I would like offer up a diamond encrusted cunting for Lewis Hamilton, who has yet again demonstrated that he is a Le Mans, 24 hour cunt.
Recently he’s been talking a load of complete hypocritical wank about how he worries about the planet and all the other eco-warrior, save the planet, signal the virtue – you know the drill by now, we’ve had it force fed to us for the last eighteen fucking months at least.
He’s probably polluted more than most people ever will in their lifetime.
I can explain to a primary school pupil that driving a diesel powered car around and around very fast puts a shit load of emissions into the environment, thus causing lots of pollution and damaging the environment and they will understand it. But not the fake wannabe gangsta, bling bling, smug prick, who got where he is mainly because of his dad. Only for him to tell his dad to go fuck himself once he got famous and became successful.
Not only is the cunt completely lacking in anything resembling self awareness, he’s also simply an annoying tit. All that jet setting back and forth to your home in Monaco isn’t fucking helping the planet either is it Lewis? You hypocritical bell-end!
Nominated by Harold Steptoe
Those chin-strap whiskers helped support ickle Lewis’ jaw while cock gobbling the munted gnome Uncle Bernie Ecclestone.
Diesel powered F1 cars? Must have missed that development.
I don’t know about f-1 cars.
I don’t really give a shit either.
He’s still a twunt..
No worries H. Although I wholeheartedly agree with every other word of your post, surprised you dodn’t mention his addiction to the bbc.
I wouldn’t be surprised if he did end up being a gay.
I’d quite happily have Nicole Shite-singer straddling me, wearing nothing but stockings and high heels whilst eating a cadbury’s twirl in a very suggestive manner.
I suspect he will become a celebrity politician like Sebastian Coe when his racing days are up – self entitled, self-serving. arse-licking , able to emote at a moments notice – Blair and Megan Markle hybrid. Vile little cunt.
F1 has been shite since Senna slammed into the wall at Imola in 1994. I don’t know why anyone bothers watching it now.
They didn’t want any more dead dudes on the track so they went for safety. Too much safety. The tracks are narrow with too many chicanes. Speed bumps will be next. Overtaking happens about once every six months. The safety car comes out for 10 laps now if somebody farts within a ten mile radius of the track.
And that commentator cunt has the most annoying voice ever. Trying too hard to sound like Murray Walker (a legend when with James Hunt in the commentary box).
And then the drivers. All boring corporate automatons. Senna and Prost used to try and murder each other on the track if they thought the other might take their title.
And this cunt is the worst. A vegan cunt too. What’s not to like?
It’s only us plebs who have to cut back on flights etc. The rich cunts will do what they want. They cannot see the hypocritical shit that comes out of the mouths is just that fucking shite. It’s a bandwagon that has been jumped on by finger waving pricks. CUNTS.
Look out for the planet saving Hewitt boy at the rugby match today or is it his brother who will be there or possibly both of them and Mrs Hewitt. Who gives a fuck anyway.
I don’t believe that “stunning girlfriend” crap that gets spouted about him either. The man is quite obviously no stranger to getting shunted up the exhaust-pipe from behind.
Lewis Hamilton is almost a big a cunt as his lizard of a dad George Hamilton!
Takes the piss, drives like a maniac and hes wonderful?
Yet when I drove MY van at 90mph on the hard shoulder of the M6 I get 5points on my license and a 3month ban!
Fuckin racists!
Its probably the only time he doesn’t have to worry about being pulled over for driving a flash car with plod asking , “Is this your car sir?”.
Life’s a bitch, ain’t it Miserable? ?
It certainly is Rtc.
Always manure in my rosebed.
Put it down to jealousy, because ive got a nice figure.
I think the F1 safety car should be Dick Fiddler in his tractor.
I’d much rather watch that than a bunch of cunts pootling around a track encased in Kevlar.
he used to have a reasonable looking beard if you like plastic titted americam bimboids, but she dumped him…
Fuck the environment. Bollocks the the planet. And fuck what Hamilton has to say about anything. Cunt.
At least he isn’t stabbing people I guess.
Thats been proven in a court of law anyway.
Bet if the plod run the VIN number on those F1 cars?…nicked em.
The carbon footprint of the whole F1 circus wbile they fly around the world is immense. In fact, it’s almost as large as this smug cunt’s ego.
Isn’t he also playing the race card in F1 now that it has become fashionable in football for players to threaten to walk off the pitch?
But the sheer hypocrisy of this cunt, and all F1 drivers who VS that way, takes one’s breath back,and am sure the irony isn’t lost on these opportunistic cunts.
And where is St Greta of Cuntberg when you need her? Perhaps she should stand in front of the grid during the start of a race and screech “How do you! This is my childhood you’re taking away!”
And the Lewis cranks up the volume on his in car entertainment.
?Move bitch, get outta the way?
St Greta Thunderbox standing on the grid in micro shorts and clingy vest nice ! the only good thing about F1 was the pit lane totty but that’s no longer the case
I’ve always disliked this smug cunt with his mid atlantic accent and his laughable mean gangsta tatoos/earings.
Smug hardly covers it.
If he’s not a bender, my name is Dick van Dyke.
You were good in chitty chitty bang bang.
Thanks mate. I did struggle a tad with my cockerny accent in Mary Poppins mind.
‘If he’s not a bender, my name is Dick van Dyke’
Step in time!
I see ST Greta of thunderbox is still preaching to the Yanks. Isn’t it about time the little cunt was back at school? How is she going to get back to Adams Family H.Q?How is it that the parents havn’t killed her yet?
Bossy little cunt
Perhaps she should preach to China, Iran and Saudi Arabia and all the other oil-rich countries!
But she won’t: too fucking dangerous
Is Greta Thundercunt a downs syndrome? Perhaps undiagnosed?
Never took much notice of this quadroon (only proper racers are on motorcycles) until a couple of years ago when he got in the shit in the papers for commenting that his nephew looked like a big tranny faggot when he wore a princess dress; when it blew up in the press instead of flicking the Vs and saying “so fucking what” he of course immediately did the right-on public dance of shame apology, “my words were innapropriate, didn’t mean to offend, it’s not acceptable blah blah blah”. Have some backbone yer cunt.
You could train a chimp to drive an F1 car these days.. “oh really, what do you say sir ? It’s been done”
The shame is Rob, that had PG Tips not caved in to the animal rights brigade some time ago, this Class ‘A’ cunt could have had a meaningful job in advertising tea bags upon retirement. As it is all i can see is a darker shader of Linekunt emerging.
Pity the Extinction Rebellion cunts don’t protest at F1 races – the carbon footprint must be massive, not only from the racing teams but also vehicles used by the media, the fans, support staff, security etc
It would be interesting to know exactly how much pollution is emitted over that circuit area during the 3 or 4 days of practice and race days. The scientists could then shove the damning report right under the noses of Hamilton and cunts like him, while shouting “Fucking hypocrite!”
But F1 will respond by saying “Ah, but we’re planting a few trees down the road to make up the difference, so fuck off!”
Stinky rebellion should protest F1!
They should have the courage of their convictions like the suffragettes did!
If a stinky rebellion beatnik threw themselves in front of mr Hamilton driving at 120mph it would impress me!
Hippy entrails all over the track for mother earth.
As the Yanks might say, sounds like a plan. I’d pay to watch that.
This cunt’s a complete sociopath. Narcissism of the highest order. Wish he would hurry up and do a Schumacher and take some extinction rebellion cunts with him who have decided to form a daisy chain across the track. Biggest cunt of the week.
And F1 must be the cuntiest sport ever. Just saying.
I hate the fucking go-faster striped dark key.
Hopefullly one day soon, the cunt will be flattened in a spectacular high speed collision.
One can hope.
Volunteer to sweep him up. You’ll make a fortune at ‘cash for gold’ after.
I’m sure there was an article recently defending these celebrity hypocrites. Can’t remember the exact text, but it went along the lines of the good that can come of their bringing these issues to the attention of the stupid masses offsets the emissions caused to keep them famous enough for the stupid masses to listen to them. What a colossal load of shit. That’s like saying, if someone calls your mum a slag, it won’t make any difference. But, if Bono called your mum a slag, she most definitely would be, even if he’s never met her, or heard of her. Fuck them.
That Bonos a cheeky cunt calling your mum a slag Japseye!
Acts all caring and concerned about starving blackies an the environment then says that!
She didnt turn him down for a date or something did she?
No, old Ma Japseye has more taste than to dally with that lump of shit. And, if she was Greta Thumbfaces’ mam, she would have given her a warm arse for fucking about missing school too. “What good is the environment if you’re working in Costco, you thick cunt” she’d say, as slipper met ring piece.
Yeah! Haha, can imagine what old ma miserable would of said if id told her im in skipping school to save the world!
“You get your arse in that classroom you big dummy! Environment my arse!”
Accompanying slaps administered near my head.(mums only little, towered over her from my teen years!)
If Lewis calls our mums names again we’ll cut his brakes the cheeky brown bastard!??
Fuck that, dont wait, cut them regardless.
“Go back to twoc-ing cars you piece of dog smeg!“
The nomination especially the picture made me laugh. “You’re a twat waffle” 😀
How can we criticize Lewis Hamilton when he’s been so successful representing this country? Well they play the national anthem when he wins, don’t they? He’s supposed to be worth nearly £200 million. Am I envious of his abilities and his money? Damn right I am. In fact the only things he’s got that I don’t want are his hair, his beard, his tattoos and his piercings.
Ive got the beard and tattoos but id happily accept his millions and even his hair.
Id look a even bigger cunt with cornrows.
Massive fucking cunt. The only thing Lewis loves more than himself is his various offshore bank accounts, the tax dodging bastard.
As for his sudden conversion to saving the planet this private jet owning cocksucker would make even the boy Hewitt look like Greta Thunderpants.
P.s. I think driving bumper cars at the fair would be much better for the environment as they are powered by electricity. The skill would be not to bump into anyone.
Or even more environmentally friendly is to drive those peddle cars with the red doors and yellow roof. It would promote exercise and be nicer to the environment.
One of these for instance:
If climate extinction campaigned to get rid of this sport!!!!
I might actually think about joining.
Watch Hamilton fucking grizzle when he hasn’t got the best car,
F1 is a load of cunt and this twat is the self styled leader of this cunt fest enough said
Knobbish haircutted, gormless looking cry baby cunt.
you can take the boy out of Stevenage but you can’t take Stevenage out of the boy. Upstart neck tatted chav wannabe rapper
Poor old Greta Thunderfuck. The United Nations, like the cunts they are, have moved their climate change bollocks conference from Chile to Spain leaving the little bitch on the wrong side of the Atlantic.
So she’s appealing for some virtue signalling rich cunt to get her some kind of transport. Fat Reg, where are you?
That’s hilarious. Go on Greta, take a plane over and just plant some trees to offset your carbon footprint. Its good enough for St Meghan of Markel and Ginger Pubes, who will have a flunky hard at work next week planting hundreds of saplings for his pointless trip over to Japan for the rugby.
No problem for her. Like Saint Padre Pio she has the ability to Bilocate. That means she can be in two places at once. Such is her saintliness.
Shes definitely bi polar so maybe.
If ginger pubes took on the role of the match ball I would say it was a worthwhile trip
Probably one of the most narcissistic sportsman on the planet it’s definitely all about him self, In comparison to those men with proper balls in MotoGP, Superbikes or the TT races, he is but a speck of dirt
Kal Crutlow from Moto gp is also a major cunt.
still more balls than LH, case in point this very afternoon an Indonesian rider was killed in one of the feeder races in the MotoGP in Malaysia
I try to like him what with being a Brit and all but by crikey, the shite he talks makes it very difficult…. wish I was that fast though
These rumours keep doing the rounds that he’s going to do a spin on Rossi’s M1…. would be a tragedy if he binned it at first corner and smashed his fucking legs or something
Run him over in a 1935 Bentley driven by Terry Thomas.
Make all the race tracks into nuclear power stations.
Fuck him the greasy little cunt.
Excellent counting H, S Lewis Hamilton is a complete and utter titanium cunt, this fucked needs to be put back in his box, I suspect without the old man around to say ( stop acting like a cunt son ) there is now no stopping the prick from exploring the outer limits of cuntitude, the fucked whines more, pollutes more, makes a regular cunt of himself more and one is about as unlikable as Hitler more often than anyone else, his taste in bling and slappers just goes to prove money here is no help, he just looks like a lottery winning pikey, and then when he loses all you get is excited, he’s what is referred to as a bad or dirty sportsman, we seem to have a knack for producing cunts like this in the UK just look at Carl Foggarty or Kal Crutlow or Chris From you get the idea all massive cunts with no saving graces aside from their sports and they are so stuck up theirr own arses and I’m sure their are lots of others that could be added to this list but these are the worst of the cunts I can think of, may it’s the drive to succeed that makes them into the mount Killymanjaro of cunts, cunts like this you just end up wanting to crash out of races.
Try being a bit nicer , think before you open your trap and be a bit more human you cunts…