Gen Zeds Shit Scared of Full Stops…!!

I want to Cunt generation Z snowflakes frit of the full stop.

Yes, you read that right – full stops!

Not content with controlling our language, woke shits now want to control our grammar. Apparently the full stop is ‘intimidating’ to young people because they interpret it as sign of anger, linguists say…

Some cunt named Rhiannon Cosslett tweeted:

‘Older people – do you realise that ending a sentence with a full stop comes across as sort of abrupt and unfriendly to younger people in an email/chat?’


That tweet prompted some crime novelist called Sophie Hannah to reply:

‘Just asked my 16-year-old son – apparently this is true. If he got a message with full stops at the end of sentences he’d think the sender was “weird, mean or too blunt”.’


This country is finished

Nominated by: Ruff Tuff Creampuff.

88 thoughts on “Gen Zeds Shit Scared of Full Stops…!!

  1. It occurred to me that if your sole means of expression is texting, with all the violent abbreviation that implies, then someone who actually uses punctuation must appear to someone who doesn’t as a pedantic nitpicker. This is of a piece with the downsizing of vocabulary and the destruction of phonemes in everyday speech (as, eg, “cimminiti” for “community”, “yi” for “you” and “tha’ithfy” for “satisfy”, and will probably not cease until the only acceptable form of speech is the unstructured grunt of our distant ancestors. But the rising inflection will remain to signal the end of a “sentence”. Yi no?

    Bring back proper English teachers, and if necessary we can subsidise the elbow patches for their tweed jackets. Otherwise the language is doomed.

    • phones should be programmed that if the user input is not a recognised properly punctuated grammar then it destroys itself whilst branding dumb fuck on the palm of their hand also immigration control will be alerted automatically and deportation will ensue regardless of nationality fucking shit-arse children running my world cunts

  2. Every generation is accused of trashing the language but this current lot are doing a good job by turning it into a truncated form of gibberish.

    A friend’s son had to actually write a letter recently. He asked me to check it over and I was horrified to find that it looked like a text. He began it with “Hi.” not “Dear”. Didn’t include a date or his address. No proper grammar or spacing. He had never heard of yours sincerely or faithfully.

    Now this lad is not thick but I did wonder wtf he had been doing in school for over a decade. I would not employ him because he is not literate enough.

    Start leaving out commas and full stops and you can easily misconstrue what the writer is talking about. That is what grammar is about: clear communication.

    The trend towards using slang and abbreviations is also rife in spoken English now (we have our aussie chums to thank for a lot of this). Irreversible I fear.

  3. It’s no wonder they are scared of punctuation, the text speak they use needs an enigma machine to decipher it. Fortunately it’s not worth reading, so no need.
    Also, Generation Z, are they called that because they are probably going to be the last?

  4. I imagine the next thing the youth of today (some, not all), the next fad is to be scared of Braille.

    Imagine a blind person coming in to talk at school about being blind.

    *Some clueless youth writing on social media* ‘Oh em gee! Remember those aggressive dots? I’ve seen them in 3D!’
    ‘Someone wearing dark glasses came to school to talk about something. Dunno what it was about. Wasn’t listening. Why would he be wearing sunglasses indoors? Why he bring a dog in with him? Thoughtless of him. Doesn’t he know I have several thousand allergies? Mostly made up for sympathy yes but whatever’.

  5. They will just about recover over time if the see a full stop. But get the pronoun wrong and they’ll be traumatized for life.

    • A full stop obviously signifies the end of a sentence, but I have to admit that I don’t see the point of them being used in subtitles for foreign films.

  6. Yeah let’s burn all books with full stops. I see where this one is going.

    Fuck me, if we’re ever invaded by a foreign army it’ll be middle-aged gammon cunts like me who’ll have to fight through their arse grape pain to sort it out, because the young uns will be crying under their fucking beds.

    What a bunch of wet cunts. If I were education minister, I’d bring in ‘milling’ to every school in the land for lads.

    Soft cunts who need toughening up.

  7. Just looked up generation z on goggle to be informed that they are “the most connected, educated and sophisticated generation ever.”
    Are they fuck.
    Most of them are morons.

    • Yeah, just take away their phones/tablets/laptops, and/or take Facebook/Twatter offline for 20 minutes, and OMFG their world just falls apart in a fit of desperation, tears and tantrums!

      And ask them to boil an egg or change a fuse (without referring to YouTube), and they probably wouldn’t have a clue!

  8. i tried to post just a full stop but i flags up as spam.
    offensive full stop pshaw


  9. Try curing these cunts by shoving an Oxford dictionary up their ARSE sideways

      • Fucking hell. I thought I was a sad cunt for going to a website filled with people I both agree and disagree with in order to vent me spleen.

        Then I discovered a sad trolling cunt who goes to a website filled with people whose comments he probably hasn’t even read but berates them anyway.

        Do everybody a favour and have sex Chief.

        Just don’t rape anybody on your way out.

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