Kate Osamor MP

It’s ISAC Gameshow time again.

In September 2017, a man (Ismael Osamor) was arrested at the Bestival festival in Dorset. He is found with £2500 worth of drugs (ecstasy, cocaine, cannabis, ketamine). At the time he was working as a Labour Councillor in Haringey. What do you think happened:-

a.) Osamor was fined £2500 (the same amount), sentenced to six months prison, and consequently lost his job. His mother (Kate Osamor, Shadow International Development Secretary) was distraught.

b.) Osamor was fined £2500, sentenced to a two-year community order and nobly resigned his Councillor position immediately. His mother (Kate Osamor, Shadow International Development Secretary) was distraught.

c.) Osamor was merely sentenced to a two-year community order and only resigned last week (October 2018). He continues to work for his mother (Kate Osamor, Shadow International Development Secretary) as a senior communications officer.

I’ll give you ten seconds….

Nominated by Captain Magnanimous

1st December – the cunt has resigned from the Shadow Cabinet. Strike one for our side!

47 thoughts on “Kate Osamor MP

      • Btw – you’re doing a grand job.

        Can you tell me if my Prof. Brian Cox nom. is still in the pipeline… or has it been junked?


      • Thanks! I can’t see it in the Noms page – is it posted somewhere else? If not do you mind redoing it?

      • Thanks for checking – it was definitely posted on the noms page… about 3 – 4 weeks ago.

        Will repost this evening…

      • It just proves that Pansy Labour is ope to any fucking wrongdoing – provided you are female or *a person of colour*.

        Another one who is also in the Jeremy Corbyn Minstrel Show is about to undergo a second trial for a motoring offence (the jury were too scared to agree in the first), and of course we should never forget the on-going shenanigans of that Leicester washing machine bloke Keith Vaz.

        It also helps to progress your career if you are thick as pig shit and twice as nasty doesn’t it Mr. Lammy and Mr. Khan, innit?

  1. I saw the photo and thought this was about Fiona Onasanya, the esteemed Labour whip and Parliamentary Private Secretary to the Shadow Defence Secretary. She’s due a retrial on the charge of perverting the course of justice, by trying to blag her way out of a speeding charge. Probably the first jury was stacked with her like-minded brethren, hence the lack of verdict. Are there any soap dodging MPs who are not cheating, fraudulent cunts? Answers on the head of a pin to ISAC please. Also let us know if you think the relatives of Kate and Fiona are cunts too.

  2. Sometimes a large brown bag across the table works wonders in criminal cases.

    Or is that several small bags with brown inside?

    What a farce.

  3. what the fuck is this sudden upsurge of Iranians / Iraqis trying to cross the channel in small boats?. apparently when they are picked up they are sent to social services to be ‘ processed’ , then guess what happens? they are RELEASED ! never to be seen again. why the fuck doesnt the Government shout from the rooftops that anyone picked up will be sent back IMMEDIATELY. once this becomes common knowledge. they will realise it’s pointless even to try. . standby for news of the first drownings.

    • The latest theory is these fuckers are taking advantage of relaxed visa requirements in Serbia, flying from Iran to Serbia then travelling to the French coast to cridd on a rubber dingy ….. they know fully what they are doing …. and all our government do is blame traffickers…. if they land are picked up by a UK vessel they should be taken to the airport and sent straight back to Iran.

      • Iranians are in a special section that cannot be deported therefore once they’re here we can never be rid of them. If they commit a crime they go to prison but, unlike other nationalities, cannot be deported.

    • Why pick the fuckers up in the first place ?
      We shouldn’t deprive Neptune of his bounty.
      Good afternoon.

    • Because the government are all fucking useless cunts and don’t give a toss about anything unless it affects them or their business mates.

  4. Shouldn’t there be some sort of criminal record check to work with or for Parliament? Or would that be racist?

  5. ‘ senior communications officer ‘ ? does that imply there is more than one? wtf? can we please have a detailed breakdown of what he is paid and what his ‘duties’ consist of? what precisely does he do all day?

  6. Just another cunt stinking out the Houses of Parliament.

    Afternoon, Cap’n, and indeed, one and all.

  7. Honestly, where would we be without the magnificent ‘contribution’ to our great British way of life without this Osamore woman Dawn Butler and that brilliant mind the Abbotpotamus.

    • Flabbott the Hutt; truly one of the outstanding intellects and great political figures of our time.

      • It’s rare to see the words ‘Flabbot’ and ‘figures’ in the same sentence unless it’s talking about her genius for maths.

        Alternatively: The figures.of hippos and Flabbit are quite similar.

  8. More evidence of the increasing number of human shitters that dabble in politics/public office at any level.

    That piece of filth was clearly dealing. Mummy did a good job raising him, eh?

    How the fuck was he able to remain in his council position for a fucking YEAR and nobody saw fit to do anything about it?? The council leader said THIS:

    “Consequently, Ishmael has decided to resign from Haringey Council. We respect his decision.”

    ‘HIS decision??’ WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK? They should have rocketed a size 10 up his scumbag arse the moment that shite came to light.

    • nothing should surprise about haringey council. my brother lives there and says its council is an elite club for non white people and the stench of corruption overpowers complaint

  9. Is this the sort of person that they would now happily grant a pass for Westminster?

    Who next…..Rose West or Rolf Harris?

    Perhaps the vetting process has been revised to allow more criminals in.the

  10. Only needed one second…

    Had the perp not been an “aspiring architect” type with links to the Nou Liebore camp, with a history back to the Saxons, how far do you reckon the key would have been thrown away?

    Yeah they would’ve treated that cunt worse than Papillon!

    It’s called “white privilege” apparently…

  11. He is a drug dealing cunt who should be doing 10 years. His mother a politician and ethnic say no more. Those fuckers can and do get away with anything.

  12. He was caught smuggling ecstasy, cocaine, ketamine and cannabis into the festival – nine months before he was elected as a councillor…. he works with vulnerable people, this is seriously fucked up.

    Either election application standards are crap, checks weren’t done or something else is at play here?

    Whatever, he’s a proper cunt.

    Evening cunters.

  13. I’m fucking shocked after reading this story….”Darkie” and “Job” in the same sentence…incredible.

    Fuck them.

    • Evening Mr F, I was shocked too.

      Community service – really?! Bet my mortgage that if I smuggled a bit a marching powder in I would be banged up in no time.


      • Evening, B.C. Yer right. I wouldn’t care,but there was no way that he could claim “personal use”. It’s come to something when a dealer can be caught with that amount and yet get a free pass……being a discriminated against,son of an M.P. certainly seems to be the way to go if you fancy selling drugs to kids.

  14. It’s time for a coup I’m afraid.

    None of these fuckers in the House of Parliament have the right to pass laws on my behalf anymore. They do not represent any of my beliefs values or sense of fairness and a reasonable go.

    They are hell bent on destroying this country, it’s history and indeginous population.

    Why should I continue to pay taxes and continue to do the right thing when these fuckers know less about right from than wrong than a toddler yet preach to me about how to think and act?

    Please please please, anyone in left in the armed forces dispairing at what’s going on park some tanks in Downing Street and place some Apache gunships in the skies. Get rid of these absolute fekkers that are supposedly in charge.

    Whilst at it, instruct what’s left of the RN to loose a few rounds from a half inch M3M machine gun at those gimmegrants and rapfugees that have been crossing the channel by small boat in the last few days.

  15. Frankly I’m shocked and horrified that an honourable member of the commons could infact be just another cunt.

  16. A young man,of darker colour, dealing drugs, you must be mistaken, surely he’s a trainee architect or apprentice engineer.!!

  17. Probably the same fuckers who are keeping Tony Blair out of jail a fucking disgrace New Labour

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