Where is my nomination?

Just wondering Admin if there is any system to your posting noms procedure? I’ve written three in the last few weeks and seen none so far but quite a few written after mine already on the main board. It’s no big deal if there is a big nom queue or something, just asking for a friend ?

Yes its simple, we review them, bin them or approve them, chuck them in a big digital hat and some other fucker puts them on a rota.

Repetitive question from Coolforcunts

46 thoughts on “Where is my nomination?

  1. Good question.

    I had a ” Veggie,footy-loving,germaphobe,brainbox cyclists are Cunts,aren’t they?” vanish. From what I remember it also referenced one or two other subjects.

    A “niche” Cunting,fair enough. I expect that Admin are keeping it back for Christmas…the Season of Goodwill to All Men.

  2. Mostly I write a cunting for therapy due to some toxic libtard boiling my piss, if ot gets published great, if not it’s done its job either way.

    • Same here . If admin don’t see fit to publish a nom ive written, i dont mind at all; catharsis has been achieved, and on occassion, i have a patch of pre-cum on my bellend as a bonus.

      By the time some of my ravings make it to being published i’ve usually forgotten I wrote it anyway.

  3. Where’s my nom for the abominable Queer Poets of Colour book?

    It was written in my most eloquent prose and worthy of Macaulay or Gibbon. Unceremoniously binned by admin. I’m heartbroken.

  4. To resurrect my joke don’t we need our 5 a day to stay healthy? Its down to three at the moment.
    I know Admin have to moderate so understand they are busy. But surely there is time time to gauge if a Nom is ‘slow’ and if it is move on.
    I have read top quality Nominations these past months on the page and many have not gone up. And will never I fear.

    Its topical, a current event cunting will normally be prioritised, where as “My neighbours cat is a cunt” will be used as a filler between topical articles, so quite a few sit in archives, there are even a few left in there from people who have been banned, the article will still be published despite their exclusion from the site.

  5. I tend to write mine when I am pissed, but failing eyesight and poor spelling means I normally give up and go in the garden and shout at the pigeons.

  6. Dearest fellow Cunters

    Without this site life would be ten times as dull. The cult of the cunter is something I keep to myself as I hope we all do and we have all found our way here due to some grievance against some Cunt or other.

    This is not some sycophantic arse lick to the noms department. Just a sense of gratitude that someone does it for all of our sakes.

    Cunters of the world unite

  7. Admin seem to do a pretty upstanding and spiffing job in ones humble opinion.

    Must awfully hard having to deal with a whole site full of grade A Nuclear cunt s such as we brave few .

    Have at it you little rascal cunt s.

    • The cunters do a sterling job too, some of those which do appear are masterpieces.

  8. I like Admin’s choice of photos and captions-often as good as the noms themselves.(I’m not normally one to brownarse)

  9. Here’s the way it goes:
    You guys submit noms.
    They get formatted, and then move to the next step which is scheduling.
    Scheduling is done by a higher up admin.
    Sone noms are really, really hard to find good pictures for, and that can slow it all down.
    Some noms are poor one liners and don’t make the cut.
    Some things get nominated by several people, and sometimes it’s prudent to publish the best one.
    Some noms make statements that are legally problematic. They don’t make the cut.

    Getting banned usually involves breaking the rules, trolling, being a blatant arse, etc etc which will get our attention, and then it’s discussed and a decision made. It’s done on a case by case basis.

    Whilst we’re at it, it’s worth pointing out that none of us know why you get moderated except for using a word on the hit list. Absolutely no idea, and it’s not within our power to change. Try to remember that someone will get to it just as soon as they can. Sometimes we have to work, sleep, eat, or simply not bother with ISAC for a while.

    Anyway, keep those noms coming!

  10. I have no issue with the nom process. So long as they’re well written (or at least written, best one I can remember seeing was: “Robbie Williams is a cunt! Discuss.”), they turn up eventually.

    The delay between nominating and posting may mean the subject has gone stale by then (like Jill Dando’s box of Edinburgh Shortbread) but the context will mean folk still know what the score is.

    My issue is the naff moderation filters that have blocked comments for using the following words:

    – scümbag
    – incümbent
    – cümulative

    But “rancid cunt full of man fat” is perfectly fine!?!

    You must be using Goolag A.I.!


  11. “Repetitive question from Coolforcunts”

    Quite misleading really as I’m new here and only asked about the nom order thing once.

    no its repetitive to us, ditto why did that get moderated.

  12. This site is therapy for me. I have a look between jobs and it cheers me up no end! I couldn’t give a shiny shite about the nom process. I also love the fact that cunts get banned for being a cunt. Fucking quickly.

  13. keep buying my record and i’ll be your cunt forever

    what the fuck are you doing there?

  14. Off topic; The daft 21 year old backpacker called Amelia (another one) didnt have to travel solo all the way to Cambodia to drown after a beach party. She couldve saved her parents the cash and done that in her hometown of Worthing.

  15. perhaps a little close to the bone, I find this place to be my own little confessional.
    we are all many people, There are things that I used to do that do not cross over in this world, I wont say that I get melancholy but There are a lot of what the fuck moments in my life now, times when I look at the past and look around me and think get over it there are worse things that can happen.
    Every so offten my brother in law comes home, he works for the UN his specialty is bomb disposal and we talk, talking is therapeutic, we talk about bombs in childrens bodies, women tied to fences and burnt, body parts hung from trees as a warning a friend who was nailed to a tree, things from our lives,
    modern life pails in significance to it.
    In this world, your world I despair at a lot of things.
    This place serves to tell me that I am not alone, and that can be important, when my brother in law comes back we have our own little chat and the women go away because they do not want to hear it (I can understand I was like you once)
    so I find the input of others helpfull in my day to day life and I know I am not alone.
    Group hug everybody!
    Fuck off!

  16. Off topic; The daft 21 year old backpacker called Amelia (another one) didnt have to travel solo all the way to Cambodia to drown after a beach party. She couldve saved her parents the cash and done that in her hometown of Worthing.
    Here’s your gap year in the far east kids. It’s called national service.
    First up; helping the authorities in Manila clean the plastic and gunge out of the water. Come along,. St Greta would be proud.

  17. Was this the airline where that revolting cunt Prof. Beer’d was made to strip off and let the other passengers see her hideous shit-encrusted gusset ?

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