An angry cunting, if I may, for Pope Francis.
This disgusting apologist for paedophiles is now blaming ‘the Devil’ for thousands of his priests preying on children, calling on people to believe that the ‘malign one’, as he puts it, is responsible for decades of the most horrific abuse, actions that ruin not only the child’s young life, but carries over into their adult life too, causing serious mental health issues, self-harm, self-loathing and suicide.
Let’s not beat about the bush; in the year (of our Lord!) 2018, he’s actually using a childish, cartoon-like representation of Lucifer as scapegoat for thousands of child rapists, warning believers not to dismiss Satan as merely a ‘myth, a representation, a symbol, a figure of speech or an idea’.
And, of course, as only self-important tossers and pathetic halfwits continue to believe in any sort of organised religion, Catholics in general will seek to indulge the continuation of the abuse by dissociative rationalisation, believing their false narrative that once a priest has confessed his guilt to god, he is therefore absolved and will ascend into heaven, leaving a trail of broken lives behind him, his legacy protected by the corrupt cunts at the top.
Bollocks to Catholics and all religions.
Nominated by Thomas the Cunt Engine
Religion is the cause of most of the troubles in the world.
Item on the news …… a 98 year old war veteran has been severely beaten in his own home during a burglary.
Fifty years of liberal do gooding has done untold damage to law and order, social responsibility and national pride. It’s time to bring back hard labour, the birch and the rope.
I’d pull the lever for the cunts that did this myself, for free.
I would understand your enthusiasm.
People who carry out these heinous crimes are nothing but lowlife scum.
I’d gibbet the bastards after execution, as a warning to others.
We used to be very good at that sort of thing. Removing innards and burning them in front of the transgressors dying eyes, for example.
A rare talent, lost.
The Catholic church did a wide torture repetoire too, to stay on topic.
have they got the cunts who did it?
Not yet Ron. Hopefully they’ll get nicked before they can do it again.
I’d prefer to hear that they found the cunts floating face down in the canal to be honest jack
Is the right answer !!
You have to understand, Jack, that police resources were being prioritized for the Grenfell Tower effigy offense.
Ah yes, the ‘ crime ‘of the century .
Here is a bigger cunt than the Pope will ever be:
Two words:
Anthony Blair
Five words:
Fucking arsewipe cunt Anthony Blair, the pansy’s pansy
Otherwise known as ‘Miranda ‘ . Ooooh the whiff of poofery !
Even the Pope thinks he’s a cunt.
Bliar should pitch to be next Pope… he’d be a shoo-in. Wonder if Pope Francis will suffer an unexplained fatal heart attack…
with his ego he would be the leader of a second Reformation
I’d vote yes to a second crucifixion.
Blair, Campbellend and Smeggy.
In any organisation, if you identify a problem you deal with it.
The Catholic church has a few paedophiles among it’s priests. Admit it, punish them (or support their judicial punishment), support the victims morally, financially and socially, put measures in place to stop this in future such as regular safeguarding checks.
What is the issue?……..oh yes, this organisation is set somewhere in the dark ages, despite being backed by millions of honest folk.
Millions of deluded folk.
But if Christians confess to their sins, then everything’s alright. That’s what’s been happening. A priest bums a young boy, he confesses, he’s given a few hail Mary’s or whatever it is they do and hey presto, he’s cleansed in the eyes of the lord. I think it’s a good idea. They should introduce it for people with no tv licence. Hail Mary! Thank you my son, you’re ok till next year.
I’m thinking of buying a dog and calling it The Pope is a Fucking Cunt. The I could let him loose over the park and shout out……
“Pope is a fucking cunt…..come here boy!”
Do you reckon i’ll get away with it? I mean, it’s not like he’s a peaceful or anything.
No chance Freddie. There’ll be a perpetually offended type who’ll get you on their mobile, and you’ll be assassinated by the twitterati.
God Bless Atheism!
Religion is a cunt…enough.
Last post.
Tom Bradby and Robert Peston are cunts. ITV are cunts, the BBC are cunts. Channel 4 are cunts as are ABC and CNN. The Huffington Post are cunts as are the Gnardiu, Mirror, Observer, Independent, Economist, Washington Post and the New York times. Apologies if I missed anyone (probably 000’s)
On a brighter note – women are banned from watching football in Iran even though they have a womans football team. Clever Iranians.
The magoos were playing at the Emptijihad tonight (AKA the East Manchester council house). The “crowd” was so small apparently Sheikh Mainsewer is inviting them all down to the pub to buy them all a drink. He expects change out of a tenner. The Berties are all cunts.
Have always found Peston to be an irritating little wanker, trying a little too hard to be zany.
And Marr is a sad and desperate fucker these days, in more ways than one.
To believe in religion is akin to smearing faeces on one’s visage. After all, it involves swallowing and talking shit.
I can’t stomach that fucking Charles Ronce, Tom Bradby.
Smarmy, side-parted cunt sits at his desk and delivers his fucking irritating cod-comedic anti-Trump schtick.
I would love to see Peston and Bradby forced at gunpoint; into a shared game of Russian Roulette a la the Deercunter (sic).
Anyone else see that about the Poppy Day/British Legion collections being nicked from Bolton Market? Oh, what a joy and enrichment to Britain those eurofilth really are…. Lower than vermin… The scum de la scum…. Hope they get battered… Cunts…
Not sure your link works entirely as planned Norman. Here’s another:
I moved to the Highlands to get away from darkies and euro trash. At the business where I now work, the reception bell rings. I go to the door, to be greeted by the Royal Mail postman (sorry, person). He’s fucking Eastern European! Either we’re so short of man power we now have Postman Patski or jocks are lazy, parasitic fuckers. Answers on a postcard.
It’s fucking disgusting Norman. The correct course of action would be a good birching followed by deportation of the whole family (s).
And all this fuss about a Spice Girls reunion… The way those BBC and Sky cunts are going on you’d think the Beatles (including the two dead ones come back to life) were making a comeback… And who gives a fuck if Skeletor isn’t taking part? She did fuck all anyway… I’d say the absence of Yoko Beckham is a plus for the others…
Would still smash Geri, mind… Like a fucking jackhammer….
Would you smash her back door in though?
The Catholic Church hides a multitude of sins, not least among them the particularly ahem, ‘Vatican’ choirboy problem. The sooner religion and its dangle-berries are wiped from the face of this Earth, the better. For the one in particular, it’ll immediately put an end to the vast majority of wars, violence, conflict and genocide occurring around the globe. Hmm, I wonder what the common thread in that might be !??! I can’t possibly think.
A curious one here – Nadine Dorries MP has supposedly voiced her concern with being the the target of an ‘obsessed’ James O’Brien on Twitter, and is apparently contacting the police. I have no idea what has been said or done, but I assume O’Cunt has of course been doing his Brexit schtick once more and as a purveyor of political justice, has overstepped the mark like all good cunt liberals.
Correct. O’Shithead has been disparaging Nadine Dorries’ intelligence and misrepresenting her views on a daily, sometimes hourly basis, ever since he caught her speaking out against Project Fear earlier this year.
She epitomises what he fears most: An articulate Brexiteer who will not be intimidated or derailed from her argument by his clever sleight of hand linguistic misdirections and bullying.
Good on her if she’s fighting back – something ordinary members of the public who disagree with O’Shithead’s worldview and are abused for their pains cannot do.
If he wasn’t a libtard he’d have been banged up for Hate Crime years ago.
Fuck me! Within 20 seconds (literally) of O’Brien introducing his show today he announced he’d be handing out another “Nadine Dorries Award For Weapons Grade Ignorance” prize to some lucky cunt this morning… not sure if one of his hapless callers would be the recipient, or a politician who had recently come to his notice for having the audacity to mention Brexit in a positive light, cos I switched off after 10 minutes.
Bergoglicunt is a cunt of the highest order but I do think I should defend Catholics here. Not only are my parents Catholic but all the Catholics I know are lovely people who are far more angry at these kiddie fiddling scum than any of us could ever be. Besides, I was a bad kid in my first few years of secondary school and I know for a fact I wouldn’t have been given the amount of help and opportunities to change as I got in my Catholic school in one of the surrounding secular ones.