Tony Blair (18)


A limp-wristed-Qweer-Charmer-Is-My-Hero cunting please, for the former Prime Minister and Britain’s favourite ballerina, A. Blair, who like that other demented old has-been David Beckham, just can’t leave the stage.

This time the effete elder statesman is giving Boris his ‘advice’ on Covid 19 – that testing is the “only way out” of the lockdown:

Of course, you can see why the prancing old queen has come mincing out of the woodwork. His little crush, Starmer, is likely to assume the leadership of his tottering party this week, and if Blair can vouchsafe advice to the current Prime minister, he will have no qualms doing it for this Blairite mini-me.

If Blair wants to give out advice, his best bet would be to become an agony aunt for a poofters magazine, giving advice on anything from medical problems like arse grapes to relationship advice (survivor of an abusive marriage to wee Gordon) and his specialist subject – makeup advice for elderly queens.

The biggest cunt in Britain stopped being PM 13 years ago. Now he just needs to shut the fuck up.

Nominated by W. C. Boggs

76 thoughts on “Tony Blair (18)

  1. Tony D Notice is the last thing we need on top of Corona.

    I suspect Tony loves getting cunted on here, he knows he’s hitting the right targets.

    “Cherie, don the strap on, I’m on it today”

    • Just wont fuck off will he?
      Like the smell of curry cooking or dogshite in carpet.
      Always grinning, even when it traumatic news..grinning.
      Wouldnt wish him dead though..?

      • what Tone isn’t saying is that there is NO spelt NO verifiable test than can be made on coronavirus covid-19 – all the tests that they are ‘claiming’ have been done are no more useful than a chocolate 4 bedroomed property on Westminster high street

    • Mr Cunt Engine. Does anyone know if these allegations are true? The 70s seems early for the slimy get to merit a D notice.

      • Fair point CC, probably just wishful thinking that something, anything would stick on the teflon prick.

  2. Testing everyone! Sounds great… unless you test them before they get it then get it later. It’s literally impossible to test every single person at the same time and get instant results.

    • I will add though that they claimed they’d test the ‘vulnerable’ and write to them a week ago and my elderly parents with various serious health issues have received fuck all.

      • Virus? What virus? Like Creampuff, I’m still waiting for my letter from Boris about it.
        Fat chance of that now. The poor bugger doesn’t even look strong enough to pick up a pen.

      • We have one. From Boris. Absolute bollocks and a waste of resources.

      • My wife has twice been told by her consultant that she is vulnerable. I have attempted to put her on the vulnerability list, mainly so that we can apply for home supermarket deliveries. You register on the website but they don’t send you an email saying if you have been added so I don’t know if my attempt has been successful. We have not had a letter and we can’t get any delivery slots.

  3. A rubbish PM has transformed into a public health expert.
    When will it dawn on John Major, Tony Blair, Gordon Brown et al that incompetence in public office does not make them experts in Jack Shit.

    • Theresa May was a close second but at least she knew when to shut up and fuck off….
      And Theresa May could probably walk down the street without her security and not be attacked, I doubt B.Liar would make it 20 yards without someone lumping the cunt…. yet he still thinks he has the respect of the public…

      • Mark my words, it will only a matter of time before Theresa pops up to give her wise words on a whole range of matters. The bigger the clown, the more they try to shove unwanted opinions upon us.

    • He is a cunt no mistake, but I think bastard face may was a worse pm.

  4. Blair Starmer, Kier Tony, nu-nu-labour, oh fuck off. You’re just trying to get me banned.

  5. Blair

    You are so good at giving advice, perhaps you can take some.

    Everyone hates you, even your own party, and no one wants to hear what you have to say.

    You have had your time, during which you sucked EU cock for your own political career at the expense and to the detriment of this once great country.

    Just fuck off and shut the fuck up.


  6. Why is it that when facile shit dribbles from this cunt’s twitchy mouth, so many sit up and take notice?

    Blair is the epitome of a con-man. He has the unnerving ability to get the ear of so many people. This is what the cunt said, according to the Express:

    “On testing unless you’re able to get mass testing, so at scale with speed, I don’t see how you get away out of this lockdown. And I am terrified by the economic damage that we are doing with every week this lockdown continues.

    If I was handling the situation now, I would put a senior minister in charge of testing and nothing else with people who have industrial experience, business experience of how you ramp up industrial scale production.

    Plus people on the technology side and obviously on the scientific advice side.”

    This cunt doesn’t have the inside knowledge of what the government is doing. He is merely a spectator now, speculating.

    Fuck off Blair, you shitcunt.

    • To be fair, only the Express seems to have taken much notice of the latest maunderings.

      If your question is serious, however, the Tony Blair Institute for Global Tony Blair (which replaced his former ‘charities’ rather abruptly) has a huge contingent of PR wonks labouring night and day to place Blair’s utterances, and those of his ghostwriters, in the public domain. The more pervasive blairings can be found on the websites of every local paper in the country, and they are printed because press handouts are so much easier to put in than writing stuff of your own.

      A generic cunting for today’s ‘journalists’ is definitely overdue for this, among other, reasons.

  7. Yes but at least we know that he’s a straight kinda guy.
    I’m sure of this as he told us all straight from the horses mouth.

  8. The platinum wise words of Blair have soothed my troubled soul, at last a voice of reason and logic from a master statesman. Brings to mind those heady days of all doors open Britain. Those happy smiling faces trooping into our beloved island their hardship awarded by housing and benefits oh tony how we smiled as our culture, language and everything else that made England was flushed down the pan by you and your traitorous gang. A cunt that goes oh forever our tone.

  9. What a Cunt. Apparently our Cunty Prime Minister interned for him back in the day and she’s a right tea towel wearing cunt. Learned the first fucked up lessons at his side: :
    1. Lie
    2:Slap a tea towel on your head and lie your tits off.
    3: If all else fails. Lie.

  10. It is not permitted to wish someone dead from Corbyn-19. Fair enough. I am allowed to hope that each cell in Blair’s body rejects its neighbouring cell, slowly and painfully, for no ascertainable reason other than the sheer power of my implacable and corrosive loathing of the greasy selfservative cunt..
    No doubt as he dissolves into a foulsmelling steaming puddle of shite, he will still be pontificating about how you godda, y’know, give him a huge cut of your international aid budget for being a drivelling globalist banker’s poodle, but earplugs will sort that.
    A cunt eclipsing all othe cunts, even Mandelson.

    You cannot cunt this cunt too often.

  11. An absolute ‘look at me im still important cunt’ the country could do without his ideas not just at the mo’ but anytime his other halfs a cunt too

  12. Evil.


    Not expressing a desire to see this filthy bloodstained specimen turn his toes up is hard work.

    Anyone have the Marquis of Bath in their pool?
    Quite liked him…

  13. Tony, mate, how are you? Must be great being able to gob off and find fault with the leadership whilst having no accountability?

    When you and your puppet Keir are busy telling the world how you’d do things and how it would be better your way………could you see your way clear for taking responsibility for the war in Iraq, the lies to get the nation to back the war, the million lives lost due to your war?

    Your a serpent in sheep’s clothing Tony, always reminded me of an estate agent.

  14. If I want advice on cross-dressing, or how to avoid a custodial sentence for cottaging, I’ll ask Miranda. Otherwise he can fuck off, and take his hideously ugly cow of a wife with him.

  15. The only time I wanna see B.Liar is when he’s carted off to the Hague….

      • Ha ha no just been really busy with work, moving, the lass, so don’t get chance to write cuntings or comment. I’ve been furloughed so got a bit of time to enjoy my favourite website again.
        I’m good thanks mate.

  16. What are the odds that the ‘Miranda’ cottaging story was true ?

    Mental stuff.

    • I actually knew the man who showed the original copy of the Record to the press. Sad. Very sad passing that way….

  17. Jesus tap dancing Christ I’d like this vermin flogged from one end of the country to the other.
    A pint sipping cunt and an out and out traitor.
    Oven his entire line.
    Fuck right off.

  18. Every peaceful should hang their heads in shame that they haven’t managed to take out this piece of dogshit years ago.
    Get your finger out Abdul and do something useful you cunt!

  19. Why can’t the cunt just fuck and stick his ‘smoking gun’ up his ass…

  20. I can imagine a scenario where Jeremy Hunt worked for Blair and fucked up big time so that there’d be demonstrations calling for Blair to dismiss him.
    Imagine the mobs on the street chanting “Blair sack Hunt, Blair sack Hunt…”

  21. Every time I see this cunts face on the TV, it always gives me a fucking good laugh! And it’s all down the fact that the whole of the UK knows he had to fuck Cherie, to get a shoe in the door if the Labour Party! She is without doubt, one of the ugliest women on the planet! Personally, I’d rather have everyone know that I stuck my cock in a dead pigs mouth!

  22. A pox be upon him.

    Not a lethal one, that would be wrong. Maybe some mild itchy spots…

    • Perhaps the sort of spots left by a Jo Brand-influenced oleum squirter.
      Hahahahahahaha, only harmless banter…

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