Ron Knee´s nom about Citizen Kane as an overrated film got me thinking about other things I feel are overrated. Here’s a few random samples:
Champagne – gives me a headache.
Mona Lisa – po-faced bint with olive skin.
Wimbledon – whatever happened to frilly knickers?
BBC – a once hailed institution that has lost all credibility.
Democracy – a failed system that pretends to represent society but in fact only benefits an elite.
Belgian chocolate – heavy, lumpy, looks and smells like shit.
Social media – don´t people actually talk to each other anymore?
Lionel Messi – baby-faced millionaire footballer with no personality on or off the field.
Caviar – overpriced slime.
British monarchy – bejeweled parasites decked up in crowns, robes and medals.
Any More?
Nominated by: Mr Polly
Rollercoasters- queue for ages to feel sick
Air travel- shoe horned in a small seat for hours with your ears popping suffering other people
American chocolate- tastes like spew, smells like spew, why?
Your Birthday- doesnt mean shit after your 13.
New years eve- so what?
Anthony Joshua
The cinema- suffering other people shoehorned into a small seat trying to watch a film
Losing your virginity- fumble that goes fast.
Robert de niro
Greatest actor? You werent even believable in the bread adverts!
Fuck off!!
Or rather, his fan club here on Earth.
A joke for your Friday…
I miss the pagan gods. At least the Greek gods were good for a piss-up, and the Norse ones for a fight.
In Valhalla, you spend your days fighting and your nights drinking and shagging.
Sounds a lot better than singing with a bunch of Christian weirdos.
It’s high time we apologised for culturally appropriating Christianity – a foreign religion appropriated from the Middle East via Rome, thus undermining our traditional indigenous pagan beliefs.
American chocolate? Tastes like shit because the FDA regulates the cocao content of chocolate because… er… they’re cunts?
Can’t have too much Cocoa…. bad for you
Cocaine – £10 a bag
Bullets – as many as you want !
Shotgun / Assault rifle – “would you like them giftwrapped, or do you want to walk out of the store locked & loaded ?”
Let’s not forget this reason, as well…
Opera………millions spent every year on a load of fat cunts warbling, watched by a load of rich cunts who don’t need taxpayer handouts. Far too many white people involved.
Gary Linekunt……another overpaid , taxpayer funded fucking cunt. Has anybody noticed how white he is?
White males. Wtf have they ever done? Everybody knows that everything is done by blacks, just look at the rewritten history.
Train travel – stuck in an enclosed space with a bunch of chavs.
Shopping at ASDA – see train travel.
One/Two Minute Silences: used to mean two minutes of retrospection on a Sunday morning in November. Now it is a cliche’: There will be a one minute silence at 11 a.m. this morning to honour David Beckham who dropped a fart watching TV last night in front of Victoria. She is said to be in a serious but stable condition, so her one minute silence tomorrow.
Cheer up you cunts ffs Lifes too short.
Social media – especially Wankbook & Twatter
Nice concept, but soon became a platform for the birth of the Woke SJWs. Democracy has been rewritten because of it: disagree and your banned/shouted down from voicing your opinion by raging snowflakes!
I noticed Fiddler University came bottom in the latest ratings for tertiary education.
However, it did come first in accusations of sexual harassment against a sitting Chancellor.
Indeed we did Mike and as you can probably imagine we are all feeling rather proud of ourselves…we are at the forefront of the fightback against ” The Wokeness”.
Our male students leave our hallowed halls as thick as pigshit but with an entitled attitude,drink problems and various sexual peccadilloes….the very qualities that in the past served so many of our great leaders so well…what Eton starts,we will continue.
Our female students emerge knowing their place…the home and bedroom (the ugly ones can Fuck Off,nobody cares about them).
Yes, I expect Fiddler University to be the “Uni” of choice for The Hearties in the future. My decision to employ Prince Harry as Head of Academic Affairs and place Prince Andrew in charge of Pastoral Care is really beginning to pay dividends and as for asking Prince Philip to be in charge of admissions…well,a masterstroke,tbh.
I assume my sinecure as Head of Diversity is safe once my Ph.D ‘research’ is complete?
Re: ugly women. One of the joys of strolling around the campus at Fiddler University is the lack of munters. Can I congratulate you on your admissions policy.
You aware of our policy involving swotty types ?…You finish any fucking Ph.D (whatever the fuck that might be) and it’s down the well you go.
I won’t have the young,impressionable minds of my students sullied by anything as dangerous as “book-learning”.
School of Hard Knocks and then University of Life…that’s all the learning we need.
Football – 90 minutes of kicking a bag of air round a field.
Licking aaaaht a ladies pussy….
Everybody knows to go for her bumhole instead.
Skinny female romance partners.
Oh no I love them.
Disgraceful Mr Wanksock.
Are you a bit light on your loafers Uncle Terry?
HS2 – Never has so much public money (and destruction of private land/homes) has been spunked for the benefit of so few!
Coincidentally, construction of HS2 officially starts today.
Lord Adonis, the cunt who dreamed up the monstrous white elephant tweeted:
“HS2 is the last great project of the Blair/Brown government, which launched it”
Note the lack of a full stop. Wouldn’t want to frighten his fellow Nancy boys, would he.
If I ever get the Singapore style Caning Room passed into law , Gaylord Adonis is going to be the first one to take 24 strokes of a nice wet rattan cane to christen it. Foul little shit still sucking Blair’s cock 13 years after the old motherfucker left office. Truly the cunt’s cunt.
£106bn, was the latest budget forecast. Expect that to double over the next few years. But that’s okay, the cunts in charge will have fucked off with a nice big bonus and probably a gong or two for their services for wasting other people’s money!
What’s the point of travelling to Birmingham? You won’t get a job unless you’re BAME….
To be renamed, when it opens as the P*ki Express ?
Oasis – a “rock” band for chavs and lager louts.
Andy Murray – has there EVER been a more boring cunt in the history of sport?!
Though L Hamilton (No doubt will also be a SIR soon enough) is a very close second, no one can take the crown from that cunt Murray.
Madonna, Adele, Ed Sheeran, Coldplay. Just for starters.
Puncture repair kits for inflatable dinghys.
The herd mentality of idiots.
They live.
New Zealand
Avocado pears
New Zealand
Flip flops
New Zealand
Game of thrones
New Zealand
I have a feeling you don’t particularly like New Zealand Freddie.
Oh, sorry Sharkunt I confused you with FtF. Similar avatars.
Don’t get me started mate, my hatred for nz knows no bounds.
Does “igga” go in the middle of nz Sharcunt?
Very naughty, I’ve gone too far now! ?♂️?
Poncy celebrity chefs, including Jamie “suck my tongue” Oliver and Gordon “Fuck you” Ramsey and their shite restaurants & poncy small-portioned over-priced food!
Boris CUNT Johnson
Priti CUNT petel
UK CUNT border force
Extinction CUNT rebellion
Yes there maybe a theme going on here
Forgot to add Brexit , just fucking leave CUNTS
Between you and me, I’ve stopped believing it’s going to happen.
German cars
Harley Davidson bikes
Daniel Craig Bond films
The fucking BAFTAs
Boris “fake conservative” Johnson
Any shite on Netflix…
Babestation is overrated. The women all look the same and all have had the same cosmetic botch jobs done. Frankly it’s like trying to have a wank to a Bratz doll
Furthermore, why would i phone in to speak to the orange tanned, puffy lipped slapper on offer this evening when she gets her silicon funbags out anyway?? Who willingly talks to women when there is nothing to be gained?
What a silly channel.
(After hacking into their database, seems you’ve been a paid-up member for 11 years! – DA)
That is merely the tip of a very large iceberg DA. If you were to witness the sheer number of deviant sites i patronise and thier content then i think you would sink into a horrifying Lovecraftian madness at the inhumanity of it all. You will wonder how a man can do his business and wank to such horror. I call my man sword the Great Old One for this reason as it is beyond comprehension
Grayson Perry, Alan Carr, Russel Howard, James Corden, Peter Kay, Predictive Text which keeps changing my words.
Black lives matter
It’s a communist Trojan horse that’s too popular for its own good!, utter cunts!
Breaking Bad. It’s a good show, I enjoyed it – but it) isn’t the greatest show of all time.
Rick and Morty: same sort of reasoning. I like it but it isn’t anything special.
Neymar – one of the most overrated players on the planet. Natural talent for days but the work rate and composure of a paralytic duck.
Beer/lager/ale: Mostly tastes like lighter fluid.
chainsaws – oops, sorry they’re not overrated – they’re underused – especially around westminster
Used to be one of the greatest, most original, most objective broadcasters in the world, but that was a very long time ago.
Today it still tries to live on that reputation, even though its shit (as the 40 odd nominations on this site will testify!)
Raheem Sterling. All the ‘experts’ tell us he’s great because as we know BLM trumps everything.
The EU…. who the fuck cares.
Clare Fucking Balding OBE. I hate this fucking opinionated arrogant pig ugly fat rug munching cunt with a vengeance. The fucker turns up everywhere spouting off with great authority about stuff she knows fuck all about. The only reason she’s a dyke is because no bloke in his right mind would go near the cunt.
Better than nothing, but can never come close to the real thing.