Elton John (8)

Elton John has said he feels “ashamed” of the UK while seemingly criticising “stupid, colonial English idiots” who voted for Brexit.

The musician told spectators at a gig in Verona that he was “European” while launching the criticism against Britain’s MPs while sat at his piano.
“I am sick to death of politicians, especially British politicians,“ he said, shortly before performing his 1995 song “Believe”.
He hinted that those who backed the Leave campaign were stupid.’

Well Elt old chap. I am fucking ashamed that the UK has produced such a petulant, mincing, perverted, injunction protected cunt like you. 2 or 3 decent songs from a lifetime of shite (in more ways than one.)

You can never be forgiven for the cloying, bandwagon boarding tripe that was Candle in the fucking Wind as performed for the People’s Princess.

Baldy irrelevant cunt.

Nominated by Cuntstable Cuntbubble

Elton John is a cunt, isn’t she.


Must be ““ashamed” of the UK” and think anybody who voted for Brexit is a “stupid, colonial, imperialist English idiot.”

Must not have had a hit for decades.

Must be able to sit at a piano like a dumpling in cosmetics and declare in a shrill, putrid voice that “I am a European” to adoring pin-headed fans.

Must have such contempt for the average working person that he thinks nothing of nauseatingly spending hundreds of thousands of pounds on flowers.

Must not let information about his injunctions of gruesome, immoral behaviour affect his performance of dreary formulaic tunes.

Must be so out of touch that he dredges up his corpses of songs for multinational companies for millions of pounds to flog their Christmas tat.

Must be a vacuous, flaky old cunt.

Nominated by Captain Magnanimous

Oh dear, fellow Brexiteers, all of us voting to throw off the yoke of the Fourth Reich are ‘stupid English idiots’.
Who says so? Why, that man of the people, influential political commentator and philosopher, and all round Renaissance Man Elton Bogg, the Queen of Camp.

Fair do’s I suppose; he’s entitled to his view, and I for one can take it. I’m entitled to mine as well, and here it is. Elton Bogg is a jumped up, opinionated, pompous, fat little luvvy cunt. Am I expected to take seriously an individual who walks around with the dodgiest, most ridiculous syrup in recorded history glued to his head? What a fucking tart.

Stick to trying to give us a decent new song, mate, as you ain’t managed to do that in this millennium. While you’re at it, shove your opinion up your arse, if you can find the room.
Rocket Man? Rocket polisher more like. Cunt.

Nominated by Ron Knee

60 thoughts on “Elton John (8)

  1. Fat Fairy Reg is just like all those other celebricunts and tinsletown turds who said they’d frig off to Canada when Big Don became President (they didn’t, of course)… A rich as fuck privileged gobshite who talks a good fight while living in luxury and minions lick his overused jacksy… The sort of cunt trumpet that tells us ‘riff raff’ to ‘welcome migrants’… Yet they won’t put up or live with the cunts, eh? The dead hamster on his head fat fuck….

  2. Fat Reg from Pinner is a super sized cunt. He is a singer (I use the term loosely) and should stick to what he knows best. OK, what he knows best is bumming and drugs and cock sucking but you get the point.
    Obviously the cunt is no good at geography as if he was he would know GB is actually in europe.
    As another has said above the EU and Europe (the continent) are conflated by the EU cunts as being one and the same. We will live in europe but out of the EU (hopefully). Fat Reg takes the leftie stance that we who voted to leave are thick fuckers who hate foreigners. News for you you fat poof is we hate leftie cunts like you who really don’t have to live day to day with the consequences of EU policies.
    He can mince off to one of his many houses on the continent and bum his hubby. All I ask is we don’t have to listen to his cuntish outpourings any more.

  3. I feel sorry for his poor husband who has to listen to all the bollocks he spouts, AND make him his dinner then suck his dick. David is a living saint who actually has an enormous stigmata where his asshole used to be, and sacrificed his dream of becoming a Catholic priest for Elton. When he dies I will campaign for his canonization and take a shit on his grave in tribute to his entire life and all the good deeds.

  4. Sorry, cunters. Your excellent cunting, with which I cannot quarrel, simply adds to the mass of drivelling publicity intended to bring a negligible film to the attention of a jaded public. You’ve fallen right into it. I wouldn’t mind betting the Russians banned the Gayness bits on instruction from Dwight’s agent….let’s have a publicity storm, tovarich…while working the UK’s deep polarisation on Brexit is an obvious ploy. Cynical? Oh, yes. But what do we expect from someone who once played the piano quite well and now owns 37 acres overlooking Windsor Castle?

    I blame the media.

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