The Catholic Church

The Catholic Church.
There are a multitude of reasons for these cunts to be in the dock, perpetuating a ridiculous fairy story for the very earthly vices of money and power, helping Nazis evade justice, and so much more. But, today’s reason is the pope, and his reluctance to sack cardinal George Pell from being third in command of these bastards for being a dirty child molester. He’s finally left the post, but only because his contract has ended. As there are so many perverts in the hierarchy, they have no choice but to sweep it under the carpet. It’s the perfect religion for being a cunt, as it doesn’t matter what evil you commit, rape, murder, genocide even, all you have to do is chuck in a confession and a few Hail Marys, and all is forgiven.

Nominated by Gutstick Japseye

56 thoughts on “The Catholic Church

    • Good piece cmc
      The (not so) independent has been on the slide for some time….
      That’s a perfect illustration of the unqualified rubbish that litters it’s pages.

    • Isnt the Independent now owned by a Saudi chap?

      O’Grady taking the Peaceful shilling.

  1. What’s the difference between a zit and a Catholic priest?

    A zit has the decency to wait until you are 12 years old before it comes on your face.

  2. Couldn’t agree more with this cunting and I’m a catholic. The fucking church has been covering up rape of children for millenia and its got to fucking stop.

    It gets on my tits when a priest preaches about how we should all live in abject poverty to please God whenever the same cunt leaves church in a Mercedes.

    I’ve left the sinking ship years ago. Perhaps I should invest in a nice rug and change my name. I hear Muhammad is all the rage in the UK nowadays. Might even take up goat herding.
    Fuck em

  3. Is it me or has religion been the single biggest cause of wars, misery, confrontation and generally bad shit in history?
    And it’s all based on fiction.
    God does not exist, but even if he did, what a cunt he must be.

  4. Even if I were to follow a religion (which I don’t), why I would follow some break-off religion having its origins in Rome?

    There are few men that are able to contain their seed without any temptation for sex with a woman or a quick one off the wrist. The latter is forbidden, given every sperm is sacred, so in many cases the only available human contacts that could acquiesce are innocent children.

    An archaic, religion of little demonstrable value that serves as an effective cover for child abuse on a vast scale. It needs busting apart.

  5. Stands to reason Savile was a Catholic and Blair a Catholic convert. Mega criminals operating in plain sight.

    • If anyone needs to save his rotten, stinking soul it’s that bastard Blair. Being such a bare faced fucking liar himself I find it hard to believe he has swallowed all that bullshit.
      Cunts, the lot of them.

      • I guess he thought it would give him a veneer of moral respectability… not to mention the ‘Get Out Of Hell Free Card’ in the form of Hail Mary’s…

  6. The religion of guilt is a proper cunt!!
    My wife’s catholic but “saw the light” years ago and doesn’t practice anymore, the scandals and hypocrisy eventually finished her off but only after years of the insidious guilt tripping the religion gave her……
    If your religious and peaceful then that’s your choice, it’s a great comfort to many but don’t start piping up around me because I’m not remotely interested in whatever variation of the fairy story you chose to accept, for my money it’s a business that relies on fear and control and I’m not buying into it…….

  7. The church bleats on about poverty yet own a lot of land and assets, value, most of which are covered up and these days under lock and key.

    • Christ only knows how much wealth the Pope and his cohorts are sitting on. Must run into trillions.

  8. “Jesus died for our sins?”…..not really, died on Friday, came back on Monday, so at best just gave up his weekend….

  9. The Pope’s opposition to birth control, especially in Africa, is deserving of a whole separate Cunting of its own.

  10. There are all sorts of Catholics. Some are cruel, some gullible, some stupid, some selective with their blindness, some dogmatic in their arrogance.
    Some are perverts, some are sadists,some Nazis, some are child-worriers, some are criminals with a licence to automatic repentance, some are credulous twats who like odd rituals like ash being rubbed on their forehead, drinking someone’s blood or pretending wafers are Jesus’s bones.

    The second biggest cunty organisation threatening the World after the other one.

  11. Excellent cunting.
    The Catholic church is no friend of the poor. It is a friend of, and dependent on, poverty itself. That’s the only reason I can see for the utterly indefensible ban on contraception; it need poor and gullible people to continue to make more, poor and gullible, people.
    The contraception ban, plus the infiltration of education with religious lies and bullshit are guaranteed to keep millions in poverty and misery, and the Pope must know it!
    Worth noting that that all religions are dependent on poverty and ignorance for their continuation, Catholicism is merely one of the most blatant examples.

  12. Didn’t Pope Francis recently say to respect all religions? A total 360 from their only one catholic and holy apostolic church creed they have been using to for a centuries to belittle protestants and other offshoots of christianity

    Also all that globalism open borders nonsense that the Pope preaches nowadays in nowhere in the bible (that I know of) and his cucking an admiration of islam is unbearably nauseating an cringeworthy What a big hat cunt he is

  13. The most Brilliant invention of all time! Religion !

    How clever. To get enough people to believe that no matter what shit they have in life, the abject poverty while the rich thrive. The pain of hunger while the rich eat, and all of the sufferings of unfairness that must be endured…..but wait for it.! Your rewards for putting up with this will be given to you when you are fucking dead !

    Fucking brilliant !

  14. Australian Cardinal George Pell was convicted in December of molesting two choirboys in the 1990s, but it was not until yesterday that the details were disclosed; charges against Pell that would require a second trial over other allegations were dropped. Pell’s lawyers are appealing the conviction.

    There are many holes in the story that led to Pell’s conviction. To begin with, one of the boys who was alleged to have registered a complaint overdosed on drugs and died. More important, the boy’s mother said her son admitted, on two occasions, that Pell never abused him. This does not matter to the boy’s father: He says he is going to sue the Church or Pell once the appeal is resolved. Let him. And let him sue his wife for libeling their son.

    Regarding the other boy, the sole complainant, he said that Pell made him perform oral sex on him after saying Mass at Melbourne’s St. Patrick’s Cathedral two decades ago. I have already written extensively about this, so I will not repeat it here.

    However, I will offer a good summary of what this one boy alleges to have happened. The quoted parts are taken from a well-researched news story published today by Rod McGuirk of the Associated Press; he writes from Melbourne.

    “The jury convicted Pell of abusing two boys whom he had caught swigging sacramental wine in a rear room of Melbourne’s St. Patrick’s Cathedral in late 1996, as hundreds of worshippers were streaming out of Sunday services.

    “[Robert] Richter, his lawyer, had told the jury that only a ‘mad man’ would take the risk of abusing boys in such a public place. He said it was ‘laughable’ that Pell would have been able to expose his penis and force the victim to take it in his mouth, given the cumbersome robes he was wearing.

    “The jury was handed the actual cumbersome robes Pell wore as archbishop. Over his regular clothes, Pell would wear a full-length white robe called an alb that was tied around his waist with a rope-like cincture. Over that, he would drape a 3-meter (10-foot) band of cloth called a stole around his neck. The outermost garment was the long poncho-like chasuble.

    “More than 20 witnesses, including clerics, choristers and altar servers, testified during the trial. None recalled ever seeing the complainant and the other victim break from a procession of choristers, altar servers and clerics to go to the back room.

    “The complainant testified that he and his friend had run from the procession and back into the cathedral through a side door to, as [Mark] Gibson, the prosecutor, said, ‘have some fun.’

    “Monsignor Charles Portelli, who was the cathedral’s master of ceremonies in the 1990s, testified that he was always with Pell after Mass to help him disrobe in the sacristy.” He maintains the charges are totally false.

    In other words, one of the alleged victims says he was never a victim, and the other can find no one—not one among over 20 who were with him that day—to support his story.

    Bill Donohue Catholic League

  15. Throughout history, and even now, what good has organised religion done for this world?
    Absolutely zero.

    • As just such a lizard allow me to observe that this requires management skills of the very highest order, because we are in a highly competitive business with several other lizard outfits seeking to undercut our prophet margins.

  16. Off point…
    with paedophilic sack of shit R kelly getting the news recently all attention is now on moonwalking plastic faced freak MJ , tomorrow on channel 4 is a two part documentary on jacko, obviously it’s going to focus on his antics but I’m hoping they get into the parents who surly had reservations about letting their children hang around/ sleep with a middle aged man?
    It could end up resembling the chuckle Bros “ me too you , you to me” gag as they all squirm and try to distance themselves from any wrongdoing…..

  17. Paedophilic……. 😡
    Sorry last post in moderation this will make sense if it’s posted…..

    • Read something the other day about a couple in America, Texas I think, who pimped their 7 year old daughter out to paedos. Fucking unbelievable!

  18. One of the most disgusting books ever written, The Malleus Maleficarum (hammer of the witch) was written by catholic preists.
    A handy how to guide for sexually humiliating and mutilating women.
    Popular with Labour voters.

  19. I’m agnostic but my parents are both Catholic. My father in particular hates the institution of the church for precisely this sort of thing.

  20. And Pell is quite the gymnast for pulling off the stunt…an open sacristy after a big cathedral mass, bishops and deacons everywhere; yet he managed to bugger the two lads in 90 seconds without getting the heavy robes off; and was back on the porch seeing off the churchgoers without even raising a sweat. More like Houdini.

  21. A searing , yet very funny, indictment of the Catholic Church is the film “The Magdalene Sisters.” Catch it if you can.

    • Absolutely superb film, Fred. It really goes to town on the stinking hypocrisy of the Catholic Church. Geraldine McEwan was brilliant as the vile Sister Bridget. What a cunt McEwan’s character was.
      Can also recommend the film ‘Spotlight’ if you haven’t seen it. It’s a great piece about a newspaper exposing the cover-up of systematic abuse by priests in the Boston area a few years ago.

  22. Cardinal Pell is no stranger to vile accusations made against him. But in every case, he has been exonerated.

    A Melbourne man said he was abused by Pell in 1962 at a camp when he was 12; Pell was studying for the priesthood. The case was thrown out when nothing could be substantiated. Not a single person who worked at the camp supported the charges, and all of the signed statements were favorable to Pell. The accuser had been convicted 39 times for offenses ranging from assault to drug use. Indeed, he was a violent drug addict who served four years in prison. He drove drunk, beat people, and took amphetamines.
    In 1969, Pell was accused of doing nothing to help an abused Australian boy who pleaded for help. But Pell’s passport showed that he lived in Rome the entire year.
    At a later date, Pell was accused of chasing away a complainant who informed him of a molesting priest. The authorities dismissed the charges after discovering that Pell did not live at the presbytery in Ballarat where the encounter allegedly took place. The accuser was later imprisoned for sexually abusing children.
    In a high profile case, Pell was accused of bribing David Ridsdale to stop making accusations to the police that he was abused by his uncle, Gerald Ridsdale, a notorious molester priest. The accusation was investigated and Pell was exonerated.
    Pell was also accused of joking about Gerald Ridsdale’s sexual assaults at a funeral Mass in Ballarat. But there was no Mass that day and the priest whom Pell was allegedly joking with was living someplace else when the supposed incident took place.
    What about Pell’s accusers this time? From what we know of at least some of them, they are not exactly beacons of integrity.

    In October 2016, Pell spoke to Victoria police about allegations that he had inappropriately touched two boys while horsing around in a pool in the 1970s. Neither of the two boys said a word about this alleged incident for nearly 40 years. Why not? What made them come forward recently? Just as important, why have the Australian media, and the media in other parts of the world, been reluctant to report this fact?

      • Not my research Asim. Just copied it from The Catholic League site. The most relevant name in the text above Gerald Risdale. One of the very worst of priest abusers. People rightly angry at the whole Church. Pell is a scapegoat.

  23. Wherever there is sexual suppression there will be sexual perversion .
    Someone said that but I can’t remember who , probably the Pope.

  24. Well that is why they don’t want Women Priests. Wearing a floor length black skirt and chasing choirboys is Man’s work after all.

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