Taking A Knee (2)

All twats

An arthritic, creaking, cracking cunting for the piss weak signalling practice known as “Taking The Knee ” adopted by snowflakes to show solidarity with our darker hued brethren as they struggle to throw off the chains of the white mans oppression. Taking the fucking piss more like. I would give them a knee alright….straight in the bollocks. That criminal cunt Floyd took the knee and look what good that did him.

Nominated by Grumpy Old Cunt

49 thoughts on “Taking A Knee (2)

  1. Do not give the blick man the whip hand under any circumstances. They will fucking abuse it as they are already starting to: egg and spoons kicking in two coppers in Hackney yesterday. Police taking the knee should be fucking gone the wet cunts.

    Some old style copper on Mike Graham nailed it earlier, he said, “I will only take the knee for a blick man when I am kneeling over him trying to save his life by applying pressure to a knife or gunshot wound inflicted by another blick man”.

  2. If you’re going to “take the Knee”, fucking stay down where you belong, you subservient cunts.
    Don’t expect us to listen to your weak willed opinions in the future, and don’t ask the rest of us for help when your stupidity comes back to bite you in your arse.

    (No offence intended to Ron).

  3. I think Enoch called it ‘the whip hand’.

    No going back from those cops taking the knee.

    We are fucked.

  4. If when the football starts again and is televised, and these cunts take a knee,
    I’ll be switching off….
    ….even if it is my lot…..

    • Me Too JR.
      I hate what Man United have become already. But if I see cunts like Lingard and Pogba larging it while their team mates lick arse, I will never go to Old Trafford again.

  5. If these Mills & Boons think they can get away with this shit then they will. You name it, they will rape it, rob it, and kill it.

    And if the cozzers can’t or won’t protect people (and won’t even protect themselves) then it’s only inevitable that people will start to protect themselves from these savages and their SJW lickarse cohorts.

  6. Clapping for the NHS is one thing but this shit is unacceptable, absolute fucking idiots, but I guess the cunts haven’t the sense to see the damage it will cause.

  7. They won’t be content until the white man is the slave and the black man is the master. To be honest I think we’re halfway there already.

  8. Schoolkids will be taught to do this in morning assembly, on pain of exclusion and their parents being prosecuted.
    It’s coming I guarantee.
    My forecast for the day…

  9. It’s a form of totalitarianism.

    Remember when that nutter in North Korea croaked? People were imprisoned for not crying enough. If you see footage of the funeral, you see the public weeping well over the top to make sure they’re not accused.

    This ‘take a knee’ bollocks is the first example we’re seeing of this totalitarianism. If a player refused to take a knee, I bet he’d be vilified by the media and his own club. He’d probably be fired and no club would touch him. Career over.

    Same for anyone at work. I bet there are companies out there who’ve foolishly misread this situation. The corporate cunts just care about profits. They think supporting BLM and Antifa will help them shift more tea bags. I think they’re in for a surprise.

    Despite this, you will have employers bullying their employees into taking a knee for a Twitter photo opportunity.

    There really needs to be a law against employers using their employees to make political statements on their behalf. Prats like Linekunt say it’s a ‘humanitarian’ issue and not a political one. Which is utter bullshit, of course.

    BLM are a group that advocates huge social and political change. All of which are racist and in favour of black people only.

  10. Il only kneel once. Thatl be for the Queen when I get knighted for services to cuntishness

  11. This kneeling business by the weak minded needs stamping out completely.
    Send the fucking tanks in otherwise Fuck knows where it will end.
    The filthy cunts.

    • I can’t promise never to do the latter again, but I will on pain of death never do the former.

  12. I am sure Bendover Bradshaw, Russell-Moyle, Streeting, Nick Brown, Kyle & co would be only too happy to bend in front of a black man.

    Most of us would have more self respect. I would never bend the knee for anybody.

    • Take the knee, give up your self respect.
      Its cowering to give it its real name.
      Im taking the knee for ni cunt white, black, whatever.
      And if asked to do so, ive taken my reply from its hiding place atop the wardrobe.

      • “Take a knee”?
        Fuckoff – I am NO Mans slave. Yet.
        And how long before anyone refusing to take a knee is sacked by their Antifa or ethnic boss?
        I have noticed opinions among my fellow contributors hardening recently, and not for a minute because I believe anyone here is genuinely racist but instead decent ordinary people who want to live their lives in their own Country without being made to swallow shit, but becoming increasingly and justifiably angry at the constant and unjustified hatred and racism towards us.
        It will tip over the edge into civil action when our armed forces are made to take a knee, which will be next.
        Then we have war, better to stand than be ethnically cleansed out of existence.
        And what’s the score with sooty – the fucker wasn’t even black – he should check his yellow furry privilege and we should immediately erect a statue so it can be torn down! ?
        On other news, combat in the name of payback is fun.

  13. If you ask me, Floyd took the knee that he deserved. Perhaps that should be made a stipulation – you can only take the knee if there’s a black criminal cunt under it. Let’s see how fucking long this business lasts, perhaps until we run out of black criminals. Actually, that sounds like a plan to me.

  14. I’ve been angry about this all week now I just feel completely fed up. Where the hell is the strong leadership this country needs.
    Baden Powell is a target now apprantly one of his faults that he was homophobic. What in the 1930s when it was illegal and he was setting up the boy scouts. Jesus Christ did they expect him to say ” Yes two consenting men engaging in intercourse is perfectly natural. Who fancies camping”
    So by my reckoning all Roman towns need to be flattened, pyramids removed, Coliseum in Rome flattened. All Catholic churches shut.Viking centre in York shut.
    I remember being at primary school in the early 1980s when the cold war was brewing and it felt like things could go wrong very badly very quickly then. I think this is the worst I’ve felt about the planet since then. Whole generation leading the way that are so out of touch with reality.

    • Baden – Powell was not homophobic in any way, he knew that setting up an organisation involving groups of kids would attract those “with wrong intentions” and acted to stop such people being involved.
      Scouting has provided enjoyment, happiness, life skills and colour blind equality across the World and anyone insulting Baden – Powell’s memory and legacy needs hanging from his statue.
      The Fox boils.

      • Exactly, so someone who has done so much for so many getting dragged into their shit. Hopefully there will be a reckoning soon.

  15. I see my former home town of Newport is holding a BLM demo. Fuck me, what is the matter with these cunts? Newport is now a crime riddled shithole with a vastly disproportionate number of offenders coming from the tinted community. Bristol I can understand, it has turned into a trendy, vegan, green party, woke fucking western Brighton. But Newport? For fuckssake. Taking a fucking knee? We are truly fucked.

  16. They will definitely be kneeling before a match when it starts next week, I can guarantee it. The filthy Krauts have already been doing it……now there’s a bunch of cunts who need to remember their history! Unfortunately there won’t be any crowd there to make their feelings known. It’s a fucking disgrace. Anybody who does this is a fucking brainless fucking eunuch. The media is in control not the fucking state. But it results in an easily manipulated population…… a bunch of spineless fucking gayboys.
    I fucking fear for the future and I only hope I am wrong.

    • We’re surrendering to minorities faster than the French surrendered to the Germans. What the fuck is up with people these days?

  17. These BLM cunts are essentially a black version of the NF and are quite simply anti-white racists who have dragged race relations back to the 1970’s. I’ve never been a racist (actually went out with a black American bird for a while) and resent being called one by these cunts but I’m rapidly coming round to the idea that I may as well be. I’m off to parliament square to pull down the statue of the terrorist Mandela then hunt down Sad Dick Cunt to give him a knee in the bollocks (if he has any). I will obviously wear an appropriate face covering to protect me from bat flu and have fashioned one from an old white pillowcase simply by cutting out eye holes. Never before in the history of human conflict has so much been fucked up for so many by so few. We will fight them in their hoods, we will fight them in the chiggun shops, We will fight them on the beaches, we will NEVER surrender.

      • Thanks RTC it was your link yesterday that did it!
        It’s Bernard Bresslaw in Carry on follow that Camel (jockey)…

      • Well fuck me sideways, so it is! I imagined he was some dark key cricketer or summat. ?

        Yeah, saw your reply yesterday thanks. Still waiting with baited breath to see Vernon’s new avatar…

    • I’m genuinely laughing loudly at that diatribe.
      “fight them in the chiggun shops” 🙂

    • “A black version of the NF”? Fucking well said KK – or should I say “howisthat”! ??

  18. Latest programme to be withdrawn from streaming……League of Gentlemen……..blackface obviously. Ban that programme Mickey love!

    • “What job do you want to do Mickey love”?
      “Me name Raheem whitey, and I don’t want no job – I wanna sign on for whitey money, smoke weed and eat fried chiggun, deal drugs, rape white bitches and kill whitey for the stuff dey av worked all their life for, innit, ya racist”.
      The windrush generation – decent, loyal people who came to work hard and improve their lives in a DECENT Country must be in utter despair.

    • “You my bitch now whitey”.
      I fucking well don’t love that.
      #fightback – repatriate these fuckers to the African continent – and send the white Antifa terrorist traitors with them. Use of force is sanctioned.
      But not from the Police obviously – they might get RSI from all that hand wringing! ?

  19. Totally agree with the path we’re on ending up at sacking if you have the temerity to disagree with taking a knee. I only found out the other day that there is now case law in the UK that allows you to be sacked if you believe transwomen are not real women.

    Way I always look at it is, if a transwoman committed a crime.and they took DNA from the scene would they be looking for a female suspect?

    No they fucking wouldn’t.

  20. When is Netflix taking down Dave Chapelle content, which I think is great and he’s very reasoned on matters of race but he does like to white up for some sketches so surely has to go like Little Britain etc

  21. I was reading today that many people want to sell up and leave London.
    We’ve been told for a couple of decades now that diversity is our strength so i wonder why the need to escape?

  22. In my experience – having lived among them – the only thing that kaffirs are good at is breaking things. Look at Zimbabwe. QED.

    They fuck everything up that they touch, then ask Whitey to sort it out.

    Cunts the lot of them and the knee benders will get screwed in the arse and thoroughly deserve it – all the cunts are good for.

    The resistance is building………Bring it on.

    They’re all a bunch of cunts

    Big Al

  23. Sometimes ( just sometimes ) I think a civil war is what is needed in this country. The better part of me recognizes that civil war is expensive and quite a blunt instrument. The bad bugger within though thinks a selective vral attack on all but the caucasian race is the answer.
    My basement lab is busy , ( quite busy ) at the moment. Now where in fuck did Quasimodo get to…

    • We couldn’t even do a civil war properly in this country!
      The number of different factions are so numerous, you wouldn’t know who is on whose side. At the moment it’s roughly splitting
      North/South.(you draw the boundary). All the fuckin’ wimps and snowflakes fall below a line drawn between London and Bristol.

      • We’ll end up like North and South Korea. Thank Dog I’m a Southerner. ?

      • Can’t have that mate. Down here in Cornwall there’s very little libtard snowflakery…some, but not much. Believe me, the further west you go down here it’s more and more like The Hills Have Eyes, particularly Redruth and Camborne. Ethnics wouldn’t last 5 seconds before old Trevaskus Penberthy either ate ’em or bummed ’em or both.

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