The Catholic Church

The Catholic Church.
There are a multitude of reasons for these cunts to be in the dock, perpetuating a ridiculous fairy story for the very earthly vices of money and power, helping Nazis evade justice, and so much more. But, today’s reason is the pope, and his reluctance to sack cardinal George Pell from being third in command of these bastards for being a dirty child molester. He’s finally left the post, but only because his contract has ended. As there are so many perverts in the hierarchy, they have no choice but to sweep it under the carpet. It’s the perfect religion for being a cunt, as it doesn’t matter what evil you commit, rape, murder, genocide even, all you have to do is chuck in a confession and a few Hail Marys, and all is forgiven.

Nominated by Gutstick Japseye

56 thoughts on “The Catholic Church

  1. A teenager went to confession
    “Father, I rubbed my penis around my girlfriends clitoris but we didn’t have sex”

    “Well my child, that is just as bad as putting it in the vagina. For your penance, you shall donate ten pounds and say ten Hail Marys.”

    So the teenager steps out of the confesional and a few moments later so does the priest. The priest to his bemusement, watches the teenager rub ten pounds around the entrance hole of the donation box.

    “What are you doing?” asked the priest.
    “I’m rubbing the tenner around the box. It’s just as good as putting it in”.

  2. The young deacon was hearing confessions when he heard a sin he’d never before had to impose a penance.

    So he left the confessional and asked two altar boys “what does Father O’Flaherty give for a head job?”

    Quick as a flash they reply: “A can of coke and a mars bar”

  3. Anyone who believes in this complete childish sack of shit deserves to be cunted.

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