Ghetto/Black Youth Speak

Cards on the table: I fucking despise the way modern black/ethnic youths speak. It’s eroding British culture faster than a litre of sunny delight rots milk teeth. I know since time immortal teenagers and the young have always adopted their own slang to fit in with peers, rebel etc. But this fucking current idiocy is a game changer.

There is no real way to mask this cunting for what it is: a direct attack on the morose, pathetic, cringeworthy and almost self-parody that is ‘black speak’. Searching online to see if this had a formal name, it seems to be under ‘Ebonics’. But fuck that for a game of soldiers, I won’t use anything that legitimises this backwardly devolved form of communication.

I don’t mind a bit of ‘init’, I don’t mind a bit of ‘know what I mean’, and I can even stretch to the odd ‘safe’.

The piss boils however when middle-class surrey kids, without trace of irony, talk like Compton’s finest. Middle-class WHITE kids, no less.

Why oh why do we entertain these fucking cretins who speak in that completely fucking made-up Bangladeshi-Jamaican accent (see Ali G) and further, even allow such cunts to do voice-overs on BBC/ITV programmes & VTs?

It’s all utter fucking wank. It’s not culture. It’s not in any way, shape or form legitimate. It’s fucking retarded.

Everywhere I turn I see this horse bollocks getting normalised and passed off as ‘street’, ‘urban’ or ‘inner city’. Fuck right off you stupid scumcunts.

Worse still though, the internet has seemingly adopted black American ghettoisms at every fucking turn. Every fucking ‘meme’ “has me be like…”, “I’m inna…” “go girl…” Jesus Harry H. Corbett Christ, speak fucking remotely properly, you head-shaking, fat-arsed, wig-wearing morons! When did this fucking bollocks become cool? Who decided that the some of the most deadbeat people in existence were the gatekeepers to almost all internet fucking slang?

Lord have mercy. I’d gratefully accept going back to the times when the worst grammatical faux pas British kids committed was calling me a cunt in the Sainsbury’s confectionary aisle.

Nominated by The Empire Cunts Back

64 thoughts on “Ghetto/Black Youth Speak

  1. We are faced with a population crisis of ineffable magnitude. Extirpate all who adopt this jungle-throwback ‘patois’, so they do not reproduce, alongside of course the general cleansing of those who believe in the law of buggering camels in the dunes.

  2. Yep agreed Empire ghetto speak is a cunt can’t stand listening to these fucktards destroy our language and chav cunts trying to emulate it. Great cunting once again mate

  3. ALL rap, hip hop, r’n’b, grime, whatever you want to call it, is filthy disgusting degenerate trash. Ugly people with ugly souls mumbling unintelligibly about unimportant gibberish over a deliberately, literally inculcating beat. Whenever I hear this bilge blasting out of a car or house window, I make a mental note that if I ever had my way, the occupants would be sterilised to ensure they do not reproduce and further pollute the gene pool.

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