Cummings and goings

Dominic Cummings : Well, not him; the cunt is the media storm surrounding the allegation that he broke his government’s rules on lockdown. Unsurprisingly, this story has been released by The Guardian and Mirror. And such is the ferocity of the storm, that the truth is lost in the tumult.

In the past couple of months, this country has largely behaved with dignity. I like to think this is in recognition of the seriousness of the situation and there are some parallels with the population’s stoicism during WW2. For a while, we benefitted from an opposition in lockdown. Sadly, the left, now restless, are allowed a voice and are using Covid 19 as a stick with which to beat the government. And the lefties now crawling out of the woodwork, are seeking to gain political mileage in the most disgraceful way. This includes scientists hoping to dodge blame, remainers hoping to usurp democracy, immigrant sympathisers who seek to see the UK down the pan, the greens who think this is utopia, and healthcare professionals hoping to gain… what? I nearly forgot to add Ian Blackford.

Meanwhile the Tories continue to behave with the dignity and the measured approach that is required to govern a country. Perhaps they are mindful that people are still succumbing to this disease.

Nominated by Sgt Maj Cunt

An Emergency cunting for Boris Johnson/Dominic C/The Government,
I am watching Boris present todays Press Briefing and he DOES NOT believe Dominic C has behaved in a way that warrants his sacking…Well, well, well.
Not only has Boris shown he cant take a piss or a shite without Dominic holding his hand he’s shown that Dominic is really running the country.
I have serious concerns abaaaaht this lockdown response and the laws brought in and also the proposed privacy breaches they want to bring in.
I also have concern’s abaaaaht this Government’s plan to force people back to unsafe work places because they are shitting themselves due to the economy going down the shitter and also the fact they jumped in the deep end by paying people to stay at home and then wonder why not many want to return back to work with the lovely weather etc.
Regarding Dominic…I quite like the cunt. He is obviously a clever, arrogant near genius (like myself) but where Dominic and I differ is that he allowed himself to get caught being a hypocritical cunt.
So Boris has showed that he is possibly a likeable clown but a bit aaaaaht of his depth.
I predict a Rear Stormer, Labour victory in the next election after this pile of cunt has been dissected.
This country is going down the shitter, run for your lives.
Go fuck yourselves.

Nominated by Black and White Cunt

The MSM’s attempt at destroying Dominic Cummings. Cummings mission is to destroy woke bollox and the “march through the institutions” deep state. He is the only hope of any change. He goes then we are back to the old normal bullshit. We need major change, or we are all well and truly fucked. Fuck lockdown, fuck the useless civil service, the bureaucratic NHS, home office,foreign office clone Blairite,un,who, eu loving fucking cunts.

Nominated by Smug cunt

162 thoughts on “Cummings and goings

  1. I’m in two minds on this one.

    Part of me thinks Boris should do the right thing and sack him. Surely he could keep him on the payroll but stashed away in the background.

    Or maybe he should just ignore the whole thing, brazen it out and keep him in post as a massive ‘fuck you’ to the Leftards.

  2. For me, this has fuck all to do with politics. It’s simply a matter of following the rules, whoever you are…

    Did the police stop the cunt on his 500+ mile round trip ? I don’t think so.

    Sack the cunt.

  3. By the way if any of you are looking for lockdown reading I highly recommend Andrew Roberts’s biography of Churchill. It’s extremely well written and provides plenty of insight about his life before he became our wartime PM.

    • The Boris Johnson one was too biased but I recommend the Roy Jenkins one Tao.

    • Bugger anything even vaguely political, I’m fed up with it. I’m going to re-read Fox in Socks, whilst drinking a bottle of gin and listening to early Tangerine Dream.

  4. Thanks to Dom, cum is no longer a moderated word!
    I suppose the alternative would have been to contact him and have him change his name by Deed poll, That may have been a bit tricky, Imagine.

    Dear Mr Cummings,
    An article featuring your name recently appeared on the site Is a cunt, Unfortunately Cum is a trigger word and many comments (Both favourable and unfavourable) were consigned to moderation.
    This has caused an overload to the admin team so we were wondering if perchance you would consider changing your name?
    We find that Abbot/Bono/Corbyn are some of the most popular names on the site and do not trigger moderation, Perhaps you would consider this?
    Yours the admin team

    wonder how that would have panned out?

  5. What the fuck is more important DM getting the sack for absconding, personally I think Prity P should be held accountable for the total disregard for our safety allowing hundreds of fucking dingy dwellers getting into blighty Secure the fucking borders you daft twat or back to your corner shop,.

    Priorities in this CUNTRY are a fucking joke

  6. That old cunt Nicola Sturgeon was just on the midday Wireless 4 news – first voice on the bullitien to hold forth about Dom. Interesting – yet another motormouth Remainiac -it could have been worse it could have been old jockstrap Ian Blackford himself.

    I wonder if “Lord” Adonis is still alive – surely he would like to say a word or two?

  7. Quite apart from the indignation caused to people who genuinely tried to keep the lockdown, apart from the obvious Euro-ploy, and apart from the question of whether Cuntminge was running round a bluebell wood as well as simply pulling a fast one-
    Krankie fired her Covid advisor pronto and without too much discussion, for the same offence. In PR terms there could be no alternative. DC’s familiar with the dependence of politics on image; it’s actually his fucking job . He should have volunteered for the chop!

    Boris is looking increasingly haggard, and I imagine he’s under enormous strain and no longer thinking straight. He’s got two monster issues running, disagreement from his own side on both of them, and Blair II leading the Opposition. He’s got Gove waiting in the wings with a dagger, and as impressive a bunch of incompetents as we have not seen since May around him. He’s fucked. We’re fucked. Everything’s fucked. And if you doubt it, wait until the bill falls due.

    • On the contrary Wee Jimmy backed her 100%, saying she was too valuable to lose. It was only after she made that speech that the bitch resigned making the Mel Gibson wannabe look a right cunt.

    • Afternoon all. FF, thanks, I stand corrected. DC should still have resigned, though, rather than demonstrating that he doesn’t know his job.

  8. So where was the media onslaught for Commissioner Strap on over the Westminster Bridge fiasco? That’s been conveniently forgotten because she ticks all the boxes. Fuck me, she managed to kill an innocent man, an immigrant no less, and still got promoted!!
    Speaking of which just heard on the radio that the Durham top copper is ordering an investigation. Be prepared for untold witnesses, who just happen to have connections to the Labour Party, to swear blind they saw a certain bald cunt trying to drag little girls into his car. This shit writes itself.

  9. You know what ? I don’t give a wank where Dom Cum went or shagged. I’m fed up with every news channel barking on about it 24/7 .
    Let’s hope this time next week the media have moved on.
    All I want is the Pubs and the Bookies to open and end this extremely damaging and absurd lockdown.
    Fuck me… last year most people didn’t believe a word the Government were saying when Brexit was going to happen, now all the sheeple believe everything word their told.
    Shield the old / sick lame ducks etc but not perfectly healthy people.
    You only have to look around you to see the Apocalypse never happened .
    So let’s all get back to normal shagging boozing gambling and other forms of self gratification.
    I usually get treated like a Holocaust denier when I air these views but I dont give a fuck .

    • Perfectly said. It was frighteningly easy to turn most of the country into curtain twitching snitches, be it lockdown breaking, or even not joining in the rabid mass clapathon every Thursday night. I only switch on the news to see if they have come to their senses, and ease, or abandon the lockdown, get disappointed, and switch off, because the rest is meaningless bollocks.
      Also, I wonder how many people are sitting at home have come to the conclusion that after two months of their absence, the world carried on working?

      • Here here Gutstick.
        I think people are starting to question the whole lockdown madness and weather it has even saved any lives.
        Correct me if I’m wrong but I heard that people could invite round up to 10 family members . Does it matter if you invite 10 or 100 it only takes one to be carrying it .

      • But don’t you see, your ‘R’ number would increase fro 10 to 100? ?

  10. Regardless of the outcome of this little episode and the whole Covid situation, Bozza needs to pull his finger out of his fat arse and start delivering for the cunts like us who put him where he is today.

    I know he’s had a bloody tough start to his PMship but the next five years are going to fly past and whilst Labour are currently an unelectable lash-up, led by an uninspiring automaton, Kweer Charmer isn’t a swivel-eyed lunatic like Steptoe and in my view stands a half decent chance of making Liebour a reasonable proposition for a lot of voters. Not me though, I wouldn’t vote for them as long as Abbott’s got a hole in her arse.

    Basically, we are governed by a shower of cunts, whoever gets in.

    Without radical and wide-ranging reform, both politically and socially, Ladies and Gents, we’re royally fucked.

  11. I for one do not want Keir Steamer in number 10, I understand Dominic is key to Boris’ success but this all looks weak and is not doing Boris any good long term.
    Dominic should have resigned and somehow got a new job under a new title later when the shitstorm has blown over.
    This has handed lawyer cunt Keir Starmer the ammo needed to have a proper go at Boris in Parliament.

    • Agree entirely B&WC. As well parliament isn’t sitting this week so Kweer doesn’t get the chance to be “forensic”

      • Steve Baker is a cunt. Going public, and leading the anti Boris faction, all of whom want an extension. If Boris falls, an extension is almost certain. If an extension is applied for, shit will hit a fan in such volume. Having won the Northern vote, an extension will be seen as a betrayal, and the Tories will be fucked over royally. I doubt they would be returned with a majority. The winners ? The fucking EU, and the remain camp and all the limp wristed twats of the luvvie brigade.
        Go for it Dom…..STAY !

    • I don’t agree that he should resign, this is all about the msm seeing a chance to stick one in his back because he is the architect of brexit the antichrist of the left. He’s gone to isolate on a remote farm so he’s got the insurance that his child can be looked after if he and the missus is too fucked to care for him. He should have have told them to go fuck off.

  12. this is all a distraction
    all it proves is that there is not and never has been a risk from the coronavirus – the real risk is a remainer media intent on breaking the government – not that they are in charge anyway – get rid of sedwill and britain may become livable in again

  13. I had a former collegue who had been a friend of his, ( he being also a musician. ) I belive he may also have played at the Flamingo Club and with a few of the Jazz greats. I assume therefore from your post you too are a jazz fan ?

  14. Don’t worry. This will all be deflected by Wednesday , as a cleaner will be making a public press-conference in the rose-garden – stating that she is very sorry for mis-appropriating a toilet-roll , and that she has sensibly decided to resign.

  15. Cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum. Sorry but now its been fixed I had to. ?

    • I would have gone for culture club Cuma chameleon, not because I like it but it has a lot of cum’s in it.

  16. Stephen Kinnock breaks lockdown to drive 200 miles delivering a birthday cake, nothing much done, Robert Jenrick breaks lockdown to visit his holiday home, nothing much done.
    Dodgy Dom Lecter, the Downing Street great white shark possibly breaks lockdown and his still bleeding head is demanded immediately on a spike by the usual twittering suspects – they seem all as bad to me. (He is still more of a Dick than a Dom though – at least LOOK like you give a fuck Man!).
    But if Machiavellian Moby goes who the hell is going to run the Country then? – Boris has gone AWOL and the Cabinet seem to have had a case of intellectual woodworm and no solution, treatment or clue to remedy it.
    I have never in my life known such poor governance, and when we are over the hill of this madness there must be a reckoning because we just cannot carry on like this.
    On other news – at least it’s sunny, lovely and fine – and I am going sit outside with a cup of tea – as anyone knows this is a quality situation! ?

  17. Well, that’s cleared everything up, the 48% remoaners still want him hung, drawn and quartered ?

    • And I see that horrible little wankstain Linekunt couldn’t wait to get his fucking oar in.

  18. Honestly, I’ve given up on this country now. I’m absolutely sick of it. What did we actually win by defeating the Nazis? Asian rape gangs, Black drug gangs, and globalist banksters controlling all our politicians. We can’t even fly our own flag without being called racists, but politicians from all sides wish a happy Eid Mubarak. We won absolutely jack-shit! In fact we lost!! As soon as my nan kicks the bucket, and I get my inheritance, I’m off!!!

  19. The readons given by Downing street are good enough.
    Let the media squeam and squeam and squeam. They clearly hate Mekon because of Brexit.

  20. One thing is now crystal clear from the response of , both the government – and Cummings himself.
    As an advisor , Cummings , rather than being a positive-force in government – is clearly there for one purpose alone.
    His job is to simply advise on which course of actions the government take , will be least harmful to their overall image and electability. Think on that.
    All his protestations of having to not only deal with multiple questions , whilst shuffling supplies of PPE , and engaging scientists? This is hogwash. Is he a one-man band? Are we to believe that the combined forces of Whitehall and the ministries all depend on his expertise in every area of their remit?
    This is preposterous.

    He performs one function , and one function alone – Damage Limitation Advice.
    That a government is more concerned in being seen to do the right thing , rather than actually doing it in the face of opinion – this speaks volumes of the low skill-level at work here across the board.
    I am saddened that we actually have a political class to be begin with , and that it is accepted that one can come straight from university into a senior government position. This is utterly mental.

    It is no wonder that these incompetents need advisors in what to present to the public – since they have never , ever presented anything to the public before office.

    The solution is quite clear , in that we need individuals skilled in business , with proven track-records – to run our country.
    If they are then seen to be lining off-shore accounts and impoverishing the poor – then they should be stripped of office and pension , bonuses etc – publicly shamed , and we move on with someone else.
    That we perpetuate the present form of out-moded , yet supposedly modernised , government is mindless.
    The shuffling around of ministers who can talk their way out of anything , is truly flying in the face of public sentiment.
    We need experts , not these incompetent fools.

    That we have advisors at all , is in itself mindless. After all , we did not vote for Cummings. People voted believing that Boris Johnson was in control , and had clear ideas how to make this country great again!!!! Big laugh there – although who’s laughing now? Only another 4 and a half years left of this , of course. Maybe it will all go away. Yeah right.

    • A very erudite post there Solar, that is precisely the problem across the board. We have careerists who are only interested in their own gains and that’s fine in the private sector but not for government. Country first, nationals first.
      If that’s not what you want then stay the fuck away and get a job in the private sector.
      Except they can’t, they’re simply not good enough to cut the mustard in the outside world. This is just a gravy train for the old school tie contingent and I detest them with a passion. In the real world, if you’re shit you get sacked, if you work for the establishment however, you get kept on, and knighted.
      Guy Fawkes was right.

  21. Did y’all see Cummings’ statement this afternoon?

    He didn’t do anything wrong, acted within the guidelines that the remoaner media pretend don’t exist.

    • You mean he acted within the guidelines set out in inter-departmental small print – which the government didn’t publish for fear of confusing us?

      Cummings wife reported that he had collapsed at home , prior to their little jaunt.
      Why was he in a car in the first place , if so?
      The charge should be – driving whilst impaired or in an unfit state.
      That this involved a child , would be concern for the social-services.

      That he took his wife , who was clearly infected , to another county is a reprehensible act.
      That she took the child to hospital is also significant , and shows the level of infection still present in and on herself.
      That they were released without her being tested is a grave error in both judgement – and probably the availability of testing equipment.

      This whole episode has highlighted the lack of planning and expertise of senior officials.
      They have had months.
      Without the benefit of the doubt – this whole thing simply beggars belief.

      • From memory, The kid was tested and came back negative, at the time only hospital admissions were being tested, as Mrs DC wasn’t admitted to hospital ……

      • With respect I disagree with you Solarflares, so don’t take it personally what I say.

        1) Cummings did not act on inter-department small print – read the guidelines for yourself. Looking just now on the .gov website around self-isolation it says “If you are living with children keep following this advice to the best of your ability, however, we are aware that not all these measures will be possible”. There is no legislation or rule that said stay at home at all costs.

        2 “Cummings wife reported that he had collapsed at home” According to Cummings, he rushed out of work, rushed home, did the drive to Durham in the evening. The wife’s statement is “But 24 hours later, he said ‘I feel weird’ and collapsed”. I don’t think the media have been reporting fairly and with accuracy on Cummings at all. For example he did not go for a jaunt in the woods – this is false. I might be wrong about the collapsing, but both seem to say he felt ill after they got to his father’s estate in the north.

        3 “The charge should be – driving whilst impaired or in an unfit state.” If you mean driving back to London for work he had been cleared to return to work. If you mean on the way up to his father’s farm, he did not have symptoms of illness during the drive up. I don’t see that he was either impaired or in an unfit state. He made both journeys without any incident.

        4 “That he took his wife , who was clearly infected , to another county is a reprehensible act.” With respect, driving in a car to another county isn’t going to infect anyone, he was taking his ill wife and innocent child to a safe haven. Seems the opposite of reprehensible and completely sensible given that he thought he was also coming down with the disease and could rely on a low risk family member to help once he got to his destination.

        5) “That she took the child to hospital is also significant , and shows the level of infection still present in and on herself.” What were they supposed to do? Not have an ill child looked at? Cummings rang emergency services and they said child must go to hospital. At that point in time, hospitals were either exclusively or mainly treating Covid patients. No risk in turning up to a hospital – that is what they were designed to do and designated for.

        6) “That they were released without her being tested is a grave error in both judgement – and probably the availability of testing equipment.” Released? They were never incarcerated by the state. Cummings was in the car to collect his wife and child from the hospital. The wife went in the ambulance with the child to hospital and she wasn’t admitted and was therefore never released, the child was the one in hospital.

        7) “This whole episode has highlighted the lack of planning and expertise of senior officials.” No, officials have given guidelines, not a rule book on every scenario.

      • No offence taken.
        Believe what you want.
        But you weren’t there – nor was I.
        But if I want to think they are simply a pair of dirty , sex-deranged doggers , that will do anything to get Some anonymous cock-action , away from home -then that’s up to me too.

      • Laws were passed giving powers to the police to apprehend and fine – hardly “guidelines”?


        The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (England) Regulations 2020

        Restrictions on movement
        6.—(1) During the emergency period, no person may leave the place where they are living without reasonable excuse.
        (2) For the purposes of paragraph (1), a reasonable excuse includes the need—
        to provide care or assistance, including relevant personal care within the meaning of paragraph 7(3B) of Schedule 4 to the Safeguarding of Vulnerable Groups Act 2006(1), to a vulnerable person, or to provide emergency assistance;

        Its not a loophole, its explicitly a thing.

  22. MPs are receiving emails condemning DC, well I would be surprised if they didn’t, every remoaning cunt in the country has a fucking grudge.

    He is guilty, not of breaking Chinky Flu rules, but of masterminding the vote leave campaign, he will never get away from that.

  23. Any talk of ‘No Cummings – No Brexit’ – is also utterly ridiculous.
    If we hit January and don’t come out on WTO terms – then we have another general election.
    One in which the three major parties will fail miserably , unless they show their true-colours – which they won’t.

    I’m right behind change.
    Red or blue or green is not change – it’s a shift of perspective , whilst the same old story is rolled-out. Blaming each other for the past , and clouding main issues with minor discrepancies.

    That a governing body decides just how a global event is interpreted to the masses , with the press as their instrument , is disgusting.
    We have no ‘news’ – we only have manipulation.

    I would rather see Farage as PM , and every radio and TV mast in this country torn down – than suffer another ill-managed , manipulative setback such as we are experiencing.

    But we can do better than that surely?

  24. I couldn’t give a fuck about Dom. driving the length of the Country while suffering symptoms (I’ve been fairly free and easy about the rules myself)….it’s the sheer hypocrisy that sticks in my craw. A Govt. ordering people not to leave home..can’t visit relatives…can’t work unless it’s vital…can’t go out and sit in the Park etc…….and yet the fucking Prime Minister excuses Dom for doing whatever the Fuck he liked ( how wise is it to shut a kid in a car with you for hours while you drive from London to Durham suffering from symptoms?) Whether what he did was “allowed” or not doesn’t alter the fact that everyone else was getting hounded if they as much as farted outside…”Covidiot” was the cry if people walked their dog twice a day..”Protect the NHS…Stay at Home….Save Lives”….and yet Johnson thinks that Dom. did nothing wrong…..Fucking incredible.

    All this “he’s a Btrxit hero” makes not a jot of difference…it’s rank hypocrisy. The fact that Johnson backs him is either sheer arrogance,very poor judgement…or Dom knows too many of Boris’s little secrets to risk sacking him…..personally I think that it’s a combination of all three.

    • Well said Dick. Pity your post didn’t appear earlier in the day.

  25. After an urgent press update just now , it was reliably reported , as confirmed on CCTV , that Dominic did indeed stop at Junction 21 services Northbound , and made full use of the glory-holes on both sides of cubicle 2.
    However , this is allowed , as described in section 54 sub-paragraph 6 of the government’s guidelines on exceptional circumstances.
    He was cumming , and standing and works for a Sir – so no foul there. He also said it was exceptionally good.


    Since intense anonymous motorway orgasms can lead to temporary myopia . Dominic and his wife decided that it would be worth the 30-minute drive , in order to check his eyesight had returned fully.
    They tested this by venturing out of their car in the dark , and wandering into the woods near the car-park.
    When asked whom was looking after their child in the meantime , Dominic replied – “Who fucking cares? I left the air-conditioning on and had a Teletubbies CD playing , like any good parent would“.

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