✔️
Even when your bullying me or trolling me,?
Because my mummy an daddy taught me good manners.
You winning pal?
Pissing down here. Good news is, a shiny new keyboard delivered today, so can now enjoy IsAC in full widescreen rather than toy town phone screen?
You can see ISAC on a keyboard? I’ve only got letters of the alphabet on mine
To celebrate being able to “link” again-a bit of Sunshine for a wet Friday?
PS: I have it on good authority, that the Drummer is our very own Sir Fidler in “Blackface” ?
Miserable, with your obsession with dwarfs, you could by any chance be aka Pinkbelt from off the WC of blessed memory, could you?
**couldn’t by any chance**
I wonder if these cunts stop to consider the number of customers they lose by shitting out these mongrel shit soup effnik adverts?
Probably not.
Fuck Em.
Yeah but the problem is they’re all fucking at it.
Where can you shop that isn’t spewing out bame adverts?
Klu klux ko-op?
Oh, an jackBoots the chemists..
You can’t even relax in front of the telly and enjoy a nice packet of crisps these days without being terrified that some D-list celebricunt is about to pop up on the screen telling you crisps were invented by fucking immos or homosexualist dwârfs or some other cunt that means nothing to me and my life. ?
1 here, to the tune of circa £100 per week.
Fuck Sainsburys and fuck Jamie Oliver.
Christmas is now KWAANZA-a blackest festival. Really? Well, according to any adverts that pop up whilst I watch Youtube videos, it is?
I shop in Wankbury’s-because it’s close and relatively chav free. They had black history month, fortunately saw very few non-white Anglo-Saxons on most of my visits?
Fucking Sainsburys trumps all these ads. A table-full of Feargals having a traditional Christmas dinner around the table. Trying to kid us it was one happy “fambly”
What a load of virtue signalling old shit.
That advert paul, it needs subtitles,
I cant understand what they’re on about apart from gravy?
No way that blokes gravy is as good as mine,
I have gravy running through my veins,
Bet its spicy or something.
Im not eating it anyway…
Gravy-its the law in some parts of the North West.
For your delectation, Mis:
Wonderful. I think they are still around. They certainly have a range of dodgy T shirts out.
Nice one CG?
Love the Macc Lads!
My best mate lives in Macclesfield, so sometimes go on a pub crawl there.
Chinky flu put pay to that this year,☹️
God I miss the pub…
Gibs muh dat gravy n sheet, nomesayin?
I saw one with Wallace and Gromit flogging sofas, even the family of plasticine models were of a mixed race family ffs.
Fuck me, I bet Tony Hart is turning in his grave!
Probably not. Morph was a bit brown, after all.
I don’t do a lot of shopping but the other day the wife sent me a text asking me to get three large shallots on my way home.
Went into the greengrocer’s and asked for exactly that, three large shallots.
He picked up three, pointed at them and said, “This one was grown in Kent, in a field with excellent drainage and weighs 132 grams. The middle one of the three was grown in Lincolnshire, weighs 112 grams and was dug up by a seasonal worker from Romania. The third was actually grown in France by a farming co-operative and weighs in at at a whopping 140 grams.”
I thought fuck me, this bloke knows his onions….
Hmmm, onion fly got a hold, JR?
That fucking Amazon advert makes my piss boil.
All Bames apart from one white person who looks like some sort of spacko dwarf.
A true representation of our society today.
That fucking Amazon advert makes my piss boil.
All Bames apart from one white person who looks like some sort of disabled midget.
A true representation of our society today.
Thats water midget Ellie something or other,
A swimmer.
And face of the Paralympics a while back.
Looks like I got through moderation, it’s posted twice now!
Have you caught her and put to work in the Chocolate factory yet?The busy season for you now and you can’t afford to be….
..wait for it…SHORT staffed?
That’s the fucking dwarf I was talking about, looks like it has wandered in form fucking Middle Earth.
Wordfence doesn’t like “dwarf” hence the moderation. Trying improvising in future. Thanks – DA)
Tom Sharpe in one of the Wilt books came up with P.O.R.G = person of restricted growth.
It makes your piss boil so much you post it twice ?
A tasteless, unbearable piece of tick box shit.
Asda owned by a couple of p@kis now.
I’ve heard that they are replacing the d in Asda with an i.
Fuck you Asda and your Fifty Shades Of Shit.
A smorgasbord of every shit shade imaginable, and “empowered” Wimminz seem compulsory additions when putting together the modern advert, – whether it be on TV or otherwise.
Whatever happened to the likes of the “Will it be chips?” advert, – which featured white men at work, and their good wives happy to feed them upon returning home?
The majority of us can relate to this narrative, – yet this latest tsunami of “woke bullshit agenda” adverts just seem to be content pedalling whatever message is ‘flavour of the month’ at any particular given time, – with no relation to the consumer whatsoever.
Just who do such adverts appeal to, – and do
these companies genuinely believe that they constitute good, shrewd marketing, -or are they just content on satisfying a few whining herds?
I sincerely hope that their profits start sliding down the shitter.
Unkle Tel, – gas mark 11 please with the lot of ‘em!
There was an Uncle Remus chirping on about fried onion rings in the mix.
Well, with Packs in charge, at least they might get around to running the place properly. Then again.
Even the fucking horse in the Loyds Bank advert is black.
You aren’t Jeremy Corbyn and you can shove your £5 up your arse.
…..or maybe he is and he has stolen the Cuntstable’s ID. Perhaps he has some rogue bots as well?
I am fucking Jezza. I think. I remember when this was all fields. Or is that cunts?
Diane, the screens.
This behaviour has boiled my piss for way too long now.
15% of the uk are BAME (another fucking stupid acronym) so why are 100% of adverts full of BAMEs?
I refuse to buy into any of these tossers. But it’ll soon be the case that we have no choice.
Even that pathetic new John Lewis’s advert is rife with it. (Due a solo cunting methinks).
Regardless a true and accurate nom.
I have bought a shit load of stuff over the years but I can’t think of a single thing that I have bought as a result of seeing an advert on TV.
If you add up all the adverts on TV you would be convinced the country is 85% Black and Tan.
Even the BBC who don’t advertise always have Black and Tans on every fucking report
I watched the Avengers on channel 4 this afternoon and the adverts were for the ‘give me your money so umbongo doesn’t end up as child bride’. Cunts, maybe they should be telling the African governments to make it illegal (and sterilise the cunts)
The tables/graphs/charts in the above should tell you all you need to know.
Ask yourselves where this country is run from politically and financially?
Where are the press and and other media sources mainly based?
Where would you find the largest concentration of BAME groups?
The answer, obviously, the sh*tstain that is London where whītey is in the minority.
The ad agencies are simply targeting the area that pulls the strings which is why there is an overrepresentation of BAME in everything compared to the national statistical realities.
Interesting, Isle of Man diversity < 2% (1.9) That's the place to go!
Lovely place The Isle Of Man. Fucking cold though.
I imagine a lot of poofters live on the Isle Of Man.
Ok, – I’ll get my coat!
Shortly to be renamed the Isle of wimminz I expect.
Whoever coined the phrase ‘as different as chalk and cheese’ had obviously never tasted Asda’s own brand Somerset Cheddar….
The truth for the White women who fuck and have kids with a black men is quite simple. He will run to the hills leaving you to wheel around your fatherless child for evermore.
The truth is not quite the romantic advertising they would have you believe.
One does notice that 99% of mixed raced kiddies have no pater around the place. Also that multiple mixed race kiddies in one household have different fathers. The idea in these adverts that the middle class nuclear family is mixed race is total bollocks, I agree, Obersturmbannführer.
The mixed race ideal family is indeed a myth. More often than not it is Waynetta Chavslags who like ‘enrichment’ and a bit of choccy up the chuff.
Yup. A bonnie lass I worked with years back learned the hard way. Plenty of lads were keen (I had a steady bird at the time so wasn’t arsed). But she was only keen on the dark keys.
Got up the duff to one and he fucked off as soon as he found out she was preggers (and he’d also cheated on her too before then, I remember her crying at work about it).
She then got hooked up with a different dark key. Who then got her up the duff and fucked off.
Last I heard the ‘dads’ had never even seen their kids either.
I wonder if the schools and media will tell that (common) story?
Everyone seems to know about it already CB, apart from dumb fucking mudsharks it seems. Maybe all these dumb white slags are hoping to find the very first dark key daddy in history that sticks around.
‘Babymothers’ is the term the father uses, before legging it back to de ol’ plantation.
Fuck me u want a BAME advert that McCain chips full of lezzas and a Patrick starfish dwarf trying to eat a chip like her arm , fucking shit
It isn’t that Mos Eisley Cantina reject in the chip advert, is it? That thing that was in the Maltesers commercial (‘I’ve got the Best Man’s phone number!’)?
What a load of reality stretching shit that was.
There was a one armed linesman at Highbury once:
A dark-key abusing a raspberry – how do the woke sort that one out?
And the White Stripes had a one armed drummer.
Well, at least that what they sounded like.
The daft cunt in the advert talks like his toung is too big for his gob, the twat.
“This is a mixed race country motherfuckers, get over it.”
This was a public information film from the UK government, sponsored by the UN identity team and the EU transition government.
Fed up with mixed race ads? Go to Saino’s latest, no whites…
Typical British family. Don’t see what’s the problem.
And yet still they don’t feature people with severe tourette’s syndrome in their ads.
The above advert should feature a chap shouting “Cunt, bollocks, fuck, wank bastard!” at the top of his lungs throughout.
Diversity my arse, the Nazis.
Indeed. Joey Deacon was born too early. These days he’d have his own chat show on the BBC…….move over Norton, gay is so last century.
What about Harvey Price? Effnick and a sweary cunt! They might have a bit of trouble trying to stop him eating the chocolate people though!
Lady C just made me watch “Diana in her words” on Netflix. The thing that really surprised me was, not her love of p*ki cock, but the fact that the crowds in any scene in the UK where overwhelmingly white (obviously, scenes in Angola where full of one legged Africans), How that’s changed in one generation.
I think that cunt Tony Blair had a lot to do with it, Lord C.
Thundercats…fuck off squirrel
That Tourette’s bi-sexual half cast from the undateables is THE boxticker:
When Lizzie snuffs it, make this oddball Queen.
The state banquets would be epic:
Queen Cunty, may I present President Biden-
“Why is he sniffing me? Why is he SNIFFING ME!!! Fuck off. Fuck off….Ffffffthundercats!! Cunt!”
Classic! And let’s not forget: NHS!!!
So we are to believe that so many white women are coal burning mud sharks popping out kids with hazel eyes and frizzy hair? Come on! Fuck your woke bullshit all you cunts in charge of casting on these adverts.
I refuse to line Mr Amazons pockets with my hard earned money.No no no
That fucking blllaaack Amazon advert with that fucking annoying dancing cunt, the dwarf and the cackling black guy is the fakest, most desperate piece of advertising shit I’ve ever seen. Tick box galore.
Don’t these cunts realise that the rest of the country has a completely different demographics than that filthy shithole that is encircled by the M25 ,( Also the cities in the Midlands, and those connected by the M62) ?
Fuck off Asda your own brand food is revolting.
I live in The U.K not some sub Saharan shithole, stop portraying England like we are Twined with Cameroon.!