Endless Charity Appeals for Africa

I’d imagine there may have been similar cuntings for this in the past, but I’d like to give it another nudge!

When I was at a tender age in both primary and secondary schools, each week on a Monday I would be despatched to school burdened with, at that time, loads of cash, for dinner money, National Savings stamps, summer trip fund and last but by no means least, contributions for ‘African charities’, to help bring the end to children of that Continent perishing in massive numbers daily due to dirty water, etc.

Today, well over 50 years later, those ‘African charities’ are still screaming out even more for our ‘aid’. Daily, on almost every TV channel, apart from screening Carol Vordaman’s funeral plan ads, there are tedious lengthy ads that feature, as my grandson says, ‘scruffy brown kids’ who are still begging for handouts.

How many billions of £’s have been wasted, sending funds to these phuckers and nothing has changed whatsoever for over half a century?

I smell a massive rat somewhere along the line here and so a cunting is well deserved in my view.

Nominated by: Some Cunt-Chanted Evening 

90 thoughts on “Endless Charity Appeals for Africa

  1. We spend £14 billion a year on foreign aid as it is. Just money down the drain for corrupt cunts.

  2. It’s pointless and it always has been. Live Aid was a load of overhyped and back slapping shite. I only watched it for two bands. The Quo – who weren’t at their best – and Queen – who owned the whole fucking gig. Seeing that Motorway Mick gobshite cunt mouthing off about us working class riff raff giving our hard earned to flyblown shitheaps and corrupt Amin-like regimes still makes my stomach turn. And all this ‘cradle of civilisation’ stuff is utter bollocks, Name one African inventor, artist, innovator, or pioneer.. And I don’t and won’t include Nelson Man fucking dela. A black Che Guevara figure for radical chic cunts. The only good thing that has ever come out of the place is all the magnificent animals that live there. And the cunts kill them too.

    • In one corner, we have Thomas Malthus, who pointed out over two centuries ago that shit like this can’t work, and in the other corner we have Geldof, who claims that it can.
      Well, let’s examine their track records shall we? From Malthus, Darwin was able to extrapolate his theory of evolution, whereas all that’s been extrapolated from Geldof is a couple of suicides.

  3. And they had Dawn French going over to Africa to show them what six square meals a day looks like. With our own trillion pound debt, don’t you think it’s time we stopped the foreign aid???

    • My grandchildren’s grandchildren will probably be cunting on IsAC about Live Aid 2200 nothing will have changed except a population explosion and more M’tebhe’s.

  4. Make Ebola great again. And aids come to think of it. Most of them think we are interfering anyway, and would rather some voodoo chicken bones on a dustbin lid to any real medication. Wasn’t there someone in government (health minister probably) who said you couldn’t catch aids if you had a shower after sex. And obviously rape isn’t sex, so that’s safe too.

  5. Maybe these cunts should stop churning out kids every year and then the problem wouldn’t be there
    Fuck off and drink your zebra piss water you cunts

  6. It’s utter bollocks. Since saint Bob got the gullible to part with so many millions nothing has changed. What reaponsible parent anywhere on earth would think ‘i’m Having a great time here, struggling to find fresh water and food. Tell you what, all I need is another kid’. No different in Africa to the chavs in the U.K, except of course we could never let kids starve to death in this country, so we’ll bung em’ another few quid and a house. Hang on, how about keep your fucking legs together until you can fucking support you and your kids yourself. Stop being a fucking burden on society and support yourself. Best thing we can do with Africa is stop ALL donations and let them ride it out themselves. After all they don’t need any more white saviours do they? Give it 20 years we’ll have a whole new empty continent to ship out the next generation of criminals to. Australia mark 2.

  7. Ethiopia population in 1907 – 4 million
    Population in 2007 – 79 million
    Population today – around 110 million.

    That sums up the whole problem.

    They breed like sewer rats.

    The only answer is leave Africa alone and let nature and starvation sort it out.

  8. The KKK should set up a White Aid concert for underprivileged whities. David Lammy could host the next Red fucking Nose Day. Simples!

    • That’s a very racist comment you just made Lord Cunty Bollocks. I’m reporting you to the admins for racism, a lack of self-awareness and a total misunderstanding of how satire works.

      Also, please go and have sex with somebody (Disclaimer: just don’t rape anybody on your way out).

      Fucking knob end.

      • And for safety please wear……….. a fucking Johnny so that your genes can’t propagate though the population and make us even dumber than we alrady are.

        Although if your want to wear a gimp maks while she bums you with her strap-on………. at least that will limit the spread of the coof. So that’s good I suppose.

        Fucking daft cunt.

  9. All this aid to Africa only helps add to the population. Survival of the fittest I say. LEFT THE CUNTS FEND FOR THEMSELVES

    • It’s all in debt to China and gonna just bloat in urbanisation and become shitholes like just about everywhere else.

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