These two fossils have said that they are so appalled by Brexit that they will refuse to accept or use the commemorative 50p coin. And Bliar’s cunt in chief, Alistair Campbell had joined in as well.
Well here’s my advise to you, gents : fucking grow up.
Anyhow, none of it really matters because according to Luvvie 2020 frontrunner Hugh Grant, this country is finished anyway.
My piss is boiling…
Nominated by Dioclese
A 50pence piece cunting for Yasmin Alibhai Brown, so enraged with Brexit and the new 50 pence piece she intends to give any she gets to beggars.
This is after Blair,Hestlcunt and Camplcunt said they wouldn’t use the new coin .
What a bunch of virtue signalling petulant little brats they are. How juvenile can you be? These are fully grown adults in the public eye,some of whom have held the levers of power. Jesus wept. How in the name of the wee man did we ever produced such utter cunts prepared to stoop to any level just to get browny points with the disaffected remoaners ?
Other countries must laugh at us.
Hatchet faced witch . Is there nothing they won’t whine about or any depths they won’t stoop to? How we all wish she and her ilk would just vanish from the face of the planet.
Nominated by Mac McCunt
I do not recall a similar outcry from eurosceptics in the early 1970s when then pro EEC 50p was in circulation. What a bunch of cunts!
What better way to emphasise how bitter to the very end you are and by how much you are clinging on to your hope and undying affection for the Reich than by not recognising legal tender.
I will be hanging around self-checkout tills in the hope that any nancy bozos will abandon any such coins in their frantic desire for anti-democracy.
Good to ser the pain is still there, constantly wriggling around inside these wet duvet cunts.
Do these Cunts know what a 50p piece looks like?
I expect they use their gold or platinum cards instead of soiling their grasping claws on the coin of the realm that has been touched by us lesser mortals.
Utter contemptable CUNTS!
I can imagine Diane taking exception to it demanding 1 20p and 2 10ps no that’s not right 2 20ps and 2 10ps no that’s not right 1 20p and 2 10ps no that’s not right again 1 20 p and 4 10ps no that’s not right…I’ve got it 1 20p 2 10ps 1 5p 2 twopences and 2 1ps is that right? Nearly…
Quite right Miles, I dont think dear Diane does well with the giddy heights of double digits. Mind you I would though…….
(Just kidding for fuck’s sake!!)
Bloody hell, I don’t know how you can even joke about a thing like that.
I’d say I’ve had worse but that would be a lie, I’ve always kept to my own species at least Mog
“How much does that come to Diane”?
“Err, twelfty”!
You daft cunt Miles!
Abbot will simply ask for a 40p, a 7p and 3p.
Job done!
Childish petulance from our so-called “betters”
Sulking in the corner, arms crossed, gurning, crying and stamping their little feet with a nice little tantrum or two.
I am surprised some of these virtue signalling cunts haven’t taken this a stage further by refusing to handle any money that bears characters from our historic past, calling them racists, sexists and fuck knows what else!
There will be demands for more dark-keys, more camel shaggers, more wimminz, and more Gays on the back of our bank notes, otherwise the Woke brigade won’t touch them!
One day this planet will topple from its axis and we’ll all be fucking dead, and thank fuck for that!
And some of us are genuinely surprised about Big Ben not being allowed to ring, when cunts like this skulk the halls of power…
The end of the world is nigh?
Well, I had great hopes for Ebola and Aids pruning the overpopulation but at least we now have Coronavirus, coming soon to a town near you courtesy of repatriating infected Brits to spread it.
Mind you, a 50% random pruning of humanity would be beneficial to the health of the planet IMHO. Wonder what St Greta thinks about that. Perhaps we could send her on a fact finding trip to Wuhan paid for out of the foreign aid budget?
And why would you name a virus after a fizzy drink?
It would be good to prove Malthus right, Dio.
Any Gentleman will tell you that carrying cash spoils the line of your made to measure suit.
If one has to use cash, then one should have an attendant / flunkey in tow,to carry it for you.
Standards have to be maintained.
Good morning.
Quite right, Sir!
I have my wife carry any filthy cash- at a discrete several paces behind me, mind. She also serves to kick the odd beggar we encounter on the street; I wouldn’t want to ruin the bull on my riding boots.
Good man , keep up the good work.
Whats a suit?
What do you call a muslim in a suit?
The Defendant! ?
“If you get a Brexit 50p, don’t give it to charity! It will only recirculate. Instead, drop a pound in the collection tinker every 50p you find, then dispose of the 50p permanently (landfill, bury it, over the side of a ship, in a drawer etc.) so that it’s *gone*.” (Edwin Hawkins, ‘Author’)
“The Brexit 50p coin is missing an Oxford comma, and should be boycotted by all literate people.” (Philip Pullman, another ‘Author’)
Sorry. That first quote should have read:
“If you get a Brexit 50p, don’t give it to charity! It will only recirculate. Instead, drop a pound in the collection tin for every 50p you find, then dispose of the 50p permanently (landfill, bury it, over the side of a ship, in a drawer etc.) so that it’s *gone*.”
If any good people get one of these democracy celebrating abominations donate them to the charity of “Send Owen rusks and milk Jones to Wuhan province”!
Im dying for my brexit 50p have no intention of spending it and definitely not giving it to charity or homeless cunts! Its historical and its mine.
Comma isn’t needed. It’s personal choice according to other experts .
This is the elite telling us they are intellectually and morally superior.
It’s as if they’ll catch something from the coin. Someone said it’s like medieval loons thinking an inanimate object was cursed.
Hestlcunt et al ,dozy cunts.
Yeah it’s optional but apparently the oxford comma, as it’s known, is that which only ‘illiterate’ people don’t use. ‘Oxford’ says it all about these condescending elites.
That impossibly macho Lord Adonis tweeted ‘I am never using or accepting this coin.’
I bet he is not quite as reluctant in accepting offers of other unusual shaped objects being inserted into areas of his anatomy.
Slapheaded prick.
I can imagine the cunt would ever go into a shop with cash so unlikely he will get one, the stupid slap head twat.
He probably makes anâl beads out of old Euros, the bald, little creep.
I put in a late evening nomination for another decrepit old cunt last night – arch Remainer and scribbler of over-praised books, Philip Pullman:
Not about Brexit of course – old Phil just thinks that pompous old ankers like him who sit in their shit-stained pyjamas all day listening to Ode To Joy on Wireless 3 will be offended at the absence of an “Oxford Comma”. We all know he is just as embittered as Gaylord Adonis and Nancy Hilary-Benn.
The demented old cunt has his head so far up his own arse what is left of his hair is covered in his own festering shit.
Pullman, whose Dark Materials Trilogy I enjoyed, has become a totally arrogant cunt. Such a shame that a reasonably talented writer ( he’s good but still overrated) is a prick of the first order.
Pullman? Average author, shit train carriage designer – I went on one and couldn’t even find the f*cking door – everything seemed to be covered in his dark materials!
Philip Kerr was miles better. RIP.
Pullman is the cunt who recently referred to Britain as ‘vile’. What fucking planet is this pea-brained cunt in orbit around?What a fucking tosspot.
Stupid cunts can send their unwanted 50 pence pieces to me and I will dispose of them in my bank account for them, solely in the interests of fostering amity and the brotherhood of man.
Deranged loons.
Melt down all the Brexit 50p’s and make them into a statue of Winston Churchill booting a German Doberman and a French Poodle up the a*se!
Then mount it outside 10 Downing Street.
Mounting a French poodle up the arse would cause outrage!
Not from the French – too busy scoffing cheese, guzzling wine and throwing their hands in the air at every given opportunity!
All of these people are just desperate for attention and there opinions to matter. Average Joe just sees a bunch of cunts whinging with zero fucks given.
*their opinion, apologies
At least you used the Oxford comma ?
Not using a coin?
Oh the horror!
The collapse of civilisation…
Oh wait that’s migration…my mistake.
The cunts.
”Peace, prosperity and friendship with all nations”
So the comma should go after prosperity. Doesn’t seem right. I was taught that the last in a list you put and.
The ‘Oxford’ comma says it all. Elitism.
Pullman. I know some Christians onject to his books. Never read them but he looks and sounds a Cunt.
Suspicious that you would call a children’s fantasy book-‘His Dark Materials’. Probably of evil intent.
Regardless, what a cheap little snivelling way to object to it. Once again insinuating Brexiteers are thick.
And on that- he is joined by that thick as pig shit Stig Abel fella off Sky Review. The editor of the TLS no less. Who hasn’t an original thought in his fucking head.
One of these fantasy writers ripping off every term and concept from the religious sphere they can and adding a bit of quantum mysticism to make themselves sound so superior than anyone who could believe in anything other than mankind and it’s own inventions.
I believe it’s only supposed to stop misunderstandings in a list eg. “I’d like to thank my parents Adolf Hitler and Angela Merkel” (ie the Oxford comma would, if I understand right, go after parents).
I always thought an Oxford Comma was a delivery van…
A cuntish way indeed of the remoaner elite to call us thick (again).
Civil war can’t come soon enough…
I thought that cunt Alibaba Brown was going to fuck off when Boris became PM? Hurry up you sour-faced old stinkbag.
Once again she lied, the hideous old tart.
I will happily use my fund of Brexit 50 pence pieces to buy her a ticket back to India or Uganda…… on a smelly old Indian freighter where she can be fucked by sex crazed Indian sailors every hour.
She backed out of that by saying “ there are certain things we all regret saying at times.”
Well She cannot go back to Uganda because they booted her out ?
Another immigrant with far too much to say for herself If you don’t like this Country then fuck off somewhere else ?
What we need is a line up if all the remainiacs and the is a cunt firing squad…armed with at least 1000 of these new 50 pence pieces each.
I bet I could get some well aimed shots at Campbellend and Blair.
I bet a coin to the head ain’t pleasant.
Go fuck yourselves.
A coin to the head is always unpleasant – just visit Bramall Lane if you don’t believe me! (2p’s not 50’s though – this is Yorkshire!)
Any visit to Bramall Lane is unpleasant
What a fucking shit hole ?
I have no comment! ?
Ain’t there some Brexit party in London? Any cunters going? I wonder if the remoaners will have a demonstration. The cunts.
Brexit party in London on the 31st, and a rumour some unpleasant “democratic left wing” types are going there to cause mischief and blame it on “the march of the far right” etc – expect the normal one sided heavy handed Policing and “Milk and rusks” parading around with his pink microphone and the standard hate mob of democratic liberals giving their fair and balanced opinion, blanket coverage by the MSM ready for the “naming and framing” of the f*scist r*cist bwexiteers!
I might pop down VF and give a few remainiacs a kick in the Bollocks.
Commemorative coins are of no interest to me whatsoever. But it’s right we should have a coin to mark our official leaving of the EU, just as it was right to have one to commemorate our joining the EEC.
It is also right that Big Ben should chime at 11pm on the 31st of January 2020. The fact that it won’t is a disgrace, and only contributes to further fuelling the fires of division in the country, which is clearly what these childish Remoaners want.
Fuck them.
PS: Nicholas Parsons has snuffed it. Well done someone.
Just A Minute to end after 53 years?. A nation (and Paul Merton) mourns…..
“Just a minute to end after 53 Years”?
Was the original estimate from the company given the Government contract to complete just a minute 7 Years?
A programme stuffed with cunts for the entirety of it’s 53 years.
No doubt off to his Sale of the Cemetery
If a 50p coin taxes their tiny minds in such a way, I hesitate to think what childish stunts these cunts will have planned for Friday.
That fuckin’ Welsh cunt outside Parliament will be back for a final hoorah.
In the absence of any bells ringing, Jo Swinson will be providing the Big Bongs.
And what a pair of clappers.
I was thinking really the Remoaners have missed a trick by not going along with the bells ringing. Steve Bray could quote in dark lugubrious warning tones (through his meagphone if he’s got a new one) Donne’s famous poem as each bong sounded-
‘No man is an island entire of itself; every man
is a piece of the continent, a part of the main;
if a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe
is the less, as well as if a promontory were, as
well as any manner of thy friends or of thine
own were; any man’s death diminishes me,
because I am involved in mankind.
And therefore never send to know for whom
the bell tolls; it tolls for thee’.
And he could pinch a line from the end of the latest HSBC atrocity.
“The groom may now kiss the groom”…
Did anyone have Parsons in the death pool.
My piss isn’t boiling, it’s dribbling down my leg because I’m laughing so much!
Just when you think they have reached rock bottom!
I can only imagine the sheer rage these degenerate arsewipes are being consumed by. Don’t insult them, just laugh and laugh and laugh.
They are utterly despised by the “europe” they whore for (which they seem totally incapable of grasping). We must make it clear that while they are traitors they are stupid, pathetic, incompetent traitors and what we should rub in their faces, until the day they die and we should use to shit on their memory is that we are out largely because of them.
Imagine you had a winning lottery ticket for £10 million and found it too late. Then imagine if somebody you loath so much it drives you mad laughs in your face, every day for the rest if your life!
Decent remainers, those who might not like the result but accept it (and those who may have changed your mind since). This is not directed at you.
Heseltine, Adonis, Campbell. There are no words to fully capture their cuntitude.
I wonder if Clarke’s multiple directorships and Heseltine’s extensive landholding (EU pays whether land is used or not) have any bearing on their sincerely held views? Surely not?
A slightly cynical and wholly correct view there some would say CC! I can confirm Fatty and Tarzan will see a slight reduction to the stream of gold sliding into their deep and well lined pockets – but perhaps they could just follow remoaners around catching the shower of abandoned 50p’s – that’ll get the buggers a few bob!
Wait while my artificial Island just outside UK territorial waters is finished – I shall be sat there with the Legion of Doom, Darth Vader and Skeletor making my evil plans for World domination!
We’ll get you a white cat as a present from ISAC.
A white cat, a monocle and a freaky assistant called “Owen” who I spend all day punching, kicking and hitting with a stick – sweet!
Like any of these rich bastards ever handle cash. They wouldn’t know what a 50p looks like, the wankers.
I am more than happy to provide a disposal point for these heinously offensive coins. Just pop them in a packet and send them to me…
Any unwanted 50p coins send them to Mr George W Bamboo Mansfield Nottinghamshire ??
Leave Means Leave ??
Far too sexist address for you to have. It must only be a matter of time before there’s a petition to change it.
“The Isle of Man”? No – now the LGBT Isle of WOKE.
“Mansfield”? – No – now self identifying as Theyfield.
“Mankind”? – No – now personkind.
Which f*scist waaycist thought of these awful names?
Best round up some shifty vaping hipsters, they will stop this sort of nonsense!
100,000 signatures required Bertie that’s democracy none of this second vote shite
People’s Vote nonsense ?
Cunts one and all. They talk about this as an example of ‘gloating’ by Brexiteers. Well, what we did we have to put up with for more than three years as these absolute cunts gleefully applauded every machination to thwart the democratic process? Suck it up, cunts. You’re fretting about a 50p piece? Think yourself lucky to don’t have something much more to worry about, like being dragged through Traitors’ Gate, you despicable shits.
Afternoon all.
I’d wager a gigantic sack of this coinage that if these cunts were paid their ‘expenses’, ‘fees’, EU bungs etc in these coins only they’d pretty soon change their minds. Miserable petty childish cunts, fuck right off.
Pathetic fucking wankers I am going to get some toilet paper printed with heseltine and adonoids mugshots and hand out said rolls to my friends and family, every time I tear off a couple of sheets I will think fuck you and the cunty eu whilst their faces take on a darker hue. Never surrender to cunts!!!!
“Gloating”? Yes, but with a sense of irony as this is a Phyrric victory – we voted to leave, the rich Metropolitan self proclaimed elite voted (repeatedly) to stop us, democracy prevailed, and on the 31st we get to stay in the EU on even worse terms with no vote, no veto, no influence and handing them a 39 Billion leaving payment to a dictatorship we are not leaving – now THAT’S Democracy!
History will not judge the traitors well, they say a week is a long time in politics – well so is three and a half f*cking Years to get nowhere!
Treacherous rats.
Not to worry, getting my Union Flag Pwincess outfit ready for the London party on the 31st – no alcohol and Uncle Nigel and broke Richard are only demanding a token payment from me!
(Brexit 50p do all right lads? – you’ll get f*ckall else off me!)