Victoria Beckham is a miserly tight fisted cunt, in these Corona virus times the government have in an attempt to help businesses keep on their staff and also no go to the wall as money is tight before this rinky dinks infected us with yellow pox, anyway this has allowed this penny pinching nine iron lookalike slut to exploit the fact tnhat she can furlough 30 of her fashion company employees so she can claim 80 percent of their wage from the government, save the further 20 percent and all this with millions in the bank, so not only cant she sing, cant design cars, didnt design that Landrover monstrocity, and yet claimed she , looks like a waxwork dummy and probably has a snatch that looks like a butchers bin as well, she,s tighter that a ducks arse…..
Nominated by Fuglyucker
I reckon if she was beheaded and her head stuck on a pikestaff, she wouldn’t look any different.
By the look of her neck you could behead her with a Bic razor , i reckon a ride on the waltzers would take her head clean off . She actually looks like she just come from the taxidermists
Look at the neck on it! Fucking minging, looks like my sac hanging down. Hate this cunt family so much, and their little clique of celebricunt pals, like that fucking cunt Gordon Ramsey. Trash.
I think the neck description your looking for is lizards ball sack GJ
That neck! Like dead turkey necks or beef trachias left out to air dry for 28 days.
(I do rather like Gordon Ramsey though, no offence. I’ve got loads of Gordon’s books as well! Coat acquired.)
That’s what living with David Beckham does to you
Are you from America? Americunt.
Talentless greedy old Cunt.
I’m not one to speak ill of people but I can’t find a single redeeming feature as far as “Posh” Spice is concerned. I detest her,her husband and her fucking family.
If one good thing comes out of this virus shit, I hope that it’ll be that people remember just how this selfish bitch and certain other “celebrities” behaved….obviously I’d prefer a more tangible result but my natural good taste and breeding prevents me from wishing that anything more serious should befall them. ( not really my good taste and’s Admin.’s rules)
Fuck them.
Why is anybody surprised she will always be a cunt she and her prick of a hubby are just utter cunts
A heavyweight cunt, the head of the family of cunts known as the Beckham’s.
Duh’vid is a bellend who probably thinks he’s got £50 in the bank as Victoria controls the money and probably gives the daft cunt pocket money whilst using the rest to bankroll her ‘Fashion Label’.
They like the Royals won’t be pissing off anytime soon and like the Royals we have the pleasure of their offspring to keep us entertained for years to come… apparently Brooklyn is a Photographer you know.
She is a massive cunt, and I hope the public tell these past it, non relevant cunts to fuck off.
Long overdue.
Go fuck yourselves…and then go fuck yourselves.
I bet theres more moisture and warmth when shagging a corpse over Victoria. How the hell did ‘cant string a sentence together’ Beckham maintain a stiffy on so many occasions to inseminate this pointless doppleganger of a cheap wax works exhibit? Ugh.
That has to be the most accurate and concisely worded description I have read about this ugly harridan ! Nice cunting.
Lolly pop head can go fuck herself. The Beckham ” brand” is over . thank fuck.
Next to be over will be Harry and Megain Beckinghams as well talking of cunts…
If you needed proof David Beckam is a few sandwiches short of a picnic, this tart it is. Most footballers pick up the occassional whore, it is part of the job, but you can do better and cheaper (in the finanial sense) than this ugly old dame. Also, they don’t have to keep them into their doteage.
I doubt if Duh’vid even fucks her to be honest.
Didn’t he get caught cheating on her at least twice?
Silly boy Duh’vid, everyone knows you have to clever when cheating on the Mrs.
Schoolboy error prone dumb cunt.
Piss off.
Didn’t his knock off go on to celebrity pig wanking?
Yep, I believe she did CC. Rebecca Loos or something…made a few quid the silly cow. I think he was cheating with that Jenkins Welsh opera bird as well…she’d would’ve got a good tonguing. Not now Duh’vid gas been there though.
Rebbeca Loose i think is more accurate…cock gobbling slut was willing to do absolutely anything for some press, piggy pulled pork case in point, old Dave know how to pick em….
The fucking state of that…. Neck like a dinosaur’s scrotum.
Had to google her after looking at her neck. She’s 46.
Neck like a 90 year-old. Imagine her cunt?
Wouldn’t take the garrotte long to go through that.
You don’t have to imagine her cunt, he’s call David. I’ll get me coat.
Her neck is absolutely fucking atrocious, is that a recent photo? god i can’t get the image out of my mind now
It looks like she sunbathes too much with that tan, Shes probably anorexic by the looks of it which is why she looks so dishevelled, a 46 yr old woman shouldnt be that thin
She’s like a pepprami
Just imagine what she WILL look like when she is 90!
As they used to say on Crimewatch – try not to have bad dreams.
Like a butchers dustbin i suspect, sticky and salty…
Don’t be unkind. She suffers from that horrible disease: Being a cunt.
About as attractive as a shitty stick if Peparami.
Im not one to speak ill of the dead but what the Fuck?
Looks like shes got out of Tenko the skellington twat!
And whats with the hat?
Bet if you look in the headband it says “property of D.Dastardly”.
Stop being a cunt and start eating yer dinner .
Love & kisses
Tenko, ha ha.
She’s definitely been on the Belsen diet for years. You could probably rack your toast in her ribs.
Missed her calling as a xylophone the dinner ducking fucker.
Dick Dastardly. Fucking quality!
Sweet baby cheesus!
Admin, as soon as I clicked on the link for this nomination, I saw the picture at the top. Fork me! It made me jump and a fart came out! I’ve seen scary things but this nomination picture is the scariest thing I’ve seen so far.
I think I might need counseling.
A truly wretched individual and stick insect doppelgänger
Lacks talent and class in equal measure
She’s best friends with Elton john FFS!!
There’s absolutely nothing to like about the ironically named posh , married a footballer with a single digit IQ and the pair have been a constant irritation to the general population, even when they’re in America their cunty shadow hangs over the UK , why anybody cares what either stick or thickham has to say if an absolute fucking mystery …….
As miserable a cunt as you’ll find, with a twat of a husband in tow. All that cash, and it’s still not enough for this self-obsessed old tart.
Fucking hell, Admin’s done a brill job digging out that photo. She looks like ET’s ugly sister.
One thing is for sure, when all this Corbyn19 shit is over no rich cunt is going to be a penny poorer than they were when it started.
No, it will be the rest of us who are fucked up the arse. You can put money on that……..if you had any of course.
I think the Beckhams is what the Hewitts aspire to being.
Moggie, if you’re out there, I might request your services as a therapy cat. You can have all the Dreamies cat treats you can eat.
You’d be better off with Felix Meaty Loaf, not seen it in Asda in weeks.
Anything you ask, Moggie. Just make this scary witch, nightmare fuel go away.
Imagine that tucking you in at night.
Imagine it hanging off yer knob,Spoony.
Dicky! I wasn’t imagining that until I read that!
*Sits up, my knees close to my chest, rocking back and forth whilst sucking my thumb, softly singing, #Scary things go away…#*
Well, there’s no weight there so it would probably feel like a piece of string tied round it.
Like one of those pencil toppers.
Fucking amazing, all that money to spend and she’s turned herself into a turtle.
[Under the terms of sexual objectification I would dearly like to fuck it, I am well into skinny birds, skinny birds an short hair birds are my tip top cup of tea]
Victoria and David have a net worth of approx. $1 Billion. By virtue of their vast wealth they should nowt, no fucking Gov. support or assistance.
VB and DB file under same category as Richard Branson, cunt from Sports Direct, cunt from Wetherspoons, cunt from Mountain warehouse, etc. etc.
In the same way that benefits for normal people are means tested, meaning that as I am a saver/investor I cannot get anything. The Gov. support during Locksh*t should be (must be) means tested.
People who are ferociously wealthy shouldn’t get anything.
Assume the Beckham case 30 employees on £50,000 each (very generous estimate). Cost of salary bill for 6 months: £750,000. This figure is approx. 0.1% of the Beckham’s net worth, so they should fund it themselves.
I liked it when David cheated on Victoria with the au pair who then got her tits out in Nuts/Zoo, she was well worth a poke too.
Apparently Grasshopperlegs has stopped posting pictures of her family’s tortuous lockdown in her 6 million pound Cotswolds mansion after a backlash on soshul meeja. Yes, some horrible people have been calling her a p*nce and a money grabbing, up her own arse fucking cunt. Shocking.
There’s a lot of it going about, even celebrity obsessed tossers realise they are taking the piss. Celebrity culture is taking the hammering it so richly deserves, about bloody time too.
Simply human garbage.
No wonder David was shagging about having to look at that she looks a fucking disgrace.
Jesus wept, that fucking picture of her. If I was on a desert island with her, I’d go round the back of a tree for a wank, making sure my jizzbolt didn’t hit her as it would break her in two.
Jizzbolt? I understand the term ‘sea gulling” I.e splattering a bystander with a hot sticky load e.g “The Female Prison Officer was not expecting a cell seagulling, but we had practiced our timing to perfection”. Jizzbolt…I my try and use that in a sentence.
Seagulling fucking brilliant I’ve not heard that before but will be working it into many sentences from now on…
Oh I fucking definitely would!…From behind obviously, I’m not a complete cunt. Might be my childhood wanking obsession for Lady Penelope Creighton-Ward off that Thunderbirď series….CUNTS.
Well, a wooden puppet would probably have more life in her than this dreary sack of shit. My cock would split the bitch in half.
Still get a splinter in yer helmet.
Wow, Beckham’s fucking a hat wearing scrotum.
She reminds me of Cliff Richard, another turkey necked fucker, although to give him his due, he is almost 80.
Admirable the way Hank Marvin managed to stay reasonably slim, despite people offering him food every time he introduced himself….
When I used to see Beckham around Prestwich in the 90s he was an OK lad. Not the sharpest, but a nice lad with nothing flash about him. The he met Dog Spice and it was poofy hairdos, open top sports cars, sarongs (for fuck’s sake) and the media whore he eventually became. Everyone at Old Trafford – from Fergie to the tea lady – all said the same thing: He’s a nice lad, but she will ruin him. And so it came to pass, as the great Bon Scott once sang.
Once saw Skeleton Spice in the bar at Old Trafford. A terrible person and a piece of work. Deliberately blanked and ignored people who spoke to her and talked to Becks like Barbara Woodhouse talking to a dog. She really is a cunt and that horrendous…
I find myself in the furlough set at the minute (Boris had better fucking make sure his cheque book is ready on the 28th) so I endorse this cunting; hatchet faced old boot. On the plus side I’ve had confirmation that Santander are now taking white privilege as mortgage payment so at least there’s that, knew it would come in handy one day