Black, Asian and minority ethnic. Which translates as skin colour.
What an insult to Brits who happen to have a suntan. It is entirely discriminatory and confers a convenient label. You are not British you are BAME.
South Africa was widely condemned for classifying it’s population by skin colour as was the Southern states of the US. But it seems ok in modern UK to use this term. How fucking woke can it be using a discredited form of discrimination in a multi cultural society?
I suggest it suits the liberal left to use identity labels and invoke victimhood at the expense of British society in general. And it serves to marginalise the majority.
Nominated by Cuntstable Cuntbubble
A minority Cunting for having your cake and eating it.
No, it isn’t Brexit it’s BAME!
Looking back over the years linking ethnicity to anything was seen as taboo! the media, the political elite, the left wing wankers and liberal retards all shy away from even hinting at ethnicity when there are bombings, grooming gangs and stabbings.
Now they can’t help themselves, every cunt under the sun is up in arms because BAME are dying disproportionately in relation to their numbers in the community.
Calls are going out to link Covid deaths to ethnicity to find out why.
All sorts of reasons are being muted, socioeconomic, high numbers in the health service, poor general health, in fact anything the collective concerned cunts think of.
Ethnicity seems to be a double edged sword, only use the sharp edge when needed
Nominated by Sick of it
Where there’s BAME,
there’s a CLAIM.
Nuff said.
Ain’t that the truth!
The term is only used when it suits.
What percentage of BAME are convicted terrorists?
What percentage of BAME are in prison for knife crime?
What percentage of BAME fathers leave their women when they become pregnant?
What percentage of BAME are involved in drug gangs?
What percentage of BAME males are in prison for grooming?
What percentage of BAME males are in prison for raping white women?
These questions are never asked or answered on the BBC. But made up shit like saying the Chinese flu attacks BAME more because of racist whitey?
They’re all over it. And just to boil my piss even more, I’ve heard Starmer has asked that great virologist, ‘Dame’ Lawrence, to find out if ‘waycism’ is the reason behind more BAME getting bat flu.
Hmmm. I wonder what her fully scientific conclusions will be?
Starmer is a quiffy cunt. It is obvious just what conclusions the eminent virologist Doreen Lawrence BSc PhD MBBCh will draw as a result of her in depth studies.
Fuck off.
Don’t forget that Doreen even managed to condemn the firefighters over Grenfell as racist. Don’t forget she actually had to meet the firemen who responded to Grenfell to be reassured that their response wasn’t racist.
I am in no doubt that she has the ability to find the white man is oppressing the BAME anywhere. Even when trying to rescue them 25 storeys up.
I could not possibly comment.
You know, I’m sick of being blamed for shit other people do. I didn’t tell you to have 10 kids and overcrowd yourself. I didn’t create the Coronavirus. I didn’t force you to meet up to pray and feast with your mates. I didn’t cause your high blood pressure, diabetes or vitamin B deficiency. I didn’t force you to smoke 10 spliffs a day.
I’m half expecting to get arrested the next time Raheem Sterling misses an open goal.
Or maybe the SAS will storm my gaffe the next time Mo Farah stubs his toe in his massive kitchen?
I know with all these types of groups there is a vanguard of clueless dipshits, So in the name of the cause and to prove that they are not a racist institute (Coloured people can be racist too!).
I would like to put forward a notion that they are in fact under representing the ethnic travelling communities and should step forward into the enclaves of the, Roma, Gypsy, Irish tinker and General homeless thieving bastard communities around us.
Let’s see how that goes.
Kung flu will affect everyone terribly except whitey (seriously, all those white people pretending to die of Covid19, just to fit in and be PC, should be bleedin’ well ashamed of themselves), the evil racist overlord of all history – we should be ashamed of the fact we still exist, but luckily there are plenty of people of all colours trying everything they can to make sure we stop existing except as amusing slaves.
We should be all sat outside mud huts, watching our children die of sh*t water fever or being rounded up by isl*mic j*hadists for “military work” (pick up de rifle mohammed – you get food and khat! Or you die).
Having no technology, infrastructure, healthcare, transport, employment, law, democracy, rights – but it’s lovely and sunny sat in the dust outside the hut, and the evil UN Whitey massa will be here with the food aid soon.
FUCK BAME – sick of this hateful racism to anyone English with a white face, and anyone not liking the way we roll in OUR Country use that whitey invented train, boat or aircraft to skip to whichever Third World hellhole takes your preference – see you then – don’t want you, don’t need you, can’t be carrying you and putting up with your behaviour any longer.
I see one of our BAME citizens say on the fucking BBC news at lunchtime, that BAME health-workers have claimed that due to a lack of PPE, the waycist whitey bosses pushed the BAME staff to the forefront of dealing with Covid patients.
(She didn’t say that precisely, but that was the inference.)
I seriously fucking doubt it & if proved to be bollocks, the bitch should be hauled before the courts for waycism, but as that Kweer’s well-qualified ‘race-relations expert’, Doreen Lawrence, is going to investigate, we all know what the outcome is a forgone conclusion….
Update 2 BAME doctors launching a legal challenge on PPE:
Modern Britain If you’re a whitey, you’re fucked.
And nobody in public office is brave enough to stand up to this shite.
We are fucked.
That’s the biggest problem as far as I can see Cuntybollocks.
It’s an absolute joke there is no way in hell that BAME would be ‘forced’ to do anything, the race card would out faster than a red bull pit stop.
More likely that any poor white nurse or doctor would be put in as cannon fodder.
Public Health England are investigating the issue but this isn’t good enough for Dame Kweer he wants his own biased inquiry, bring on the Lawrence woman.
Africa and Asia aren’t doing to badly any they are full of BAME, almost exclusively BAME! Maybe British BAME should fuck off to BAME lands and they would be safe.
Utter fucking Cunt!
I stupidly thought ‘Well at least this pandemic will shut the libtards up with their agenda for five minutes.’
How stupid of me. Of course they’d look for an angle. And of course Boris and co will not tell them to ‘Fuck right off, you trouble making cunts.’
You can’t have a situation where you use your race/group to get what you want or to gain credit, but at the same time refuse to allow data or discussion on anything negative within the same group. Not without it causing division and anger.
Sick of this shit now. This sort of bollocks is going to create racists, not get rid of them!
And Starmer is a cunt of immense proportions for choosing the untouchable, unarguable token Dame to lead his charge. The cunt knows exactly what he’s doing and the Conservative Party will just shit their pants, nod their heads and do whatever she says.
In fact, just make her PM for life and have fucking done with it.
The thing is Cunty, is why isn’t somebody asking why a race relations ‘expert’ (& I use the term loosely) should be investigating why a fucking DISEASE is affecting the boons. It’s utter, utter bollocks of the first order & Starmer is an absolute cunt who should be put on the spot with EXACTLY that question. Fucking raging over the cuntish opportunism of this, the fucking ARSEHOLE!
If you read down they talk about ‘chinks in their armour’.
This were it started to go wrong!
Here’s a thought.
If the county is so racist, why not fuck off back to your roots? Funny how every fucker and his dog is trying to get into such a racist country. And how come we have BAME MPs all over the shop and plenty of BAME voters in our lands, but no honkey voters or MPs in BAME countries?
Dare I say, ‘racism’?
Black feller: I like being black.
Captain Magnanimous: Cool.
Captain Magnanimous: I like being white.
Black feller: Racist.
In de verds off Saint Gretta, “How darrrre I?”
BAME doesn’t mean fuck all to me. White, black, brown or yellow if you’re a cunt you get to take responsibility. Giving a portion of the population a built in excuse to be a cunt is a dangerous proposition. The white people buying into this shit are self harming.
Exactly 6DV, a cunt is a cunt no matter what colour it is. Ironically, waving the BAME flag the way these fuckers do, makes them the biggest cunts of all.
We need to stop empowering it, but who is going to stand up to it.
It’s too late, they have their multicultural utopia and to maintain it they have to sell us the line night is day.
The first politician to stand up to Lawrence and tell her to sit down and stop making trouble, will see his career ended.
The BBC will declare him a racist and the talking heads will shake, judge and tut tut. Nobody will support his views, because it would mean the end of their careers too.
The funny thing is that the voters would be behind such a man, but like Enoch, he would be so vilified and ostracized by his own party that people supporting him would stop doing so, due to the idiot lantern’s brain washing. They’ll say he practically dug her dead son’s body out of the ground and started kicking it.
I hope Boris leaves hospital a changed man seeing that he came a little too close to death for comfort recently. I hope he laughs at Starmer and tells him to get a proper expert on virology to lead any enquiry, not someone who’s made a lucrative career out of a tragic death and the ensuing race baiting.
Can’t see it though.
“The first politician to stand up to Lawrence and tell her to sit down and stop making trouble, will see his career ended.
The BBC will declare him a racist and the talking heads will shake, judge and tut tut. Nobody will support his views, because it would mean the end of their careers too.”
Just look at the shitstorm Laurence Fox has had to battle……
It’s false to say they are a minority, if you take a trip around any major city they don’t appear to be a minority.
I would like to know how many of the filthy bastards there actually is.
We’ll never be told though.
Londonistan, Birmingastan, Bradalabad.
Im gonna live forever
Im gonna learn how to fly
I feel it coming together
People will see me and cry BAME!!!
Sang some multicultural yanks dancing like tits in the 80s.
This was always going to happen, this was always the plan.
Our ‘masters’ in Westminster willed it so.
Only way it would of bewn averted would of been the first bloke off windrush goes to set foot on terra firma?
JFK all over the docks.
I detect a whiff of foil based cranial adornment.
I see Starmer is appointing Doreen Lawrence to look at the effects covid 19 has on the bame community you couldn’t make it up the cunts
All I can say for certain is that it doesn’t kill anywhere near a high enough percentage of the fuckers.
What Kweer Starmer really meant is “Go and try to manufacture up some racism linking ethnicity and coronavirus death rates”.
DOCTOR Doreen to you. She just left her certificates at home.
The only fucking doctor she is is a witch doctor the thick whitey hating racist cunt. How the fuck she never got prosecuted for insinuating that firefighters tackling the Grenfell Tower blaze were racist is fucking beyond me.
Completely agree Cupid, she’s blinded by hatred and ignorance.
The stupid thick tar baby bitch should shut her mouth and go back to been a nobody.
I doubt he’d need to ask.
Her conclusions are already written.
Ask her to write a report titled ‘Is tomato soup racist’ and the answer would be yes, with some ‘data’ then found to support it. Mostly qualitative data, of course.
I had no idea Mama Lawrence was an epidemiologist, or had any health experience at all.
Dame AQueer really has turned into Anthony Blair overnight with his patronising promotions of poofs and non-whites.
For real? What the fuck does she know about anything??
I gave Doreen my goldfish to look after for the weekend and guess what?
Yeah that died too!
Brilliant post lads!!
Totally agree
These liberal leftie woke cunts just move the goalposts to suit their horribly skewered view of the world , fortunately although highly vocal they are in the minority ( see election/ referendum result) , these utter cunts have infected the Labour Party thus virtually guaranteeing another conservative government in 4-5 years , their aggressive confrontational bleating actually helps me drift into a deep peaceful sleep at bedtime, so angry , so powerless!! , what’s not to like ? ……….
Afternoon Q, nothing like an angry Lammy whining about Grenfell, Windrush or white saviours to drop off.
BAME whiners are like the new Irish, aren’t they. I give the same answer to the BAME bozos as I do to the Irish cunts. I shrug and say, “I’ve never killed anybody.” The belligerent bozos soon simmer down.
Afternoon Messrs Q & LL.
Actually Q&LL sounds a tad LGBQT-y.
Good evening LL ,
Seriously that shite sends me to sleep like a baby , hearing the bleating hard left always sends me into dream land ..
absolutely love it …………
How you doing in lockdown?
To be honest Q, its been OK. Got plenty to be getting on with plus long walks with the weather being so good, no bizzies about timing how long you sat down on a park bench for. Apart from 8pm every Thursday its been relatively cunt free. How about you?
Reminds me of the film groundhog day
But without the comedy
Having a dogs really helped , out on the Sussex downs every day for long walks with the beautiful weather an added bonus
Stayed off the seafront as it’s a magnet for cunts as is my local park
The thing that’s making my piss boil is the MSM especially SLY news , Beth pigby, boulton and that utter cunt with MASSIVE forehead and tiny face are all particularly irritating cunts ………
Perhaps the figures for the BAME communidee are so high because there are a fuckload more of them here than anyone in power wants to acknowledge.
Most of them illegaly.
Let’s see if my predictions are correct. The conclusions of the token Dame’s enquiry will be:
1. There is institutional racism within the NHS.
2. BAME members of society are more at risk of getting coronavirus due to racism and social inequality within society.
3. BAME members of society are also more likely to die from coronavirus due to the reasons in (2).
1. Promote more BAME members into management positions. Hire more BAME staff.
2. Send BAME staff home on full pay during any pandemic or epidemic to protect their health. This includes NHS staff and key workers.
3. Build large houses at the tax payers expense to house large BAME families to maintain social distancing during an outbreak. Provide large gardens with the housing.
4. All BAME members of society to be given priority with regards to supermarket shopping, both for online deliveries and in person shopping (go to the front of the queue).
5. Prioritise BAME members of society over white British for intensive care and ventilators during an outbreak, due to them being more likely to die from diseases like the coronavirus.
Think I’m joking?
Watch and learn.
I could fucking cry over the accuracy that this will be proven to be.
I predict a riot should it become so.
Fifth columnists like this monkey should be rounded up and shot.
Either you want to participate in the free world or you don’t. If you don’t you can go fuck yourself whatever your melomine Count. Cunt
Just watched the daily briefing, yep it was mentioned but the prize cunt of the day goes to one of the useless media reporters who asked the most stupid question.
It was about the new online registration for key workers who are systematic to request a test, “as the website opens at 8 am and slots disappear very quickly, what about those key workers who work shifts”
Now Grant Shapps didn’t really slap this cunt down, but the health woman Jenny something said “if they are symptomatic they shouldn’t be at work”
There should be a caveat to the questions at the daily briefing, no repeats and no fucking stupid idiot questions, that should keep the time down to ‘nothing else to add’
For “poetry” read “gibberish “.
I love being Black and White, I am the master race…highly intelligent, athletic, can act white or black and adapt to most situations, good looking, all year tan, women love me, and I have a big cock.
White cunts and Black cunts can fuck off.
Good evening, and go fuck yourselves. ?
The IQ issue is down to the 3 answer criteria. examples below.
Sorry you cant come in.
A.Its cos I am (fill in as applicable)
No this is private property.
A. You are racist
I dont think so.
A, Thats cos you are white privileged. (or coconut).
see the 3 answers that can get you through life!
Where the fuck did BAME come from anyways? What was wrong with Half Caste, Black, and White?
The amount of adverts with Mixed race families is now beyond a joke, I live near an advertising agency and fear that I may have caused the new craze as they probably saw me stepping aaaaht in Town and thought ‘look at that perfect, manly, specimen of perfection’.
We (Black and White mixed race) should really have our own category as we are simply the best of what humans can produce.
Piss off.
Sugar tits Markel never mentions her white half does she B&W? She should move to Watts or Compton and keep it real but I hear the schools are decidedly average for little Archie compared to Beverly Hills.
Her white half LL?
The slag looks 98% white to me.
At best she has a slightly funny tinge, that’s all.
She gives me the ‘orn.
Agreed Ruff Tuff
She only looks slightly tinted if she’s standing next to that pint of goldtop she’s married to.
I agree LL, it sometimes seems the lighter a mixed race person is the blacker they claim to be.
@RTCP we Black and White cunts come in many shades.
Norman Manley Prime Minister of Jamaica.
He looks very manly B&WC. ?
Are you perchance related?
Related? It’s me RTCP. ?
I blame the need for our non-caucadian brethren to go dancing in public, whether breakdancing, body-popping or shouting about their god.
As an Asian doctor from Leicester said it’s a cultural habit and the police not wanting to be called racist for telling black people to shut themselves away. White people are getting told off for walking in parks and even being out in the front garden, or having dared buy crisps and wine. The wypepo may be safer from covid, but they’re going insane, impoverished, getting down, drinking more and slapping the wife and kids about more often.
The BNP get into power and at a press conference are asked…
What abaaaaaht the Blacks and Asians?
‘They will be sent home’
What abaaaaaht the mixed race part whiteys?
‘They can stay in the Airport’.
Stay safe cunters and social distance, also keep away from the Dark keys… Unless it’s me.
This BAME monicker is a little vague though, don’t you reckon B&WC?
The black part’s obvious, but “Asians”?
When I think of Asians I’m picturing Indians and peacefuls. Does this include the dog-eating cruel tiddlywink cunts? There needs to be some deliniation.
The fruits have all bases covered with their LBGTQIA++, so why not the ethnics?
There’s a sizeable Inuit population where I live and they have no representation, the poor orange bastards.
A Fiddler government would send back anyone who could even spell ‘Windrush’.
I am using my spare time to think up a new all inclusive term the BBC etc can use to describe non whiteys…
The best I can come up with us ‘Non white cunts’ …still working on it. ?
I’d prefer it if no fucker mentioned race, but the libtards are so eager to divide everyone, while calling whitey racist at the same time and blaming him for everything (even the things other groups do wrong), that we end up with no choice but to bite back at the cunts.
The libtards instigate it, but some Bames take advantage. I just wished they wouldn’t because it’ll end in a kick off at some point if it carries on and on.
Not a dig at you btw, you seem a good egg (despite the strange places your tongue ends up of an evening).
How about Non White Arseholes, conveniently the same initials as some (c)rap group?
I wonder how many of the nigh on 50,000 Spanish and Italians that have died were BAME?
I don’t bother with any of this BAME shite….they’re all just “Sooties” as far as I’m concerned.
I’m lying really………..I also call them a load of names on the “banned” list.
PS…I’m no racist,mind….I’ll insult any Cunt regardless of their colour,religion,sexuality,handicap, etc..any fucking reason at all will do as far as I’m concerned.
What would be your favourite ethnic slur then, Mr F?
Mine’s simply “Päkı” as it seems to enrage them so.
Not necessarily the word, but what it implies from us hőnkiės…that they’re all tėrrorist-loving, underage girl-fiddling, whitey-hating, self important, humourless, smelly medieval cunts.
Well if it is to enrage…the maddest that I ever got a Dark Key was unintentional…I was shopping and asked this big black Momma assistant where a certain item could be found …didn’t understand a word of her reply and said,in all innocence.”I’m sorry,I don’t speak Kitchen there anyone English available?”…..She went fucking ballistic…I honestly thought that she was going to gorilla-trample me…I was in mid flow goading the bag and telling her to “Fuck Off you mental old bitch etc.” when Security turned up and evicted me …Evicted Me!… as I told them,it should have been fucking Mike Tyson’s Mother that they were chucking out,not fucking me.
Ho ho, very good Mr F!
You should’ve accused her of anti-white racism when the minimum wage security dullard turned up. He wasn’t an Um Bongo too, was he?
Then you could have accused him too. Then asked them both if they’d been studied by Dian Fossey.
Tell the truth I was quite relieved when Security turned up…I’ve got no doubt that I could have knocked the fucking pair of them out but was beginning to think that by enraging the escapee from “King Kong’s Enclosure” that I might have bitten off more than I could chew. I made fucking sure that the bitch would have to trample her way through the guards before she could get at me as I bellowed my parting shots involving “Silverbacks, Idi Amin’s ugly sister and tyre-swings”.
Another good parting shot would’ve been “you could leave your fingerprints on charcoal!”
I like that!
TTCE, your philosophy should be published by Penguin.
But obviously not the gay sort…
“Fuzzy-wuzzies” is also quite amusing, in a 70s kind of way…
I like dune c**n for our camel fiddling friends.
Evening Thomas.
That was Corporal Jones in Dad’s Army.
Monty Python’s Mrs Nîggĕrbaiter was a good one.
And nîg-nôgs from Love Thy Neighbour.
Evening RTC, how goes it?
Ho ho, yes, I’d forgotten about Mrs Nīg9erbaiter!
Here’s the audio:
I’d love to play this to a woke student.
And here’s a brief ‘n1ğn0ģ’ compilation for your delectation:
Anyone remember Rita,sue & Bob too?
Bet they dont show it nowadays?
But theres a bit with a paki boyfriend
Drunk dad “ill knock yer fuckin paki brains out
Paki “its not my fault im a paki!”
Drunk dad “yes it fuckin is.”
Here you go, MNC. The very clip:
Nice one Thomas!?
He was right though the dad, he was being a paki on purpose to irritate him.☺
It goes pretty, pretty well thanks Thomas.
There used to be a video of that on Youtube, just had a look, seems it’s been taken down….
Had a lovely walk in the park this afternoon. Rarely known the weather so perfect. As a bonus I managed to avoid Miserable northern cunt exposing himself!
Waited in the bushes for ages but you didnt turn up.
Was referring to the Mrs Nîggĕrbaiter sketch.
Yeah, great Love Thy Neighbour comp.
Irony is, that show was actually promoting better race relations, not racist at all. A fact totally lost on the libtard racists of today.
And it was nice that both guys were good friends in real life and, I believe, are still friends today even as old men.
Fuzzy Wuzzy is still used affectionately in the eastern antipodes to refer to New Guineans who assisted aussie forces in 1942-3. It’s on book titles, in docuumentaries etc.
BAME folk are so desperate to get from the racist U.K. that they risk a difficult sea crossing to get to a more prosperous, friendly and free Europe. Only today another sixty successfully made the perilous journey to France, and freedom from oppression. Oh wait, it’s the other way around of course. Cunts.
Sorry for a quick change of subject but Rachel Johnson, Boris’s sister is currently on her first phone in show on LBC. What a fuckin’ wet lettuce, absolutely devoid of any character or personality. Fuck off luvie.
Ring in and get the Cunt telt. Bertie.
Is that a Northumbrian term Dick?
“Scottish/Geordie slang for ‘told’, usually used when the ‘telling’ involves some exercise of authority or bringing to order”…….I will hasten to add that I am neither Scottish or Geordie.
Ring in and call her a fat-bellied,rancid auld Slapper,Bertie…at least you’d be entertaining people,which is more than she’ll be managing.
An tell her to get her brother out of his pit!
With IQ, Asians come out top, whitey in the middle and afros at the bottom. No. No. Not allowed because of cultural bias apparently. So racist and not accurate. That’s why there are so many afro scientists, mathematicians and engineers at the top level. And why Africa is such a beacon of refinement. I could reel some names off by my racist memory cant bring any to mind.
There was a black woman on telly objecting to the term-‘People of Colour’. She said-‘Why mention colour at all? ‘You don’t mention colour with white people’.
She was unaware that the term will have come from the radical left supposedly championing racial injustice.
There was a black woman on telly objecting to the term-‘People of Colour’. She said-‘Why mention colour at all? ‘You don’t mention colour with white people’.
She obviously failed to see the irony in that statement.
“You just did” was the obvious reply to her stupid point.
This BAME bollocks is more lefty white cunts and the odd ethnic chancer.
The average black bloke who was born here wouldnt class himself as BAME.
Maybe black british but why would he lump himself in with pakis chinkys etc.
Its utter bollocks.
Know this and know this well. There are many Dark Keys who have an issue with this BAME shit. It was ‘ethnic minority and black’ a couple of years ago and ‘of ethnic minorities’ some years before. Back in the 90s, it was ‘coloured’ which is not allowed now. However, knee grows in the States now talk of ‘people of colour’. WTF.
I call on B&WC to offer some arse loving oppotunities that I have missed. They must be abhaaaaat somewhere. 😉
Black Angry Menacing Effnik
Big Arsed Mother fucking Eejits
Ball And Minge Extrusions