The Labour Party (12)

Following on from Gutstick Japseye’s excellent nomination of John McDonnell, I want to nominate the entire Labour Party.

As we all know, we have yet another vote coming up, a General Election this time, and as usual the parties are all out making promise after promise that frankly, I find impossible to believe after three-and-a-half years of lies from our elected ‘representatives’ in parliament.

One thing that’s boiled my piss though, is the recent revelation that Corbyn is preparing to announce an inquiry into Britain’s colonial past. Words like, ‘abuse’, ‘apologies’ and even the most egregious of all, ‘reparations’, have been bandied about. Holy Jesus Christ. I’ve asked these questions many times before, now I have to ask them again. Who gets the apology? And who gets compensation? Because as I’ve pointed out so many times before, every single person who is owed an apology and compensation, is long dead. As are those are who ALLEGEDLY carried out abuses. Not one single British person alive today owes anyone an apology for any crimes that MAY have been committed by British people two or three hundred years ago. We certainly don’t owe them a penny in compensation.

This bullshit is being done purely to pander to the various minority groups that Labour now sees as its voter base. Labour has spent more than two decades demonising and neglecting its traditional white working class voter base. The only white people who vote for them now, are the effete left wing middle classes who despise Britain, and those brain dead cretins who vote Labour simply because “my parents and grandparents voted Labour. They’re dead now, but they’d hate me if I didn’t vote Labour”.

Labour are no longer a working class party. This bullshit, and the fact that so many working class people are planning to vote Tory at the election proves it.

Nominated by Quick Draw McGraw

89 thoughts on “The Labour Party (12)

  1. Labour is the party of students. Of identity politics. Of twee London wankers. Of Polly Toynbee. Jon Snow and Lily fucking Alan.
    However, as their manifesto makes clear, it is also the party of corrupt Union power and the road to ruin.

    • And unlimited immigration.

      And according to the Labour manifesto, foreign nationals resident in the UK will be able to vote in future Referendums and General Elections.

      WTF?! No other country in the world allows that. Am beginning to detect a pattern…

      Votes for 16 year olds goes without saying.

      • It’s already happening commonwealth citizens residing in the UK have been eligible to vote for years and can register to vote on arrival without being British citizens and worse still there are more than a million of em . This country is pathetic isn’t it.

    • Stop press.
      Am watching Steptoe on tonight’s Question Time Leader’s special.
      His specs look just like window glass.i.e. there’s no way that they can refract light!
      Why is the cunt wearing them? To cover up his repetitive nervous blinking?
      Sorry must go now , Krankie’s on and I need a laugh.

    • I have only seen London once, and that was a very long time ago and through the bomb sights of my Heinkel!

    • What that cunt Comrade Corbynski is trying to turn Britain into is nothing new although he claims it is. He wants a 1960’s style Soviet regime. Everyone with a brain knows what a fucking disaster it is when you put corrupt politicians in charge of businesses after you nationalise them. It’s nothing new Corbynski you commie cunt.

  2. Labour ceased representing the working class some 25 years ago. Their constituency now is the Libtard Metropolitan Elite and those immigrant communities which are non-aspiring and non- enterprising ( Muslims, Somalis, etc – not Hindu Indians).

    • Sikhs seem to do ok as well. They also spread out in the general community rather than form 3rd world ghettos.

      • I agree. And whilst there are some Peacefuls in this category, the majority remain mired in shite and are likely to vote Labour.

      • Indians have been a rare success story with immigration ,industrious , come from a culture of respect and family values, not usually involved in violent crime and don’t want to blow people up who they don’t like.

  3. The party of hypocrisy (as are the others) I seem to recall the “Labour Party” being the ones who would see you right and protect the working man, stiring speeches and a camaraderie like no other.
    In my life time I have seen the leaders at the pit strikes go from scruffy activists to London town house dwellers with nice pensions whilst the people they claimed to protect are now 3rd generation unemployed.
    Reminds me of why socialist Russia went up the shitter.
    Then we had “New Labour” that was only just palatable because they agreed to keep Nuclear weapons and were more of a pale blue Conservative, Now this.
    Again Labour was the working mans party, this strikes me as the Layabout party, bizarre offers of free wifi for all more council housing for more migrants and votes for people who have not lived here and quite often don’t like us.
    Bunch of tossers

  4. Just dropped 2 loads in Cardiff and Bridgend

    Spoke to a Welsh lad ” we all vote labour round here, but I voted to leave the EU because I’m Sick of all the Easton Europeans moving here and taking our jobs”
    Guess who he is voting for this time round

    No fucking sense some ppl

  5. David Lammy (Nigeria) will have to apologise to Dawn Butler ( Jamaica). Reparations should come from the African countries that sold their fellow Africans into Slavery. We ended slavery so all we should get is praise and honours. Didnt Cunt Tone already say sorry in 2007? Never apologise. The cunts on the left will never take it.

    • Why is there no statue commemorating the hundreds of Royal Navy sailors who died whilst serving aboard vessels engaged in preventing the slave trade?

      • Because they were racist and just trying to soothe their white guilt.

        “We don’t need anymore ‘white saviours’!” – screeched David Mammy last year.

        Which makes for a great excuse when Pudsy and red noses make their annual and biannual appearances (respectively).

        Not that I give to the cunts anyway, but it’s great to formally name the cunt Lammy as the reason why!


  6. Labour do not represent the Working Class anymore. They don’t even LIKE the Working Class. They’re now the party of minority interest groups, rich celebrity luvvies and Middle Class Left-Wing intellectuals who are ashamed of their own country.

  7. They need to rebrand, we had new labour, this lot are Old Labour on steroids.

    Can’t wait for my free broadband. ?

    • How about Nutjob Labour?

      To be fair, old Labour couldn’t hold a candle to this current bunch of crazies.

  8. The Labour Party died the day the marketing men got hold of Kinnock , cut off his comb over and measured him up for an Armani suit. The progress of the Party has mirrored the progress of this multi millionaire bastard, nicely esconced in the House of Old Cunts.
    The working man can go fuck himself. Now it’s all about the Islington elite, immos (especially peacefuls) , poofs and trannies. Oh, and their beloved EU obviously.

    • I always was a labour voter until they decided to desert the ordinary, decent person who simply wishes to work hard and raise a family. No fucker represents such people now.

  9. Their greatest mistake since 2016 is nit embracing Brexit. Whatever the upper echelons of this Institute thought before 23rd June of that year, they must’ve git fully behind it regardless of their own, personal, disconnected, undemocratic faith in an organisation, (the EU, a fucking monster) that is no friend to the working man.

    There’ll be years of hand-wringing, soul-gazing, and analytical introspection but everybody connected to Labour will eventually realise how humiliatingly easily they fucked up.

    Johnson will win, of course, but by how much? Labour will be back in a few years after the Liberal unDemocrats’ wave has crashed and retreated. There will always be Commies, stoodents with romance in their eyes, moreddle-class twats embarrassed by their wealth, freshly-arrived Gimmigrsnts, or decent folk who just can’t bear the Tories and, consequently, there will always be Labour.

  10. 80% of the labour party don’t even want a labour government – dooh??????????
    It’s taken them three attempts to agree to an election FFS!!!
    Vote for them and get ???!!!!????!!!!

    • IF they get into power they won’t get much done because Steptoe’s amateur Marxists will conduct an intercene war with the pansy Blairites and it will be handbags at dawn every day with Mandy and other Blairite brown-nosers providing frequent fuel. Mandy & co still think they have the divine right to rule, and McCorbyn are going out of their shitstained minds.

  11. The Labour manifesto doesn’t tell us that all humour will be banned except to take the piss out of Boris/Brexit/Trump etc.
    However a national day of dancing and smiling will be compulsory on the great leaders birthday and on rainbow week.

  12. It actually both baffles and frightens me that people are REALLY seeing this party as the one best suited to be in government and as their go-to party to vote for in the upcoming general election.

    I mean, what the fucking fuck is in their skulls, apart from a huge vacuum and tumbleweed??

    Their promises alone are pure fantasy – pulling money out of nowhere for the oh-so-pressing issue of supplying fucking broadband to ALL of the masses, a ONE BILLION POUND fund to make sure every high rise council and public housing accommodation has sprinklers and fire safety shit (cynically designed to pull at the heartstrings of thick plebs after Grenfell), they will ‘end rough sleeping within five years’, again with a pie in the sky pledge to give councils and extra BILLION A YEAR for their homelessness services, presumably all financed by the money trees we have growing all around Londonistan, collected and delivered to HM Treasury by a squadron of flying pigs. These are just a few random pickings from their bog roll manifesto.

    I could go on with this fairy tale, but I frankly cannot bear to read one more single word from their website and would really like to hang on to the contents of my stomach.

    They really need to tell me the secret of finding money out of nowhere. That is some serious shit I could find very useful indeed.

    On a more serious note, the frightening element of this is that people see Catweazle as a suitable leader for the country:

    Anti-war, so will sit on his hands if this country is at real threat at any given time.
    A terrorist sympathiser. Believes that WE are responsible for terrorist acts carried out on UK soil due to sticking our noses into Middle East affairs. He will therefore NEVER make the hardest of decisions a leader has to make and will NEVER see the UK as a priority or defend us at all costs……but still people actually see this person and his party as fit to run the country.

    It just bamboozles me that given these basic facts, people still want to vote for this party. Please someone explain this logic to me.

    My family for years were Labour voters. My maternal grandparents were as working class as you could get – a factory worker and a cleaner and my Mum and her siblings grew up in what can be described as true poverty. They saw Labour as the party that represented them and indeed it doubtless did back in the day, before it morphed into the freak show that it is now which is more intent on supporting their perceived ‘victims’ in society, rather than the working classes who prop up these fucking ‘victims’ with their minimum wage pay packets.

    Oh, the irony.

    This ‘let’s apologise for acts of yesteryear’ shite is just more of that shit. We need to placate victims everywhere, including those not even on UK soil and for centuries old crap modern generations had nowt to do with.

    I despair. A party of cunts and cunts who really do see them as a prospect. It is enough to make you want to grab the anti-freeze and swallow.

      • Many thanks, Rebel. I think I’ve have been storing up my venom for this party and Catweazle and it all spewed out in this one post!

    • I dont see a problem with german language /ive translated loads for certain reasons(legal&academic of course)i know a fair few from various walks of life who would prefer it if germany had won ww2 and that we were speaking german

      • WW2 Germany was like the peacefuls now, if you don’t fit in to the mindset you are fucked. There is no give and take, it’s either all or nothing. And God help you if you are of a different mind.

    • He didnt burn money in front of the homeless when he sn cameron were at eton tho did he??? Which is why id never vote fir torys /dont vote anyroad .

    • ‘Labour’ – the name remains, but what you, I & our ancestors knew as ‘The Labour Party’ no longer exists.

      Corbyn is NOT prime minister material. Mcdonnell, Abbot, Starmer, Gardner, etc would form the government that would run this country… really ? I wouldn’t trust them to run a bath.

      Their insane, fantasy manifesto is a give away of huge proportions, and largely a plan to waste billions of £s, which will plunge this country into a spiral of debt & despair, that would make the great depression seem like a day at the seaside.

      Early years education £5.6 billion
      Increased Schools spending £5.5 billion
      Skills and lifelong learning £4.7 billion
      Higher Ed abolish tuition fees, restore maint’ce grants £13.6 billion
      Health (Free dentistry, prescriptions & car parking) £6.9 billion
      Social care £10.8 billion
      Work and pensions reform £9 billion
      Free TV licences over 75s, Free Broadband £2.6 billion
      Local government £6.1 billion
      Public sector pay catch-up £5.3 billion
      Changes to public exp allocated to Nth’n Ireland, Scotland & Wales £10.3 billion
      Other £2.5 billion

      Schools spending : maintaining buildings, new build schools, safety & securirty OK Free school meals WHY? school is to educate children. Parents responsibility to ensure child fed.

      Abolish tuition fees ? No Cap university fees at 2k per student per year. Provide grants but only for practical courses that lead to work ; car mechanics, plastering, bricklaying, architecture, civil eng, medical, teaching etc. Money has to be paid within 10 years.

      Health – hospitals, drs, nurses & ambulances YES Free prescriptions & car park NO

      Social care / OAP homes YES half the hospital beds are taken by elderly who could be sent home but no-one to provide aftercare. This would relieve HUGE NHS pressure

      Free TV licences over 75s, Free Broadband WTF ? NO JUST NO

      Extra money to NI Scot & Wales – NO FUCK THEM. The DUP, IRA, Plaid & Scots Krankie do nothing but bitch & moan. Give them something to really moan about. They like the EU so much ? ask Merkel & Macaroon for some euros

      • Yet another *pledge* has been given overnight by Steptoe – a mere £58 BILLION to recompense the fucking WASPI cunts – those wimmin who insist on “equality” – except that they whinge because they didn’t get their pensions at 60, having to wait till 65 like men do.

        Corbyn and McDonnell are so keen on fighting the General Strike, there is no limit in how they are prepared to fling money about to bribe suckers who might give them power – and they dont have to win because he knows fuckwits like Swinson and Blackford would prop him up to cross the winning line. Pathetic bastards and cunts the lot of them.

  13. “MORE! MORE! MORE!”

    Why do we need more? The indigenous population is shrinking so please explain why we need more of everything please? Go on be honest.


    To whom? Oh that’s right, undeserving cunts who’ll neither work nor want, cunts of a “peaceful” nature who breed like rabbits in order to fleece the system, and cunts with no right to be here in the first place!

    Still, so long as they all vote Labour, who cares if you fuck the country over, right! Besides, the sickle part of your commie flag will soon be a crescent moon and won’t you be so proud of yourselves when that happens.

    Unfortunately, as a worker who is of the wrong sex/race/religion/sexual orientation, I’m pretty sure if you cunts get in then I’ll be…



  14. The biggest indictment for Corbyn and his shower of shit is that given the current government are a complete fuck up and have fucked up for years, how the hell are they so far behind in the polls? Surely the far left cvnts from momentum must realise that the current party is totally unelectable and the latest manifesto full of fairy stories. Add into that the extension of our extended hand wringing apology for being an evil white colonialist power hundreds of years ago, the ever extending erosion of freedom of speech in the guise of ‘hate crime’ and extension of rights to every minority group in the country and you realise just how unelectable this bunch of cvnts have become. All of that is just bullshit. Nobody outside of the elite left fucking cares and frankly the more you push for this type of meaningless social justice nonsense the harder the opposition will become. Look at Trump. He wasn’t as much elected because of his policies or personality, but because of the increasingly left leanings of Hilary Bitchface Clinton and the marginalising of the white lower and middle classes. If Tony Blair suddenly announced now he was running under the banner of ‘OldNewLabour’ he’d probably walk it.

    why did you spell cunt with a V? its hardly going to put you into moderation is it?

  15. The problem with Labour is that they despise the working man – only black or Asian men matter to them, and then not so much as the pansies, pussy-whipped feminists. All Wimmin Shortlists show where their priority is – and then a certain type of woman, like Jess Butch Phillips, and Fatarse Thornberry.

    They are too fucking stupid to realise that the housing crisis and the NHS crisis are both products of unfettered immigration which their very own Anthony Blair was instrumental in kick-starting.

    Let’s see what is going on in the madhouse of wet dreams today:

  16. ‘The workers united shall never be divided!
    The workers united shall never be divided!

    Tools down!
    Everyone out!
    On the frontline fighting capitalist bosses.
    Not everyone can be Reg Kite.
    Though they try, born in a manor house telling people from council houses what to do.
    Never suffer a commie.

    • Or an IRA loving Soviet spy, or a British politician who proudly announces he is going to the funeral of a muslim terrorist bomber, or an appeasing gutless quisling cowardly traitor, or any Man who “just happened to chat without realising” to the Czech Stasi when he “just happened to visit” on eleven occasions – and does this “Man of the working people forget to mention he is a multi millionaire?
      Oh yes – because he IS A CUNT!

  17. The Labour party is exactly the same as the Conservative party in that they will promise you anything and then if they become the government they will spend the next five years telling you why they were unable to fulfil their commitments. In the meantime they have cashed in on a personal level and made plans to continue to do the same. It’s all a game to them and we’re the cunts for allowing them to play it.

    • The game is the Conservatives play for big business..Then it’s Labour’s turn who play for big government.

    • Wouldn’t say they’re “exactly the same”. In almost every sense, Labour always ends up costing the country a lot more.

      • Afternoon RT.

        Isn’t there an economics theory ‘Game Theory?” Should be applied to politics.

        Just instinctively feel it’s all essentially a game. No doubt the Cons are more responsible but that to me just means they play better and often win.

        Just thought,-Lily Allen’s lachrymose performance yesterday-

        ‘Many a tear has to fall, but it’s all in the game’.

      • Labour get in, bring the country to the verge of bankruptcy, They are thrown out, the tories get in and crucify the poorest under the bollocks excuse of “rebalancing the economy”
        A recession every decade, ten Years of boom then five Years of bust, and the only cast iron guarantee is that the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.
        100% platinum plated cunts.

  18. If the Conservatives lose in December that will probably end Conservative governments because Labour will introduce voting for 16-18 year olds and with the promise of free everything they will suck on the Labour tit. If Labour do win the next election (or more likely get propped up by Swinson, and the jockstraps) those Remainer supporters who will vote for them on the promise of a second rigged referendum will be repsonsible for ushering in our first Communist government. There were a couple of posh tarts on Wireless 4 earlier on who seemed to think Steptoe was preferable to Brexit, daft cunts.

    • Thing is if you fucked brexit off(prolly never happen at all)would it be a bad idea to have new hospitals more staff for them /homeless took care of new housing built etc who ever you voted for if at all??? I know immigration is a problem tho but just a thought

      • Throwing money year after year at the NHS doesn’t solve a thing it always wants more the year after, it is a millstone around government expenditure, don’t know how but it needs wholesale reform not another ten billion pound bandage year after year

  19. Watched Politics Live earlier, Holly Rigby Labour Activist and Teacher, what a cunt! Her daddy is rich and would be honoured to pay more tax, also on was Doulas Murray talking about ‘Identity’ he mentioned Trans, but Holly wasn’t happy.

    In her school (somewhere in the shit end of east London) her Trans students are trying to commit suicide, her black students are 40 times more likely to be stopped and searched……. So Holly, what’s your fucking point!

    I think the teaching profession needs a serious restructure, this fucker must be spouting all sorts of shit during he lessons (when she is there rather that spitting out crap on political programs).

    I blame the parents, her parents that is.

    What a cunt,

    • Petulant teacher Holly said “Trans” is offensive and belittling. You should say “Transgender”.

      Douglas Murray held his ground well I thought. Looked a bit scruffy though… needed a shave. Usually quite a smart fellow.

      • And she was on Twitter faster that Red Bull pit stop, with her sister in the studio for support wearing a team Flatbott jumper, ‘DM is a racist, transphobic bigot’
        She didn’t have the balls to say that to his face live on TV!

  20. I rather think (and I may go to hell for saying this) that in some ways these people we colonised once upon a time in the dim distant past owe us a debt of gratitude for de-cunting their barbaric ways, putting in infrastructure that they have long since abandoned to the rigours of the elements, and their own subsequent uncivilised cuntishness. Having revolted against us, after finally reaching a level of gentrification that allowed them to see past the joys of eating each other, rustling horses, cattle, white folks etc.

    Am I mistaken in thinking there is a certain irony to these offers of reparations to the ungrateful curs, that so often revolted against our forebears sometimes harsh but ultimately stabilising hand, only to return to aforementioned iron-age thuggery noted elsewhere? And now seek reparations that certain virtue signalling cretins are only too happy to cough up. After-all when the government is making up for our forebear’s alleged misdeeds, it’s not their money they are coughing is it? It’s ours, and if I’m not mistaken we’ve been coughing cash at Comic Relief to sort these issues for nearly three decades.

    You can lead a horse to water … but a pencil must be lead, or some such shite.

    • No its not a shite phrase it was uttered by stan laurel.Who has no affilation or association with the national socialist party.

  21. I wonder how long it will take them to run out of other people’s money to piss down the shitter this time?

      • Corbyn has again this evening pledged to “invest” £100 BILLION in Scotland alone.

        Scotland has a population of 5.5 million men, women, children and trannies… which means they’ll be getting £18.2 MILLION per head of population!

        Nice one Jezza – that’s what I call a bribe!

  22. After careful consideration
    I have decided not to vote in the general election (second referendum) I have already voted to leave the EU and consider this election to be the same reason to vote,
    They are all full of shit and traitors to this country and the British people

    I did stupidly have hope in farage but alas
    The Brexit party ship has sailed
    I don’t really give a flying fuck anymore
    Englands finest hour

    These truly are our darkest days

    • Many signs of disillusioned liebore supporters voting for Brexit, also some tories totally fed up with lack of serious Brexit movement.

      Some sort of tory majority, but propped up with a sizeable no. of Brexit Party seats would be ideal; after all, you don’t have to be a large party to pull strings in Wetminster; look at DUP.
      Most of all, am praying that liebore / limpdumps get slaughtered.

  23. I’m so sick of revisionist apologies. If these fucking cunts get in, it will be a priority to set up a very expensive commission to look for anything to bash Britain so magic grandpa can jet off and beg for our forgiveness with buckets full of cash. Listen up you thick cunts. The world was a very different place twenty years ago, never mind two hundred, so it’s going to be real easy to find stuff that you and your left liberal wanker clique think we, a nation that contains not one culpable person, should atone for. Why don’t they set up a website asking yes or no, do you give a fuck. Let’s see the terrorist loving turd turn up to some pity party with a list of about ten names, and he can apologise on behalf of those clueless pricks. Go fuck yourselves.

  24. If god forbid Labour get in, all these astronomers searching for black holes will be wasting their time, they will only have to look to the UK to see one perhaps that’s where all the magic money is hidden

  25. The Labour party. A current representation of Lenin, Stalin Krurushchev, Brezhnev and chernenko, only 10 times worse. The latest inductee to the former Soviet brotherhood, one Jessa Corbyn, a true commy, racist, terrorist supporting piece if shit.

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