Hardcore Remainers

Hardcore remainers deserve a nomination. Heseltine, Adonis, Alistair Campbell and the usual suspects on “Soshul Meeja”.

Sajid Javid has had a number of commemorative fifty pence pieces minted to coincide with the UK once again becoming an independent, sovereign nation. Cue much wailing, gnashing of teeth and whingeing from the above mentioned. “Harumph! You’re rubbing our faces in it” they cry as they refuse to use it. Campbell has said that if he’s ever in a shop and he’s offered on of theses fifty pence pieces in change, he’ll refuse it and ask for two twenties and a ten pence instead. How fucking immature and pathetic can they get?

Most remainers have accepted that Brexit WILL happen, and that there’s nothing can do about it. However, there are some, mostly in the political sphere, who absolutely refuse to believe that 17.4 million British voters dared to show their patriotism and voted for the UK to leave the EU. And most them, as it turns out, have a vested interest in remaining, a financial one. The likes of Heseltine, Clarke, Adonis, Campbell, Mandelson, Soubry, Grove, Ummuna etc, are living proof that Remaining should be classed a mental illness.

To whinge about a fucking coin shows that they have long since lost the plot as far as Brexit is concerned. As for rubbing their faces in it, they deserve it. Despite their claims to the contrary, they have spent nearly four years actively working against democracy and, with the victories they’ve had, gloated about them. They are traitors and they deserve to have their faces rubbed in their defeat. I remember the undisguised joy they all showed when the Supreme Court illegitimately stuck its nose into a political issue and overturned the prorogation. Soubry even said after it, “suck it up”. Well, now you cunts can suck it up. You’ve lost. You can deny that all you want, but it won’t change the fact that you lost. The will of people WILL, finally be carried out on Friday and there’s nothing you can about it. And if you really believe that the UK will become a financial basket case and global irrelevance, and you truly think that Brexit is an act of oppression, then fuck off. Hop on a plane, or a ferry, and go and live in one of your beloved EU countries. I’m sure Grieve will be happy to put you up in his chateau until you find a mansion of your own. If you’re not willing to do that, change your nappies, jump back in your prams, put your dummies back in and shut the fuck up.

Incidentally, the Remainiacs are trying to get the EU’s anthem, “Ode to Joy” to the top of the charts. Brexiteers are trying to counter it by getting Nick Frisbee’s song, “Seventeen Million Fuck Offs” to number one instead. Let’s do our bit and get Nick to the top of the charts. Just to rub their faces in it some more.

Nominated by Quick Draw McGraw

100 thoughts on “Hardcore Remainers

  1. Happy independence day Mum and enjoy watching as others come to their senses, jumping off the Reich caravan of cunts.

    • To the tune of last song in Sound of Music

      So long fairwell auf wiedersehen adieu to EU and EU and EU and EUand EU.

    • The fact that it 11 o’clock our time is because it is midnight in Berlin. Tells you all doesn’t it? But never mind we are leaving an hour early!

  2. I fucking hate remoaners. I mean really fucking hate them, just as much as I hate pikeys. It’s not so much the cunts like Blair, Major, Cable, Adonis etc. They put their own self interest first and I would hate them if there had never been a referendum.
    No, the cunts I really despise are the ordinary cunts like me who have swallowed all the Establishment bullshit they have been fed by the media, especially the fucking BBC, and repeat their mantras like the pathetic wankers they are. I actually know a couple of cunts who have what they call a “Brexit stash.” I don’t know the exact details, and care even less, but this consists of a stockpile of tinned food, bog rolls etc for the day when we fuck off the EU……..which is today I suppose.
    Fucking idiots. They are like the poor sap at Heathrow, holding a bunch of flowers wondering why his Russian sweetheart wasn’t on the flight from Moscow that he sent her two grand for the fucking ticket. Some cunts just never learn. It is much easier to fool some wanker than to get them to admit they were fooled in the first place. Remoaners…….cunts…..I fucking hate them.

    • My ex boss is one of those cunts Freddie. Fucking Brexit box in his garage the soft vegan cunt! Spent three and a half years scaring the shit out of his young kids with unfounded tales of armageddon. I only wish I could see him on Monday to rip fuck out of him….soft fucking vegan shite!

    • Hopefully it will dawn on people that life will go on after today and questions will be asked of those who predicted otherwise. Even the dimmest ordinary person will realise that the BBC is ‘not fit for purpose’. The cunts at the BBC have used that term to malign al, and sundry for far too long; payback is about to start.

    • I really wonder why the EU bothered to get Andre Rieu to arrange a soundbite version of the Beethoven, when they already had a perfectly serviceable version, recorded in 1994, arranged by Herbert von Karajan.
      Maybe it had something to do with the magic number 607525, which was given to him 3 days after his 25th birthday, by the Nazi Party membership dept.

      Terry Christian (who the feck ??) is a shiteweasel.

      Morning good cuntologists !

      • PS I tried several times to buy OUR song off Amazon yesterday; despite having bought 2 cheapo CDs from them with no probs at all about ten days ago, they were refusing to sell me “17 M Fuck-Offs”…
        Should I line my hat with tin foil, or have any others amongst you had similar prob ? My bank account is fine, otherwise…

        Andre Rieu is a clog-head twat.
        If you want Strauss family music, go for Willi Boskovsky, or Clemens Krauss,(both Vienna Philharmonic Orch.) and bear in mind that the famous Blue Danube waltz was the Austrian resistance sig tune against the Nazis. Also, Beethoven’s Egmont overture was the Hungks’ sig tune in ’56 for THEIR uprising against another “evil empire”…

      • Downloaded 17 million off of iTunes and playing it full volume on way to work. Satisfying veeeeeery satisfying.

      • I have spent 99p! Without being mugged!
        Need a cup of tea now.
        But listening to 17 Million F*ck offs will make it better!

      • Cheers v m for that, CtC…
        Amazon STILL locking me out.
        I’ll donate to the linked charity when I have a bit more dosh…

    • BBCunts said they were playing it this morning on the Today programme. More fool me for having it on but it was nice to hear them in meltdown. They asked Lopsided Laura what would happen during this year’s FTA negotiations, giving her yet another chance to spout opinion as fact. She has as much of a clue as the rest of us, especially as the government are boycotting the BBCunts.

  3. I was so looking forward to Big Ben ringing today….
    Bonnnnnggg …you lost you cunts
    Bonnnnnggg …haha you fucking losers

    • Watch Sky News then that will seriously piss you off All the usual remoaner suspects are on there moaning about how they have been cheated over Brexit
      Suck It Up Leave Means Leave ??

      • How have they been cheated? We had a free, fair, democratic vote on our membership of the EU. Ok, both sides were economical with the truth, but the majority voted to leave. THEY tried to cheat US, by going against democracy and trying to ignore the result. Which just goes to show that all the remoaners they keep getting to mouth on tv, are the biggest liars on the face of the Earth.

  4. To be honest I haven’t been following the political machinations of the “divorrce” via the media for quite some time now, not least because its all turned so rancorous, duplicious and trecherous – mostly on behalf of the Remainers.

    I don’t really know if te UK’s ultimate departure will actually be what the Leavers actually wanted. From the bits I have read, I don’t think this is the case, but I really can’t be bothered to wade through what will happen and what won’t.

    All I will say (and I say this as a person who voted Remain!!), is that a lot of Remainers try to take the moral high ground by suggesting they are far more enlightened to the benefits of the EU. But then by the same measure have to resort to childish personal abuse against those that disagree – usually calling Leavers small minded, ignorant bigots – rather than trying to see the argument from both sides.

    Some of my friends are very much like this: they consider themselves well educated and socially aware; but then resort to crude generalisations against anyone they think looks or acts like a Leaver (football hooligans, for example, they instantly label as “Stupid Brexiteers” even though they have no proof of this)

    All rather embarrassing to be associated with them quite frankly because in truth they are no better than the alleged lack of intelligence they throw wholesale at Leavers.

    For myself, I have mixed feelings about the UK leaving the EU. I hope we can tighten up on immigration policy and to have some control over our own sovereignty; but by the same token I am concerned about trade, defence and security now that the UK will be going it alone.

    Interesting times….

    • I’m not that worried about trade. In yesterday’s Tenable on ITV one of the questions was name the top 10 selling cars in the UK. 2nd, 4th, 5th and 6th were VW, Audi, Mercedes Benz and BMW. Do you think Germany would allow tariffs on UK goods when we can respond by putting them on these cars. No chance.

      • Incidentally, why does everybody make the EU this massive and important trading bloc, it has less than 7% of the world’s population. China is over 3x the size, commonwealth India is over 2x? And if proximity is an important thing, why is New Zealand lamb cheaper than Welsh lamb?

    • I share your very reasonable sentiments Tech. I’ve never regretted voting Leave but there is no great need to crow at the expense of the 49%. I ignore the usual Blair/Adonis etc has-been cunts mentioned above who the BBC are always only too happy to give oxygen to, completely disproportionate to their importance.

      The vast majority of Leavers and Remainers are reasonable sensible people who just want a decent quality of life and not have to listen any more to the usual flag-waving (both sides) provocative/ argumentative cunts perpetually shown in the media.

      Leaving was never about improved economics for me, all about sovereignty and rolling back the tide of ‘ever closer Union’ before it got beyond the point of no return. And of course control over immigration- WE determine who comes and goes and not Drunker and co.

      Soon we are going to have to face tough choices and pick sides. The Yanks will always look after No1 and anyone who thinks we won’t get the shit end of the stick from them is deluded. Tango man ain’t all bad as ISACs well appreciate but he’s gonna look after his US interests. I don’t have a huge problem with China and the Huawei deal and couldn’t care less if the Yanks object to it. As Sir Nigel has quite rightly stated the EU is a declining economic force.

      Our armed forces are in a lamentable state but we don’t need to go abroad fighting pointless wars in Middle East etc, we just need to defend ourselves and in particular protect our fishing grounds.
      I’ll still pour myself a crafty Whisky and soda tonight; quietly satisfied that we have at last reached this point. The real fun begins now.

      • One concern I do have is what would happen if there was a change in Prime Minister/government within the lifetime of this parliament?

        My other concern is one of expectations and realities. Just how long will Leavers tolerate for the promises to happen? And will these promises be watered down (as often the case with a lot of government polices compared to their election manfiestos).

        Will Leavers be expecting results within a certain time frame (first 12 months?), or are they willing to stick with it for the long term?

        And of course you get bet your bottom dollar Brexit critics will be watching and highlighting every hurdle, every problem, every disaster, every job loss, every stock market crash, every plant closure as a direct result of leaving (rightly or wrongly).

        So much so, what would happen if another election was called and Labour/LibDems did finally win power. Will they roll out another Referendum, that could ultimately result in a return to the EU based purely on what may turn out to disilluisionment with how those early hopes and expectations never panned out after all!

        Lots of imponderables, and there will be no doubt the UK will be in for some turbulent times over the next couple of years. I just hope Boris and his government stand resolute and don’t waiver because prime ministers and governments come and go, but their decisions will still stay around long after they have gone!

  5. Of all the Remoaners, Adonutpuncher and Campbellend have consistently shown their contempt for the 17.4m Leave voters.

    Now we are finally leaving, I will not only toast the occasion tonight, but I will greedily guzzle on the delicious, bitter tears of all those quislings who did their utmost to thwart our exit from the EU.


  6. Superb stuff QDM. Terry Christian is one of the worst – very principled for a man who made his career laughing at chavs French-kissing grannies and eating worms on channel 4. Now he makes statements about hoping that Brexit-voting pensioners die of flu. I think they all seem to lack a sense of scale; they talk about “Brexiteers” (I hate that juvenile term) as though they’re a little group of troublemakers they bumped into in the pub – not OVER SEVENTEEN MILLION people. Can they not grasp the sheer amount of voters that were offered this democratic choice and took it? Cunts the lot of them.

  7. I would spray remainers and europeans with cillit bang, because on the tv advert it claims to get rid of scum.
    I pray that those filthy creatures on the other side of the channel get obliterated by this bat soup flu, which is been spread by an equally disgusting race.
    We won fuck off eu.

  8. An excellent cunting Quick Draw. As you say they have spent nearly four years trying to stop the democratic will of the majority.
    Petulant little babies . Soup puss Soubry can suck it up big time and as for professional drunk Campbell here’s hoping he hits the bottle really hard tonight and the curtain is finally brought down in thus traitorous little cunt.

  9. I’d enjoy seeing their principles run down their legs when they need to spend a Stabistan penny.

  10. Oh yes, not forgetting that the cunt Terry Christian is a fucking ape. His vile, deplorable comments on TV a couple of days ago are bordering on hate crime.

    Terry Christian ably demonstrates he has the IQ of a coat hanger and all the charisma of a blocked pub toilet.

    The Manc cunt.

    • It is a great shame TC didn’t have an encounter with a wire coathanger earlier in his miserable, pointless existence.

      Perhaps he might end up being crucified (please…).

      • Stay tuned lads. I’ve cunted the cunt and I’m hopeful that Admin will put it up soon, and give you a chance to give the fucker a kicking.

      • Nice one Ron, was going to have a bash myself but didn’t get round to it – I will await your far more eloquent cunting than mine would have been fervently. ?

    • Terry Christian the Manc c*nt – lives in London in between Michael Parkinson and Noel Gallagher, professional Northerners making it big in rich Man town, just some of many.
      And well done Geoff Norcott on QT last night, they don’t like common sense!

  11. They’re a fragile little band of paper shufflers aren’t they?
    A stiff breeze would blow them into the English Channel..
    Jesus just fuck off.

    • And when the stiff breeze blows our balanced and mature remainer friends into the English Channel they can bounce off the flotilla of dinghies all the way to their beloved Europe – and f*cking stay there!

  12. Excellent cunting and a very happy Brexit day everyone!!!!

    If they don’t like the coins in circulation; then as has been said, they should fuck off to their beloved EU. Owing to the absurd ‘modern monetary policy’ adopted by the ECB including the insane amount of QE implemented, there will be no shortage of Euros for the likes of Adonis, Hesletwat and Co to trouser instead. Just don’t come crying back to us when hyperinflation makes them worthless….

  13. Now when we “leave” the fun begins, a year of transition, we still dance to the eu tune but have no say in the matter. Three fucking years to sort out a trade deal, or up yours no deal. No we stay hanging on their fucking shirt tails while the cunts invent new ways to fuck us and of course extend the transition period another fucking year. Now I know Boris said no extension to transition period but he also said we would leave on 31st October but we did not we stayed in. Let’s have some real leadership and tell eu fuck off, we are out now, not in a years time, now.

    • To be fair BB the reason we didn’t leave on 31/10 was the fucking “Benn Act” limp wristed Hilary Nancy-Benn aided and abetted by Hammond, Grieve , Sugartits and Gauke a.o.

      • Thanks for pointing that out WCB, so pissed off about the whole situation I forgot about those traitorous bastards. I really wish I could forget about all the traitorous bastards then my piss might come off the boil. Always the way, rant in haste realise you missed something out at leisure!

  14. For auld lang syne, my dear, for auld lang syne”…
    Sorry you lost yer losers!?
    Nice to see you did it with such grace and dignity!
    Hey, from tonight cant really call yourselves European can you? Haha
    Nice listening to you cry.
    Fuck you.????

    • We’ll still be European Miserable.

      Just not members of the European Union, even though nothing practical will change until December 31st. And maybe not even then if Boris applies to extend the transition period….

      • I think the idea that today is Independence Day is, to say the least, premature. For at least another 11 months we are bound by EU rules without having any say in them. Added to this, we have a diehard Remainer contingent that will carry on doing everything it can to fuck the whole thing up and, lastly, I still don’t trust BoJo to deliver.

      • Really Mog?!? Christ, that’s not what I signed up for – all them aliens bezzing about the place? Empire State Building blown to bits – at least we’ll have Donnie Tango giving a rousing speech before climbing into an F15 to look forward to

      • F15? They’d have trouble stuffing the fat cunt into the cargo compartment of a Hercules C-130.

      • Not me.
        Im not european.
        Im English.
        That only
        Never considered myself european.
        Fuck the EU, Fuck France, and Fuck Terry Christian.

    • Given the performance of our football team I assumed that as a Nation we had learned to learn to lose with good grace? – but this appears not to be the case if your preferred sports are rowing, polo or quidditch!
      For the first time in modern history the poor have not done as the rich told and ordered us to. I made a conscious and informed decision to leave a dictatorship and will never forget the bullying, spite and just general dismissive nastiness engaged in by the rich and privileged about a decision they feel the little nobody people should not have been allowed to make.
      And it finally shines a forensic light on who really runs the Country and the reprehensible tactics they continually engage in when they have their well paid status quo challenged.
      Know your enemy – and the sickening thing is that the enemy in this case are our own people!
      That is all.

  15. I’m sure these foul remainer fuckwits will find plenty to do after we’ve (sort of) left.
    Like indulging in open acts of sabotage and limp wristed domestic terrorism to bring the country to a standstill and punish the rest of us.
    Hopefully such acts will be dealt with by the general public, much like how they dealt with that Extinction Rebellion cunt that got hauled off the tube train and given a sound shoeing.
    Of course, I couldn’t possibly condone violence… ???

  16. One thing is for sure:

    Peter Mangledbum
    “Lord” Adonis
    Ben Bradshaw
    Wes Streeting
    Peter Kyle
    Lloyd Russell-Moyle
    Fanny Izzard
    Alchoholic Ali Campbell

    will all wake up on Saturday feeling a bit qu eer

    Blair, Grieve, Ken Clarke and Anna Soubry won’t be feeling very duckie either.

    • Dont forget Gina Miller…cunt and I hope all those cunts who said they were going to leave the country if we Brexited have now fucked off.

      • All those who said they were going to leave should now be forced to, in handcuffs or at gunpoint if necessary.

      • Gina Miller Up In Banana Tree should either be deported for good or arrested and charged with the highest of high treason….

  17. Let’s get a viral trend going on Twatter with the topical tongue twister of the day :


    Catchy ain’t it?

    #bigbenbong #BrexitDay #bigbenbongban

  18. I am savouring today even though I am between 12 hour shifts and am sad I can’t share a bottle of champagne with my Dad later as planned as he is in the hospital.He has waited years for this.

  19. Fuck the Remoaners.They have whinged incessantly and been the poorest losers the last 3 years.I hope they all cry like babies tonight.Not that the cuntflaps need encouraging.

  20. Happy Brexit day to us, Happy Brexit day to us, Happy Brexit day the United Kingdom, Happy Brexit Day to you. etc.

    Brexit Day Earworm Mother Fuckers!

  21. On a serious note, if people have time they could listen to Steve Bakers 10 past 8 interview on Radio 4 this morning. Eloquent and on point.

    You don’t want to say you’re in safe hands whenever you hear a politician speak, but when you hear someone like Steve Baker lay things out eloquently and without rancour, you do feel a fair bit more confident about the future. And that the right people are steering the ship.

  22. I heard that there was a remainer rush to get into Europe before December this year so they can stay EU citizenship.
    If any one knows of anyone doing this, My friend is selling his house in Spain (has a swimming pool and everything).
    Give us a shout.

    • I’m sure there is a long queue of them at the airport as we speak, joining the likes of Paul O’Grady and Alibhai Brown.

  23. The thought of these cunts wailing, stamping their feet, crying and stammering about racism whilst still failing to comprehend that they didn’t “win” keeps making me laugh aloud.

  24. Campbellcunt says he won’t accept the new 50p, this guy was an advisor to the Blaircunt…. The political class, all cunts!

  25. They were so sure of themselves, certain they were on the right side of history, all agreed it couldn’t be any other way, slapped down emphatically by the electorate.
    How satisfying.
    Of all of them Benn, Grieve, Soubry, Miller the most satisfying slap down for me Jo fucking Swinson. Not a peep since the election. Not one utterance. No longer a ‘major voice’ in British politics. Her mouth stopped as an unruly child is with a sudden.slap.

    • Sums it up perfectly Miles. All the Metrocunts who think that they’re so superior, so cosmopolitan, that they knew better what the little people needed than the little people knew themselves. They can stuff their condescension and sneers up their rings. Fuck the lot of them to hell and back.

    • From ‘Britain’s next Prime Minister’ to being irrelevant within a little over two months. You love to see it. ?

      • Swinson could always emigrate to some tin pot dictatorship where her brand of ‘if the vote doesn’t go my way, I’ll ignore it’ type of democracy. Vile woman.

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