I’d imagine there may have been similar cuntings for this in the past, but I’d like to give it another nudge!
When I was at a tender age in both primary and secondary schools, each week on a Monday I would be despatched to school burdened with, at that time, loads of cash, for dinner money, National Savings stamps, summer trip fund and last but by no means least, contributions for ‘African charities’, to help bring the end to children of that Continent perishing in massive numbers daily due to dirty water, etc.
Today, well over 50 years later, those ‘African charities’ are still screaming out even more for our ‘aid’. Daily, on almost every TV channel, apart from screening Carol Vordaman’s funeral plan ads, there are tedious lengthy ads that feature, as my grandson says, ‘scruffy brown kids’ who are still begging for handouts.
How many billions of £’s have been wasted, sending funds to these phuckers and nothing has changed whatsoever for over half a century?
I smell a massive rat somewhere along the line here and so a cunting is well deserved in my view.
Nominated by: Some Cunt-Chanted Evening
All that Band Aid loot and they’re still holding out the begging bowl.
Incidently, I’m out and about and there’s a lot of fat cunts waddling about.
All those Ethiopian kiddies that got saved from starvation in 1985 by Bob Geldof and fucking Midge Ure now have 25 children each.
Shame they didn’t eat Geldof.
Probably didn’t want food poisoning ?
Gizza quid?
Got any change?
10p,10p?..not fuckin me!
Always on the tap.
Africa, cradle of humanity?
Cradle of scrounging More like.
Wouldnt give them the steam off my piss.
Helps them keep a nice figure, enjoy your maize corn m’tembe, im on roast beef,
Plates loaded, dog will get half,
But id scrape it in the bin rather than let you have it.
Bon appetite.
Fucking too right.
If you know you have no food and water – then don’t breed.
I read somewhere that in the last 50 years upwards of £900 bn, yep billion, had been given to these Africunts.
It’s a business, look at any accounts for any charity and the majority goes on wages for fat lanyard wearing ex council staff who are topping up their gold plated pensions after taking early retirement.
The cunts.
Whilst on these appalling adverts I need to write up a cunting on the plethora of Lottery adverts, Cats, Bears, Donkeys and the worst of all the Poppy Charity, not the cause but the fucking advert, it super heats my piss every time I’m unfortunate to be ambushed by it.
If something hasn’t worked 900 billion times, how could any sane person believe it would work the 900 billion and first?
The same television commercial has been running in the states for about a decade. I would have thought that the mud puddle they all drink out of wold have dried up by now.
I used to work for a company that, amongst other things, produced small runs of promotional shit. One thing we were asked to make were small sachets of ‘dirty water’ that could be sent out in mail shots ‘give money, look at what poor little umbongo has to drink’, the sachets of dirty water had to be non toxic of course ?
Fuck con merchants!
What did the Angry Ape say ……….
‘Africa doesn’t need any more white saviours’
I agree with him.
Fuckin right! ” We don’t need white saviours” fuckin works for me. Never would give these cunts a penny anyway.
The best thing to send to Africa would be BLM activists, FF Force and Extinction rebellion, they seem to have all the answers.
Here’s a picture of starving Ethiopians.
If they don’t want to look after their own people, I’ll be fucked if I’m subsidising the bone idle cunts.
The only charity that gets my money is one that helps kids that suffer with Hypertrichosis.
A terrible condition where excessive hair growth occurs, over and above what would be considered normal for their age.
If you’re interested in helping you can make a donation at Shave The Children.com.
Nice one J.R.! and Good Morning.
Silky smooth & slick, JR
Talking of Ethiopia, isn’t it the goal of every Rastafarian to return there?
So what’s stopping you, you dreadlocked, dope addled, cunts?
Funny you should ask, an Antiguan friend once told me a bunch of Rastas he knew made their way to Ethiopia….it will come as no surprise they discovered the Ethiopians hated their guts, their sojourn in the promised land was not long..
I was told that there is little love in general for afro-carribeans and afro-yanks in Africa.
And now they’ve added Covid19 to the list of begging cons. They can fuck off.
The population of Africa has grown from 105 million in the early 1900s to roughly 1.2 billion today.
Aid to Africa has only served to cause a population explosion, the population will continue to grow and Africa will continue to need evermore aid.
The amount of migrants leaving Africa for Europe now us a trickle compared to the flood that will be coming.
The problem is that we keep sending them food.
We should be sending them condoms.
Fucking bromide
What we have all given must be in the Trillions of pounds now, let alone billions. At least 80% of that has probably gone in wages for the directors etc, or the despots of each country more probably. Very little gets through to those that need it, that’s for sure – and I don’t care how often I’m told differently; my mate worked in Africa for 15 years in the 80/90’s and has SEEN it!
AND…. even when it does get through – say putting in a new well, this will be useless in a year because the Africans are too fucking lazy to maintain pumps – they EXPECT whitey to come along and do it for them! Again, don’t tell me I’m wrong on this either, ;cos another mate has SEEN that too!
I stopped giving ANYTHING about 30 years ago – and as you can see I was right to do that!
“What we have all given must be in the Trillions of pounds now, let alone billions.” Speak for yourself there Mickey, I have never given a single penny to any foreign charity and I never will. Fuck them all.
Has your mate ever seen my sister’s fanny?
I’ve always wondered what it’s like.
One thing that always puzzled me was if starving Marvin couldn’t afford a decent meal. How could he afford to keep himself in 7.62×39 to feed his AK?
Simple answer, arms dealers have dumped so much weaponry onto them that ammo is cheaper than food, and once you have a loaded AK-47 feeding yourself isn’t a problem…
A documentary made sometime just after the end of the last Russian round of the eternal Afghan war had the price of an AK-47 being somewhere in the region of £15-25 in some African war-torn shithole, with the rounds being 1p, admittedly, these were Chinese manufactured, but still…
ISTR they investigated, and found that they were being dumped there at less than cost from the warehouses of UK based dealers (indirectly, via a shady airport facility in Ireland). I say less than cost, but it was still profit as the dealers had aleady been paid to supply them to the Muja-taliban-hideen, but as that game had finished and that lot had enough captured Russian gear to play with they didn’t need them, so they looked for alternate markets to dump the things onto as having to explain why they had warehouses full of ‘black’ weaponry to the branches of authority not ‘in the know’ was becoming an increasing concern (besides, there was always a limit to the number they’d get away with shifting for £95 via a small advert in the Exchange&Mart before someone, somewhere sussed…)
Clouds and silver linings, eh?
I couldn’t give a fuck if Natingy has to walk 6 miles to buy her Umbongo. Get the bus if you can’t be arsed to walk to the shops. I’m not sending my money over there to buy the fucker a car. Don’t walk 6 miles every day to buy one carton of the delicious Congo juice just go on a Saturday and stock up for the week…or am I missing something?
Of course you are. Shop online and get the shit delivered.
I walk 7 miles each day (3:5 each way) to work,do I win a prize only the number of miles these people walk is mentioned without fail.
Why not live nearer the well?
I’m sure all those rich celeb cunts, Hollyweird cunts, politicians, and other Wokey cunts who bang on about black lives matter, should perhaps give some of their millions and billions to their “starving brothers and sisters” in Africa!
in fact if these cunts hate America (because of racist Trump) or hate the UK (racist Boris), then perhaps they should sell their homes and move into an African village hut living next door to Mr and Mrs Umbongo and their 24 kids!
Come on Greta, pack your bags and fuck off down to Botswana – no pollution at all down there. Probably no internet, electric, gas or any of the creature-comforts you take for granted but choose to ignore when criticizing the West for fucking up your future!
Oh you HAD to mention Greta didn’t you techno! There was me thinking that she’d been very quiet – cos she isn’t allowed to go to any rallies etc because of the virus -and reveilling in the fact, and you had to spoil it!
Speaking of Africa (and BLM) ’tis a sad day in Wakanda as Chadwick Boseman…THE (star of) the Black Panther died today of colon cancer.
Never heard of the cunt but wasnt whatever African country the Black Panther came from technologically advanced?
That is the most ridiculous claim in all the Super Hero shit.
That made Radio 4’s headline news today. Presumably whitey gave him the cancer. I’d never heard of the cunt. Would have been more interested to hear how Portland and Kenosha were getting on, let alone southern Louisiana after Hurricane Laura, but the priority for our occasional fractional US coverage obviously has to be an obscure actor. Cunts.
Not sure about Portland but Trump sent National Guard troops into Kenosha and those cunts settled down real fucking quick like.
Like you do if you like breathing!
Subsequent R4 bulletin has Biden jumping on the woke bandwagon to deliver eulogy on the cunt. Wish Trump would step out of his safe space long enough to call BLM and all who sail in her the cunts they truly are, but he won’t. He needs black votes too.
Re. Portland, mayor sends rude letter to Trump declining offer of federal support.
And is promptly surrounded in his own home by, er, protesters. Or cunts as we are still allowed to call them.
That’s the sequel fucked then…
Who the fuck is Chadman Bosewick?! I’d safely wager 95% and counting of the UK have no idea either.
But of course BBC aka Voice of America has to tell us anyway.
You’ve just missed extended lachrymatory coverage at the top of the R4 1800 News, Isaac. Tributes from Denzell Washington, Lewis Hamilton, Biden’s token black wimminz…contribution of hero to black culcha, as if he hadn’t been paid very well for romanticising black wokeness but done it for free.
In other news the Tour de Lycra Cunts is to go ahead. Hope they infect each other.
Africa is not capable of governing itself, never could and never will.
Those at the top are greedy and brutal and care nothing for their black brothers who remain poor and starving.
The charities just perpetuate this system, the money being syphoned off by corrupt officials and their masters.
The white man, despite all this giving, is still the scapegoat. Nothing changes.
The TV ads depict skinny children with sad eyes looking pitifully at the camera. Designed to pull at the heart strings of the naive and stupid to whom I say waste your money if you want. Don’t expect me to.
My conscience has got the better of me.
Ive sent them a weightwatchers cookbook and some quinoa seeds the daft missus bought.
Im like that Bob Geldof.
Foul mouthed.
I don`t think the people behind them are entirely genuine and it makes our job as genuine black people more difficult.
There’s the old saying “Give a man a fish, and you’ll feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you’ve fed him for a lifetime”… well, the cunts running all the African charities certainly fucked up.
Captain Birdseye quote?
“Get stuck into this little lot – whilst I have a word with your mum!”
(Copyright CPTN Birdseye 1986)
Unfortunately the Umbongos don’t understand delayed gratification or impulse control.
So the old saying actually goes:
Give an Umbongo a fish and it will eat for a day.
Teach an Umbongo to fish and it will stab you to death, steal the fishing rod and sell it for scrap to buy KFC, crack and bling.
Give an african a fish and feed him for day.
Give an african a fishing rod and the cunt will swap it for an AK-47.
Or a dinghy
Give a kaffir a pot and he will have fuck all to put in it.
But give him a begging bowl and he’s set for life.
Hmm, so if we stop sending any kind of financial aid whatsoever they either sort their situation or die out.
Covers it I think, bit pointless lining the pockets of billionaire corporate vampires masquerading as charities for tax avoidance purposes and to get round employment laws to get people working for them without pay.
And I do not finance warlords and islamic dictators.
We are the first World for a reason – we got off our collective arses, made it happen and improved our situation.
Tribal infighting, corruption, nepotism and theft of natural resources by the influential few mean the African continent will always be hell for 90% of the people who live there.
I think the phrase “not our problem or business” kind of sums up my thoughts – we have enough to get through without bleeding ourselves dry on indolent savages, and while we have people using food banks, living in shipping containers and veterans with no bed to sleep in we need to do the unfashionable thing for once and look after our own.
And don’t forget – vote Fox! ??
They can all fuck off and sort themselves out.
If they keep trying to come here then bomb them with napalm.
Start another begging bowl advert for BBQ Kanaga.
Saw a grovelling advert the other day that claimed that in this particular African country that my donation of £3 could feed a child for a week. Well I Only wish they’d said which country it was because I’m thinking of moving there. It costs a fuckload more than that to feed my two little bleeders living where I do right now.
As has been patently obvious for many years now, charities are not what they claim to be – they are no more than conduits for cash for those who claim to be ‘do-gooders’ but in actual fact are corrupt organisations – unesco/unicef/wwf/water aid/donkeys/elephants/ etc – notice the role of the UN in most of this
Lana, I like to taunt them with chicken drumsticks!!
When you think of all the corrupt prime ministers and presidents in some of those African countries, not least Mugabe, Amin and Mobuto – all of them syphoning off millions, if not billions of dollars/pounds from charitable donations, and of course the billions UK governments have handed over in the name of “foreign aid” over the decades.
And yet they seem to get a free pass from the woke media; blaming poverty and starvation on the usual suspects!
You left out Zuma who has bankrupted S Africa and destroyed it’s state industries.
Mugabe Amin and Mobuto are ex-cunts and now thankfully dead. Kagame,Tshisekedi, Deby, Obiang are still alive and equal cunts. Plenty more in Africa, rigging elections, creaming off the profits from national production and many employing the Tony Blair Institute for Tony Blair and its equivalents.
The answer is so startlingly simple, it’s staring us in the face.
This country has spent billions trying to educate generations of M’dobo’s, Precious’s, Letitia ‘a and Shabira’s-these model citizens should now be repatriated back to “Mother” Africa to help build a more stable and viable continent.
Gets my vote
Start with Sasha Johnson and Gary McCunt.
So many famous ones (or at least known) to pick from. Sending the fucking lot back would require at least 100 Cruise-sized ships. Or…… we could just deport them all to Rockall and see how many survive. Obviously we’d get Oxfam to look after their needs!
They don’t need white saviours.
I’m taking David Lammy’s advice here.
Doesn’t matter how much you give, the cunts will never change and just resort to tribalism and letting corrupt warlords and politicians run their countries.
Pointless and racist to help them.
Plenty of servicemen on the streets. Plenty of hospices in the UK to donate to. Charity begins at home. Fuck off.
Africans are no different to any other nationality. Did they ever do anything for me? Did they ever give me anything? Would they? Would they fuck. They get the same from me that all the other scrounging beggars get. And that’s fuck all.
They certainly don’t need white saviours when they have the yellow saviours of China pumping billions into their economy via their Belt and Road Initiative!
I will never willingly give a single penny to Africa. Or anywhere else for that matter. I’m an equal opportunities miser.
I agree Gutstick.I am not handing over one single penny to the scroungers
It’s quite simple really. If you choose to live in a 40°c dustbowl don’t be surprised when nothing grows there and you get no water from the clear sky.
How the fuck they haven’t figured this out yet is incredible.
Whilst ruminating on the state of the World my senses heightened by a couple of gins.
I came to the conclusion that with the amount of money sent to Africa for clean water the populations of these areas should be living in a waterworld environment with each child having their own paddle steamer so they can go to school etc. Vibrating musical hot tubs and gallons of the finest sparkling mineral water to flush all the toilets. Cannot figure out why they are walking halfway across the country for a bucket of buffalo piss full of nasty germs and things. They really should have a better standard of living than I do, something is wrong in Bwanker and most other African country’s
Fuck muslim lives in Africa.
Fuck muslim lives in Britain too, come to that.