Air Canada

Air Canada is to be cunted as it intends to use gender-neutral terms on flights, instead of greeting passengers as ‘Ladies and Gentlemen’.

In a gender neutral move to be more inclusive, the Canadian airline has decided to ban gendered pronouns from its scripted greetings and will instead welcome “everybody” or “tout le monde” during in flight announcements.

“We will be amending our onboard announcements to modernise them and remove specific references to gender”, a spokesperson for the airline told CNN news partner CTV.

Earlier this year, the Canadian government began to allow citizens to select non-binary ‘X,’ rather than male or female as their gender identity, on their passports. Airlines for America (A4A), an industry trade group, also announced it will expand gender options to passengers booking flights to include “unspecified” and “undisclosed.”

As we all know, this lunacy is not confined to the US or Canada (with its soy boy, cuck prime minister/prime cunt), one of the top grammar schools in Britain has already banned teachers from describing pupils as ‘girls’ over fears it will offend transgender pupils. Altrincham Grammar School for Girls in Manchester previously wrote to parents to advise them of the changes, which will see staff now use “gender-neutral language” when addressing, or talking about children. Girls at the 1,350-pupil school will instead be addressed as ‘students’. The change followed a diversity drive to encourage other schools across Britain to stop using the terms ‘boys’ and ‘girls’ to describe pupils.

Back in 2017, the Government-funded ‘Educate and Celebrate’ organisation – that is backed by Ofsted – sent out a book to 120 ‘best practice’ schools that suggests new terms to address young children. The book, called ‘Can I Tell You About Gender Diversity?’, features a fictional story about a 12-year-old boy transitioning from male to female. It encourages teachers, parents and pupils as young as SEVEN to address children who identify with the gender they were born as ‘cisgender’.

Why can’t these schools, companies etc… grow a collective backbone and tell these gender deviant cunts to piss off.

Nominated by Mystic Maven

129 thoughts on “Air Canada

  1. I’ve never been on an aeroplane, but If I was greeted with the words ” tout le monde” I would get straight off.
    Disgusting european gibberish.

  2. Can I tell you? Jesus H C, a book from Ofsted and the cunts don’t even know that it should be May I.

  3. It’s no wonder that kids have ‘mental health issues’ with all this bollocks going on, fucking ‘Cis’ I was born male, there is no Cis involved.
    If ever I decided to have my bits chopped off I wouldn’t be ‘trans’ I would be a cunt (pardon the pun).
    All these idiots who allow the world to be indulged by NOT using boy or girl, ladies and gentlemen, male and female are collectively gender neutral CUNTS!!!

    • On the subject of Air Canada didn’t the silly cunts end up in the shit for not using enough French on the aircrafts.

      What a load of Merde!

      • they’ll struggle with that; what with French, even Pig French, being a highly gendered language

    • Back in the ’60s (if not before) they used to say:

      “Ladies and Gentlemen and those who aren’t sure…”

    • Only in this day&age could people be so fucking barmy.A girl is a girl a boy is a boy its that simple.Now we have all this idiocy sbout not wanting to upset anyone what a load of bollocks .if your offended that easily you should fuck off&die out the way you are no good to humanity full stop.plenty of normal people of both sexes who are not offended but the latest load of political correctness with the p c brigade is to fucking stupid to even acknowledge .

  4. This is a good idea for Canadian aeroplanes as it would simplify matters.

    “Evening Moosefuckers, buckle up!”

    • In my experience, I’ve found the moosefuckers lack a sense of humour.

      I once said to one of them that I could never tell a Canadian accent apart from an American one. But that South Park taught me the difference, in that if I hear them say the word ‘aboot’, I automatically know the difference. He looked at me like I was speaking Hungarian. Maybe he was one of those ‘French’ cunt Canadians?

      Also had them sitting around a table when everyone is pissing themselves laughing and they just look like they haven’t got a clue.

      Nice people. A bit like Germans in zee humour department.

      • They also tag, “eh” on the end of every sentence, that’s another way to tell the Septics apart from the Canucks. That and listening to them painstakingly tell you the size of a moose each time you call them a moosefucker. “Hey, y’ever seen a moose oot and aboot, eh? Dems are big beasts, eh!”

  5. Because of shrill pressure groups silly cunts like this have to treat a mental illness as if it were true. I am a woman because I say so. Why not I am Napoleon because I say so?
    We also have some other corporate cunts taking female symbols off sanitary towels. So trannies and perverts can menstruate now, can they? I think that is one bit of biology they cant ‘decide’ on.
    No wonder Putin, the Chinese etc regard us as imbeciles.

    • Damn right CC. Where does it end?

      I identify as a 1976 Ford Cortina? Or maybe as Kate Upton’s toilet seat? She’ll have to sit on my face every time she needs the bog or face arrest, the dirty little minx.

    • When they first landed, they had to be told not to put feed the big metal birds. Especially at Gander, they shit so much.

  6. Male? Female? Both? Neither?

    I’m sick of this fucking shite and the bending over backwards to accommodate these fucked up retards….

  7. I flew Air Canada to the States once and it was fab!

    But like everything good, the left have to ruin it don’t they, especially if it gets Trudeauified!

    How that cunt got re-elected I’ll never know. The Canadian voting system must be as dodgy as Peterborough postal votes (only 64 Mr Khan’s live at this address ay…yeah, no problem).

    My only question is: will all the pilots have to wear blackface?

      • I think we should bring back the term oriental in order to differentiate between our affable Chinese citizens and leave “Asian” as the “I know who you mean.” head nodding, chin rubbing response when a “peaceful” cunt has kicked off again and are called “Asian”!

        If they polled the UK Chinese people on if they were happy being called “Asian” (when in relation to groomy-bomby cunts) or “Oriental”, I’d be fairly confident of a 90%+ response in favour of oriental!

  8. The world has gone fucking mad! No wonder so many kids today have “mental issues” if they have this bullshit forced on them 24/7! My daughter has enough trouble with maths and physics at school so I took on biology myself and educated her as follows:
    – If you have a dick you’re a man
    – If you have a cunt you’re a woman
    – If you have cut off your dick, moulded on a fake dick out of your arse fat or claim to be anything other than what your DNA dictates then you are an utter cunt!
    As for Air Canada, shove your gender diversity shite up your arse and just fuck off!

  9. I would expect nothing less from a cuntry under the erratic, virtue signalling tutelage of Ms Justin ‘sambo’ Turdeau. The thought of his shagnasty mother noshing Castros hairy cigar has clearly affected that simpering nancy boy’s equilibrium.
    What a cuntious nation.

    • Aye, where there’s blame there’s a claim!

      You have to wonder what ever happened to common sense!

    • What a pair of cunts and unbelievable that they actually won! Personally, I’d rather an airline use their hard earned cash on the airplane maintenance budget than squandering it on new signs and paying out to twats like this – something that the Thibodeaus would also think if they found themselves sinking to the bottom of the Atlantic because the burned out engine had just fallen off their garlic decorated plane! Zut Alors!

    • I lived in Vienna for two years, and the worst display of cuntishness I saw was at my regular beer and schnitzel place, when a couple of French Canadians decided to order…loudly…and repeatedly… in French. The Polish waitress, who spoke fluent German, got extremely pissed off.
      There’s something about the French language…it’s even WORSE outside its home territory; even more pretentious, and up-its-own-arse. Belgium and Canada quite fucked because of Frog. Switzerland not so bad, as they seem to see themselves as Swiss, with less attachment to Paris as centre of the frog-cunt universe.

    • Cabin announcements take long e-fucking-nough without having to repeat them in pig-French.

  10. That stupid cunt of a Canadian PM is sending $800 million to rebuild an airport in Syria that Trump blew up!

    It’s True doh.

  11. I have met Canadian’s and generally found them to be friendly and pretty laid back so this news doesn’t surprise me, it’s probably just the easiest way out rather than have an argument with a snowflake etc.

    P.S, the Canadian’s that I have had the misfortune to interact with on internet forums have all been control freak think they’re always right cunts. Funny old world.

  12. Ladies, gentleman and filthy hybrid cunts this is your captain speaking. Welcome to immoral cunt airways flight c178 to Soddom via Gomorrah.

  13. Thought for the day:

    If Saint Greta Thunberg Gambolputty de von Ausfern- schplenden- schlitter- crasscrenbon- fried- digger- dingle- dangle- dongle- dungle- burstein- von- knacker- thrasher- apple- banger- horowitz- ticolensic- grander- knotty- spelltinkle- grandlich- grumblemeyer- spelterwasser- kurstlich- himbleeisen- bahnwagen- gutenabend- bitte- ein- nürnburger- bratwustle- gerspurten- mitz- weimache- luber- hundsfut- gumberaber- shönedanker- kalbsfleisch- mittler- aucher von Hautkopft of Ulm only eats vegetables, does this make her a cannibal?…

  14. Because i have 3 grown up kids, when people used to ask me what they were i would say , ‘oh one of each’ which would sometimes raise a laugh.
    No laughing matter now is it? Not with utter virtue signalling cunts like that Trudeau twat running things.

  15. Absolute piss-boiling horseshit. And they say hate crimes against these nancies are on the rise.. are they too thick to realise that it’s because of wankery like this that it’s on the rise?
    Its no longer acceptable to refer to folk as “him”, “her”, “male”, “female ” etc, meanwhile remember to remind your four and five year olds about “Drag Queen Story Time”, where little children are read a story about gender fluidity by a convicted paedophile who will flash his private parts at them at every given opportunity.
    They all need shot.

    • Its surprising Beemack, that the feminazis have been quite as far as I know, on Drag Queen Story Time and some al-Beeb bender bollocks show I caught being advertised.

      Isn’t the act of a man dressing up as a woman as some grotesque caricature for the purpose of entertainment offensive to women? After all, Blackface or a white man wearing a turban to a party is a hanging offence (unless you are PM of Canada) after trial by Twitter.

      • It’s a head-scratcher, LL, but you’ll always find that wimminz and poofters get along very well. Maybe it’s due to the lack of testosterone in both communities, I dunno. Wimminz seem to find drag queens “hilarious”, whilst most normal blokes find them stupid and somewhat annoying. I personally think that they’re a bunch of stupid talentless cunts, dressing like something from a poundshop pantomime and miming (badly) to a load of camp Gloria Gaynor and Candi Staton tracks.
        Unfunny dogshite.

      • Yeah you see them on telly, professional ‘f@g hags’ like Lorraine ‘Do you want to see my growler?’ Kelly.

      • She been nom’d? Lorraine kelly?
        Hate the fuckin div, and I normally like the scots!
        Such a fuckin brown nosing, arse licking, fake, twee little fuckwit.

      • “I normally like the Scots!”

        Really? Name five.

        I’ll get you started:

        1. Clare Grogan (especially 1980s)

      • Billy Connolly
        Ewan McGregor but hate him!
        Frankie boyle oh hate him as well
        Robert carlyle
        Bobby Gillespie
        See smart arse!
        Want 5 more?

      • Rory mcCann
        Shirley Manson ?
        Alex Harvey (RIP)
        Kelly McDonald
        David Byrne (born there)

        What? Sorry couldnt hear your apology over my righteous indignation!!!

      • I think RTP’s assignment is to name five LIKEABLE jocks. Yes not so easy now innit?

      • Just did!
        Rory mcmanns great
        Big yins great
        Alex Harvey great albeit dead
        Kelly McDonald quite fit
        David Byrne great

        Now you name 5 threestroke you understudy smartarse!?

      • Just did!
        Now you three strokes you little understudy smartarse!
        5 scots LIKEABLE!

      • Christ – I never realised there were so many Scots out there that aren’t cunts in YOUR OPINION. ?

        Doubt I could rustle up that many non-cunts in the whole world!

        PS: you have my unreserved apology. ?

      • Thats because im bigheated and love my fellow man and your twisted with far right HATE .
        ?(joking btw really struggled, much easier to name people i loathe hehe!)

      • Sorry Miserable, that triggering might have been some stirrings on my part when you mentioned Kelly Macdonald.

      • Nope.

        Wouldn’t be my good friend Charlie Manson would it?

        I’ll leave it there if it isn’t. Probably just a glitch in the machine.

      • PS: David Byrne is cheating. He’s no more Scottish than Cliff Richard is Indian.

      • Aha! It’s David Byrné…. How bizarre.

        PS: David Byrné is no more Scottish than Cliff Richard is Indian!

        No Wonder you went into moderation.

      • Really? Haha! Wonder why?
        Hes scots born American raised!
        Loved Talking Heads Rtc,
        Used to like ‘Blind’ when driving!
        Know it?

      • DB was aged 2 when he left Scotland for the USA.

        Cliff, born in India, came to England aged 8.

        So Cliff is more Indian than David is Scotch. ?

      • PS: ‘More Songs About Buildings And Food’ is my favourite Talking Heads album.

      • And this country is on the road to Hell.

        ‘Just A Shadow’ (album version) by Big Country is a great track.

      • RTC@9.44 musics ok but I didn’t get the connection! I am slowing down at this time, however and I’m ready for my cocoa!

      • No way! Didnt know Cliff was Indian!
        Came here after he was lost for weeks in the jungle, he was helped by a friendly bear and black panther.
        He still looks back fondly on his time in the jungle,
        “In life, where ever i wander, wherever i roam, i couldnt be fonder of my big home!
        The bees are buzzin in the trees to make some honey just for me…
        Cliff mancub Richards

      • My five favourite Scotch people are Kenny Dalglish, Teenage Fanclub, and a frizzy-haired ginger bint whom I had a magnanimous one-night stand with one New Year’s Eve. Dirty skank.

      • Frizzy haired ginger eh??
        Teenage Fanclub, one of my mates loved them!
        You well captain?

      • Evening Captain. Please don’t offend our cousins by referring to them as Scotch. You will of course know that the correct term is Scottish and that Scotch refers to the pisswater that they drink.

      • Evening gents. I’m well Les Mis, et toi?
        Yes, Bluntski, I know it’s’Scottish.’

        The Fannies were a cracking bad weren’t they? Pleasantly derivative and lots of humour. There’s been some fine music from the Scotch.

      • Cant do links Cap but one of my all time fav Scotch tunes is ‘pearly dewdrops drops’ by the Cocteau Twins
        Voice of a angel that girl.

      • Hey MNC I’ve started my list of Likeable Jocks

        1. Charlie Reid
        2. Craig Reid
        3. erm…ermm

        Hang on, I’ll find some more!

  16. This is very close to home for me…. I was thinking of nominating a particular Air Canada employee previously but thought it might be a bit dodgy legalese-wise, but story goes as thus; went on holiday in September to Canada, flying out of Heathrow with AC.

    Now it was partially my fault for being a daft cunt and underestimating the drive down, equally caused by those Extinction Rebellion bellends attempting to fly their fucking pathetic little toy drones about the place and causing loads of traffic, but we were too late to board our flight by literally* three minutes. Once this had sunk in we proceeded to the Air Canada “help” desk which was staffed by three people – 1) a rather attractive young lady in full pencil skirt, stockings and tight blouse combo; 2) a niqab-wearing moose limb woman; and 3) a fucking great trans poove, 6’3″ or so with a chin like Desperate Dan with 3 o’clock shadow to match, shoulders like a prop forward and a voice like the bastard offspring of Leonard Cohen and Barry White.

    Unfortunately he was also wearing the same skirt/blouse get up as the aforementioned hot piece. Guess who we got served by…. anyway this cunt COULD NOT have been ruder, any more aggressive or less inclined to help; once it became apparent he was not going to offer assistance of any kind I will be honest and admit I did then go out of my way to antagonise the pre-op cunt, not least by referring to him as “mate”, “pal” etc. which was clearly pissing him right off.

    How in blue buggery is it acceptable for a tranny ponce like this to be working in a customer-facing environment? Although if you play that card at 99% of job interviews these days it’s no doubt a big gold star on your application. Anyway the surprise happy ending is that after he’d flounced off in a cloud of glitter the moose limb took over, and after a frosty start she did actually come good and get us on a later flight – who would have thought??

    *I use “literally” in its correct sense, i.e. that is the exact actuality being referred to; not like most cunts use it nowadays, “oh it’s so hot I’m literally on fire” and so on

  17. I suspect they may be less concerned with the correct gender pronouns with a couple of peacefuls armed with machetes on board.

    • Cherry Blur on news looking fuckin haggard!?
      She looks just like Andy Serkis who plays Gollum!
      Go on with yer, yer old cunt,
      Human rights? Tell yer husband the money grabbing grinning cunt.

  18. I hope they use Turdeau’s voice for the pre flight announcements. He can do them in his best Jim Davidson ‘Chalkie’ voice. I hear he’s got it off to a tee.

    Then he can run up and down the aisles singing ‘Mammy’ during the flight and stabbing anyone that doesn’t ‘respec’ him properly.

    West side, you cunts.

  19. The world has gone fucking mad. Gender neutral bolllocks is a massive pile of steaming horse shit.

  20. What do you expect from a country who’s PM sells himself as ultra liberal but a couple of years ago was doing black face!! ( the hypocrite)
    The very same PM who on a recent trip to India had his whole dressed up as Indians ( the patronising cunt)
    A country who’s second biggest sport after ice hockey is clubbing seals ( the cunts)
    Yeh those fuckers……..

      • He even did a bit of bhangra dancing to add to the cringe. And I thought Maybot’s ABBA tribute to Dancing Queen was a low point. Evening Q.

      • The hunchback prancing to dancing queen was an all time low!! To be mocked by useless two Bob EU head honcho drunker is as fucking low as it gets …..

  21. Only decent thing coming out of wanky liberal drenched Canada these days is Jordan b Peterson who continues to challenge this fucking shite!!
    Watching him destroy Cathy ( fuckface) Newman was legendary!!!

  22. Why not put an end to all this and we”ll all dress up in Chairman Mao suits, may probably happen if these people get more traction as their voice appears to be louder (or broadcast) more than normal people

    • Look comfy though to be fair?
      Maybe with the pants like north korea kim? Big pegged flared fuckers with waistband under yer nipples?

  23. My mate works for TfL – the Underground to you and I. Those cunts dropped “Ladies and Gentlemen” months ago after a complaint from a member of the public. So, one fucking retard complains, and now it’s all “customers”. What the fuck is wrong with this country? I read some shit on the AlBBC website today – some drag queen was getting all emotional about Section 28. Worse thing the house of cunts did was repealing that. Thatchers best bit of work – keeping the loony councils and fucking pooftahs in check. CUNTS.

    • My eldest brother spent many a year as a tube driver; used to get a good three months off on full pay every year because some fuckwit had decided to launch themselves in front of his train and splatter their entrails down the Piccadilly line. Compassionate leave I think they called it – no chance of that, he’s a bigger cunt than I am

    • Wouldn’t it be better to say, “Welcome aboard, passengers” ?

      If someone mentions the name, Alanis Morissette, everyone onboard groans.

  24. Slight change of subject . . . .
    Rod Liddell has been criticised for his article in the Spectator in which he said . . “My own choice of election date would be a day when universities are closed and Muslims are forbidden to do anything on pain of hell, or something,” he wrote. “There must be at least one day like that in the Muslim calendar, surely? That would deliver at least 40 seats to the Tories, I reckon.”
    My verdict is absolute fuckin’ common sense.

    • I disagree. Too much bollocking about for me. Just send them all back to the cuntholes they came from. They’re of no use to anyone and nobody wants them here. Just cunts.

      • You’re all wrong, they should all be given their own BBC comedy shows, that’ll integrate ’em. Think it’s already started, my favourite so far is Shammi Chucklebutty’s great British anti-semitism fuckoff. Slightly off topic but I once shot a trans gender phessant. (known as a Mule). Tasted ok but I left the cloaca at the side of my plate. Fuck me! Life imitating art! As I type Harry Hill show has a Disabled muzzle doing sit down comedy. Check it out, but mute the tv.

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