A schh…. cloak and dagger cunting for the ignorant bastard who defaced Churchill’s statue on Saturday:
The masked motherfucker claims that Churchill saved the free world for “colonialism” and not “for people of colour”.
If the stupid filthy ignorant cunt had the courage of convictions he would stop hiding and assist the police in their enquiries, but don’t fold your breath. Hopefully he will get pissed and brag about his “courage” in public.
Nominated by W. C. Boggs
Well colonialism rewarded the Windrush* generation and spawned you, so go ahead, get out of the gene pool you relic of an outdated past.
* It was a reward, unless that is, you’d have preferred to stay in Jamaica with it’s stratospheric economy and work ethic. And no reparations either. Gibs me dat, you rasclaat cunt.
A second statue of churchill has been defaced.
The chimp at the top had a point in that colonialism infected us with first contact,
Instead of slavery we should of just kept shooting.
Many moons ago, one of my teachers was a RAF veteran who had been the wireless operator/tail gunner on a Bristol Blenheim bomber. He told me (speaking of the Poll Tax rioters) that he’d like to turn a Gatling on all of them.
I, a firmly middle class liberal-raised child of the Home Counties was duly appalled at the time.
Now, not so much.
High treason.
Hang the problem in a cage above every chiggun shack.
These problems must be solved.
Turn them out of their hovels and set them to the gallows.
“High treason.”
Yes, now that’s much more the flavour, I foresee a small logistical bottleneck though; not enough fucking lamp posts in Westminster and environs. Fire ’em up Unkle, we’ll have a whip round for the gas meter.
This dirty little fucking knifeable shitcunt should be left to twist in the wind.
Simple as.
When I put my anger to oneside I wonder what the grandparents of these despicable cunts think?
Must be embarrassed?
They came here with all intent and purpose of being British, fitting in and working.
In a short space of time its led to this.
Doubt im on my own in saying my attitudes have significantly hardened to the point that voting wont solve this, debate wont solve this, and think this will lead to something more robust forming.
Most don’t even know who half of their Parents are, let alone Grandparents.
Oven the cunts.
What that pavement ape isn’t getting is that there were virtually no BAME in England in the 1940’s. Therefore why would we fight with half the planet for their sake only?
The entitled, welfare scrounging, stabby thick cunt.
“What that pavement ape isn’t getting is that there were virtually no BAME in England in the 1940’s. Therefore why would we fight with half the planet for their sake only?”
Like most of his kind, such enlightenment requires one to give enough of a fuck about the country one lives in to actually pick up a (genuine) history book and learn something about it. our history is not his history, our culture is not his culture so why would he. All he’s doing is repeating phrases and trigger words he’s had pounded into his thus ’empowered’ coconut ten thousand times by his handlers/edjumakaters/peers/media providers/politicians/clerics and that leaking colostomy bag of ‘bootube’ influencers/uppity gobshites.
And as for that statue of Nelson fucking Mandingo… watch and learn then tell me with a straight face that it belongs in Parliament Square
Like “Brexit” we have a minority who will go to any lengths to impose their view on the majority…that was (possibly?) settled at the ballot-box before it actually came to riots in the streets. This latest affair won’t be settled the same way…pretty soon the “silent” majority will say “enough is enough…if the Police and Govt. won’t reclaim the streets…we’ll do it ourselves”.
I’m sick of being dictated to,ignored,belittled and (yes) discriminated against by a cabal of “liberal intelligensia” who I believe are the ones stirring up this trouble. Yes,the sight of some bit of filth defacing Churchill’s statue is infuriating but I think that most of these “protesters” are no more than “useful idiots” doing the bidding of a group which looks to fundamentally change this Country and it’s people beyond recognition….and the Govt. seems happy to let them do just that.
In the words of the old fudge-nudger Tom Robinson…”Better decide which side you’re on…the ship goes down before too long.”
It would be useful if corporations came out on the subject of BLM. Some already have (Chimp Tea and Yorkshire Tea); these products will never enter my home again. In their rush to jump on the bandwagon individuals and firms have failed to include the silent majority in their calculations; they are about to learn a lesson.
Guzziguy, boycott Unilever, the current owners of PG Tips.
The same as boycotting Procter and Gamble for that terrible Gillette advert.
“Yes,the sight of some bit of filth defacing Churchill’s statue is infuriating but I think that most of these “protesters” are no more than “useful idiots” doing the bidding of a group which looks to fundamentally change this Country and it’s people beyond recognition….and the Govt. seems happy to let them do just that.”
This is exactly the case; A country’s culture is determined by its demogrphic, the elite require us to adopt a proletarian/utilitarian mindset the better to further its financial enrichment and social reach. That is not the mindset of the Indigenous British (the only prefix that has validity) never was, so it had to be changed. They tried and failed to change us through force of ideology or superiority of argument so plan B… change by imposed demographic eradication and replacement with a more compliant species of de-racinated carbon based production/consumption unit. Better yet, get those pecilled in for eradication to stop reproducing and on top of that get them via the taxation system/state enforced robbery to pay for the whole fucking evil scheme. Demographic suicide in effect – I call it Democide.
Look up the case of Justine Damond , it’s a fucking eye opener. Then clock a video….” Aussie journalist asks pointed questions at BLM demo in Oz”.
If someone could post it (I don’t know how to do that shit) it’s a fucking treat. ?
Is this it ?
Great video, just shows the majority of the protesters had no idea why they were protesting just following media narrative
Absoluely !!!!!.
I like the way the journalist said, “I´m a person of colour.”
Good Morning Freddie and Once A Cunt,
Good Work, that is a terrific video. It just shows the levels of hypocrisy and ignorance of the majority of these bloody people. They are absolutely impossible to reason with as they are so bigoted but don’t realise it.
To argue with an intelligent person is difficult; to argue with a fool impossible.
Pointless even to try – “they’ll just drag you down to their level then beat you on experience.”
Toe curling, fist tightening video btw.
Morning Wanksock, beggars belief the ignorance of the left, makes a change to find a video like that still available to view. I use my iPhone to re record these little nuggets as much as I can now to distribute when they get taken down.
No Churchill was a cunt, all the people fighting and dying were cunts, they only fought for the survival of the nation and ultimately the freedom of Europe.
They didn’t know at the time those that followed them would invite a soft invasion of the nation and cunts like this spineless piece of shit would spit on real sacrifice for social media likes.
I heard somewhere (can’t remember where) that a forces website forum know who this cunt is and where he lives. Let’s hope they pay the cunt a visit.
Looks like a Somalicunt. Send the fucker back. Should be the first thing on Boris’s to do list today. But his to do list probably looks like this.
1. Get up at 2pm
2. Eat sugar puffs
3. Put a tweet out about climate change
4. Eat more sugar puffs
5. Bedtime story and bedibyboes
Aaaah, replace number 3 with copious amounts of alcohol and it basically describes my student days.
The silvery moons just show themselves up as the thick, uneducated cunts they are. This is what 50 years of left-wing teachers do for you.
That and the fucking BBCUNTS who dominate the news agenda.
Baden Powell’s statue you be removed now. When your history is obliterated for and on behalf of invaders you know the war is lost.
Morning Sixdog. The cunt leading this farce,has said that his statue should be replaced by one decided by the local LBGT and BAME communities.
In other news ….
Will there be mass demonstrations against the pack of jungle bunnies that attacked two police officers in Londonastabbistan ? Caught on film by gleeful bystanders.
Nah, thought not.
Slowly but surely, the battle lines are being drawn.
Let the cunts have their statue; it will be a focus point for right thinking people to show the cunts what they think of the situation. Any statue will have to have a 24 hour guard and I am fucked if any of my taxes will be used to provide it. As my fellow cunters are saying ‘ battle lines are being drawn’.
Morning Jack, it’s an odd feeling to be the enemy in your own land isn’t it?
Very odd. Outsiders in our own land.
Sold out by traitors.
Heard a bit of a programme on Radio 4 yesterday where a little shit from a ‘Free Press’ thing in Bristol was talking about the statue vandalism. Creaming his panties as he was on national radio he defended his obscuring of the vandals’ faces on the video he took. I trust that Plod visits him and points out that withholding evidence is a criminal offence.
Believe it or not but there is a bust of Baden Powell in scout hat and lanyard in a square called Praça da Republica in the center of São Paulo, Brazil. The place is full of scumbags, drug addicts, prostitutes, criminals, trannies, homeless families etc, all of whom indulge in their whims under the eyes of the chief scoutmaster. As no-one knows who the fuck he is, I don´t think it will be torn down.
Sir Frank Whittle – there’s a bloke. In the very centre of the city of Coventry there is a statue of Sir Frank, it is a very evocative and well executed classical rendering of the great man, in uniform, anxiously peering up into the sky as he shades his eyes for a glimpse of his safely returning prototype. Above him the council erected a pair of modernist stainless steel parabolas to suggest the pressure waves in front of an aircraft approaching Mach1, they are fucking awful, crass and incongruous, expensive, unescessary and detracting massively from the drama of the sculpture, so obviously a committee decision and vanity project purely to satisfy their infantile need to contribute artistically and spunk another £150,000 up the wall.
The real sadness is revealed when you pan back and view the hordes of (semi)human flotsam milling past without the slightest realisation of who he was and that it was because of this man’s invention that most of them fucking got there.
Can I just quickly add… FUCK THE B.B.C… again. Their fucking frothing coverage of this dead $pook is making me wanna rip a brick out of the wall and chew it. Bastards
Well if Churchill lost this cunt would never have been born.
Does he think Adolf would’ve let his family genes continue? Maybe as slaves, if lucky.
No, I’ve had it with cunts like this and with any organisation supporting BLM. I’m boycotting their products for good. Even the media, police force and politicians are on their side. Cowards! String ’em up!
If the Germans had won the war, and when hitler was finished with the Jews you think he was going to stop there with the master race plan ?
Mmm wonder who would have been next you thick CUNT ???
We should of joined forces with Hitler.
He liked the British.
World would look a lot different.
Gyppos wouldnt be a problem, and our friend above would be back home walking 10mile for piss tainted water and counting the flies on his face.
I tell you MNC, my step dad lied to get into the army in 1938, he was 16, he fought in India Africa and Italy. The man who came home was fucked in the head, he made the lives of his family a living hell at times, he used to have nightmares that tore him apart, he endured electric shock treatment and we all endured him.
For what? What did that 16 year old lose his sanity for? I know he resented what was happening to this country by the 70s, how the fuck he could of lived through today I don’t know
Know what you mean Sixdog.
My grandad fought in India and Burma, caught malaria which effected his health for the rest of his days, he got fuck all for his service, scraping by watching every penny.
Fought for his country to get betrayed by politicians who wanted cheap labour and a social experiment.
Well the virus has escaped the lab now, just glad hes not here to see it!
Although them cunts defacing Churchill’s statue might of finished him off to be fair.
Christ… I never thought the day would come when cunters would side with Chamberlain over Churchill. My parents put their lives on the line for our country’s freedom, not to cosy up a genocidal madman like Hitler and hand over the running of their country to him.
That must be that white privilege I keep hearing about.
I agree, MNC.
Yeah… if our parents and grandparents had listened to the traitor Lord Haw Haw we wouldn’t be in the mess we are in today. Maybe he should be granted a posthumous pardon?
I think Lambeth council are voting on it tonight.
Phillip K Dick’s novel “The Man in the High Castle” is set in a future world where the Germans won the war. The first thing they did was systematically wipe the blacks from the face of Africa. I think this would certainly have been the case had they won.
And I still think there are valid arguments for it.
“…set in a future world where the Germans won the war. The first thing they did was systematically wipe the blacks from the face of Africa. I think this would certainly have been the case had they won.”
Doubt it, witness Hitler’s “Madagascar Plan” to hand the island (then a French held demi-paradise) to the jews as their own homeland. Nope, they just had to have fucking Palestine didn’t they, of all places??? Hitler’s primary purpose and concern was halting the spread of bolshevism via Russian expansionism and dreamt of alliance with Britain to first put France back in its box then turn our collective attention to Russia and that headbanger Stalin. The stenographic records found in the Russian archives of Hitler’s ‘table talks’ and briefings with his Chiefs of staff, even in the private diaries of “his Ladies” (his four secretaries/confidants) confirm his intentions to aid and co-operate with Britain time and again. He admired the British hugely.
“Christ… I never thought the day would come when cunters would side with Chamberlain over Churchill. My parents put their lives on the line for our country’s freedom, not to cosy up a genocidal madman like Hitler and hand over the running of their country to him.”
Hitler had no interest whatsoever in the conquest of Britain’s Empire least of all invasion. Roosevelt on the other hand screwed the American public into the war precisely because he KNEW it would be the ruin of Britain and it Empire – the fucking cripcunt – Your parents (and mine) put their lives on the line for a lie Ruff Tuff 🙁
“Yeah… if our parents and grandparents had listened to the traitor Lord Haw Haw we wouldn’t be in the mess we are in today.”
It is an inescapable conclusion.
” Maybe he should be granted a posthumous pardon?”
…and a statue perhaps?
Dont shoot until you see the whites of their eyes men….bollocks…I can’t say whites..that’s wayyyyccciiissttt
What a fucking incredulous Cunt. Since when was it fucking anyone’s job to fight for you you stupid parasite. Fuck right off and keep on fucking off until it’s your time to fuck off this planet for good. Go on fuck off
Any cunt calling for the removal of the Mandela statue, he was involved in terrorism, he inflicted injustice on innocents but for some reason his statue is fine.
Wouldn’t it be terrible if someone necklaced it.
Good morning.
“Any cunt calling for the removal of the Mandela statue”
Done… see above
Rivers of blood they should have listened he nailed it because thats the way it’s heading with these cunts, and if it does they’ll deserve it the ungrateful mix of bame and privileged middle class lib cunts. More statues are coming down because a minority don’t like them CUNTS!!!
I’m just wondering when the book burning is going to start.
Not long now.
Well they aren’t getting my copy of Mein Kampf!
The TR news video posted earlier was probably the best piece of journalism I have seen (with the possible exception of Anthea Turner interviewing zippy from rainbow about his problems with crystal meth!) – and I noticed a recurring theme – any of the soy kids interviewed looked nervous when the truth and fact hit them and constantly referred to the fact their handlers had told them not to engage.
Fascist hatred by clueless kids and vermin who will not accept facts.
And I have joined TR news, which I presume makes me a waycist, fascist, nazi etc – because people like me, using my obvious white privilege, are annoying fuckers who like to expose hypocrisy and bullshit and get to that thing called “the truth”.
Make no mistake – these people could not give a fuck about black lives – this is an anarchist attempt at a takeover organised by the terrorist organisation Antifa.
And now it’s time to fight back – monuments in my area are being policed by the community – any attempts at defacing, vandalising or destruction will be “viewed disapprovingly”.
The same Tommy Robinson who was excoriated in parliament back then while the same parliament today held a minutes silence outta respek fo’ George innit.
Guy Fawkes was right.
Still, the tide will turn one day and then what will the woke contingent do once the efffnics realise it aint so bad after all and a darn sight better than their cultural roots and leave soy boy and riot grrrrl standing on their lonesomes.
Fucking cushty silver spoon wankers and their safe posh houses.
“Make no mistake – these people could not give a fuck about black lives…”
This is the piss boiler, there’s not an ounce of genuine “love” in them, not eben for themselves!! Their ‘love’ is a rootless universal, theoretical one, it’s just a word to them, a required element in the dialectic to be moved and repositioned and redefined to suit whatever ‘moral’ cause they’re espousing. They offer a multiplicity of invented corrupted and bastardised ‘loves’ to obscure its real manifestations when they appear.
“…this is an anarchist attempt at a takeover organised by the terrorist organisation Antifa.”
S’exactly what it is. S’what the left always do; rather than work to prevent one they actively wait for a crisis and then cynically exploit it to project themselves from the ignored periphery into the centre of the moral media action theatre despite holding no electoral or Parliamentary mandate.
I look forward to seeing a group of white South Africans defacing Mandela’s statue in Cape Town….the old bastard didn’t fight for white people.he fought for black rights….hideous old racist.
I’ll particularly enjoy watching the Security Forces refusing to drag the white protesters down for fear that they inflame the situation.
I’ve been to Pretoria and seen the Mandela Statue.
The most memorable thing for me was the mountain of bird shit all over his head. Rather apt I thought…
Well there’s a cheering image, thankyou for that Dioclese.
Is this the one?
This is a reply to FTF’s comment up above about a video link, had some fucking difficulty in getting WordPress to accept it too, the cunt.
Same issue. ‘Javascript/cookies,’ or summat
Great bit of Impartial journalism there.
Shame not more like him, smart, asking the right questions.
Yeah, that’s the one. Thanks. Ought to be compulsory viewing in every school in the country. Very different from the usual MSM shite. The cunts at the BBC need it shoved down their throat.
I had hope that Australia would be one country that was immune to this kind of shit but no, they’re just the fucking same. That daft woman talking about white supremacy, fuck knows who dresses her because she really doesn’t have the intelligence to do it herself. And they believe that the majority should listen to them??
My nephew lives in Sydney and is very intelligent as is his wife but a less aware of reality pair it would be hard to find. I had a lunch in a pub in Sussex with them last year and we got around to discussing the world. He is In computing and she is an environmental something or other. Once off their area of expertise they were like a pair of eight year olds- clueless. Their factual knowledge of history, politics, just about anything was limited and what there was biased. Lovely people but I am worried as they are allowed to vote.
Truth died in 1997.
RIP Truth – it was nice briefly knowing you, when I was allowed.
Right, back to work – this Panzer won’t paint itself! ?
That’s Avi Yemeni-always good viewing. He is waging war against Antifa in Australia, almost single handedly.
He is on YouTube, if you look at the videos from last year, whatever the protest (vegan / climate change/ extinction rebellion/ ant fascist) and whatever state in Australia, the same old faces are always there-professional anarchists aka:Antifa.
The behaviour of these missing links only goes to reinforce my view that the lives of black people such as this matters to me as much as a dog turd I stepped in or a mosquito, for instance.
This also applies to the lives of the white trash that join in on the monkeyshines.
If BLM want to convince me of their cause then encourage your followers to aspire to greater things, such as education, building a better country, selflessness, supporting British culture, national pride and not indulging in criminal activity and violence. Had this been the case and BLM encouraged people to be a force for good then I would of course give my full support to them.
Although I would enjoy it if the BLM mob charged through Owen Jones’s Islington Intelligentsia area and ‘took over’. I wonder how the little cunt would react if they demanded he hand over his house keys and sign the deeds over to a random dark key?
It would make my fucking day. To be fair, that’s where this appeasement will end.
It will be your typical egg and spoon, hoody blend into an ( they all look the same to me crowd) knife in pocket, chip on shoulder who if/when he gets caught will deny,deny,deny until the cows come home and then have a soliciting paid for by us so he can play the victim/ race card (i dont know why but they always do), or it will be some white guy who is a Millwall supporter going cold turkey for drugs/ football, but he is probably trying to hurry up the protest so he can get back to usual business with his dealer and fence that stolen gear sat in Lynfords mums garage…i dont kmow call a shovel a shovel but doing shit like this massively damages any sympathy from the evil white puppet masters that make their lives so unbearable, anyway it may not be a problem as it looks like Covid not only is racist (according to effniks)but also likes a muppet who dosnt distance, so natural selection may get a little extra custom soon enough….
You watch at the weekend. The footy mobs going down to guard Churchill’s statue won’t start a fight, but will be blamed (and beaten by police) if they retaliate any violence aimed at them by the BLM and Antifa filth.
To be honest, I think the cops won’t even let the football lads near the statue. Streets will be blocked off. To them.
The Antifa and BLM cunts will be allowed to go though.
I hope to be proved wrong, but I doubt it.
Part of me wants them to throw Churchill in the Thames. That should wake a few cunts up. I’d like to see the BBC try and support that. Their building would be burned to the fucking ground within a few hours.
The ignorance of these people defies belief. Let’s not forget that Hitler was a white supremacist who murdered black people by the thousand.
Let’s not also forget the thousands of black people killed in WW2.
Not that any of this matters of course to these people as long as whitey is put in his place. I’ve been to Zimbabwe. Perhaps this guy and his uk should take a good long hard look at that country and what happens when the white colonial imperialists are driven out. It turned the Breadbasket of Africa into a wasteland full of starving people with no hope in their eyes. It’s truly depressing.
And while we’re busy pandering to these people and tearing down statues, we should also remember Orwells Ministry of Truth. Rewriting history doesn’t mean that it never happened..
The rock ape showed the true colour ( pun intended) with this one. Didn’t understand exactly what Churchill did for the fight against fascism, went with pack mentality and primarily did it for the likes and happy face emojis.
I.d. it, imprison it and if it wasn’t born here, deport it.
The daily fail has an article of a copper getting beaten up by a pack of them while a ginger gets selfies.
Awful state of affairs BUT as soon as the police took the knee they showed a weakness. And that will be exploited and now they’re seen as fair game.
Yeah, weak police combined with weak government and you are asking for trouble. Anyone seen those ads for Boris’s extra 20000 coppers? Fucking hell, three quarters of the cunts shown are BAME and it looks like they’re recruiting for Nancy boy social workers. But then look who is top of the tree in the Police. That useless lezza is a fucking disgrace.
“He didn’t fight the Nazis for black people.”
Let’s expand this ‘theory’.
He’s saying that it wasn’t worth doing unless it was primarily to save black people.
Perhaps Churchill should’ve said, “I have surrendered to Hitler with immediate effect because saving the British would be racist, as we don’t have a lot of dark keys here. I know beating Hitler would save the dark keys in the Commonwealth and beyond from extermination, but it would be racist of me to help them.”
Does this idiot not see how fucking thick he is?
It’s quote time again:
“In a time of universal deceit – telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”
“The further a society drifts from truth the more it will hate those who speak it.”
“The people will believe what the media tells them they believe.”
“The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history.”
“All tyrannies rule through fraud and force, but once the fraud is exposed they must rely exclusively on force.”
Can you tell who it is yet? The more this present day mania continues, and I mean not just the latest created uproar but the entire downward spiral of society, the more I feel Orwell was a whistle blower and was warning us of the outcome of this manipulation.
Enoch and Orwell were fucking prophets.
So true…wonder if they had statues?
George Orwell has one at the BBC – how about that for fucking irony?
Now THAT is irony!
If you live in a street with a now contentious name be prepared to see your address change.
Desmond Tutu Drive for instance
I’m not taking any risks…I’ve already changed Fiddler Towers to…..
: “His Excellency, President for Life, Field Marshal Al Hadji Doctor Idi Amin Dada, VC, DSO, MC, CBE, Lord of All the Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Seas and Conqueror of the British Empire in Africa in General and Uganda in Particular’s Tyre-Swing Tree-Tops.
That should appease the Cunts.
Morning SV
Morning All
I hope the hounds are primed and the howitzers are loaded?
Morning Dick
For England and the Queen
The Towers withstood Border Reiver attacks… a few soy-boys and bonobos’ll find it a rather unpalatable nut to crack.
TT DF@ – but you forgot to fly the black flag of our “democratic friends” Antifa Sir Fiddler!
Tsk, tsk – you need to check your white privilege and pay reparations – and to make our monkey friends happy remove every invention, medical breakthrough and tiny piece of democracy and progress from the history of humankind, then convert a few tyres into swings and petrol filled burning necklaces whilst simultaneously selling whitey to black slavers.
That should hopefully do, until next week.
I used to live on a street called ‘Trafalgar Road’. Maybe when I return to visit the area one day It’ll be called ‘George Floyd Avenue’ or ‘Raheem Sterling Lane’. Fuck off.
And Southgate can fuck off too actually. Saying he’s proud of his players supporting BLM? I’m actively going to support any fucking team playing England while this twat is in charge.
Chief Mangosuthu Buthelezi Cul-de-sac 🙂
Coward of the highest order
When/if they do find out who he is he should be Blackballed
Tar and Feather the bastard ???
The filthy ape is already black-balled.
Amazon have denied the police access to facial recognition technology. The corporations are siding with the protesters.
Big corporations are using the current crises to establish their own power above the state. That my fellow cunters is fascism. All these anti nazi protesters are aiding and abetting the establishment of global fascism.
I can’t even begin to understand what Amazon would need facial recognition software for. If it’s to identify disgruntled ex-employees then anybody who ever worked for them at base level would cover it.