Elizabeth Banks

Elizabeth Banks is rapidly making herself a contender for cunt of the year.

For those who don’t know, Banks is the Director of the latest Charlie’s Angels film (yes, they actually made one). Nobody asked for this film, nobody wanted this movie. And, perhaps predictably, that lack of desire for this film has translated into abysmal box office takings ($8 million so far). In fact, Banks did predict that the she’d directed a steaming pile of dog shit, because before the film was released, was she busy getting her excuses in first. Anyone care to guess who she blamed for the film being a flop? Yes, that’s right, toxic white males.

Banks made a film that was aimed squarely at women, snowflake women. However, the film didn’t flop because it was badly written, badly acted and had that well known charisma vacuum, Kristen Stewart in the lead role. It didn’t flop because non-snowflake women didn’t give a toss about this film. It flopped because white men, a group that the film was specifically NOT aimed at, didn’t go to see it.

White men are responsible for the new Charlie’s Angels film being a massive flop. It’s got nothing to do with Elizabeth Banks herself, who was director and joint producer, it’s white men, because, y’know, white men bad. You see, even though Banks made a film that was aimed solely at snowflake women, Hollywood apparently now considers it to be compulsory that us toxic white males go to see EVERY film they make, so that we can be blamed when it inevitably bombs.

Like I said, nobody asked for this film and nobody wanted it, except money grabbing film execs. I haven’t seen it myself, but considering it’s apparently SJW as fuck, I’m going to hazard a guess that the plot involves an evil white man hatching some kind of nefarious plot to kill a powerful woman/steal a large amount of money/take over the US or the World, or some combination of that. Cue three young policewomen/federal agents/special forces/CIA, who just happen to be the bestest, toughest wahmen evar…being giving the job of bringing said evil white man to justice. This will probably involve car chases, shoot outs in which they never miss, because they’re like the bestest shots evar, explosions and fights in which they hilariously beat the shit out of men two to three times their size. Anyway, to cut a long story short, they eventually find evil white man, whom they promptly beat the shit out of, before arresting/killing him, after he’s had his genitals severed in a manner that the SJW mind considers hilarious. There, my fellow evil white men. Now you don’t need to go and see this shit show…err…film. So, it’s YOUR fault that, like an SJW’s cock, it’s a flop.

The fact that Banks was making excuses before the film had even been released, shows that she knew how bad it was. But rather than do the honourable and honest thing, and admit that she’d fucked up, she chose to do what Hollywood has been doing for the past few years, blame white men. Like I said, the film was not aimed at men. As far as I’m aware, men have not complained about the film. But somehow it’s our fault anyway.

Well, I’m not taking the fucking blame for this. Especially now that Paul Feig (Ghostbusters 2016) has decided to back Banks up. The reason this film flopped, the real reason, is the same reason that so many other films have flopped over the past few years. It’s badly written SJW bullshit.

Fuck you, Elizabeth Banks, you cunt. YOU’RE the reason that your film flopped. Get back to cinematic school.

Nominated by Quick Draw McGraw

say “Movie” again I treble dare you mother fucker!

Yours day Admin.

100 thoughts on “Elizabeth Banks

  1. Think we’re seeing the silent majority pushing back on this kind of shite, I know I’ve become more aware of this global brainwashing of what and how we should think and act, people are puking up from it now and throwing it back into the faces of the people spoon feeding it. I’m actively calling it out and boycotting it via my wallet. Fuck this snowflakeduggrey Woke shite and all who preach it.

  2. It’s always the man’s fault, and it would definitely be my fault if whilst shagging her and it accidentally goes up her arse.
    Now remember fellow counters it’s better to apologise afterwards the ask and be told no and that’s why I’m a cunt…

  3. She played the sex mad bint in the 2005 film the 40 Year Old Virgin.

    The scene with her in the bath, rubbing the shower head around her pussy was one for the wank bank!

  4. The only decent roles she was in, was the hunger games trilogy and her supporting role as betty brant in raimi’s spiderman trilogy everything else shes been in is shite imo

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