The US of Fucking A is a complete and utter Cunt of a Cuntry.
They play shit sports like Baseball and Gridiron that no other cunt gives a fuck about and the Winners are crowned World Champs,they took the fine game of Football and turned it into 100 odd fat Yankee cunts smashing into each other whilst screaming” touchdown!”
They are the fattest Cunts on the planet,even their cops look like hippos,and thats just the females. They got a place called Hollywood where thousands of Cunts remake the same film 100 times a year with the USA winning every war in history including defeating the Romans and other battles fought hundreds of years before the US cunts were even around.
They got another place called Sillycunt Valley where ugly,deformed little cunts with 2 inch dicks spend all day inventing shite like self driving cars so that their fellow lazy obese Yankee Cunts can ride around 24/7 stuffing hamburgers and pizzas and cokes down their fat faces.
The USA is a complete and utter CUNT!
Nominated by Thomas
I’m sure The General will be unable to resist commenting on this one. There’s a bit more truth in there than the one on the nominations page perhaps?
Happy 4th the July! Ever asked yourself why it’s the only war Britain ever lost? Had to get rid of all the tax dodging cunts somehow ?
“No taxation without representation”.
British people won that war. They just happened to be a bunch of cunts who were unable to hack life in the mother country so fucked off on holiday and couldn’t afford to get home again.
Yah..dats what happened…dey couldn’t live in a settled country so dey left on vacation…yah….and den dey missed da boat home…yah…so dey settled a wilderness…yah…and den da British won da war…yah…but dey surrendered anyways…yah…dey surrendered so da French would feel better about demselfs…yah…dats what happened…
To be fair, the fact that France and Holland declared war on Britain while the American Revolution was in progress wasn’t exactly a hindrance to the American side. If we weren’t trying to fight three wars at the same time, America could well be a dominion like Canada today…
I love America. Without America we would all be part of the 3rd ( never mind the 4th ) Reich
The Japs did their bit to help out. America was neutral until the Japs bombed Pearl Harbor.
Hey Ruff
Ever hear of Lend Lease?
You like music. Sing along with me…
“Tell me what were their names, tell me, what were their names?
Did you have a friend on that good Ruben James?
? ⚓ ? ?
Yes General, I am aware of Lend Lease – enlightened self interest at it’s best – and grateful we were for it too.
I wasn’t seeking to minimise the role of the U.S., just pointing out it might have been a very different story had the Japs not committed harakiri on that fateful day.
Have to plea ignorance however regarding your purdy little singalong…
I would quarrel with your characterization of Lend Lease…but…
The refrain was from a song by Woody Guthrie. It told the story of the USS Ruben James…a World War I era Destroyer escorting convoys to Britain and patrolling for Nazi U Boats.
It was sunk by a Nazi U Boat off the coast of Iceland near the end of October, 1941. More than a month before the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor. All officers went down with the ship. About 40 or 50 crew members survived.
After the “Greer Incident” America was in a shooting war with the Nazis before war was declared and before Pearl Harbor.
The US was sending aid to Britain and in August or September of 1941 a German U Boat fired a torpedo at the USS Greer causing President Roosevelt to issue orders to the US Navy to shoot on sight at any Nazi U Boat.
As you see…we weren’t entirely neutral before Pearl Harbor.
True… but they had to fire on you first… had they not, our sorry asses mightn’t have bin saved.
Probably would have ended up part of the Soviet Union in the long run…
Any chance you’ll let us join your mob General? After all,
This is the 51st State of the U.S.A.
I do hate to be a pedantic cunt but we’ve lost more than one war. Afghanistan,,for example, has kicked our arse three times.
(((Afghanistan))),,for example, has kicked our arse three times. There fixed it for you
A blast from the past…
Dioclese…how could you say such things? And after all that we’ve meant to each other.
I’ll never look at a mathmatical equation or geometric proof the same way again…EVER!
That’s OK. It was Pythagoras that did all that shit…
You legends are always so modest! ?
They also have a state called “Cuntofornia” on the west coast – the epicentre of your touchy-feely-oh-so-offended libtard snowflake wankstains!
The state went into meltdown when Trump won the election – Jeez did they scream and squeal saying its so unfair and not the right decision and all the usual “not in my name” bollocks. They even threatened to go independent such was their disappointment.
And of course with Cuntifornia you have Hollywood – and again a lot of those flaky liberal actors threatened to leave the country for Canada so ashamed were they about Trump and his immigration polices…. but that was a year or so ago and those same cunts are still living the high life, bleating like fuck in Berverly Hills!
Land of the Cunt: Home of the Cunt!
Given the meltdown over the referendum by the 48%, I don’t think the UK is in a position to criticise the US reaction to Trump do you?
True, because we have 48% worth of whinging cunts; but we’re talking the land of the free, the cunstitution, freedom of speech and democracy and all that fanny.
Just a wild guess, but are Canada’s income tax rates higher (for extremely wealthy celebs) than the good old USA.
Might explain the lack of any mass actor exodus….
I think you’ll find it’s a small minority of the 48% who are actually whinging. Most of the 48%, if anything at all, are mildly apprehensive.
On the other hand, dissatisfaction among the 52% is likely to be far greater, and rightly growing day by sellout day.
I prefer the Yanks to the French, the Africoons, the Belgians, the Pakistanis, the Iranians, the Welsh and people from Londonistan.
So do I. I’ve always found the Yanks I’ve met, in general, to be rather polite. Let’s put it this way, I’d rather be told to have a nice day by someone who doesn’t mean it than be told to fuck off by someone who does, which appears to be the norm in this country nowadays.
Having served and lived with Americans I concur with all the positives. A great people and a great country!
We have a place of honor reserved for you at the 7th Calvary’s Annual Shindig.
Many thanks General. We have a little place over here call little America, it’s called Lakenheath. 5,000 Americans . Great folks!
Very true.
Being told to Fuck Off by our own government – The Bastards – on a daily basis is becoming rather irksome.
No we must greet our french overlords with open arms we must take the bogpill to get peace in this chaotic world
Never met a Yank cunt I didn’t like.
I have not seen the Democrats this angry since they took away their slaves…
Very nice Son of Krav! You know your history. You father would be so proud!
George Washington had lots of slaves. Not a lot of people know that.
And his will specified that they be freed upon his death. However, his wife Martha survived him and would not free them.
Some speculate this was out of fear for her life. I think more likely she needed to maintain control of them to run the Plantation.
The Washington family originated from the town of Washington Tyne & Wear. They were locally renowned for being cunts.
@Thomas…Abdul…Omar…Nikolai…Khamal…Nandi…Ali…Rashneesh…Bandar…Gamel…M’butu…Ahmed…Gupti…and all of the other “citizens” of the (cough)…”British (hee hee) Isles”.
We’re setting off fireworks today in celebration of NOT being a part of your “Empire”. So you’ll have to cry a bit louder if you want to be heard across the Atlantic.
But don’t despair. Even though Britannia doesn’t rule the waves any more…let alone her own Home Island…we still love you. So come on! Grab a cold one…have a burger or a hot dog and sing along with me….
“Oh, beautiful for spacious skies,
For amber waves of grain,
For purple mountain majesties,
Above the fruited plain!
America! America!
God shed his grace on thee,
And crown thy good with brotherhood,
From sea to shining sea.”
It’s a little known fact that ‘The Star Spangled Banner’ is an American poem set to an old English folk song.
“The Defence of Fort McHenry.” It was written by Francis Scott Key in 1814 during the War of 1812. The stanzas recount the Battle of Baltimore, a days-long siege between British and American forces.
The poem was set to the tune of a popular British song written by John Stafford Smith for the Anacreontic Society, a men’s social club in London. “To Anacreon in Heaven” (or “The Anacreontic Song”), with various lyrics, was already popular in the United States.
Ironic that when they play the US national anthem, they’re actually playing a tune written by an Englishman?
My Pendatic Comrade you are absolutely correct both in substance and in tone. The “Star Spangled Banner” i.e. the National Anthem is sung to the music of an old English tune.
But the song I quoted was “America the Beautiful”.
I know. Just thought it was an interesting snippet ?
And it’s Miss Pedantic actually.
1. Sorry. I meant no offense. I should have realized that you of all cunter’s here would know the difference.
2. It is an interesting snippet.
3. I should have guessed from your “avatar” that you are a woman.
4. I suddenly find myself drawn to you.
5. What are you wearing?
Only my glasses but you can keep your hat on !
Only a mad dog or an Englishman would be crazy enough to refuse an offer like that.
Dim the lights..cue the music…
Glad to see you chose the original Joe Cocker version not the one by that pretentious piece of Welsh crap Tom Jones. You have taste.
I never threw my knickers at Jones but I gather he threw his underpants to anyone who’d have them?!?
What gave my choice away? The “Mad Dogs and Englishmen” remark or the link to the video?
A high proportion of the cunts who sing along are descended from Englishmen, not a lot of Americans know that… Their gun laws are too: not a lot of Englishmen know that…
And why do they always feel the need to ruin their anthem by having some over the top faux opera cunt caterwaul it?
Hendrix’s live Woodstock rendition of Star Spangled Banner is fucking awesome.
Hey Ruff.
Despite what many of the old timers think I concur…Hendrixs’ rendition of The National Anthem is a masterpiece. (He was by the way a former US Army paratrooper).
Here’s an interesting version from what used to be called the National Pastime…specifically the Fall Classic.
Cheers General – isn’t that what’s called barbershop? it’s listenable at least, I’ll grant you that. Which reminds me:
Did you know that Thomas Jefferson kept a black slave to help him deal with ‘sexual tension’? And that Ulysses S. Grant was a hopeless drunk who couldn’t button his own flies without falling over? Probably not something they teach in American schools, ha ha.
Pick thy ground carefully Ruff.
1. Thomas Jefferson had a “house slave” named Sally Hemmings. She was the half sister of Jefferson’s dead wife. (They had the same father.)
2. He fathered children with her…which was reported in the press of the day.
3. To this day they hold an extended family reunion.
With regard to Grant.
1. He was a drunk. He drank whisky.
2 When this was pointed out to President Lincoln, Honest Abe suggested they find out what brand he drinks and send a case to his other Generals.
? ??
If you’ve not heard it, I suggest listening to ‘Abe Lincoln v. Madison Avenue’ by Bob Newhart, for no other reason than it’s very funny and very well observed.
Which is just a nicer way of saying what I said.
Looks like you’ve got your work cut out for you today General. Stay tuned for my next post… hopefully provide you with plenty of red meat to go at!
“But the hat Abe..the hat…”
Ive come over all emotional General after that outburst, I’m standing to attention, lip quivering. Hell I think I’ll swear my allegiance to the Colonials after that.
How spectacularly shit do the Democrats have to be to keep losing to DONALD TRUMP? Don’t get me wrong, I think the guy is doing a great job, but still… DONALD FUCKING TRUMP. They could lose the midterms – which rarely ever happens to the opposition party – to a businessman and former reality television star… Wtf?
Did you not realise that their candidate was Hoary Clinton?
My cat could win against Killary.
And I don’t even have a cat!
Oh Clinton is awful but compared to their current crop – Maxine Waters, Nancy Pelosi, Keith Ellison etc – she looks relatively sane. Which just shows how much further they’ve fallen without even hitting the bottom yet.
I grow more impressed with each post.
The Dems will lose the midterms spectacularly.
Whooopeee!. Give Trump another 2 terms !
I certainly hope so. If Waters, Pelosi and co and their little Antifa minions get anywhere near power it would be a disaster for the world.
If it came down to the wire… I would sooner the UK became the 51st state of the USA than the 28th state of the EU. How many state leaders of the EU can you name? (2) How many American presidents can you name? (14). Would you sooner watch American football or jeu sans frontiers? QED
Definitely Jeux San Frontier
I honestly wouldn’t be opposed to the yanks taking us over at this point.
Well said OC!
The Democunts have formed a circular firing squad to shoot at Trump and are taking each other out one at a time.
In the words of a WW II patriotic song…”Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition”.
Oops…another fouled up response. This was supposed to go to Opinionated Cunt.
I went to America years ago. Lovely country. Most of the people were friendly,but really were frighteningly ignorant about the rest of the world. After being asked if I was Scottish,Welsh,a Cockney or,for some bizarre reason,Danish, I gave up trying to explain where the North of England actually was,and just agreed with whatever they suggested. This made them so happy….”Oh, Gee, I love the (insert any nationality) that it seemed churlish to upset them. However,I came slightly unstuck when asked in an Irish bar if I’d like to contribute to widows and orphans in the Old Country.
Most Americans,I found,where generous,open,friendly people. I think of them rather like Labrador dogs,amenable,trustworthy,slightly overenthusiastic but willing to do anything for food and the odd word of praise. The odd ones seem to be slightly taken in by their own films and believe the myth that only ‘murica saves the world from descending into a fiery,communist Hell. That seems to be a bit of a theme with some of them,a tendency towards a sanctimonious and rather pompous view which they are only too keen to length,if given the platform.
Overall,America is a fine country which I admire and respect. The same as any other country it has it’s share of “Assholes”, but I suppose every country does. Wont save the Cunts from a….. Fuck them.
I know what you mean. This is actually on video. A friend of mine, who’s Welsh, went to New York a few years ago, and a couple of locals said, “that’s a strange accent. Where are you from?” After he replied “Wales” they then said, “I’ve never heard of any place called Wales, but I have a friend who lives in Buffalo, and they don’t sound anything like you.” God bless America.
As an Americunt I can see the humor. And of course it is lost on you Brits.
Q Where are you from?
A. Wales?
S. My friend is from Buffalo and he doesn’t sound anything like you.
Of course he doesn’t. Who would expect a whale and a buffalo…two completely different animals…to have a similar speech pattern. When delivered in a deadpan maner…certainly not some clueless “stiff assed Brit.”
Did they try to sell him a bridge?
Humour needs to humorous first to be lost on someone, and also congruent with the rules of the English language.. something most Americunts do struggle with.
Stood in Maine looking at a very nice house on the bluff. Yank turns to Australian next to me and says “Hey Frank, whose house is that?”
Frank thinks ‘I’m an Aussie and we’re in your country so how the fuck would I know?’ then without cracking his face says “That’s Mussolini’s house, mate!”
Woman turns to husband and says “No shit! Hey George, that’s Mussolini’s house!”
“Holy shit!” says George. “That’s really neat!”
You had to be there, I guess
I wonder if the friend in Buffalo sounds like a buffalo ?
We have a Shadow something-or-other that looks like the arse-end of a hippo.
Not many cunters know that !!
Spell check is a tool of the New World Order and my keyboard is possessed by the devil.
Should have written bison.
What’s the difference between a buffalo and a bison?
You can’t wash your hands in a buffalo!
I’ll get my coat……..
You omitted to tell us Dick – how much did you end up donating to the “widows and orphans in the Old Country.”? I’m sure you’d have been most generous… it being such a worthy cause.
I met some American back packers in Spain , first European country they had been to back in the late 80’s. And I was amazed how little knowledge they had about the rest of the world. They really thought that in London we still had horse and carts and we either spoke like Dick van Dyke or Rex Harrison.
I did lay on a very posh accent and said I owened a mansion in Mayfair which payed dividends because I ended up having a threesome with a delightful pair of 21 year olds from Florida.?
That Irish bar story is a fact of life in some America cities. Boston…New York…and Chicago are rife with Paddy’s collecting for the Widows and Orphans.
I grew up near Chicago and the Mick’s in the bars had no problem strong arming you to help those at home “enduring The Troubles”. If you didn’t give they’d take it as a personal insult and use your head as a battering ram. After a softening up they’d call the police.
Chicago was controlled by the Irish Catholic Political Mafia so when officers Timmy O’Malley and Sean O’Toole showed up they were more likely to join in the beating than put an end to it.
Then they’d haul you off to jail for resisting arrest. There you’d sit until you came up in front of the Honorable Michael J. Flannery…Cook County Circuit Court Judge. Where he’d fine you disturbing the peace.
Legal extortion and terrorist tactics all for the benefit of poor old widowed Katheen MacLaughlin and her infant daughter Colleen back in the Old Sod.
In the meantime…the IRA was buying M 16’s and pastic exposives on the Back Market…also for the benefit of poor old Kathleen and her infant daughter.
Fucking spud munching Gaelic Cunts!
It’s a strange country that allows any cunt to walk into a store and buy a fucking gun that can shoot 10 cunts dead in a couple of seconds. Wierdo’s.
In The US the purchaser of a firearm is subject to numerous background checks which can take months if there is a backlog.
Also it’s very difficult/impossible for the average citizen to get hold of machine gun or assault rifle.
The most popular US rifle is the AR-15 which is a single shot, semi automatic hunting rifle. The only way that can kill ten people in 2 seconds is by modifying it with a bump stock or a gatlin crank. Those are the things that should be banned, not the rifle itself.
Thats the problem US gun laws are far too strict.All US citizens should have the right to purchase any weapon they choose,except of course Tanks,Fighter Jets,Nukes and chemical weapons.I see nothing wrong with Bazookas,grenades and machine guns being sold,even in flea markets. Thats the AmeriKunt way after all-freedom to blow each other sky high.
But I want a tank! And a fighter jet!
I don’t care about nukes but I want some chemical weapons. (I have some family members I’m not too fond of)
Come to Salisbury. We have nerve agents to spare.
Hello Kendo.
Funny post! To further elaborate on Two’s post and give you a serious dose of reality…lemme ‘splain sometin to you…
I have purchased a few firearms in the course of my lifetime. Despite what you are told here’s how it works. This applies to my former home state of Indiana and California where I also lived. Different states have different laws but basically, the procedure is the same.
1. Citizen walks into a gun store and chooses a firearm.
2. Citizen must show valid ID. All information on the ID must be accurate or no sale
3. Citizen fills out a form. The number of questions vary from state to state and certifies it was answered truthfully.
4. Citizen fills out separate Federal form authorizing a background check and is finger printed. Some states do not finger print but do electronically scan you ID which includes some bio metric information. (Scary huh?)
5. Some states like California have a “waiting” period. If so you leave without your weapon and return after the period expires. In a state with no waiting period they will usually run your ID right then and there. Some do not.
6. Citizen background check goes to the FBI and to Homeland Security. Criminal records are searched in all 50 states. Court records may also be searched as are any group affiliations you have or any watch lists you may be on.
7. Local authorities search city, state and county records for same.
8. If you are pass all checks…you can buy a gun.
9. A citizen can only buy a fully automatic weapon if he/she possess a Federal Firearms License.
10. However, as mentioned there are aftermarket options available in some states.
11. Gun shows are allowed to operate in a different manner although the same “paper work” is required.
12. Some states are tougher than others and handgun laws are not always the same as long gun laws.
13. Believe me when I tell you..if you say something stupid…or come in wearing a checkered tablecloth or white pillow case over your head the gun wearing in salesman will ask you politey to leave. And the police WILL visit your home. The same is true if you try to buy a few hundred rounds of ammunition.
14. The libtard media lies.
? ??
Probably more truthful is anyone with a spare 200 quid/bucks and knows where to look/who to ask will find what they’re looking for.
Heavy sigh
The serial number of every weapon sold is recorded. If a gun I purchased in Indiana it is used in a crime in California at some point someone will ask how it got there.
If I can’t explain it…or even if I can…I can be considered an accessory to the crime and held legally liable.
With that said there certainly is a back market for guns. But certainly not what people think.
My dad once bought a Colt Python 357 magnum in California and imported it to the UK. The guy in the gun shop didn’t give a shit. He was only concerned that we were flying direct back to the UK non stop because transporting a firearm across a state line was a federal offence.
This was 40 odd years ago so things may have changed?
Very informative general C.
I will be testing this buying procedure very shortly and will report back what happened.
Awesome! What state?
Things that will influence the buying procedure also include…
1. Do you have to have a license or carry permit to buy a gun?
2. Are you required to register your gun?
3. Is your state controlled by Democrats or Republicans?
4. Are you in a city that has seperate laws?
5. Are you in a county where the Sheriff has control over the buying procedure.
It is much easier to buy a gun in Rat’s Ass Idaho than in Libtown Washington.
I look forward to hearing what happens.
Hi General –
Just seen your reply. So yours truly lives in the independent republic of Texas! At least that’s what the locals tell me. 🙂
I think I’m good to go for buying the hand gun I want from a local range shop. I guess we’ll see. For years and years I just assumed that since I’m not a citizen I couldn’t own a firearm. Seems that’s not true after all.
What to buy has been a real headache. I went on a ‘learn to shoot’ course a few weeks back. Nothing fancy or too in depth, but enough to make sure you at least know what you’re doing so you don’t maim yourself or others around you. I got on so much better with a revolver than I did a 9mm semi.
Research led to me the S&W 357 Model 19 Classic. It is spendy ($850) and the ammo ain’t cheap either, but it was close to the first gun I ever fired with my uncle waaaaaay back when. Nostalgia and all that. Comes to find out, you can’t get that gun anywhere. They’re either so popular that S&W has sold out and can’t make enough to keep up with demand or they only made about 10 and I missed out.
Had a bit of a re-think after another visit to the range. I think I’ve settled on the S&W M&P 22 Compact. Going for the Model 19 was probably being a bit too flash. Learning to shoot well by practicing often with cheap ammo and a gun that doesn’t scare the shit out of me (but is still scary), seems a better idea. Plus it’s only about $340 new and .22 rounds are pennies per dozen.
I plan to *attempt* to buy it in the next couple of weeks. I’ll let you know if they laugh in my face, lock me up and throw away the key. Cheers – IY.
Hey IY…
The Great and Sovereign State of Texas!
You will have zeeeeeeeerrrrrrrooooooo trouble buying a gun…unless you live in Austin…maybe Houston.
I think I posted something a while back about my recommendations but you might not have seen it.
Good job taking a course! Revolvers are old school and I love them. They are safe for novices and veterans alike. They are (no offense intended) idiot proof. You have to be trying to shoot someone with a revolver.
Plus they are extremely reliable. Although semi autos have made great strides…a revolver is a companion you can always count on.
The popularity of semi autos have made revolvers much harder to find. S&W is world class and so is Colt…if in fact you can find one or the other.
Allow me to make a suggestion…consider a Ruger…specifically an SP 101. They come in 2 1/4, 3 or 4 inch barrels. They are available in a variety of calibre’s and are rugged, reliable an can be easily concealed.
I have and prefer the .38 Special but my sister likes the .32 H&R Mag
They are a bit pricey though. Probably $600 to $650 plus.
With that said…one should buy what one can afford and what one is comfortable shooting. The old mantra is, a hit with a .22 is better than a miss with a .45.
Can’t wait to hear about it! Feel free to post questions any time.
An armed Brit in the US of A! Love it! We’ll make a real Yank of you yet.
? ?? ?? ?
? As I walked out on the streets of Laredo…?
Hey General –
I am grateful for your tips and suggestions. I did go ahead and buy the book you recommended, In The Gravest Extreme. It’s heavy going, but informative.
A friend also recommended I take a look at Ruger, so it’s interesting you concur. They make an SP101 in .22LR, so I might take a look at that. I don’t think they stock that at the range shop I plan to drop into though.
I think it’s sensible to proceed economically for the time being. Apart from the 2 classes I’ve attended recently (both indoors), my previous shooting experience was on outdoor ranges. I have been completely unprepared for the assault on my senses caused by indoor shooting. The last time I went, I rented a S&W .38. In the lane next to me was a couple of guys firing what sounded like a fucking Howitzer. The noise, even with ear protection, was horrifying as was the shock wave which ripped through the partition wall every time they fired. It was very off putting, stressful and to be honest, ruined our shooting experience. The RSO was very cool though. He saw that we were having a hard time, so stepped in and moved us to the furthest lane away. Top guy. I don’t think indoor shooting is for me which is OK since there are many outdoor ranges around.
Then I was having a hard time firing the bloody revolver. I thought it was jamming somehow, but I think my trigger finger had run out of steam. I’d been firing double action for 25+ rounds and those muscles just aren’t used to working in that way. I know – a wuss, right? I’m learning all the time.
My thinking is to get something I like that’s cheap to buy (but still decent), easy to handle, easy to fire and uses cheaper ammo. The .22 route seems like the way to go. I like the look of the S&W M&P22, but I’ve never fired a real one. I have the air pistol version of it which I like. I do like revolvers though and you’re right, they’re pretty much idiot proof. I like that. They’re very obvious.
Choices, choices.
Cheers – IY.
I’m glad my posts are helpful.
A couple of things…
Assuming you have a valid Texas ID….Drivers liscense is best but State ID is OK…you should be fine to buy.
It is doubtful to me that as a Brit in this country legally…not named Hussein and probably with an Anglo-Saxon family name…that you will set off any warning bells with the FBI or Homeland Security.
Let’s drill down a bit on guns and ammo…
I am familiar with the M&P series and they are excellent weapons. I get that money is an factor. Trust me…I GET THAT!
Time for a sleeper reccomendation. Consider a Taurus model PT22. They should retail for about $250 to $275. Maybe a little more if it’s hard to find but certainly under $300.
Taurus is a Brazillian company that was known for making S&W clones. The PT22 is not an S&W model cone. It has a “tip up” Barrell that is more similar to a Bretta but in other design and function it is different.
Usually made from a combination of metals it is lighter in weight and easily concealable. By the way…I’m pretty sure it’s made in the states so availability should be OK.
It is an 8 plus 1 semi auto 22LR with a spurless hammer for easy non snag draw. It is also DAO…double action only…but trigger pull should be easy and smooth.
One drawback is it can only fire standard pressure ammo. I would usually recommend CCI brand .22LR Stinger ammo but not in the Taurus. Stick to standard pressure and it should feed fine.
See if you can find one locally and if possible test fire it at the range of your choice…if they’ll let you.
Otherwise…Google it for info. Taurus is a value brand and some gun snobs may sneer at the mention of it. Fuck ’em! They’ve been in business for probably about 75 years.
Touch it…feel it…shoot it…then decide but I think given your preferences and parameters I think it could be a viable option.
Thanks General. Research will continue with your suggestions in mind. I really do appreciate you taking the time to pass on your knowledge.
To further elaborate on what Two and the General have said, the shootings that happen are more to do with appalling mental health provision and the failure of the authorities to stop these monsters rather than inadequate background checks. I mean if 4chan can find Shia LeBeouf using cloud patterns then there’s no excuse for the CIA and FBI not to prevent this people from carrying out such attacks.
These people I mean. I fucking hate using a phone keyboard.
Problems with illegal scum and snowflakes just like in Britain; still, always enjoyed my trips to the States. Nice people, fuck off portions of good food and long wide roads with nice scenery. Overall, a good place to live and a variety of different terrain. Beats living in one of the many third world swamp-like shitholes that make up a large portion of the planet.
These swamp like shitholes make up the majority of West Yorkshire.
The Islamic Republic of West Yorkshire
Off topic, but…
James O’Shithead this morning:
“Leave campaign cheats now proved bang to rights, GUILTY of MASSIVE fraud, with BBC bias collusion. The Remain campaign was awful… but at least it was FACTUAL and EVIDENCE BASED.” Therefore Referendum null and void.
Fuck me. Sorry Cuntley, am switching over to A Place In The Sun now…honest.
How to win a second referendum:
1. Don’t call it a “second referendum”, call it a “people’s vote”.
2. Crank up Project Fear.
3. Accuse the Leave campaign of lying and cheating.
4. Tell Leave voters they’re just a load of uneducated, racist thickos.
What could possibly go wrong?!…..
Did O’Shithead mention the £9 1/2 million of taxpayers money spent on that fucking pamphlet by any chance, the cunt?
Yes he did!
He said it wasn’t relevant… because it was only the Government doing what any RESPONSIBLE Government should do – lay out the FACTS for the benefit of its poorly informed citizenship…
4th July. The biggest fucking day of the year here. All the closet drinkers are in their element including me. Oh Fuck. Yeah! I started at 10am on the 3rd and the only reason I haven’t dove into the rollie weed, like Hubby is that I’d be asleep by now. And I’ve still got another twelve hours celebrating in front of me. Prolly doze between 3.30am and 9.30am and then it’s off to the neighbours at midday for the real booze up. If I’m lucky I might get groped but more likely I’ll be mashing some ribs and tacos into the pie-hole.
Football might be one fucked up game (oldest son is going into High playing it) and those petals would be no match for the All Blacks, but a Californian grill is beyond par.
You’re up early!
Me too! Been up since Midnight CST. Preparing the smoker for ribs! Also burgers and dogs on the grill. Plenty of salads and side as well.
I’ll doze sometime this morning too but right get now I have to monitor the cunters.
Oh Yeah! I’m in game mode. Got some pulled pork in the slow cooker (I cooked down OJ, lime juice and home grown oregano and broiled a big ole pork butt with salt and garlic criss/crossed through the fat) I have just thrown said butt into the slow cooker and I’m just about to grill ribs that have been sitting in the smoker on low. I’ve got dough rising for bread and home made baked beans on the go. Token veges are are Gorgonzola, cranberry, walnut green salad.
All this sounds really depressing to me. So they let you eat and drink what you want once a year on this special day? That’s really nice of them. It’s like being told you can have stuffing and apple sauce on your turkey because it’s christmas. I eat and drink exactly what I like on every day of the year.
Hey Allan…send me your address so I can send you some money. You can use it to buy a clue.
This is America boy! The land of wretched excess! We eat and drink what we want, if we want, when we want.
And on Holidays…especially, the founding of our great nation, we share our favorite foods with loved ones, friends and neighbors…and sometimes family members we really don’t care for but for some strange reason we put up with on holidays.
Don’t tell me it’s any different in the UK. You have traditional foods, seasonal foods and holiday foods just like we do.
I grill and smoke food all the time. But today I’ll stand outside in the heat…or maybe sit…smoke a cigar and watch the smoker…adding chips when needed.
I’ll watch baseball with some of the guests and bemoan the current state of the once great game I so dearly loved.
In the evening I’ll smoke yet another cigar while the little ones play with sparklers. Then after dark we’ll watch fireworks.
Happy Birthday and God Bless America!
Don’t think you really fit the definition of a “closet drinker” Cali…
You’ve heard of salad ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
Seconded… on stilts!
Brilliant idea.
“Call me Snake…”
Shame our own rulers dont have the same outlook for leaving the eu as the USA ambassador to Britain exhibited in the Mail today.
Australia might have taken the crims but New Zealand took the whingers. The good bastards got their priorities straight no matter the country they ended up in. Cooking and Fucking.
I like it!
Our menu is…hickory smoked ribs with 2 types of available sauce. One sweet
Hamburgers and Hot Dgs on the grill.
Corn on the cob.
Spinach and red onion salad with olive oil dressing.
Baked Beans
Tomato, corn and okra salad.
Red velvet cake with white icing and blue sprinkes.
All kinds of stuff to drink…American beers…iced tea… lemonade…coffee…soft drinks and perhaps a touch or two of Wild Turkey…Spirit of Kentucky!
As hot as it is I suspect only the iced coffee will drank. (If you don’t tell anyone we can slip away and I’ll share a nip of Old Charter Proprietors Reserve with you. I squirrelled some away for special occasions. But don’t even think of groping me! My heart blongs to Pedantic.)
Open invitation to all. So if you’re in the neighborhood…stop on in.
? ?? ? ? ? ? ?
I think one of the neighbor ladies is bringing pie!
Damn! Another misplaced response.
Hahahaha I’m all talk re the groping. And the iced tea will be the bevvie most drank as we all want to stay sober to perform our best at the inaugural neighbourhood egg toss. (Partnering up to throw an egg back and forward until the last partnership is left standing without yolk dripping off)
And the more you drink the less you can eat. Almost done preparing and I’m going to turn everything off and sharpie ‘Quaqmire’ on Hubby’s back. Then my work here will be done.
It’s a good thing you’re all talk. I only have eyes…and hands for the Pedantic One.
Two words: Oh. Yum. And what kind of pie 😉
Actually, I don’t know what kind of pie. The grill and the smoker are my areas and everything else is up to whomever.
I shall however, report the type(s) later.
More than one brought pie! There were different kinds but the absolute hit was the strawberry/rhubarb.
The pecan was a close second!
You know, hearing you two talk about this stuff makes me kind of jealous we don’t have a day like this here in Britain ☺️
Fuck me pink. Are you a well-upholstered chap, Colonel, as you do seem to live for your comestibles?
Colonel? Who you calling Colonel?
He’s thinking of Colonel Blimp, the one built like a barrage balloon!
Just for the record General – are you a fat fucker?
Ruff…my you think a man of common sense, good judgment and moderation like myself would be a…”fat fucker”?
As I was born waaaaaay back in the last century I must confess I’m long past my “playing weight”.
But fat fucker would NOT be an accurate description. I mean fucker fits…but fat doesn’t
Et tu Monsieur Blancmange?
Appears we are perfectly in accord here General. Except I, miraculously, have maintained my “playing weight” of 145 lbs.
Like you, I spend a lot of time ‘on manoeuvres’…
Jesus! I was at 145…10 lbs over my 18 year old bony ass graduation weight for years.
Last year I had 2 surgeries with 2 procedures each and sat on my ass for 6 fucking months. Plus the fucking Doctors gave me a pain med that caused me to gain some weight. So I now tip the scales at about 155. (I think I may be a little less now as I have been busy moving and quite active.)
At any rate I’m 6′ tall so even with a few extra pounds I’m still in a good BMI range.
As an aside..I have mentioned to some that my now deceased love was black. Whenever the subject of asses came up…my “bony white ass” as opposed to her “fat black ass”…I told her white people from the suburbs used to give their children a drug called Noassitol. But it has since been banned as it was racist and unfair to minorities from da hood.
It was a part of my white priviledge.
Oops… I’ve just checked my school record and found to my surprise I was 120 lbs at age 17.
Naturally I’m appalled to have put on so much blubber in the intervening 48 years, and especially for misleading the Rt. Honourable General and fellow cunters in this respect, though like yourself am currently well within my BMI range too.
Be seeing you.
I was 210 when I finished school. I’m around about 150 now.
Why not summarise your menu as “all sorts of shit”?
My Dearest Pedantic One,
A summary doesn’t do our menu justice. And besides…our menu is not shit. If you were here I guarantee you’d be shoveling it in your face like a fireman shoveling coal into a steam locomotive.
With regard to your other post…yes we have heard of salad here in the colonies and indeed some of us even eat it…when we can’t get buffalo.
Have visited on many occasions.
First time in 1978 (when aged 19) spent a month with my uncle and his family just outside San Francisco. Lived in Mill Valley, high up in the mountains overlooking a golf course.
Everything about that holiday was fucking awesome, and it totally blew my mind.
Have visited numerous times and my opinion has not changed. From what I saw of California thought it beautiful and iconic, remembering the films I have seen.
For family reasons visited Utah, Nevada, Wyoming, Montana and Idaho. Extremely beautiful (with the exception of Las Vegas), which was interesting however have not felt the need to return. Reno was described by James May (of Top Gear fame) as “an appalling cack hole”, and I concur with his description. But I enjoyed the total sense of freedom when driving a 6.5 litre SUV with gas at a fraction of the cost, the cactus and snow capped red mountains in Utah, and the wide open spaces.
Yellowstone remains the most beautiful natural place I have visited however much nicer in the Summer than in the Autumn.
Florida Have visited three times. Very enjoyable with a small family, and the theme parks are great. The only place in America I did not feel particularly safe.
My experiences of food differed greatly. Portions always generous, service always excellent.
Being a logical person and pacifist I really do not understand the obsession with guns in America, or anywhere else- surely we would be a better place if there weren’t any? That’s all I really want to say on the matter as I know that it is highly emotive and don’t want to get into that argument.
I did get the feeling when in California that people are very much judged by how much money they have, rather than the sort of person they are. I had first hand experience of this when “a volunteer barman” to help out at a cousins wedding. No please or thank you- just an empty glass held out whilst they continued talking. If it had not been a family and friends gathering would have suggested what they could do with their glasses. Always remember my late father telling me “you can judge a man by how he treats a waiter”. Extremely materialistic and driven by success. Suppose that happens in the UK but it is not nearly as obvious as in the US.
In summary, America is a fantastic country, with beautiful scenery, fantastic coast lines, great skiing, lovely people and great climate. Needless to say I always look forward to visiting.
But surely California is where all the liberals are?
And yet waiters etc are treated as “invisibles”
Most interesting…
Great post Willie – but don’t believe for a minute that you are a pacifist.
You may well be right Ruff Tuff.
If I am being totally honest to myself if push comes to shove I am probably capable of fisticuffs (suspect if I venture to our Eastern European flooded town more often this may be sooner rather than later) however that’s probably about the extent of my aggression.
Unlike Corbyn (and Abbott) I do think that our armed forces should have the necessary deterrents required in order to defend our country.
I am also of the opinion that the police and special forces have access to weapons to the extent that they have already. I think as a country we have the balance about right.
I do not feel safe in a world where the general public are allowed to own guns, even with extensive checks. To allow people to have automatic assault rifles to me seems like asking for trouble.
In my years working in London I was aware of two people I worked with having guns. Neither of these people were in my humble opinion completely mentally stable nor fit to have them. One was a particularly strange guy, who one day brought his shotgun into the office and started to wave the fucking thing around. He only put it away when I threatened to call security. There was a scary moment when he looked at me (I assumed it was not loaded) and smiled, before putting the shotgun away in the case. At that moment he wielded the power and he knew it.
Wow! That’s quite the crazy story Willie. Waving a shotgun around in an office is just mental. If you own a firearm, you just don’t pull shit like that. I can appreciate how unnerving that must have been.
I’ve been to a couple of shooting classes recently at two different gun ranges. I was impressed at how consistent the instruction and safety measures were. Things like always treat a gun as if it is loaded, never ever point a gun at something you’re not prepared to shoot/destroy, always keep your finger off the trigger until you’re aimed and ready to fire. Stuff like that. The shooting enthusiasts I’ve met do seem to take this very seriously which I appreciate. Firing a handgun and being around others who are doing so is quite an assault on the senses. The sounds, smell, vibrations/shock wave, ejected shells flying around. It’s an ordeal and nothing like how it’s portrayed on TV or in movies. It takes some getting used to and for people who aren’t used to it (like me) it is a bit frightening. Can’t get my head around how mental it was to be fucking about with a shotgun in an office. OMG!!!
I enjoyed your post.
Thanks General
Many fantastic and happy memories.
You might find this odd… but speaking as a former Mansonite I love America…. It’s “wonderful, wonderful, wonderful, rockerful! It really makes it…” as Frank Zappa put it in ‘The Return Of The Son Of Monster Magnet’.
A land of extremes… the freest country on Earth. There’s something for EVERYONE. Except, interestingly, Peacefuls… Which is ironic. Americans don’t do irony, do they? Although the General ain’t no slouch. I was last there 30 years ago. Have family there (libtard Democunts). America’s got cunts and plastics aplenty yes, but also a lot of good people like Jordan Peterson. And it’s the home of Robert Crumb, who my missus met earlier this year, jammie fucker.
America is the most advanced and regressive country in the world, all at the same time. These days I probably have more in common with Libertarianism, though could never again join a club that would have me as a member… ISAC excepted of course.
Ruff Tuff: Yep, irony is a tough one for the locals, as is sarcasm. I remain amazed at what I can get away with. Just adds to the sport of living here.
Ruff…my friend…I’m feel like I’m spending all of my time correcting you.
1. Some “peacefuls” are welcome here. For a list of those who aren’t welcome see Trump’s Travel Ban List.
2. As for those already here they are welcome if (A) they clean up their camel shit. (B). They don’t fornicate with goats…domestic or feral (C) They don’t take the table cloths from cheap Italian restaurants for head wear. (D) They don’t wash their feet in public fountains or restrooms. (E) And finally if they stop demanding that we open the fucking snack bar just for them.
?? ? ?
General… my friend… I feel like I’m spending all of my time correcting your corrections.
1. I didn’t say I thought Peacefuls weren’t welcome in America, I merely suggested there didn’t seem to be much in American culture to attract them, Islamically speaking. The irony being – like Peacefuls, Americans like nothing better than mindlessly taking the lives of their fellow citizens.
2. Your second set of conditions would appear to rule out all but the most unpeaceful of Peacefuls, which is presumably why the USA, unlike Europe, has practically zero experience of home grown Islamic terrorism.
I await with interest your correction of my correction of your correction, sigh… ?
? Be seeing you.
Ruff…my colleague in colloquial cuntery…
If I correct your correction or my correction…and then you correct my correction of your correction that was a correction of my original correction, then we will have no time to cunt those in need of cunting.
An unintended consequences of such an unchecked pattern of corrections is that we might…at some point…and through no fault of our own…stumble into the truth.
Which undoubtedly would be corrected by some other cunt.
Wouldn’t argue with any of that General – with you all the way! But for the sake of clarity, a contract might be useful. How about:
CLAUSE 1: The party of the first part shall be known in this contract as the party of the first part.
How’s that for a start, pretty neat eh? It means, the first part of the party of the first part shall be known in this contract as the first part of the party of the first part (you should have come to the first party cos we didn’t get home till around four in the morning. I was blind for three days).
CLAUSE 2: If any of the parties participating in this contract are shown not to be in their right mind, the entire agreement is automatically nullified.
Don’t worry General… that’s in every contract. It’s what they call a ‘Sanity Clause’.
Enter a Pedantic Cunt:
“Hey Ruff – you can’t fool the General… everyone knows there ain’t no Santa Clause.”
Don’t listen to her General. Think with your head for once, not your cock.
Now if you’d just like to sign on the dotted line below, the deal will be a legal slam dunk.
Personally I like the Yanks apart from two things:
Firstly, the constant “We won the war/we saved your skin/you’d be speaking German…etc”. This is nonsense but they know it infuriates us therefore they persist with this ignorant bollocks.
Secondly this pathological obsession with altering (and subsequently butchering) the English language – and that includes all the childish spelling.
Reminds me of that classic joke: How do you get America to enter a war? Tell them it’s nearly over. Hahahaha.
OK…here’s a good one…how do you get the British to win a war? Give them American aid.
? ?
Well said General.. I saw the shambles in both Basra and Helmand, The US had to pick up the tab on both occasions. A disgrace. But armed forces day was nice with the band and the red arrows.. Absolutely Fucking Pathetic.
We paid that back in 2007.
‘Murica, ? fuck yeah! Lick ma bud an’ suck on ma balls! ?
Happy Independence Day, General. I wish we had one.
All this talk of groping and pie and got me thinking
Pie , what kind either smooth or with a very small landing strip
That’s the kinda “PIE” am talking about
Fuck thum !!!!!
Divine inspiration C-flap.
Britain can send us their Cunters. We’ll send Britain our Markles and our illegals..and liberals…and members of the press…and members of the Democratic Party…and Black Lives Matter…and MeToo…
Admittedly a trade imbalance will exist…but I feel confident Trump will go along with it. In fact..we’ll take cunter’s from Canada, Australia and New Zealand too.
It’ll be like an entire series of movies and sequels. Escape from London…Escape from Toronto (nobody lives in Ottawa)…Escape from Sidney…and Escape from…Wellington?
?? ?? ?? ?? ??
Fly this fag ?? and we terminate your citizenship and send your ass back to the Fourth Reich…or Shitholeistan…whichever we deem is worse.
To The General & CaliAngel, a very happy, safe and enjoyable 4th to you.
I of course will be sporting my traditional black arm band, but will not deny your right to enjoy the day. I actually woke up to the sound of it pissing down rain and what with it being a holiday and all, thought I was in the UK for a moment.
Time for coffee.
Thank you for the well wishes.
Before I comment further why are you wearing a traditional black armband…if I may ask?
Morning bad. Coffee good.
Being a Brit in Uncle Sam’s backyard on the 4th. It would just seem wrong to join in with the day’s celebrations. Not that anyone asked me to. I’ve just moved so I’m a bit of a ‘Billy-no-mates’ at the moment.
I’ve actually been working since I last posted to ISAC. And it’s still pissing down rain.
Oooooooh! I see. And I like it.
You must live in some fucking libtard paradise if nobody asked you to an Independence Day celebration.
You may have mentioned something before…but from the mention of rain I’m guessing the Pacific Northwest. Washington or Oregon.
Good fucking luck buying a gun in Washington state. Their the best tradition of all repressive leftist tryants…signed a bill into law that allows the state to take your guns away from you.
No due process of law…just a suspicion of…whatever…whispered to the police is all that’s needed.
If I lived there it would get ugly real fast if smeone tried to take my guns…
Come and get mine if you dare bitch. The sound of gunshots will be heard over the loud refrain of The Battle Hymn of the Republic!
They most likely would get mine. But they’d have to pry it (them) loose from the death grip of my cold dead hands!
? ? ??
Once upon a time there was a great flood and Noah built an ark.
After a while there was so much animal shit that the ark was in danger of sinking, so God said to Noah, move all the animals and people to one side and the shit to the other. Then run from one side towards the shit and back again. The shit will drop over the side and then in 1492 I’ll get a bloke called Columbus to discover it.
Yes that’s a true story. But as any Americunt will tell you…our shit doesn’t stink.
A few places in America are worth a visit, however it can’t be denied that most of the country (the ‘flyover’ part) is nothing but bland suburban sprawl dotted with shopping malls and churches and populated by thick as shit morbidly obese cunts who have never left their own state and whose idea of exotic food is the menu at an olive garden restaurant.
Spoken like a true bi-coastal elitist. I bet you supported Hillary…and Remain.
Happy fourth of July Yanks.
God Bless America. A country hated so much the average Brit cant wait to get there and wander around Florida Gurning at the Magic Kingdom. Probably dont lick up Shit like “we” do… main agency for defending Europe.. for now anyway. Clearly a terrible place.
Happy 4th of July to our chums across the pond.
The celebratory fayre sounds delicious.