A. C. Grayling [3]

Cunt of the week award should go to this smelly old wanker A.C.G. Just watch this.

I hate those pompous fuckers who use their initials rather than their names so they can appear *academic* and *important*.

I have heard the motherfucker on the BBC and he is the epitome of the Ladybird Book Of Philosophy. Fuck this old wanket

Nominated by W.C. Boggs

Wankpuffinery such as this has pushed me to the limits.

I have NEVER been a violent person, but have come to the conclusion that the ballot box is now a joke. After all, Verminhofstadt, Grayling et al. treat it with contempt.

It will be interesting to see how things pan out. I fear that Jo Cox may NOT be the last offed MP…

Also, German MEP Markus Ferber is a cunt. He has threatened that, if Italy DARES to elect a populist government, the “Troika” may invade Rome – ie IMF, European Commission and European Central Bank.

One of the Italians rightly replied that “It’s never a good sign when the Germans talk about invading

It is time that the EU is destroyed for good.
Hopefully not by violent force but I am struggling to see it any other way.

Nominated by HBelindaHubbard

36 thoughts on “A. C. Grayling [3]

  1. Time for the SAS to neutralise Brussels and Bonn (yes the forgotten German capital of the EU) then Berlin and Paris.

  2. This fuck has lost his marbles. Assuming he had them to lose in the first place…

    All grist for the Brexiteer mill though!

  3. If this old wanker is an example of The Intelligentsia, I’m glad that I’m just an ignorant Cunt. Hopefully the traitorous bastard’ll be a victim of a trepanning a la Dennis Nilsen.

  4. Sorry, I can’t talk right now. I’m currently bathing in the tears of George Soros.

  5. Italy wants to stay in the EU but with radical changes in the organisation, hold on we tried that and ended up leaving because of the EU’s intransigence . Oh and Italy wants to export Africa’s biggest export back to Africa – bye bye economic migrants. So Italy is in for a hard ride to destination ITAXIT or whatever banality the media pat themselves on the back for.

    Then there’s hungry and the rest of eastern europe who think much of the EU’s policies are insanity but so far stay for the grants. With the UK and possibly Italy gone these nations face becoming net contributors, that coupled with being told they need more Africans is likely to push some of these states back towards the Russians.

    So Mr Almighty Cunt Grayling would you care to open your eyes and see there is not going to be an EU to run back to in all probability. More and more Europeans are feeling the distinction between being in the EU and being European.

    Europe existed long before the cursed EU and will continue to exist long after.

  6. What the fuck does this cunt Grayling stand to benefit from staying within the Fourth Reich?

    I really do not understand it. I wish I could but not one Remainer has laid down a cogent argument for staying in the EU that isn’t economy-based. The economy will boom and bust; not even Brownian Motion could prevent this. However, permanent control of our borders is essential to resolve the population (housing) crisis.

    Not one Remainer has admitted how we would react if the likes of Vermin and Merkin insisted on the UK moving to closer unity, i.e. joining the Euro and contributing more when other countries (Turkey) eventually come to the party with nothing but a bottle of warm piss.

    • Thats the thing, so far remainers have not given any reasons why staying in the EU is so wonderful that it justifies a trillion euro budget and thousands of highly paid unelected useless authoritarian cunts telling us what to do all the time.

      All they say is is about the free trade area, well remainer cunts we had that before the EU it was called the common market. Free movement of people I hear you say, well again does anybody here remember going to France or Spain before the EU, wasn’t exactly hard was it? Maybe had to queue a bit at passport control, oh dear what pain hey, and oh yes that pesky foreign exchange just what a bind that was to change a few banknotes at the exchange bureau once or twice a year.

      the obvious answer to those crushing problems is a trillion Euro unelected organisation populated by grossly overpaid failures that dictate our every move while we move ever closer to a tyranny, whilst the behemoth tries desperately to cling to the power that it craves.

      I wonder when Eurogendfor will be deployed in a ‘problem’ EU country.

  7. Well, despite the lib left howls that they are not the real facists or dictators I think we all know exactly what they are like. Its like calling Tony Blair a liar… you think he’s ever going to turn around and say ‘yes actually I am’. He’ll say no right up until the day he returns through the gates of hell… and probably a bit longer after that because he’s a liar and a cunt. This cunt has a similar whiff about himself. He spouts freedom and democracy and fairness from his arse whilst whilst his mouth spews treachery. And yet again, the cunt doesn’t live, eat, work or shop within 50 miles of of all these child doctors, engineers or yoof owtreech workers so not one aspect of what he proposes is ever likely to effect him. He just longs for that day when he can drive through an old area of the country with his grand kids in tow, pat himself on the back, point to the favellas on the horizon and say ‘ I remember when all this was just white working class families’…

  8. Looks very hinge and bracket to me, Probably got a wardrobe full of floral frocks and restrictive ladies underthingies, odds on he likes a bit of choking with leather gloves, what a repulsive old cunt.
    Good evening.

    • Hopefully he’ll be found hanging upside down in a cupboard with a pineapple rammed in his gob.
      After the pineapple’s been rammed repeatedly through his sphincter.

  9. Major disaster in Guatemala, with many dead… And, in the UK, another camelbuggerer planning to murder British civilians… But what’s the top headline story on the BBC News website? Said volcanic disaster? Nah….Teenage peaceful filth in terror plot? Errr, nope….How about Grenfell? Ah!

      • Bum’srush now a tad embarrassing as they found about three dozen crims that need sneding back.

        I shall set up a victims’ support group to press for compo for those whose lives have been made an abject misery by all the Toksvig Towers bollox.

  10. Another champagne traitor totally unaffected by the right-on bullshit which dribbles from his mouth like the arse of a feral dog living on an abandoned junk yard!

    Can’t these wank-pieces see that they are the 5% holding onto the 95% of the nation’s wealth!

    Of course A.C. (short for “Alternating Cunt”) you want to keep the EU pro-quo because you fuckers – the 5% – living in your 4 acre cottages in the Cotswolds or security patrolled residences don’t have to live with the consequences of your “generosity on our behalf”, you old misguided cunt!

    If you had to live where I have digs in Lutonistan and the only non-peacefuls you see are either Africunts or Poles you too – I’m sure – would be fucking horrified at even thinking this was England!

    In fact – you treacherous Soros cock-sucking old fart – the only British accents you hear are the beggars annexing the fucking cashpoint machines there!

    You’ve probably never seen a beggar have you, you senile auld cunt! I bet you’ve read about them though eh, Oliver Twist what!?! Those little scamps.

    Actually no. They’re usually hated middle-aged white men who stink of piss, covered in lice and with skin infections which make the singing detective look like an Oil of Olay advert!

    Until you can remotely appreciate how fucking bad society is for ORDINARY folk I suggest you keep your trap shut and think about tonight’s Claret vintage from your own vineyard: Châteaux Neuf du Cunt!

      • Hear hear Rebel – great post – but as an ex matelot this does it for me every time – the last ever run done the old way. Elf and safety stopped it in its old form and there is a sanitised foppish display which exists today but not like these lads. One of my ex PO’s finished his race with a finger missing and didn’t give a fuck. AC Grayling is an unpatriotic cunt who thrives on his IQ – he has fuck all else to offer. Ladies, Gentlemen and fellow cunters – I give you the last ever field gun run – if this doesn’t make the hairs on the back of your hair stand up you are either dead or just a cunt.

    • Fucking spot on RWAC, it’s the same story day in day out. Not a single one of the cunts of greylings ilk is (or ever will be) affected by what they are trying to do to us. For him more gimmes means a cheaper gardener /cleaner, for the likes of vazeline it was cheaper cock who wouldn’t recognise him, for the likes of hesslecunt it’s the continuation of farm subsidies for owning a big piece of grass and doing fuck all with it, for the rest of them it’s cheaper labour so their investments and pensions do better… For us it’s sending your nipper to first day of primary school and them being confused and thinking it’s US that are speaking a funny language, for us it’s working your tits off to buy a nice house somewhere only for some swarthy cunt to buy next door and turn it into a house of multiple occupancy, for us it’s starting to be wary when you see anyone on a moped coming towards you, for us it’s going to the local A and E for the first time in 15 years and having to wait 4 hours while the fucking Medina in the waiting room gets serviced with the knowledge that not a single one of those goat fuckers has or will ever pay a penny in tax. That’s my reality you cunt, I don’t like it, I didn’t ask for it, I’ve seen no benefit from it and to be quite truthful, you can stick your enrichment up your arse, I either want it gone or moved next door to you.

    • All these immigrants appear to fucking hate us but can’t wait to get here.
      When they get here there’s no integration but only what seems like colonisation as they stick with own, poncing off the state, making demands for their way of life, the way of life they were so desperate to escape from apparently.

      There’s a shit load of Brits living in Spain and admittedly some don’t learn the lingo and do pretty much, exist in a Brit community, but they don’t ponce, don’t make demands and do not expect special treatment and most have made financial arrangements to service the cost of living abroad.
      Oh yeah…and they don’t form grooming gangs and blow kids up at pop concerts either.

      I don’t remember any cunt asking me if I want these cunts here…cos I don’t….

      Nice post Rebel btw….

  11. Grayling should be burnt at the stake, on a massive pile of his crap-thought books.

    Brn the books, let the books burn the man.

    Fine by me !! Pass the petrol and matches…

  12. Looks like the tide may be turning in Italy. The new Home Secretary or whatever the eyetie equivalent is has told all illegals and gimmegrants to pack their bags and prepare to leave.

    Let’s hope the words are backed up with actions.

    And hopefully, he’s included the Hollywood coffee magnet George C Looney in this, with his fucking great house on the shore of lake Como and virtue signalling antics, but yet to house one illegal….he can head back to Murica as soon as.

  13. Change of topic,sorry.

    That pathetic bitch,Mrs.May, is busy laying down the law to Trump over his introduction of increased tariffs. How handy it’ll be for the bitch to be able to say that the Americans haven’t been helpful when it comes to post-Brexit trade deals. Hardly surprising, the way that she’s been continually slagging Trump. Most people would have thought that deliberately alienating Trump,while also mouthing the “United Europe” line is a strange position for the person charged with implementing Brexit,but Mrs. May is obviously playing a far more clever game than we can see.

    What a shame that the two-faced bitch wasn’t as quick at hectoring the EU negotiators as she is with Trump..still I suppose it’s not easy to give someone a mouthful when you’re on your knees sucking their cock.

    Fuck her.

  14. I bet that seedy old cunt fiddles with his withered old knob behind the desk when he’s giving a ‘letchure’ whilst trying to look up the girlies skirts. You’d probably be able to see his knob cheese encrusted under the desktop. Perverted old traitor.

  15. That stinking fuckwit A.C. Grayling ought to be put permanently on hell on earth – Radio 4 the home of right-on feminists, and efnik *stand up* comedians who are as funny as piles, innit . He ought to be made to listen every morning to old Lardarse Jenni Murray as she witters on about periods the menopause and how jolly frightful wimmen have it, and what cunts all men are Then when that is over he can enjoy one of the shroud-wavers like the *Grenville Voices* which is going out at midday each day this week, then the hours and hours of it all over again in World At One and PM.

    Mrs. Boggs is permanently glued to R4 these days which is why I spend more time in the garage. As an extra punishment, Grayling out to be locked in a cupboard and played endless editions of The News Quiz and Now Show plus an imported American old poof called David Sedariswho sounds like a New England matron and has made countless series for the turgid station

  16. Wikipedia is my friend in this instance. It tells me:

    In his philosophical work, Grayling connected solutions to the problem of scepticism in epistemology with the questions about assertibility and the problem of meaning in the philosophy of language and logic. A principal theme in his work is that considerations of metaphysics, which relate to what exists, has to be kept separate from the two connected questions of the relation of thought to its objects in the variety of domains over which thought ranges, and the mastery of discourses about those domains, where a justificationist approach is required.

    In other words, he talks pure undiluted shite for a living and can very safely be ignored.

    • Metaphysics. The intellectualisation of sitting on one’s arse talking pointless rambling bollocks…

    • I bet if another R4 motherfucker reads that (Melvyn Bragg) he will be gagging to have him on his Thursday morning show “Talk Bollocks With Mel”. That fucking show, and “The Moral Maze” is typical of what the BBC has become, pretentious and antique. I am sure the Islington set are glued to both while they pretend The Archers is a real farm and that Just A Minute is funny. We all know different, but R4 readers are too far up their own arses to realise it.

      • Just A Fucking Minute….WHY? It’s been dribbling on for 30 years under that incontinent geriatric luvvie cunt Parsons, with foul narcissists like the thankfully dead Clement Freud, the painfully current Giles Brandreth and anyone else hanging round the studio at a loose end on recording day. To what discernible purpose? It fills half an hour.
        Repetition. Repeating a long played-out joke for thirty years.

        The cunts.

    • Oddly enough, when I first started reading a well-known satirical journal in the mid 70s (when it was actually funny, relevant, and worth the paper it was printed on), A. Cunt Grayling’s Wiki entry would have appeared in “Pseuds’ Corner”…

      Lo ! How the mighty are fallen.

      Ian Hislop is a whiny little tit.

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