What an utter cunt she is.
I’ll vote for her anyway but only coz I don’t have a choice.
She called a vote and when she did. she was way, way, way, ahead of the lefties, the commies and the incompetant, wind farm loving cunts she was up against.
I think I may even have said that it was a great idea and that she’d be able to consolidate her power.
She called an election coz she knew she’d win.
I knew she’d win.
We ALL KNEW she’d win.
…but let’s face it. She’s not the sharpest tool in the box.
Einstein proved that everything in the universe is relative …
…well …
Compared to comrade Cuntbyn she’s a leviathan.
Compared to the Greens she is a genius.
Compared to minor fart of the illiberal undemocrats she’s a human being.
(They’re an unclassified species as far as I’m concerned. …somewhere between rats and cocroaches).
I would mention Angus McPorridgecunt of the SNP but fuck him.
Go eat some leaves and bitch to a country that gives a shit.
…Try the Reich.
But they’ll probably call you a cunt too!
Theresa seemed so promising. “Strong and stable” (aherm aherm…You’re no Thatcher)
“Best deal for Brexit” (not too bad the first 500 times I heard it) (oh and to be honest, fuck the EU. They’re an irrelevance in my life and I have more important things to think about other than “is Junkers on the blob this week” and “the best team for Brexit”.
Am I the only one stopping and thinking ……Oh fuck.
Imagine the country with comrade Cuntbyn, Pie Anne Flabbott and “Stalin II” McDonnell in charge.
That’s why she’s a cunt.
She’s too thick to even beat the most useless, Incompetant and unelectable cunts in British society and she wants me to believe that she won’t get fucked by Vanhogtaft, or whatever the fuck.
The dump that I took this morning could organise a better campaign than the Tories this election.
Old Bill know the identities of the 3 killers but are not releasing the info just yet. Ok…..keep this to yourselves…..they were FUCKING MUZZIE CUNTS! You didn’t get that from me ok?
I do wonder what the hold up is. We all know that if they weren’t peacefuls they would have been named almost immediately.
They’re probably waiting until “the family have been informed.” The family are probably proving difficult to locate,what with them being on a Jihadi training course in some sandy shite-hole of a country.
I know their identities too…
Ali Kebabupisass
Hassan Al Camelbummer
Mohammered Bybullets
Sadique Khan has been on the television this evening to display his faux ( and very induced ) anger at the fact that these ” terrorists ” have the nerve to utilise the religion of Islam. This contrived photo piece was so poorly organised that it was actually slightly embarrassing. It lacked conviction and it lacked sincerity. Khan is a self serving useless little non entity. He was given this stage to promote “we are all together” and to make the right noises of unity and cohesion. If you look at his facial features you will see a disingenuous little pip squeak with a thinly disguised contempt for this country.
As for one of the cunt terrorists. The news this evening, ” a good boy” “giving and generous” “worked hard” “a good father to his two sons ” was voiced by all the neighbours and the local community who are shocked to discover he was involved. This in spite of his radical acts including a demonstration in a park in support of Choudry, and the use of an isis flag.
The whole Islamic cult, their adherents their people and their nations of origin are nothing more than malignant and opportunistic locusts who have managed to find the fields of England so they can strip and destroy.
To all of Islam, you are the filthy slimy cunts that I despise, Go fuck your goats, go wipe your arse on your hands. Your presence in this country will not end well. And it is YOUR fault.
As for Corbyn…… for him to preach about national security and the like is like Adolf Hitler preaching against anti-semitism.
Spot on PrimeMinister !
According to their families and “communities”, the cunts are always paragons of virtue. Conniving cunts are as guilty as the scum that they defend.
Top post ASA.
Nice one asa!
Fuckin loved that one!
Fuck me ….the BBC are sticking up for Khan on the telly following Trumps tweet!
Khan IS a cunt. He was a lawyer which makes him a double cunt. He is also a Muslim, that makes him a triple cunt.
Trump is spot on here.
With what Khan said, do you think he knows something the rest of us don’t about these terrorist filth?
I like Donald Trump more as his Presidency goes on.
I wish he was our Prime Minister.
Well maybe not but he’s certainly right about Kunty Khan.
He just needs to get on and build that wall now.
And spare us some brick for the damn tunnel and the jocks!
The sort of “triple” that should be available at a greasy fast-food joint…profoundly unappealing, deep-fried and heavily battered
Fucking love it…Ha Ha
Actually, Khan is correct.
Being skinned alive, beheaded, blown up or stoned IS a normal part of living in a major city…….if you happen to live in some sandpit backward shithole in The Middle East.
This is the UK you cunt, it IS NOT NORMAL for us so fuck off.
Apparently there are people at this ridiculous “vigil” wearing T shirts with the legend “I’m a Muslim, ask me anything.”
Well, here’s my question….
When are you fucking off back to your own country, cunt?
Here’s my question to any fucker who approaches me wearing that:
Have you ever tried picking your teeth up off of the ground with broken fingers?
Why don’t you bathe?
Why do you detest fragrances?
Why do you rape kids?
Why do you shite it when on yer own?
Why are you so fuckin ugly?
Why are you here?
When’s yer flight home?
Why am i talking to you?
I think we should all ask them:
Why are you such a hateful murderous cunt?
What’s the point in asking you anything when your prophet encourages you to lie to infidels to further the aims of Islam?
“I’m a Muslim, ask me anything.”
“How much explosives are you wearing?”
Ha ha ha
Thats exactly what i’d say freddie!
Is your goat really happy ?
Dear Mr. Peaceful,
Can I borrow your goat / camel / baby for the w/e ? I feel a sexual emergency coming on…
I wish to cunt the ‘love not hate’ message currently the poster boy in our fight against terrorism. Reason being is that is now becoming increasingly clear that those who promote this meme are not in fact condemning the hate shown against our society by the murdering islamist scum but are in fact talking about our own feelings of justifiable anger and revulsion at the actions of these bastards. Its us who are the problem apparently. Remember this next time some paedophlile pop princess or politician or senior police officer spout this head in the sand nonsense. Notice also how the same wankers also talk about extremism in ‘all its forms.’ Again they are not specifically condemning islamofascism but all extremism such as Brexit . I kid you not I heard some dozy bint from some left wing sounding policy bolloks institute claim on the radio today that Islamic radicalisation of young men was on a par with Brexit and the rise of Donald Trump. She claimed moral equivelance. This whole situation is being used to stupefy the masses.
Charlotte Church is a cunt…. This talentless trollop now ‘makes a living’ out of a ‘postmodern pop show’ (so say cunts like Metro, The Grauniad, Independent etc)… Which basically means she has no hits of her own, so she does crappy covers of everyone else’s songs… A bit like any singer on the ‘chicken in a basket’ circuit… But because she’s a celebricunt (admittedly a D List celbricunt) her tacky and crappy cabaret covers show gets relabeled by the cunts in the media….
Also, this gobshite bint goes on about ending austerity and starving poor people… She could do with skipping a few Big Macs herself, and keeping her gob shut… Fat cow…
Fuck, she’s got big. The perfect body for opera…
She should do an album with Lily Mong… They could call it ‘Spazmotron vs Thunder Thighs’….
And those are some serious thunder thighs…. wonder what Fiddler thinks of them?
Or birdman?
Charlotte Church has become Charlotte Cathedral.
From Charlotte to Eat-A-Lot.
Christ love, try the salad.
Charlotte Church now looks like Bubbles De Vere….
Either that or a 20 quid a go prossie in Hamburg…
That’s photo shopped surely.
I’ve got something to shut her gob up with.
Or at least she could suck it like a Ribena straw.
Yeah, i can see a bright future for me an Charlotte.
Every wimmin I’ve been with spouts nonsense, so it would be no big deal to put up with her shite all day and then root the shite out of her all night.
And she’s had kids, so she’ll be game for some fisting.
Maybe even double fisting.
I’ll lets ye’s know.
Oh to be the crotch in her under crackers
That’s not Big Macs mate. That’s pint after pint of Belgian wifebeater.
loving how a Theresa May cunting turned into a who you would fuck if you had to cheered me up a treat
Elect Corbyn and he’ll fuck you..!
Ive reconsidered my earlier answer…I would fuck Teresa…and the Krankie both together….now..can I have that Fatwah removed ?
4am knock at the door, it’ll be ‘im and The Flabbott out on patrol.
She can’t get through any doorway, so you’d get fucked out in the street. Face-sitting to death by Flabbott, it’s on the Kid Mong Ill scale of punishments.
Fuck me, she could crack coconuts between those chubby thighs. Or cultivate a few blocks of cheddar cheese.
Please cover up now.
I will be voting Tory on Thursday.
Me and five others that is.
You see I live in one of these “always been Labour” constituencies from before WW2, through mining and ship building hey-day and collapse and now into the snowflake Joes who vote Labour cos their dear departed Grandad did all his life.
Maybe so but Labour may have represented his era not yours you daft cunt! Labour is about as relevant as religion in modern western society!
It still tickles ne when I here 18-22yr olds twisting about the nasty Tories introducing tuition fees for higher education (pnaaarrrr) and privatising bits of the NHS (pnaaarrrr, pnaaarrrr).
I do enjoy bursting the little cunts’ bubbles by advising them that that was all Labour and under their hallowed Tony Blair’s watch!
I also like to chuck in how I got my degree FOC courtesy of Maggie Thatcher’s nasty Tory Government.
Yeah that Kopperberg cider’s not so sweet now is it you little cunts! ?
P.S. I still do Church in a heartbeat chumly or not. Cracking pair of top bollocks. Pretty. Red head. Nuff said.
I’m with you rebel.
…on both counts.
Me likewise (vote Tory), although am also in an area where a bucket of slurry would get a stonking majority if you put a red rosette on it. Another bint mp called Jo (something or other), mebbe destined for the same fate ?? Only thinking aloud of course.
I see Sky getting in on the torture sport of “Let’s invite Diane Abbott on the show and mug her off by asking questions about facts and figures and watching the cavernous gobbed hippo squirm.”
Abbott brings it on herself by pretending she is omniscient and never admitting:
“Well, actually I haven’t had the chance to read that report in full”, so instead she has a stab at some of the words that might have appeared in the document.
“Well I think there was a ‘the’ in there and a couple of full stops.”
“Come on you blubbering fat cunt, you haven’t read it have you?”
“Well I thought that it-”
“Ha ha, Flabott hasn’t read it the race baiting pig. Can you read you fucking retarded heffer?”
“Well I think all the stuff I don’t know is racist, and words are racist and being clever is racist (ad nauseam).”
I’ve paraphrased the interview but you get the gist.
Shes been shown for the stupid cunt that she is!
She’s not too good at this sort of thing and everyone smells blood.
…they can’t come close to Nick Ferrari though. He’s the king. He just prods them and lets them bury themselves.
jesus wept that is actually quite fucking frightening what a horrible shit cunt she is
Some one likes her enough to give her a pearl necklace!! Has Corbin been near her recently?
The ITN news tonight has done the dirty on the British people. A special on how the poor Muslims of Britain suffer at our hands. I will not go into detail. Members here have probably seen it themselves. Fuck the media, and fuck all politicians of all persuasions. This is beyond words.
I would like to nominate “counselling” and “counsellers”. What a load of mumbo jumbo fucking soft as shit fucking bollocks. I’ve been through a couple of ” traumas” in my life and both times I was offered “counselling”. Oh just fuck off. I don’t need a complete stranger telling me how I am supposed to feel. I don’t need some know it all cunt telling me it’s ok to show emotions. Oh really…..supposing my emotions tell me to rip the headscarf off the next Muzzie bitch I see and gob in her hubbie’s face……is that ok then? No……even talking about it is going to get me locked up. Counselling just another modern religion and Counsellors are just 21st century witch doctors. All designed to disguise the obvious fact that the world is shit and then you die. Nothing else to say except stick it up your bumhole you muggy cunt..
Write “Islam” on a plate then smash it on the floor, or write “Muslim” on a balloon and release it.
Have ye’s seen that symbolic shite?
Oh my husband is fuckin my father and they’ve adopted twelve Syrian “children”.
I know, I’ll scrawl “hope” on this balloon and release it.
I HOPE a poor animal doesn’t choke or get tangled up in it though.
Blue rosetted bastards for me too. Not voting for them as such, but more against Catweazle and his version of Airstrip One, The Green hippycrits and Tim Whatsisname’s Democratic Liberals or whatever it is they’re calling themselves this century. South Park was right though, it really is “Douche or Turd”.
More of the same old, same old shit… or Orwell’s nightmare with added pixie dust and unicorns.
Shower of utter cunts…
South Park is always right.
Apparently not to be outdone by Manchester London is to hold its own ” rock against jihadists ” concert , acts that have already been confirmed are 80,s sensations imagination, spandau ballet, Duran Duran, shaking stevens , curiosity killed the cat ,Bros and Cher, according to early reports the extravaganza will be co hosted by Russel and jo brand?? …..
guest speakers
Cressida penis…. ” now is not the time to blame the people that are responsible ”
Suck dickcunt…. “. It’s just city living ”
James corden… part time semi professional mourner/ full time cunt…….
If these cunts had guns instead of guitars and grenades instead of candles we’d be unstoppable!
The terror alert in London has been raised from Tea Light to Scented Candle…..
Scented candle. That’s about as high as it gets!
Lets hope we don’t get properly invaded or it’ll be jossticks and cumbayar!
….i hope I’m dead before it comes to that!
Let’s hope it never reaches the apocalyptic threat of Tapered Dinner Candle.
By the way:
Nominated by:deploy the sausage.
With an edit or two (in the name of good taste) by the admins.
Sorry guys. Didn’t realise angus was out of bounds. 🙂
You’re doing a great job by the way. This site is one of the only chinks of light through a very dark time in this country’s history.
Heard some bitch on the radio today, claiming to be white, English, a Muslim convert and loves to suck Muzzie cock. Ok….I made up the cocksucking bit but the rest is true. Anyway, she was whining on about the poor old Muzzies and she said:
“It’s no wonder Muslim youth are so DISINFECTED”.
Fuck me darling, are you sure you’re English?. Over to Dr. Freud I think.
Cop these two ugly as fuck inbred cunts…
The killers were a couple of psychotic sandcoons… What a surprise that is…
Get back in those cabs you pair of cunts.
14 year old girl murdered by an Islam lunatic buried today, and the left are more concerned with Trump digging out Sadiq Khan and not offending Muslims…. Cunts! Cunts! Cunts! Cunts! Cunts! Cunts! Cunts!
Irrelevant, nasty little Muzzie shitehawk Citizen Khan of Suckdick is now trying to get Trump banned from visiting the UK.
And all because Trump had the balls to point out that Shitehawk Khan had used meaningless pc rhetoric in response to the terror attack.
We need someone like Trumper leading our country. Someone with cojones who is not timid in talking straight. May is like a fucking hunched humanoid, programmed to constantly pepper her banalities with ‘strong and safe’.
Hope Big Don and his gang arrive here soon… With any luck he’ll bite Khan’s IS apologist head off, and I can try and score with Ivanka….
And if that IS sympathiser cunt Khan says ‘My daddee was a bus driver, izznit!’ once more… So fucking what?! Doesn’t alter the fact that Khan is an Islamic State apologist of a cunt….
Stands to reason anyway… Only jobs Parkies did back then were on the buses…
‘I ‘ate you,Butler! Uuuuurrrgh!’
I know a couple out here who’s ten year old sons name is Blakey.
They have southern accents yet no one apart from me bats an eyelid when they call on him, “Blakeeeey”
He’s too young to understand but when he finds out, i hope he’s pissed.
Join the queue….. I would like to stick ivanka on the end of my cue…
I wouldn’t use chalk on my cue..
Ribbed!!! For her pleasure
We need a Netenyahu.
Or a Putin.
Or a Maggie…
Or an Adolf
Fuck. ‘Strong and stable’ not ‘Strong and safe’.
Saggy pissing May. About as much use as an ashtray on a Kawasaki.
May is about as tough as a fresh on the pavement dog turd in the summer of 1976…
Hahahaha. 🙂
But still a better choice than Corbyn.
Another case of pick the one you dislike least.
Politics is a mess isn’t it?
But you have to vote for someone otherwise your apathy wins and you lose your right to complain afterwards.
In my view, voting should be compulsory and there should be a ‘none of the above’ on the ballot paper. If ‘none’ wins you do it again with all new candidates…
Wonder if the rumours are true that Khan, St Brendan Of The Blessed Cox, Fanny Lineker, and Lily Mong, funded the muzzie loving ABBC, are doing a single in response to Ariana Quite A Nice Arse’s cringeworthy concert yesterday?….
I hear it’s going to be a remake of the old Peter Sellers and Sophia Loren song….
‘It goes bomb-diddy-bomb, diddy-bomb, diddy-bomb, diddy-bomb,diddy-bomb, diddy-bomb-bomb-bomb!’
Goodness Gracious Fucking Me!
I love the old record ( now banned of course ) Maharajah of Brum.
Pity they can’t re release it
Actually sounds about right!?
For a minute, I read Peter Sallis and Sophia Loren…now there’s a thought.
A couple of times Dioclese has said that football has been cunted enough as they are all cunts, and earlier today dick fiddler (sans capitals?) said the same thing, “all footballers are cunts”, and it got me wondering if they’re right.
Are all footballers and people who work in and around the game all cunts?
I’m a football fan and have been my whole life, but if i can’t think of one non cunt , then maybe it’s all for nowt.
Any suggestions on non footballing cunts?
I’m stumped.
Terry Hurlock
ex footballer and not a cunt
thats the only one i can think of mind
I wouldn’t tell Terry Hurlock that he was a cunt to his face anyway.
I wonder if he still has that hair.
Terry Hurlocks hairdo is a cunt.
Hurlock is a filthy Millwall CUNT.
I remember Mark Hughes twatting the fuck out of Terry Hurlock…
Used to live near Sammy McIlroy when he played for United… Top bloke, down to earth…. Bryan Robson was always OK with fans too…
Ole Gunnar Solksjaer is also a footballing non-cunt
and when I met him Eric Cantona was a great lad….
Roy Keane and Peter Schmichel, however, are giant cunts… Chippy arrogant cunts personified….
That’s not to say Terry isn’t an OK bloke… But him and Sparky hated each other…
Peter Beardsley
Wyn Davies
Mosquitoes are cunts
Yes they are in dire need of a good cunting. Any insect that is in effect a miniaturized vampire, and sounds like microscopic dentist drill flying around in the darkness, is good for nothing else but spreading Malaria, bringing you up in insect mumps and ruining your stay in cheap continental hotels. Oh and also leaving bloody smears up the walls when you twat the fuckers.
Australia’s turn now.
I’m not taking the piss and don’t want to appear to be making light of horrific actions committed by ugly weak cunts but lets see if we see the hash tag ,
#never tear us apart
That’s how it works now.
The sheeple have copied the black movements of 60’s USA and cant wait to jump on the next global slogan/hashtag.
Under attack from a not so invisible source, but are more worried about hurting peaceful peoples feelings?
Get yerself a slogan/hashtag.
And songs too.
These cunts have seen footage of “cool” stars singing against wars like vietnam and think that in thirty years people will look back and think how cool and world changing they are.
The difference is that that USA had no right being in Vietnam and the Vietnamese weren’t attacking American people who were outdoors minding their own business and just trying to live.
The poor people who have been killed, injured and scarred both mentally and physically were targeted by the cunts that they cunts want us to “luuuuuuvv”
There must be something in the water or some cunt (Simon Cowell) gives them all mind control pills, coz their all off their fuckin rockers.
Good read Birdman as usual.. It gave me a bit to think about. Vietnam..Paint it Black…We Gotta Get out of this Place…No comparison is there?
Another pisspoor unconvincing performance from the Maybitch yesterday. She surrounded herself with books but it didn’t look like she’d ever read one. She must be praying for Thursday to hurry up and come before she gives away any more ground. Dozy cow.
The Manchester “Love In ” was such a success, people are really looking forward to the next one.
Spot on, people are actually wallowing in these hug fests.
How times have changed……
When baader meinhof were busy attacking American bases in Germany back in the 79/80,s did the Germans turn to nena?? Or kraftwerk to soothe the nation, show solidarity?? Probably not..
At the height of the IRA,s bombing campaign on the mainland did we turn to the boom town rats or Elton john ??
When the grand hotel got bombed was there a beach concert in Brighton??
After every attack did we simply put on a show?? Were we patronised by every cunt who could get their face in front of a camera?? Did actors/ pop stars / celebrities dive in for a large slice of virtual signalling??
We live in an age of weak governance and denial , nothing is going to change……
watching SKY and they have just asked former met police commissioner Stephen Roberts if the police should be armed ?? Apparently the last thing they need is a gun on their shoulder?? And according to him it would put up barriers in the community’s that they serve??
Weak! Weak! Weak!!! Cunt…….
Couldn’t agree more, Quislings …It’s quite astonishing that Gary Lineker does what he does, and is allowed to do what he does…. In the 70s, 80s , and 90s Jimmy Hill, Brian Moore, and Des Lynham didn’t lecture working people, dismiss their opinions and tell them who to ‘welcome’ and how to vote… Yet this jug eared, botox filled, permatanned ex-goalhanger of a cunt thinks he is some sort of oracle and political intellectual, simply because he is rich and famous… When in actual fact he is an arrogant, smarmy, anti-white, anti-working class, pro- migrant (ie: terrorists) cunt with no qualifications and no place on any social or political platform…
Same goes for the (relatively) new breed of American pop tart and celebrislut… If people are taking lessons on humanity from kipper scented coked up cumdumpsters, like Miley Cyrus and Kunty Perry, it shows how fucked things have become…
100% right Norman…..??
Damn right about Linekunt. Sell me crisps and show me the football highlights, you fucking shitwipe….
Stephen Hawking is a deluded cunt, 5 more years of a Tory government would be ‘a disaster’. No one is trying to sugar coat May’s faults but electing Corbyn would prove his black hole theory right as this county would be on its knees. Sure some fellow cunters will remember the 1970’s under Labour, I’m too young but listening to the folks talk of a 3 day week, unburied bodies and piles of rubbish in the streets it sounds like the stuff of nightmares.
…. Scheduled power cuts in the ’70’s meant filling Thermos flasks and such like should you want a cuppa during the ‘black out’.
Such measures now would have a Labour Govt. out at the next opportunity … I mean … ‘What dya mean Eastenders isn’t on ?’ … What dya mean I can charge me phone ?’
Maybe it should be pointed out to the potential young Labour voters now, that their entire life would be turned upside down by voting in Corbyn and his band of mis-fits.
That’s the problem, the younger voters have no idea what a hard left Government looks like, guaranteed that they have no idea what is going on in Venezuela.
They also don’t get the spiteful viciousness of hard lefties and will only realise their collective mistakes when Corbyn/Abbotts ‘Tonton Macoute’ are out in force.
Be careful what you wish for young lefties.
Yuri Bezmenov explained all this years ago.
I was a teenager in the 1970s.
Power cuts, strikes, three day week, uncollected crap, unburied dead, mad Paddies blowing people to bits, British industry a laughing stock, BBC showing endless depressing kitchen sink dramas, leftover hippies (cunts), Leyland cars that fell apart (if they ever got round to finishing any) and (as K-Tel might have said in one of their tat record adverts) many, many more…
I lived near the Leyland Cowley works in the 70’s and the scale of union control was staggering, one year, i remember, the works had 366 strikes or walk outs, more than one a day! Blokes going in with non jobs, literally had nothing to do, and night shifts sleeping as there was no work.
Shite cars that were piled up outside near Forest Hill to gently rust before being sold as they were crap and, some were there two years or more and were already rusting when finally sold.
I to was in my teens during the 70’s , my old dad was a staunch commie but even he said that the working man will always be his own worst enemy. Its all down to greed and i want whats he’s got without working hard to get it.
The unions and the Nanny state helped breed this kind of culture.
It wasn’t great..
And I don’t wanna do it again!
Heath was a cunt and a traitor for selling us out to the EU
I fucking hated Gordon Brown but if the only choice was him or Corbyn, I’d vote for Brown.
Which one is the least undesirable?
I would also vote Brown faced with that choice. I would also self harm as a consequence mind you.
Gordon Brown’s cabinet had some credibility compared to Corbyn’s utter clowns.
I have never worried to much about who won the election but this time i am seriously worried that Corbyn and his commies will scrape through .
Scares the shit out of me too….
Everybody knows that Stephen Hawking is Davros from the Daleks. Last time I checked, the Daleks weren’t even a proper political party. However, their ‘shoot-to-kill’ policy on illegal aliens is something worth contemplating.