
I want to nominate Spiders!

It’s that time of year again when these big, hairy, eight-legged, multi-eyed, devious cunts start to look for warmer areas to shack up in time for the cold winter months…and those particular areas are the rooms in your abode!

Already I have had to kick out about ten massive fucking house spiders from my bedrooms and living rooms, but those are the ones I know about purely because you can’t miss the fat cunts hanging off of your walls or curtains. But for every one you see and eject, there’s probably another three or four that evade your watchful gaze and hide in places you least suspect.

And of course there was a time when you only had a handful of indigenous spiders to contend with in the UK (most of them relatively harmless). But now we seemingly have open borders from around the globe with more or less every spider under the sun has managed to scurry its way into this country in a lorry, boat or hanging on the underside of a Eurostar train (sound familiar?)

So when you see a spider these days you can never be sure if its safe or dangerous. So instead you just kick the shit out of it just to be sure. But they keep on coming in, invading your home, making you feel uneasy of a night time as you wait for the dark hairy cunt to stab you with its massive fangs!

No doubt the libtards will decree it will be a hate crime if you diss spiders, especially transgender dark key, lezzer spiders with Aspergers!

Creepy cunts!

Nominated by Technocunt

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