The Groaniad Online

A well-deserved nomination for those London-based, hoity-toity, middle-class, lefty, remoaner cunts at the Guardian’s online, digital rag.

The slimy, dishonest bastards have written a response article to the outrage at supermarket-supplying farmers (probably subsidised by our tax money) flying in thousands of Romanians to pick fruit when millions of Brits have now been made unemployed.

Now there are click bait titles and then there is this. As soon as I read it I knew I had to read the rest and imagine my surprise – nowhere in the fucking article does any applicant actually say those words in that order………….. fucking nowhere. It’s a complete fabrication, a game of scrabble but using words rather than letters.

I believe in a free press but I also believe in an honest press and the Guardian is as far removed from honest as one could be. They make a good case for having a press regulatory body although that being said, their subscriber base has been shrinking for the last couple of years and they have had to resort to putting begging letters at the bottom of articles such as this one. The market, as the saying goes, will decide.

Nominated by Two in the Stink