Police lives matter.


To be honest I am getting a little pissed off, please peruse this film of police violence involving people of colour, not the type that people are rioting about is it.

Officers attacked with machetes, knives, baseball bats because they can not fight back. I heard an officer say to a criminal “I can’t touch you, so you don’t touch me” sounds very scary doesn’t it. As to be expected the suspect kicked off and a scuffle ensued.

In fact I have little more to say on the matter, I am so pissed off.

Yours admin, 

54 thoughts on “Police lives matter.

  1. Sickening, and we are not allowed to condemn them for fear of being branded racist, scum, underclass, society needs to wake up

  2. This is what happens when your betrayed from the top down.
    And when police officers take the knee.
    Be seeing a lot of this shortly.

  3. The policeman only wanted to take him back to London Zoo, but he didn’t have any Bananas to keep him occupied, when he got upset his Ape calls attracted other Apes who jumped around frantically throwing their arms around in a wild manor, eventually more keepers arrive and the Apes were caged!

    May sound a little racist, but if you watch the video it’s pretty accurate!!

  4. Every criminal cunt ‘ of colour’ caught by the coppers now has free rein; they’ll yell ‘racist’ at the top of their lungs and their Grauniad friends will scream ‘discrimination!’ in support.
    As Miserable says, betrayed from the top down. Fuck knows where we go from here.

    • No stop and search for kaffirs. No kaffir dealers arrested. Knife crime rampant. Kaffir muggers, joyriders and shoplifters out of bounds.
      Woke paradise.

  5. It’s white people undermining the police, this isn’t a race thing it’s an ideology thing. Blacks are being used and manipulated.

    • Their tiny Simian brains aren’t up to figuring that one out.

      Give it another two or three hundred thousand years of evolution and the penny might drop.

      This is nothing but the left throwing their toys out of the pram because of Brexit and a huge Tory majority in Parliament.

      The BAME are just their useful idiots.

      • Spot on. They also have a fucking massive gripe with Trump probably getting elected again. They cannot win at the ballot box so their only chance is the destruction of western society through cultural Marxism. Fucking cunts!

      • I’d say I agree, but even here with a fully liberal Government, the minorities are agitating for wholesale change. The usual white guilt cunts on talkback radio boo-hoo-ing in apology, as they’ve decided their street name is racist or whatever, even though they’ve lived there perfectly happy for the last 50 years.

        Jacinda hasn’t caved yet, she’s just kicked it back to local councils to figure out. This is truly a first world issue with absolutely zero significance to 95% of normal people.

        BoringLimtedMinds are cunts and the white apologists are worse.

  6. We’re all pissed off admin.
    If the police will get up off their knees for a moment, and use live ammunition, I’m sure it’ll have an immediate and permanent effect on those concerned.
    It won’t affect me, or anyone else I know, as we’re not involved in criminal activity.

  7. No wonder they are spending millions on recruitment advertising. Fuck me who would want that job, especially the BAMEs featured in the ads? They’ll be Uncle Toms, their life won’t be worth living. Look at the leadership…….Ms. Strap-On, that McKay cunt who ran away and left PC Palmer to be butchered and the Commissioner in waiting (mark my words) Chief Inspector (Clouseau) Neil Basu, friend of the EU, scourge of the “far right” and complete and utter incompetent fuckwit.
    What a shower of shit.

    • If you could show the chief constables of the 1960s the material currently at the top of the system I think that their collective reaction would be one of utter disbelief.

    • We should start organising to police ourselves.
      No rules to say we cant use extreme force!
      Who are they going to be most respectful of some gay copper saying “i cant touch you” in one knee?
      Or a group of men masked up and talking mob justice?

      • Already on that one MNC – another attempted attack on a war memorial in my local area yesterday, this one got nasty and the “big ‘ard mofus” got a serious hiding, pigs called, but nobody saw a thing and I only heard about it after leaving my ballroom dancing lesson..

      • If you’re going to go there Miserable, always go for something soft.

        The BAME are mostly bone from the neck up.

        Personally, I think that all of the statues of historical figures the left want removing should be replaced with a certain character from the Robertsons jam jars and then watch the epic chimpouts from a safe distance.

  8. The BBC don’t help by reporting the ‘news’ that some rapper’s relative was tazerred by (gasp) a white copper.

    Ok, so why was he tazerred? And how many honkies were tazered on the same day?

    It’s now at the point where blacks can commit any crime they want because arresting or charging the is now racist.

    If they keep this up, we’ll end up with an Adolf in charge.

  9. what this is going to do is instead of uniting comoonitays its going to split them.
    There will be a backlash from whites. Be it a surge in online hate ( mandatory prison if you’re white, slap on the wrist if not) or marches by EDL etc.

  10. A depressing thing to watch, but the questions it raises are just as depressing.
    A policeman struggles on the floor with a suspect and people just stand there filming.
    Knowing what society is like now, the threat of getting stabbed in a situation like that is very real.
    And I honestly think were someone to intervene and the suspect arrested, would he receive a real punishment from the courts ?
    The answer in all likelihood is no, the system will have to alter completely to stop all this shit, but I don’t think it will.
    Imagine getting stabbed helping the police, only for the cunt to get a short sentence, if a sentence at all ?

    • A couple of years ago the mrs and I were going home at night and we were almost hit head on by a car with no headlight on, we swerved off the road and it crashed into a parked car.
      I sort of flipped and bailed from the car and ran over to the crashed car that was trying to restart and reverse off, I took the blokes keys and dragged him out, what then ensued was almost an hour of semi fights and groups of youths trying to get the car keys back off me (I had hidden them) any way when plod finally turned up I ended up in Guildford nick for 3 hours and it was a bit touch and go if I was going up on an assault charge.
      The bloke pleaded guilty on our statements and lost his licence.

      • That was the point I was making Lord B, they don’t take the side of common sense or right.
        Decent people can no longer count on the support of the police.

      • I never have counted on the “support” of the Police – I am my own Police – and I don’t take a fucking knee.

      • I’ve never had cause to rely on the police Mr Fox , but current events have proven they’re not on the side of ordinary people.
        It pisses me off my taxes pay their wages, and pensions I could only dream of.
        If they were earning those wages, by doing what they’re supposed to all well and good.
        At best they’re turning the other cheek, and at worst are siding with the fuckers.
        I see a few lads are going to guard monuments in londonistan, they won’t be treated with kid gloves when it goes off. The coppers won’t hold back then.

  11. And it seems the cops have been instructed by the high ups not to arrest anyone black, even if they attack coppers.

    The high ups are just protecting their gold plated pensions and not their own officers and the general public.

    Cressida Dickhead and the chief of police in Bristol would resign if they had an ounce of decency.

    They have failed us all.

    • Never get a woman to do a man’s job – and especially not a Lesbian. They might think they have balls, but all they have is their dildos

  12. In the US they are going to defund the police, who’s going to take care of you then? White nutters with guns v black nutters with guns? Martial law is the logical result.

  13. Here’s an idea. Why don’t we swap police with our USA besties? They get a far softer and fragrant bunch, and we get what we need which is police with a spine and actual ability to defend themselves i.e. handguns, male, 200lbs+.

    All those idiot police who recently said they didn’t want handguns. If camera phones weren’t ubiquitous then this bunch of animals probably would have chanced their luck and beaten the police to within an inch of their lives. At this point it’s only video evidence that acts as any sort of deterrence to criminals.

    The police have relied on a historical image of power that has now been shattered thanks to decades of limp wrist policing and the justice system.

    If they don’t want handguns, then I do. They clearly can’t keep anyone safe if they can’t keep themselves safe. Fucking embarrassing this country.

  14. The average boots on ground coppers have been badly let down by govt lib cunt press and media plastic mayors
    degree entrant senior coppers no who have no idea of front line policing all that said who thought going down on one knee would be a good move silly cunts

    • Hear hear. I have a lot to do with the police in my line of work and, let me tell you, morale is gone past rock bottom. I fear the backlash from the majority as we’re pushed and pushed, I really do.

  15. Welcome to the Planet Of The Apes.

    Cunts like Cressida Dildo and that spineless shit in Bristol are to blame, but the man at the top is Boris. He has allowed this to happen and Priti Patel is also fucking useless. If something isn’t done this country will be like Mugabe’s Zimbabwe with shit weather. I wouldn’t care if the army took charge. It’s only the cunts and the chocolate criminals who would need to worry.

  16. The instruction “would you accompany me to the station sir”? Should now be extended to include a swift up-stroke between the legs with sir fiddler’s salmon gaff!

  17. Having watched the video, it was obviously an orchestrated attempt to create a scenario similar to the George Floyd footage.
    The actions of the African in Puma gear convinced me of this.
    Sack Cressida Dick an Javed.
    Armed response on terroris alert.
    Time to ditch the hearts and minds approach-it never has and will never work.
    Johnson, Patel-unshackle HM Police, today.

    • If the police had any balls they’d do it themselves. They would depose the sickening Cressida Dyke, tool up their lads and lasses, get on their horses and go at these machete wielding apes and the SJW psychos. They should also mark Boris’s card and all and say don’t fuck with us.

      Fat chance though, eh?

      • Police promotions now depend on PC attitudes, management speak and general horseshit. They have the inevitable collection of useless cunts in charge now. They wont mark any fucker’s card except for woke bullshit – hate crime, misgendering, and any number of isms.

    • It’s impossible, minds, what minds, the fuckers can barely speak English, probably have L and R on their trainers init!

      • TT sick of it@ – does the L and R on our black chums (stolen) trainers refer to looting and rape so they can look down and see what they are doing today?

  18. The worst thing about this is how from Kweer Charmer downwards the politicians are determined to see all BAMEs as “victims” and “discriminated against”. It suits them to paint these people as being bullied when they are themselves the bullies and politicians turning a blind eye to their behaviour encourages them further.

    If you believe the BBC George Floyd is martyr – he isn’t of course, he was a violent criminal but it suits Dame Kweer to accept the BBCs biased opinions.

  19. I have a great new acronym for WOKE.
    It’s ‘War On the Kneeling EMO’s’, and for those that don’t know what an EMO is, it is complete idiot who thinks they know true pain, but only hate every body because some where down the line they didn’t get what they wanted. Kind of fits a lot of these ungrateful immo cunts that don’t realise how lucky they are to live in a country where if you are prepared to show your worth you can progress.

    But setting aside humour, how woke can this society get, with the aid of our kneeling police officers? Assuming we must capitulate to the lefty agenda and all it’s facets there is only so far that it can go before a dictatorship takes over and liberty is curtailed.

    This throws up quite an interesting paradox doesn’t it, because when you look at far left dictatorships like China, North Korea, Russia, where are the freedoms that we/they enjoy here? Also, where are all the blacks and parking Stanley’s in those countries?
    Ah right…I get it, so we all have to accept what our masters decide our social values are going to be but still retain our liberalism? But here’s the juxtapisition; Liberal stands for:
    “willing to respect or accept behaviour or opinions different from one’s own; open to new ideas”.

    The gauntlet has been thrown down by our masters as police lives don’t matter or indeed white lives, only black lives matter innit. What they’re prepared to allow it would seem is cultural and institutional subversion. That’s what millions lost their life for.
    Cunts, all of them.

  20. Pethaps the police federation should have words with the home office and some the politicians in their own ranks.
    Policing in this country is now a joke.

    Too long spent arresting people for effigeess and ooinions, being undermined by community cohesion types within their own ranks.

    I dont expect real policing to return under Boris.

  21. Fuck them, if they behave like a bunch of pussy whipped nancy boys then they’ll get what’s coming to them.
    Man up rozzer, do you see that fairy dyke leading the charge? No? Well sort it out or stack shelves for a living.
    That’s what happens when you put rainbow munching wimminz in charge of a mans job.

  22. As a resident of Hackney id like to say
    A) Abbopottomus is a race baiting,mother of a cunt.
    B) fuck #blacklivesmatter
    Thats all

  23. The only way to deal with cunts like this is to take a knee…across their throat.

  24. I recall an amusing incident in Leeds some Years ago when my Brother was working doors – a copper goes flying by running like fuck pursued (hunted would have been the more appropriate word) by a bunch of black “Men” – our kid called cover, gave chase to find said white copper alone and trapped by four savage black Men, his life was in danger and from his description I think that copper would have been killed.
    Our kid waded in and annihilated all four of these fuckers, more coppers (eventually) turned up, got the word from the intended victim and the copper in charge shook our kids hand and said “quality piece of violence there mate”!
    Still piss myself at that one.

  25. Seems who ever we vote for we get a lefty hand wringing party come what may.
    It’ll be e free for all now for our black comuni’ee innit blud.

    • Just so there’s no misinterpretation, I couldn’t give a fuck about bleaching the statue, I’m just wortied that I and my colleagues will end up picking up the pieces, or get hurt, when it kicks off. And it will. You can only push the majority so far.

      • Rotten bad sculpture. Should be removed on aesthetic grounds alone. #compulsorygoodtaste Who he anyway?

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