Breaking news

It is with regret that we announce that Prime Minister of the United Kingdom has been moved to intensive care.

Our thoughts and prayers are with him.

on lesser news, The dog is going to get a kicking for tipping a cup of tea over my lap top that has more or less crippled it in these trying times.


all the best Admin.


Be strong, be safe, and carry on cunting!

You heard it here first from the IsAC News team.

127 thoughts on “Breaking news

  1. If the literal toilet of pestilence otherwise known as China, and every dirty, diseased inhabitant therein was nuked out of existence, who would really miss them?

    I literally cannot think of one negative about the erasure of the entire nation.

    Words cannot express how much hatred I harbor for this barbaric utter shithole nation. Fuck China until she’s dead.

  2. Just wanted to add my voice of support and hope for a successful recovery for Boris.

    What worries me is if we’re not being told the whole story. Yesterday it started off with a hospital admission as a precaution, might not stay overnight. Then he did and now he’s in ICU with breathing difficulties. Hmmmm…..

    If necessary I will come back to the UK and assume control of government. If you have any particular wishes or things you’d like me to enact, please let me know and I’ll taken them under consideration. Be aware, my first couple of days in office will be devoted to rounding up all the illegal immigrants and making them walk to France through the Channel Tunnel. I’m not a monster so I will suspend the trains….at first anyway. ?

    • First could you please retract all of tony Blair’s treason laws and immediately arrest the cunt….
      Make sure you get the laws cancelled before you make the arrest…. wouldn’t want him escaping the true justice he deserves.

  3. All the best and a quick recovery Boris and lets hope after this chinese flu pandemic is brought under control that we and the rest of the world do our level best to bum fist the horrible dirty tiddly wink cunts

  4. I think I’m being trolled….. 50 up votes? …na. never.
    Just woke up (on the sofa, still pissed…. lockdown’s a bitch ain’t it?) , and i think someone is fucking with things ……
    Just a heads up admin…. I dont have the time, patience or need to give myself 50 likes….. whatever, maybe the world is just waking up to my genius ??…. bout time I was truly appreciated ?

    • Maybe it’s your rugged good looks or sunshine personality that sealed the deal?

      • Well, I dont like to blow my own trumpet or anything….. thought I’ve tried a few times ??

      • Hahaha…..who hasn’t? I doubt there’s a teenage boy (and probably plenty of old cunts too) in the world who hasn’t nearly shattered his spine trying to achieve the impossible.

  5. Never,never, never give up Boris fight this ,we are all behind you, the UK needs you right now,
    State sponsored murder and attempted murder Chinky CUNTS
    Close the embassy, deport All Chinky nationals
    Sieze all Chinky assets, ban all Chinky imports,

    We need a strong Asian bio weapon , #Gofundportadown

  6. Get better old boy!
    I never fail to be anything flabagasted by world leaders rushing to offer their sympathies and ‘get well soon’ messages Macron, Ursala Von De Lyon, Wee Willie Crankie, even Arlene Foster raised her head for from the fury cup to express her concern……..

  7. Remember that hoity toity slag being interviewed just after the election? She was protesting the tories landslide victory in the street with a load of her champagne socialist pals, and she said ‘I hope he dies a horrible death, I really do. Anyone who voted for him should be shot in the face…..I want to become a doctor and work for the NHS’. I bet she’s happy this morning. Cunt.

    • Tweet from @middleclasssocialist “Someone who’s political views I don’t like is in intensive care and guess what, I’m the doctor that’s been given the task of saving him…”

    • Imagine a teacher posting ‘ I do not like this child but I have to teach her’ Imagine the howls of anguish from all and sundry.

  8. R4 has just invited Arsletine to join the danse macabre of undead, lavishly-pensioned and sinecured failed politicians in commenting on the current situation. Which is unalterable by any of them. Repeats of ‘Dad’s Army’ would be more to the point – and are available on R4 Extra.

  9. Unsurprising that those rejoicing in this news are the same ones who screech the loudest about Boris and THE EVIL TORIES being “uncaring”, “heartless” etc.
    Never underestimate the sheer fucking nastiness of the left.

    • Sad but very true GH.
      Woe betide the country if cunts like Momentum and the SWP ever get into any position of power. I dread to think what they’d do in the name of ‘the struggle’.

  10. Point taken admin.
    I know I can be a bit cheeky on here sometimes, but there’s no malice behind it.

    I’ve always thought of deadpool as a bit of gallows humour in nature.
    The people I nominate are people that I think might cark it, but it doesn’t mean I want them to.

  11. The people on message boards on the internet being mean about Boris hoping he dies etc. I wonder if it happens to them.
    I hope they then think about what they’ve done.

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