Cummings and goings

Dominic Cummings : Well, not him; the cunt is the media storm surrounding the allegation that he broke his government’s rules on lockdown. Unsurprisingly, this story has been released by The Guardian and Mirror. And such is the ferocity of the storm, that the truth is lost in the tumult.

In the past couple of months, this country has largely behaved with dignity. I like to think this is in recognition of the seriousness of the situation and there are some parallels with the population’s stoicism during WW2. For a while, we benefitted from an opposition in lockdown. Sadly, the left, now restless, are allowed a voice and are using Covid 19 as a stick with which to beat the government. And the lefties now crawling out of the woodwork, are seeking to gain political mileage in the most disgraceful way. This includes scientists hoping to dodge blame, remainers hoping to usurp democracy, immigrant sympathisers who seek to see the UK down the pan, the greens who think this is utopia, and healthcare professionals hoping to gain… what? I nearly forgot to add Ian Blackford.

Meanwhile the Tories continue to behave with the dignity and the measured approach that is required to govern a country. Perhaps they are mindful that people are still succumbing to this disease.

Nominated by Sgt Maj Cunt

An Emergency cunting for Boris Johnson/Dominic C/The Government,
I am watching Boris present todays Press Briefing and he DOES NOT believe Dominic C has behaved in a way that warrants his sacking…Well, well, well.
Not only has Boris shown he cant take a piss or a shite without Dominic holding his hand he’s shown that Dominic is really running the country.
I have serious concerns abaaaaht this lockdown response and the laws brought in and also the proposed privacy breaches they want to bring in.
I also have concern’s abaaaaht this Government’s plan to force people back to unsafe work places because they are shitting themselves due to the economy going down the shitter and also the fact they jumped in the deep end by paying people to stay at home and then wonder why not many want to return back to work with the lovely weather etc.
Regarding Dominic…I quite like the cunt. He is obviously a clever, arrogant near genius (like myself) but where Dominic and I differ is that he allowed himself to get caught being a hypocritical cunt.
So Boris has showed that he is possibly a likeable clown but a bit aaaaaht of his depth.
I predict a Rear Stormer, Labour victory in the next election after this pile of cunt has been dissected.
This country is going down the shitter, run for your lives.
Go fuck yourselves.

Nominated by Black and White Cunt

The MSM’s attempt at destroying Dominic Cummings. Cummings mission is to destroy woke bollox and the “march through the institutions” deep state. He is the only hope of any change. He goes then we are back to the old normal bullshit. We need major change, or we are all well and truly fucked. Fuck lockdown, fuck the useless civil service, the bureaucratic NHS, home office,foreign office clone Blairite,un,who, eu loving fucking cunts.

Nominated by Smug cunt

162 thoughts on “Cummings and goings

  1. If he did indeed make the trip to ensure his son was cared for properly then I don’t see the issue here.

    • Same here, General. Apparently his wife had symptoms so they made the trip to be near (but not with) extended family so if they all got it there was someone on hand to help with his young son.

      Typically the bum wipes known as the Graun and the Mirror want him sacked. Only because the lefties know that he is a strong character in the Government and his departure could, in their minds, erode the reputation of the Government, thus giving the pantomime Dame some points.

      I doubt there would be any such level of furore were this a Labour politician.

    • I do.
      He drove from London to Durham when the rest of us were being fined for similiar.
      If he was a Labour advisor we’d all be getting stuck in!
      Makes no difference what political party hes affiliated with, he took the piss, he was visiting local beauty spots and castles thats not unnecessary travel?
      For a smart man, he must be a bit dense to not see he was handing political opponents a PR weapon.
      Maybe hes arrogant an thinks the rules dont apply to him.

      • Morning, MNC.

        Barnard Castle is the town he travelled to, not an actual castle.

      • Morning Paul, no its a actual Castle ruins with village of the same name.
        But read its 30miles from his families property.
        Just thing we should call it as it is.
        if it had been Flabbott or someone on the Left we’d be roasting them.
        Dunno if im explaining it well enough?
        But just because hes a brexiteer doesnt make him exempt to me.

      • Exactly MNC, too much loyalty clouding people’s judgement.
        He was aaaaht of order, and considering he probably came up with or had a hand in the slogan ‘Stay home, protect the NHS, save lives’ makes it even more of a cunt.

      • Which shows what a bellend he is Moggie.
        Hes this super strategist,
        Surely he knew the MSM would have a fieldday?
        When this happened, I remember just up the road in Derbyshire, police road blocks, people getting on the spot fines etc
        If I said to the coppers im just driving 200miles, me and the missus are showing symptoms, how understanding do you think theyd of been?
        Id just be getting out of strangeways about now!

      • Ah, I see. Thanks MNC.

        Seems like Cummings needs to explain his excursion – out for a visit when he should have been self isolating.

        He is a cunt, that’s for sure.

        What fucks me off is the sheer hypocrisy – the Graun or the Mirror didn’t call for mini-Kinnox’s head when the bald, wing nut wanker broke the lockdown a few weeks back. Cunts.

        Just say Dom, you know what happens when you say Cum

      • Ah, I see. Thanks MNC.

        Seems like C*mmings needs to explain his excursion – out for a visit when he should have been self isolating.

        He is a cunt, that’s for sure.

        What fucks me off is the sheer hypocrisy – the Graun or the Mirror didn’t call for mini-Kinnox’s head when the bald, wing nut wanker broke the lockdown a few weeks back. Cunts.

      • I know what you mean Paul, and agree that the Guardian etc are cunts, and hypocritical cunts at that, but dont see why Dominic should be exempt from rules they push on us.

      • I’m with B&WC and MNC on this one.

        It’s another case of “do as I say, not as I do”.

        He or his wife (or both of them) knew they had symptoms of Coronavirus, yet they climbed into a cramped vehicle (against lockdown rules) with their child and drove 260 miles to hand over said possibly infected sprog to elderly grandparents, thus putting them at serious risk, let alone any of the general public who they may have come in contact with during the journey.

        No excuse in my opinion. Just because he’s a Brexiteer and close aide to that dissembling buffoon we have in No.10, doesn’t give him carte blanche to set a bad example and play fast and loose with other cunts lives.

        Johnson was definitely taking the piss when he told the nation Cümmings was behaving “responsibly, legally and with integrity.” Just the opposite.

        But that’s Boris for you, and we’re living in the post truth era now.

        This country is finished.

      • As I understood the ‘plan’ it would be the sister who would look after the sprog should the need arise.

      • It’s not Dom that’s my biggest issue in all this it’s Boris. Dom maybe the topic, Boris is the problem, backing a do as we say system.
        Watched the “briefing” live for the first time last night. It was like a fucking Ealing comedy.
        The way Boris said all parents would understand. Bollocks at the very least I’d have hoped Dom might have been reprimanded and Boris admit it was a bad show from his main advisor. Nothing of the sort.
        The man’s looking more and more of a liability as the days go by. Useless cunt.

      • Completely disagree. The man made a mistake. He can’t apologise because his success – and it’s been considerable, has been built on his ‘iron man’ image. To do so would mean the end of him. What has been more worrying is the paranoid reaction of not only the vigilante left but also the ‘fair weather friends’, some of them on this site.

        If this country is truly finished, it will be more likely to do with the nasty society we are becoming that delights in spying on, condemning and passing judgement on others so quickly.
        PS I thought your list of moderated words would have been useful for this nom but seems to have Cûm to no effect. ?

        You can say cum now, it has been fixed.

      • I don’t want Dom to go. He appears to be a one man stand off againt the liberal left. I would however have liked to see Boris nibbling a little humble pie.

      • Admin @11.36
        Thanks Admin. I was just trying to be a smart arse and show RTC that I’d been picking up his tips.

      • Cum has been fixed?

        Wow – that’ll stop about 700 words taking us into moderation in the future.

        Respect to ya Admin! ?

      • The fucking BBC and Guardian/Mirror didn’t have so much to say when Stephen Kinnock broke lockdown rules to be with his bald old dad Neil. That was a quick rap over the knuckles.

        The fact that Heseltine and the Labour pansies have made such play of it is, I strongly suspect, that they hope if DOM goes, so will Brexit. All the EU arselickers have been on the BBC in the past 24 hours.

        I am just waiting for the next hissy fit from screaming queen Lloyd Russell-Moyle. Unless he is Helen Goodman in drag.

        The whole British public and Establishment is becoming “Karen”

      • When you want to cum – hoooohhh!!!

        Courtesy of Frankie goes to Hollywood.

      • The bald domed one is indeed in charge of the country. Everywhere that Bumble Johnson has gone he has failed. Jusg read his wiki page. Now in charge of the cuntry (see what I did) he’s got Demonic Cummins to influence him, lead him and the country.
        Boj is a bumbling twat of a human. To allow DC to continue in his job stinks of bullshit.

      • Well said MNC, I was going to comment, but you’ve put across everything I was going to say…

      • My take is Cummings went to Durham for child care (a vulnerable person is a baby) so legal. This size of his parents place is enormous – there are at least two houses on the land. He allegedly went up north another time and there is no photographic evidence just rumour from some Labour supporter, an ex-teacher or something. The whole thing is just a hit job on Cummings. Don’t lent the remain media spoil your view of Cummings and Boris!

      • I wonder was he humming or singing or better still whistling Roger Whitaker as he got in the car-

        ‘I’ve got to leave old Durham town,
        I’ve got to leave old Durham town.
        I’ve got to leave old Durham town,
        And the leavings gonna get me down…’

  2. Cummings is a horrible cunt, it’s not possible for a virus to live on or in him. Given the evidence he is excused.

  3. A storm in a teacup.

    Just shows how terrified the left, the snivel service and the remainers are of DC.

    He was basically the man who laid out the blueprint for Brexit and Boris’ succesful election campaign and now they want revenge.

    He is wiley and slippery enough to beat them at their own game and not afraid to call a cunt a cunt in the process.

    Thats why they want him gone.

    • I agree OB but surely he must have known he was going to cause a massive shitstorm?
      Why didn’t he get his parents to drive to him? He must have known the damage he would cause Boris?
      With all his connections and influence he could have got a Government driver to go up there and bring the parents down or something.
      For someone supposedly clever etc he really has messed up.
      The cunt.

  4. If people on here think what Dominic did was ok then they are having a laugh.
    As I have said I like the cunt, he is a breath of fresh air and in applaud his Brexit handling… But don’t let that cloud your judgement.
    Whilst most on here including myself have moaned abaaaht the lockdown etc Dominic and his Mrs both showing symptoms decide to drive the length of England…no doubt possibly infecting a couple of cunts or two.
    One question.
    Why not get your parent to drive to you?

    They are hypocritical cunts, and Boris is a cunt.

  5. a smug jug lug cunting for Mary Linekar if you will.
    As fluff Johnson defended his law breaking advisor Lineker was tweeting stop.lying.
    A news presenter replied that JugLugs was breaking the code of impartiality- Gaz has form pulling this shit as well we know. The potato purveyors response was that as a sports presenter it didn’t apply to him.
    I think if you read your BBC contract Lugsy it probably does

    • Where are Linecunt’s tweets on two labour MPs who did similar stuff? Kinnock and some cunt called Tahir Ali.

      Pretty fucking quiet about those incidents, the cunt. This cunt needs to shut his pie hole. He’s supposed to be politically impartial when using his public profile (i.e. Twitter) to promote himself or his views.

      The BBC would rip his head off and shit down the hole if he came out as a Brexiteer, UKIP supporter or if he simply backed Boris and noted Labour MPs doing the same shite. His fucking ears, I mean feet, wouldn’t touch the fucking ground on the way to the exit door.

      • I sometimes wonder if Lineker was ever Tony Hall’s bumboy. He obviously has something on somebody very high up at the BBC

  6. Fair enough if the daft cunt broke ‘the rules’ but the cunts were quiet when they do it. As are the fucking BBC too if you didn’t notice.

    Didn’t the MP, Kinnock Junior, also go on a long journey to eat a birthday cake with his dad? I seem to recall a few of the cunts from the left ignoring the cops and gathering in a large non-distanced group clapping away for the NHS.

    They’re not demanding resignations and inquires over those incidents of course.

    Their faux outrage is pathetic, unless they demand the resignations from their own cunts too. Which they won’t, of course.

    Fuck off.

    • The London Bridge fiasco was an absolute joke, I am just happy I am not drawn into the clapping fucking nonsense.

      • CB, don’t forget that Labour MP who went to a funeral with 100 people. Strangely, the BBC forgot to report on it yet are going mental over this.

  7. As the sands of time run out for Remainers, the more fanatical Remainiacs will be turning purple with apoplexy at the leaving of the Reich and this paltry episode has thrown them a tiny piece of string as a lifeline. Like him or not, Cummings was one of the heroes of the Great Referendum victory of 2016 and, regardless of hypocrisy, ignoring other MPs who did likewise, the knives have been swiftly sharpened. I don’t care and just want Brexit to happen. It’s fun to watch these whining cockroaches’ futile attempts but ultimately they can kiss my piss.

    • Do you REALLY need to be told why your post went into moderation?

      Morning Cap. ?

      • Gah! What a knucklehead. Should have seen that cûmming.

        Thanks Ruffers. Hope you’re well, old bean.

      • Somewhat depressed about the depths to which Cümmings and Boris and his lickspittal Ministers have plumbed… but apart from that I’m ok, cheers Capt. ?

        Time for coffee and some McVitie’s milk chocolate digestives methinks.

      • Then you were the only one who didn’t see Cûmmings cûmming!
        Every fucker and his dog saw him in Durham on 28th March.
        I don’t know about employing an army of track and tracers for the virus – if we’d been this vigilant with terrorism, the fuckin’ bombers wouldn’t have been able to move an inch without being spotted.

      • Do you know, I laughed when someone on the site a few weeks ago suggested we were becoming a police state. I’m not laughing now. We’re halfway there after this Cûmmings

  8. Don’t give a fuck if he broke it or not. Sure we all have to some degree. You can break it without putting anyone at risk as I have. Mrs WCC and I have been bombing around Cornwall for weeks: get into car, drive somewhere nice, look at view, drink flask of coffee, (got a nosh once) and then fuck off home, repeat two or three times a day and met no-one. If he goes we are totally royally fucked. The remoaniac left wing SWJ libtards will have a fucking field day backed by the Snivel Service et al.

    • I’ve been up and down between London and Bristol WCC since the ‘lockdown’. I get in my car drive there and get aaaaht usually door to door…so not much different than going to the supermarket.
      The difference between us and this cunt is that he’s is the top advisor to the Prime Minister and must have known he was gonna cause a shitstorm if caught.
      I like him, and think he’s a breath of fresh air, but he’s aaaaht of order and will cause a lot of cunts to say fuck this ‘lockdown’.
      The cunt.

  9. He was aaaaht of order, should have got his parents to drive to him. He’s made Boris look a right cunt. No excuses, and I can’t believe the stupidity or arrogance (or both) of the cunt.
    Go fuck yourselves.

      • Guzziguy there is an even bigger cunt waiting in the wings and his name is Starmer, complete with his bunch of lezzas, poofters and closet communists, who would quickly turn this country into the woke capital of the world. There would be no need for rubber boats in the English Channel though – they would all be invited to make sure there will always be a Labour government in power.

        Certain Conservative MPs need to remember that.

      • I agree with you entirely. I posted a couple of days ago that I feel that the country has not been so ill served by its politicians in over 150 years. I only say 150 years as I am not au fait with politics before that time.

      • We really need a Mrs. Thatcher, who, once the referendum vote was known, would have made sure when she said jump all the little arsewipes like Dominic Grieve would have said “how high”. Mrs. May has a lot to answer for, for making Barnier and his shitty Y-fronted cretins think they have some hold over us, and encouraging the Remaniacs to continue sniping.

  10. The left are outraged about Cummings almost to a man/woman/non binary/tranny etc but when four different labour types are caught breaking various lockdown laws, including that cunt Kinnock junior then it’s nothing to see here and an easy mistake to make. Lovely people.

  11. If he’s in charge, it means he’s turning a blind eye to the illegals coming from France.
    I wasn’t stupid enough to vote for the liblabcon anyway.

    Brexit Party all the way ?

    • That is what pisses me off Unimaginative, I would have voted the Brexit party but they were withdrawn in my area, so I had a protest vote instead.
      Couldn’t bring myself to vote Conservative.

  12. During the lockdown there were people arriving at all the ports and travelling onto wherever they lived, truck drivers (rightfully) delivering all over the country and fucking journalists here there and everywhere (how the fuck did they become essential)

    The rules were not to travel unless your journey was essential and examples were given such as not going to a holiday home for the weekend (Scottish cunt)
    If DC decided it was best for his family to self isolate near his sister than fair play, it’s no worse that Stephen Kinnock driving (140 miles) to his parents place to ‘deliver medicines’

    I haven’t seen the news today but the ‘sighting’ at Barnard Castle has been denied by DC so unless some count has absolute proof he travelled from Durham to Barnard Castle then it’s hogwash!

    What really pissed me off was the footage of all the fucking Hacks swarming around DC outside his home in London, when he was getting into his car they were actually sticking their heads in the car, the cunts were closer to him and each other than a shagfest porno.
    Not a mention of the lack of social distancing on the BBC report!!

  13. I don’t give a fuck where he’s been.
    As long as he upsets the woke and the commies then he should stay put and tell them all to Fuck Off.
    On a side note it would have been a tremendous victory if Boris had stood there yesterday and told all the Quisling cunts he had given Cummings personal authority to do as he did.
    Goody gumdrops.

    Just say dom please

    • Or use DC ?

      The media spin has been in full flow, he was either within the rules or not and if it is the former then end of story and move on.
      The PM has accepted he acted within the rules and has been endorsed (more or less) by the scientist/medics, they aren’t specific (non political) but the interpretation of the rules and exemptions cover the actions he took.
      If he had been going for a weekend Jolly then fair enough it would be goodbye DC.
      End of Story!

      • PS I am not defending him because I like him, actually I find him a bit of an obnoxious cunt!

  14. If he’d said he drove all that way to give his new mistress’ bumhole a good tonguing and a good pounding after, I would have had more time for the cunt.
    As I speak O’shithead has come back specially from his ‘Holiday’ to stir the massive shit couldron on LBC.
    What a pile of cunt.

  15. Dom is a cunt. But he’s my kinda cunt. Realised that London attitudes were toxic just about everywhere else in the country. Called out the Remoaners. Saw the Civil Service for the Remoaning collection of incompetents that it is. Yes, a total cunt. My kinda total cunt. The cunt.

  16. It’s all about Brexit , always has been , I know load’s of cunts who have decided lockdown wasn’t for them, fuck them, people still flying into the UK from day 1, gimmicunts arriving daily , I don’t really give a fuck what people do just stay the fuck away from me , I have been back at work for a week after HGV driver furlough , London 3 times last week of there again later today, being bank holiday Monday I’m sure everycunt and his dog will be on the road driving like a twat ,road kill , do us proper drivers a favour and fuck right off

  17. If they want lockdown breakers, they should come to my street.
    My next door neighbours for a start (cunts), the fat cunt across the road, and that twat of an ice cream van with the Yankee Doodle chimes. Doesn’t bother any of them that there have been at least ten ambulances in the street over the last three months and that people have actually died. Bastards, thoughtless, selfish bastards.

  18. Cummings is undoubtedly a borderline psychopath. He doesn’t give a shit about rules and never has done so all this no surprise. Also no surprise that having been caught out, his attitude is ‘I could care less what you think’

    The excuses are bollocks. The guidelines were clear. If you have the virus, you isolate at home in your main residence.

    Now let’s look at that trip north. Nobody else put at risk you ask? Well, I yet to meet a four year old that can go 6 hours on a car without needing a toilet. So where did he stop.

    On the other side of the coin, Cummings was apparently sited braking lockout at Barnard Castle and again in a bluebell woods. So now we hang a guy on the evidence of an uncoroborated siting. Remember all those MeToo cunts who made stuff up for their five minutes of fame?

    I reckon I could find a couple of blokes who saw him in Newcastle city centre with his wife and kid if I was a ‘investigative journalist’. No, the evidence that he broke isolation is slim to say the least.

    What is not in doubt is that he drove to Durham at least once whilst he had symptoms. What is also not in doubt is that nobody is above the law so he should be fined for breaking lockdown.

    Should Boris have sacked him? Well, this is undoubtedly a time where the country needs strong and decicive leadership. What we saw yesterday was not that. Boris should have bitten the bullet and sacked him.

    The result of what he didn’t do is to erode confidence and make the public very angry. I’m angry. Not just at Cummings but at all the other people I’ve come across that ignore the lockdown rules.

    But now at least I have carte blanche to do just what the fuck I like. I think I’ll start by visiting my grandchildren on the basis that it will be good for my mental well-being and therefore justified under ‘The Cummings Interpretation’

    If it’s good enough for him then it’s good enough for me. Shame it didn’t seem to apply the other way around….

    • If you apply the rules ‘to the letter’ then several MPs should also resign, a couple have been named in the thread.
      I stand by my interpretation, if someone ‘takes the piss’ guilty, if not then there is a little latitude and I don’t believe he took the piss unless the other little jaunts can hold up in a court of law.

  19. I’m genuinely heartened by the sensible (relatively speaking) discussion on here.
    As I’ve got nothing to add I’ll simply say how much I hate Lily FUCKING Allen and leave it at that.

  20. Chief medical advisor in Scotland, welsh counterpart and now the ejaculation kid.

    Makes me wonder if these cunts know the virus was overhyped from the start.

  21. I am going out for a walk
    When I come back, if anyone has gone into moderation for saying CUM I will change their text to “I am a massive cunt” and approve it.

    • Is it true that your favourite song is ‘she’ll be cumming round the mountain when she cums’ ?

    • Changing the text to admin us a massive cunt may not be the threat you fear it to be.

    • “Judge a man by the reputation of his enemies”, the Establishment hate him, ergo I don’t dislike him. Dominic – I left her face looking like a painters radio – is just another symptom, another rattle of a country going round the U bend, it’s difficult to muster a flying fuck at the mo.

  22. The remainers seem to have the upper hand. Blair has been interviewed to give him the opportunity to pass judgement on Bojo and Cummings, and of course ex PM ( Mr Integrity himself ) Blair is “aghast” at the duplicity and lack of moral judgement by the “present Government and it’s leadership ” ( DM 25/5 )

    Baker has now come out as the voice of morality, and seems as if he leads the riot of Tory’s who would wish an extension. Well Mr Blair of course thinks that Steve Baker is a “courageous” chap for showing his mettle, and would be a far better person to lead at a time such as this and far preferable to the current encumbent of the post .

    On the matter of the spontaneous demonstration of outraged citizens at the Home of Cummings, it takes time and effort ( and money ) to edit footage for propaganda purposes, hire/aquire Video display equipment, organise and manufacture posters and (to cap it all ), arrange cordoned space on a public highway to errect ( with or without lawful authority ) space to errect and display ( and play ) sound equipment.

    All of the above requires time and capital, not to mention , coordination and the the approval/permission/complicity of plod.
    Was Cummings daft ? Yes Is Cummings a bit of a cunt?….yes
    Does Cummings need sacked? NO!
    I smell fish !!!! Big fucking Fish !!!!

    • Last week old google eye Brown was out attacking England and Scotland for their response to the virus. He didn’t mention Labour Wales which has fucked things up just the same.
      We are lucky fuckers in this country to have such giants to advise us.

    • Granny Blair ought to remember his drunken pal’s (Campbell) dodgy dossier of 2013 before he opens his slimy be-lipsticked mouth. Cunt of the Century

  23. We have an untrustworthy Conservative party in power and an untrustworty opposition party in Labour.
    All trying to score political points while treating the majority of the people with contempt, keeping us where they want us, with little or any feeling.
    Until they need our vote at the next election.
    Is Cummings innocent of doing the best for his childs welfare? Or guilty of breaking the law, of which he then should face some kind of punishment? Does he get fined or sacked from his position as Johnson’s aide?
    We know Boris idolises him, so that is a non-starter. Cummins job is safe.
    What about all the photographers outside Cummin’s home, where was social distancing then.
    Fuck them all.

    • Regardless of whether it was Dom or one of the Labour MPs who “broke the rules” I am genuinely getting concerned about the way the adult British public are becoming “snitches”, like pre-teenage kids in the school playground telling teacher how naughty Johnny or Janet have been – no that dates me doesn’t it? – Abdul and Charlotte or Chelsea then.

      It’s the same with that shitstain Sadiq Khan joke Mayor of London, trying to force bus passengers to wear masks. I bet he would never wear one or for that matter get on a bus. The sooner he opens a corner shop – Khan’s Cabin, to sell bog rolls at £5 each and masks 2 for £20 the happier I will be.

  24. Oops…….straight away I said the word….
    I am a massive cunt, but I am a proud massive cunt ?

  25. Can’t say I like Dom as a person but don’t really know him from how he is portrayed in the media but he did wonders for Brexit ( I hope) but also an interesting opinion from that YouTube bloke We got a Problem is that there is ( according to the Graun ) only one independent anonymous whistleblower that saw Dom our with his family. He was that close to them to hear a conversation about bluebells but didn’t get a picture ? Also got his number plate and did research to find out if that was Dom’s car. Sounds a bit Liebour activist dealings to me but worth a listen.

    • The Guardian gets a lot of stick on here but yesterday on MSN I read Martin Kettle’s piece and I agreed with every word.
      Boris has made himself look like a complete fucking jellyfish. Prime Minister? This country’s fucked.

    • Second unnamed source…..

      I think if the testimony could lead to someone losing their job, unnamed isn’t acceptable.

      And these lefty cunts would have taken a picture if they really did see DC.

      It’s all bollocks

  26. I think Dom is actual Micheal Stipe. Diane Abbott is really Beyoncé and Keir Starmer is a puppet operated by Tony Blaire.

  27. Brexit. That’s what all this is about. The libtards blame this bloke for the disaster they never expected. Yes, it was this evil genius who brainwashed all us dimmos into voting against our own interests. Well, that’s how they see it and we know they are always right don’t we? They desperately want their revenge and their propaganda machine has gone into meltdown. Fuck me, they even wheeled out old Sourberries, spluttering and whining with faux outrage. I thought the old trout was going to have a heart attack. Anyone would think this bald cunt was a serial child killer or something such is the venom and hatred from the usual suspects. Even cunts on here are saying “he’s running the country.”
    What? I wonder where that came from? He’s an advisor, a spin doctor. We don’t actually know what he has advised and which parts of that advice has been taken or rejected. You only think you know because the libtard media has kindly given you their version.
    Boris had no choice but to back him, anything else would be seen as weakness and he would be next. The EU loving traitors will be piling on the pressure non stop this week. He may yet sack the cunt and, if he does, they’ll be cracking open the champers in Islington and Brussels and you can say goodbye to whatever you thought this country once was.

    • ‘Boris had no choice but to back him, anything else would be seen as weakness and he would be next’.
      I disagree FTF, If Boris had sacked him he would have shown he is in charge and that nobody can undermine his and the Governments ‘instruction’ to stay home etc.
      If he sacks him now Boris will look even more of a twat, even more of a twat than he looked at the press briefing yesterday. Boris has made himself look a weak leader.

    • Wise words as ever Freddie. Be careful what you wish for has never had more meaning than it does now. If Starmer and co. get in, then this whole episode will have been seen as the turning point.
      And it will have been the fair weather friends including the whimpish Tory MP back benchers who will have caused it.
      However, it really does take some doing to throw away an 80+ majority! Can there ever have been a weaker government with such a large majority?

  28. I am surprised Alice Campbell hasn’t fired a few shots, the Cunt!

    Or maybe he has but I just have seen them ?

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