London is a cunt and the cunts who abide there are cunts.
The reaction to the visit of the President of the USA is deeply shameful for this country. These totalitarian liberals and lefties do not speak for me and I suspect not for the majority of Brits.
Trump is a cunt in many ways but is an elected cunt. And as US presidents go relatively benign.
Obama – ineffectual waste of space. Achieved fuck all. Do the lefties realise how he escalated drone assassination I wonder?
Bush – Responsible for more deaths through aggression than all other presidents combined.
Clinton – A truly creepy sex pest, way above Trump’s bluster and a proven liar.
That’s just the last four.
Then we have our cunts in office who judge:-
Bercow, the poison dwarf who thinks he is greater than the state.
Corbyn, overgrown 6th former and anti-Semite. The go-to friend of terrorism.
Not forgetting Khan. Useless mayor of London who cares more about PC than lives. Presiding over London’s descent into 3rd world squalor and inequality.
A pox on the lot of them.
Nominated by Cuntstable Cuntbubble
Sadly London has been surrendered. Maybe if the people of London understood how Rome fell they would put down their grapes and wine and rise up.
Too late, London has fallen.
” ….when Rome needed Romans, there were none to be found…”
Mannius. 457AD
So, how can you tell me you’re lonely
And say for you that the sun don’t shine?
Let me take you by the hand and lead you through the streets of London
I’ll show you something to make you change your mind…
That something could be Dame Margaret Beckett, who I am sure is Keir Starmer in drag. Well I have never seen the pair of them together:
Now McDonnell is moving towards Remain on the ballot paper. I think Jeremy (excuse the pun) will be the only remainng member of the shadow cabinet to hold out against Remain.
I wonder did you catch Anna Eagle’s teary speech yesterday in the commons ? She whimpered through the whole thing. And the Russell Moyle creature – he looked as though he was going to spring from his bench….our leaders…
I must say (without getting into the argument) the Labour MP who spoke in defence of the LGBT protestors did it with some dignity.
I guess parliament appeals to so many of the “artistic” ladies and gentlemen there, because it is a place of drama and they are fully fledged drama queens. That dreadful Streeting creature was on Wireless 4 Week In Westminster at the weekend and he sounds as camp as a fucking row of tents – he sounds as pansyfied as he looks. Russell Moyle (and Peter Kyle) are the skidmarks of the underpants of Sussex.
London better known as Stab City
Did you know according to our Mayor it is open?
…the bumhole of Britain.
The armpit of Albion…
Enrichment! Diversity!
Yeah, turning out really well is’nt it?
London was already on its way to 3rd world banana republic city state when I left for good ten years ago. You could literally not pay me to go back there for any other reason than work. The last couple of contracts I’ve worked on I’ve taken a hit in salary and stayed in Kent but I’m sure it’s been better for my blood pressure!
I grew up in London, 37 years and now I never want to see the fucking shit hole again as long as I live.
I’m in Yorkshire now, much better up here.
Everyone I know back there is searching for an escape…. except 1 …. a fucking EU loving, sjw cunt that I know from years ago. For some reason she enjoys the filth, overcrowding, not being able to afford her own place and 3rd world trash everywhere. The dumb cunt.
Rod Liddle summed it up well.; Dubai on Thames, a playground for the Rich , properties sitting empty, used as investments by foreign billionnaires, most of the new buildings in the city are foreign-owned, the population is made of a super-rich international class, wealthy white guardianista liberals and propped up by slave-wage immigrants.
The reasons most Londoners voted remain are motivated by self-interest, as so many work in industries that benefit from the EU, unlike most of the rest of the UK who work in small businesses. The crap about diversity and tolerance is a convenient mask.
The only other locations ive seen lunatics leaping around in blue face paint (or green when Extinction rebellion and Greta Thunderbirds were let out of the nut-house) are the receptacles of ‘white flight’ from the capital, Brighton and Bristol.
I dont think we can lay all the blame with Khan. The complacency was already there, as were the eastern european slaves. Mavis was scared of Stop and Search looking racist, Khan is just added the vomit icing to the cake of shit.
*has added. Cunt.
I wrote a great nom for London a while back which didn’t make it. I’m going away to have a good fucking sulk.
I feel this will be the first of many cuntings for the city that used to be our capital but now part of the greater middle east. We need to build a wall around this mongrel cesspit of bad breeding and degenerate bush people.
Ok you cunts there are still some of us still here vainly trying to hold back the tide of poofery, neoliberalism and third world decay. It’s a different world to the one I grew up in but it didn’t happen overnight so you learn to adjust.
Wherever you live though it’s going to happen and happen very quickly. The only thing you can hope for is to get some money and run away. But there’s no stopping the gays, the trannies and the grasping hands of the foreign scumbags. How far can you run though?
Why do you think all those politicians are desperately trying to fill their pockets? It’s not just simple greed……..they know what’s coming because they’re the fucking cause of it.
You can slag off Londonstabistan all you like but it’s coming your way sooner than you think.
Fortunately I live in Scotland, and the dark keys simply can’t pull the same trick on the scots as the english, because up here they don’t feel they have anything to feel guilty about or apologise for being an oppressed minority themselves. They’re not affraid to teach scottish culture in schools, proudly remember historical acheivements, and patriotism isn’t a dirty word. If anything they take it too far and think they’re the centre of the fucking world but better that than meekly surrender to the bush people.
‘Fortunately I live in Scotland, and the dark keys simply can’t pull the same trick on the scots…
And yet I’m seeing more dark faces on a daily basis…and questionable ‘refugees’ from the middle east clusterfuck..(so many poor male ‘refugees’ who act with decidedly ‘military bearing’) and it’s amazing how many of theses ‘poor refugees’, sans employment, given preferential social housing as they’re ‘poor refugees’, suddenly start driving around in brand new 4WD cars…..
It’s increasingly like being back in London….and if you don’t think Scotland is heading the same way as down south, visit the south side of Glasgow sometime..20 minute walk down one busy street, 5 white faces seen, cricket being played in a public park FFS! (no white faces, naturally..)
It’s here already Freddie.
When I first came to Ipswich 25 years ago it was made up of primarily locally born people and was a charming albeit very slow paced town in which to live. A nice contrast to the London square mile in which I worked for 30 years.
Post Brexit referendum we have seen an EIGHT times larger than the national average of Eastern European immigrants and the “benefits” they bring with them.
In addition we have five relatively new mosques that have sprung up in the town for our Peaceful friends.
Absolutely no exaggeration to say is now a rarity to hear English being spoken in our town centre, and for that reason I rarely venture there. The last time I had the misfortune of having to walk through a large black guy came towards me to ask if I could give him a pound as he had lost his wallet. This was the same black man I saw asking people for mone about a year ago, unbelievably two out of the three he asked at that time in the 5 minutes I was watching each him gave a pound. Fucking half wits.
Last night I was speaking to a police officer who informed me they are losing the fight against the many drug gangs who are coming to Suffolk via the A12. He also told me that Suffolk police are now controlled by and from Norfolk police, the reason being they receive far more money from the Government which is largely used towards the cushy number of security of the Royal Sandringham estate. We get the ruthless drugs gangs and the Royals (when they are there) can sleep soundly in their beds.
Reading about the 2.4m spent on Harry and Megan’s Residence sounds about par for the course.
That’s devotion, WS… you commuted from Ipswich to London for some or all of those thirty years working in the City (or perhaps you’re at least 75 years old)??
As so many have said on this nom “you couldn’t pay me to be in/work in/live in/have anything to do with… (delete as appropriate)… London.” However, for the other several million, yourself included WS, the actual truth is/was precisely the opposite.
When a man is tired of London, he’s probably sick and tired of working, and should retire and start enjoying life and spending the proceeds, to paraphrase Dr Johnson.
Probably not to East Anglia, and definitely not to Ipswich, tedious, end-of-the-line cesspool that it is. Better, and to invert Aldi’s old strapline: “Live a little, spend a lot”.
Such a pity Johnson himself didn’t just stay put in Lichfield and grow potatoes. What a load of cunty old bollocks.
Used to live in East London and the commute when I started in 1976 door to door was about 30 minutes. Annual train ticket fuck all.
Had children. East London not a great place to bring up children.
Moved to Suffolk in 1993, late wife’s sister lived there. Annual season ticket in 2006 (when I called it a day) was about £3k. Salary in 1993 about £70k.
Season ticket in 2019 is circa £8k (or about £13k gross to a high rate taxpayer) for a fucking shit service.
Wife passed away in 1999. Difficult times. Walked away from job in 2006 for a local job at 47 years old.
Do I miss London? If being honest I suppose I do as I worked in the square mile and shielded from reality. Miss the cut and thrust of big business and people and the friends and colleagues I used to work with. Would I want to live there? No.
Ipswich was a quiet peaceful place to live. Now thanks to Mr Blair and the EU’s unlimited unskilled immigration it has turned into an unsafe crime ridden shithole within only a few years.
Thanks for sharing WS, I’m a bit your junior but your observations on the changing value of money really resonate. And also being born in london and leaving.
London, renamed Londonistan under the rule of ayatollah Khan, no longer an english city except for the tourist landmarks, it is a complete shit hole.
I remember a report some time ago outside parliament, a reporter asked some random guy who was passing by about his thoughts on Brexit.
The guy said that he lived south of the river, clapham i think but not important, but what he went on to say was “I am the only white face left on my street”
It wont be too long before the new population turn on the libtards who think diversity is strength, CUNTS
“It wont be too long before the new population turn on the libtards who think diversity is strength, CUNTS”
Aren’t we just starting to see the start of this with the Mediævils v LVG&T community stand off in B’ham?
They need to re-route the Pride parade through tower hamlets next year, see what happens.
Yes, Birmingham is the inevitable conflict of peace and tolerance with an increasing liberal inclusive society
Gor Blimey Guv would you Adam and Eve it us Pearly Kings and Queens is now as rare as a bubble and squeak praying in a muzzie left in the lurch! Na its nuffink but Silvery Moons,Parking Stanleys,Sweaty Socks,Kitchen Sinks and Four by Twos! I aint no racist but this gaff aint ours no more,soon the only english person left will be the Baked Bean(hang on a sec-aint she a Ben Sherman?) Its so bad its turned me into an Elephants Trunk!
What language is this?
Must be Dick van Dyke’s latest rant.
Tis the ancient tongue of the indigenous Londoners, the critically endangered species known as The Cockney,which once roamed free and proud across much of Londinium. I give a few translations for your edification
Silvery Moons=Koons
Kitchen Sinks=Chinks
Baked Bean= The Queen
Elephants Trunk=A Drunk,Alcoholic
Not forgetting “John Selwyn” (Gummer)=bummer.
Your comment is awaiting moderation.Ho Hum
Join the club. Cunts aren’t they?
Your Comment is Awaiting Moderation I thought it was just me
Tourists don’t see this in the brochure….
Well it wasn’t that bad, I only spotted two peacefuls wearing backpacks.
You notice that kind of thing when you’re a Londoner.
I also spotted 2 whities.
They were CGI.
Makes me want to visit ?
It could be virtully anywhere in london!
My Nan lived in southall, I remember my mum telling me not to stare at the Indians when we went up there.
I was really excited, I was expecting tee pees, head feathers and horses.
Imagine my disappointment when I got there and say lots of really tanned men in cheep 1960s suits.
Truly, truly frightening. Had to laugh at him speaking Welsh though, so the natives couldn’t understand him! They’re very good at doing that in N. Wales post offices to throw the real English off the scent!
Hwyl fawr for now.
Dydw i ddim yn deall beth ywyt ti’n dweud, BSC !
Bloody hell Seymour, I didn’t know you were fluent in the lingo! I have no more than a mere smattering, enough to get by if I stray over Offa’s Dyke!
Offa’s Dyke did I say? Fortunately I’ve not yet stumbled over her.
O and A level in Welsh, gained back when passes were a cunt to come by and despite being English. Comes in handy if some cunt switches into Welsh in an unfamiliar pub when you walk in.
I’m extremely impressed!! You’ve seen through my blag!
Wembley has been like that for fucking years!!
Was born in London, and after we moved out, loathed visiting it. Worked there briefly after being chucked out of school. My (Christian) grandparents, with whom I often stayed, lived in a Jewish enclave and belonging there wasn’t an option for them. I’m a dour, crowd-avoiding cunt, and maybe it’s because I’m a Londoner. I have been back once (for a funeral) in the 50 years since. I can stand Edinburgh, but the great outdoors wins over any overcrowded, fume-filled, noisy city. What colour of cunt infests the city is not my first concern, but it’s a damn shame that genuine cunts (of all hues) appear to have taken over.
The song “Maybe it’s because I’m a Londoner” has just had a rewrite
(With apologies to Flanagan and Allen)
Maybe it’s because I’m a Londoner
That I hate London so
Maybe it’s because I’m a Londoner
That I’m ashamed of her, wherever I go
I get a funny feeling inside of me
With blood all trickling down
Maybe it’s because I’ve been stabbed again
My pants are turning brown
Saw the Crazy Gang once, at the Victoria Palace, though I don’t think Allen was with them then. I must have been too young for the gags, though, and remember very little of the event.
My Grandma used to mention Wilson, Keppel & Betty.
I sussed Harold Wilson, Keppel was a Royal shagee, but Betty.. was he something to do with Philby, Burgess and Maclean ??!
This sums it up perfectly
I was born in London and now I’m back living here again. This is a justifiable cunting. London has been let down by the government and various London councilors and boroughs that have permitted it to become a multi cultural hell hole.
Spare a thought for the old and genuine Londoners that don’t want to see their great city treated thus and are deeply ashamed of the Somalian terrorists, Libtards, Trump protestors and assorted fuckers that are taking over the city.
One good thing – London is so big that there are still oasis of sanity here
I’m a born and bred Londoner but moved away 10 years ago and now live twenty miles outside the M25.
Best decision I ever made. My neighbours agree, one side are from Streatham and other side are from Enfield.
London…a fucking toilet…
Love it that there’s any area in West London called White City….but for how long..?
We live 58 miles away from Londonistan and the Jew Hater Khan And that’s not far enough
It’s a country/ town thing.
The towns campaign against fox hunting, badger culls ect because they don’t have to live with them.
Here in the country we think its fare that you get an idea of what its like so we vote to allow people in that will nick all of your stuff, keep you awake at night, throw rubbish everywhere, and spread diseases like TB.
Eventually it will get to the stage when you lot live where we do, get pissed off with the wildlife and let us do something about it, then we will all saddle up on our 4×4’s and tractors with our 12 bores and help you out with your problems.
Sounds like a good movie. Can’t see it ever happening though.
I think more likely is that once it becomes clear to the sleeping masses how awful mass immigration is the country is partioned and then we can let the various factions of immigrants kill each other whithin their new country before retaking the land.
A very reluctant semi-uncunting for Gove. Who took charge when Natural England caved in to the urban bunny-huggers and ensured DEFRA restored the general license for killing bird pests more or less as it was previously. Even urbanites should welcome the renewed legality of controlling feral pigeons.
Fucking A. Pigeons and seagulls are vermin it should be encouraged to kill them nevermind merely allowed.
You will be sorry to hear that herring gulls and lesser blackbacks are not now on the general licence. There, Gove failed. (Apologies for mis-spelling ‘licence’ above)
Greater blackbacks are God’s curse on upland sheep farmers, but have been protected for a long time. Horror stories here:
Cardiff’s gull population should be wiped out totally.
Fatbastards, bodies like rugger balls, 6-ft. wingspan, beaks like tailors’ shears. The place looks like a landfill site when these airborne cuuunts descend and rip rubbish sacks open. not helped by the City Cuntcil being idle gobshites who think it’s a crime against humanity to empty dustbins.
Eradicate the students too; they look either like BoJo’s neighbours, or obese FuManChus.
My Travel Agent has worked tirelessly on this years upcoming holiday. My requirements were quite exotic and many. Luckily, my agent was able to book 2 weeks in Londonistan where I am assured I will experience all that the world has to offer, the sights, the sounds and the smells. Aren’t I lucky? And didn’t she do well ! ?
London is over. Dead. Londonistan is exactly what it is now. No national identity. Our national identity has been swallowed up and drowned in the great steaming melting pot of alleged loveliness that is known as ‘multiculturalism’, AKA, the city has been lost and has surrendered to every other creed and nationality under the sun.
Makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside, doesn’t it?
To state this is not racism. This is FACT. Libtards just do not want to hear it and prefer to wallow in denial. It is easier for them to throw out the racist card when anyone dare remind them. As far as they are concerned, there ARE no differences between us all. We are all one big, happy family of homo sapiens, all residing in harmony.
WHAT BULLSHIT and they know it, or else they live their lives wearing blinkers and earplugs.
Trump is an arsehole and most of us are aware of that, but at the end of the day, he is the US President, DEMOCRATICALLY elected and when a world leader makes a visit to your country, you fucking suck it up, not throw your toys out of the pram or stamp your feet like an angry three year-old who can’t have sweets from the checkout aisle.
All of these fucktards – who clearly have too much time on their hands and nothing better to do, like WORK, run a home, do all of the tedious, everyday getting-on-with-life shit that the rest of us have to, so have the luxury of waving placards and flying that ridiculous balloon all fucking day – are the same fucktards who are trying to overturn the democratic process here too, that being Brexit.
For people who espouse to be so very ‘liberal’, they sure do like behaving like fascists.
I’m a Londoner but I loathe this place now. I rarely venture into the City as I find it overwhelmingly hectic and thoroughly depressing. If I had the money, I would move far away… fact probably overseas, at least get out of this embarrassment of a country for half the year, minimally, in order to rediscover what it feels like to be in a place where you are the TRUE stranger in another country, as opposed to a stranger in your OWN country.
Great post NC, strange how only Western countries need diversity and multiculturalism but numerous African and Islamic shitholes can remain homogeneous.
Isn’t it just, LL?
Couldn’t possible have anything to do with the cushy little number that attracts ‘guests’ to such Western Countries, as I cannot think why anyone would not want to make a life in Africa or the Islamic world….one of life’s great mysteries.
Allow a cuntryman to offer a thought here. Conservationists, even the most repellent bunny-huggers, are adamant that while native species require support and protection – and I agree – non-native organisms do not, and the invasive ones which displace native species should be controlled and if possible eliminated. For instance, Egyptian ibis* and those bloody parakeets are on the general licence list, with minimal controls on killing them (along with overabundant and destructive natives – see above). From large mammals such as sika deer to viruses (ebola, anyone?) there is general agreement that they don’t belong here and detract from the ecological balance of the country.
So why don’t we apply the same reasoning to humans?
*known in Australia as the bin chicken; lives on rubbish dumps and slurry pits.
That came from the heart Nurse.
Sure did, SH.
Sorry if it was a little ranty. I have been brewing it all up for 48 years!
As if by magic….
That video was excellent, JRC and spot on.
Thanks for the link.
You’re welcome….
London Underground theft increased by 80%
Diversity is their strength.
London is a beautiful city unfortunately it is full of left wing , Marxist, LGBT, Muslim idealist, cunts living there I’m one of the few normal folk that lives there and it is very upsetting to see what’s happening as it has turned into a third world crime haven