Cunt of the year 2016

It just occurred to me that when the site was changing admins we never conducted a cunt of the year for 2016.So if each one of you can nominate a cunt you think most embodied cuntitude in 2016 with a brief explanation as to why I will collate all the answers of the winning candidate in a separate post. I may even stretch to a photoshop of said cunt in a graphic sexual position complete with a crown if I can be arsed.Fill your boots. We Will allow nominations until 23:59 on 3rd February and will post the official result shortly after.

309 thoughts on “Cunt of the year 2016

  1. At the start of the week Cunt of the year seemed to be a forgone conclusion , farron was the name on most people’s lips, but commeth the hour commeth the cunt!! Like Lazarus Blair has appeared to rise from the dead, like a fading boxing champion can he rekindle his magic for one more night?

    • Blair is for me, cunt of the century. Little Timmy bulbhead Farron is still my pick. He is the yardstick with which future cunts will be measured by. Such as, ten Linekers equal a Farron, there are four Farrons to an Abbot, and there are at least fifty Abbots to a Blair. You can get change for a Kinnock, two Izzards and a Lilymong, from a Hilary. Also, there are five Nadyas to the Sue Perkins. I did start wondering what a Corden was worth, then I realised it was fuck all, like a fake pound coin……

  2. A late nomination.

    Prince Charles for thinking that he is clever enough to lecture people on how to live their lives,

    The hypocritical jug-eared tosser gives his views on how the plebs should live,while he continues to believe that people actually give a fuck about him,his mercifully-dead ex-wife,his pot-boiler of a current wife,his spoiled brat of a son,and his Cuckoo-in-the-nest “son”.

    Hope you kark before “Mummy”,you cunt,and never get to inflict your unique brand of Cuntitude on an undeserving nation.

    • what is it with his son? the young hewitt ginger lad. thinks he is fucking 18 and down with the kids in that cuntish hat. pictured with that old tart, looking like she is his first bird. bet the only thing he has fucked is the butler

      • How do these old royal cunts live so long Dick? I’m starting to believe they tear the heart out of orphaned chilldren eat it while its still fresh and beating to replenish their lifeline Sick useless Cunts!

      • LIZARDS.
        Lizards, lizards, lizards, lizards.

        David Icke may be wrong 99.999999% of the time, but he is right about lizards.

      • Sheer fucking awkwardness, T.S.,that’s what keeps the cunts going….. they know the pleasure that I’ll get from their demise,and so, in typical selfish fashion,they plan to live forever.

      • They live so long becuase they’ve never had to do a fucking stroke in their life hence the stress level never goes above whipping the house boy.

        The Queen Mum (bless her wrinkly old ass) used to have her fluids changed every two days with the blood of virgins mixed with Bombay Sapphire.

        Why people put up with these spongers is a mystery to me.

  3. I’ve applied to join the US Secret Service team that protects Trump.
    Should a shooter step from the crowd, I’ll be the first person to scream, full volume, the name of a Disney character at the US president.

    Donald and Mickey running the show…..who’d a thought…

      • Too early for Trump, he’s only just started proving his cuntitude after inauguration.

        He’s a shoe-in for 2017 Cunt of the Year, close the phone lines now.

  4. Andy Murray gets my vote for King Cunt 2016.

    The ugly fucker has had a year any sportsman or woman would kill for. Titles, Grand Slam, world number one, SPOTY and to top all that (don’t forget how much fucking money he’s earns) he gets a twatting knighthood!

    And how does he react? By being his usual dour, Jock, ungrateful cunt of a cunt.

    What first attracted you to multi-millionaire tennis player Andy Murray, Mrs Murray? Was it his personality and mouth full of broken piano keys for teeth?

    At least Federer has the decency to stick with his fat little wife.

    Andy Murray is a first order, double fault of a cunt, and the crown should be his. The cunt.

    • True enough,TBR,but his mother is strangely alluring….. the pinched,disapproving face,the Headmistressly demeanor,the fist-pumping like she’s giving a particularly vigorous hand-job….it’s a lucky man who gets to feel the full force of her discipline after failing to sate her womanly desires.

      • I know what you mean about Judy, something dirty there. I would love to get her on all four’s and do her with the handle of my slazenger.

    • Nah can’t agree there. I love the tennis and at least he’s a winner unlike Tim “nice but” Dim.

  5. Gina Miller, without a doubt.

    Put it to the nation and that illegal immigrant sack of shit would get at least seventeen and a half million votes.

  6. It’s gotta be Blair!!! Like a Romanian at the benefit office he simply won’t go away …. ?

    • Well the mods sure have their work cut out for them the page is bloody filled! Briefly skimming through it I can tell you it will either be Gina Miller or Tony Blair and rightfully so, as they are both insufferable evil cunts

      • I’m down to a choice between Bliar, Gina Miller or that Phil Shiner scumbag. If the winner gets a photoshopped picture I’d suggest a Spanish Inquisition torture chamber “Pit and the Pendulum” inspired theme complete with a cackling Vincent Price…

  7. If lily Allen wins, make sure the technicians only give her ten minutes of Trump bashing, before cutting away.

    • Perhaps then being thrown to the followers of the ‘religion of peace’, so she can find out first hand how caring they are to their women?

  8. Those cunts who are squealing about their being a ‘lettuce crisis’ and ‘lettuce rationing’ are total cunts…. So some supermarkets are low on iceberg lettuce… So fucking what?… What sort of cunt eats salads in the fucking winter anyway?… And as for the hysterics (which the BBC tossers typically bigged up as a ‘ration crisis’): they make me puke…. My granddad was in a Japanese POW camp, and him and those other brave lads really did go without.. So any cunt who thinks that going without icecunt lettuce is something serious should have a pineapple shoved right up their fucking arse…

    • I hope lettuce dies out forever.
      I’m allergic to the stuff. One touch to the skin, and its welts and rashes.
      If I eat it, my lips swell up like Frank Bruno, after a fight.
      Toxic as fuck.

    • Yeah lettuce, broccoli, aubergine and courgettes are all in low supply. Must be a Southern shortage cos us Northern cunts only like one vegetable: tatties, cut up and deep fried. We called them chips or “chups” as me Glasgee family calls ’em! ?

    • C’mon Norman. This lettuce crisis is all our fault for not listening to Cameron, Osborne and the rest of our betters and voting out. Brexit is to blame. Wait until the price of camembert doubles, then we will be suitably contrite. You know it makes sense.

  9. Even though the results aren’t in yet, i choose not to recognize whoever the cunt is that wins it.

    Even though its a democratic vote, its my right to act the cunt and spit my dummy out.

    I’ve also noticed very few black nominees, AGAIN, this year.

    #notmycunt, #blackcuntsmatter

    • You fucking traitor! Next you’ll be posting on “Is a Twat” instead of “Is a Cunt”!

      I will respect the decision of the cunting masses m’lud!

      And we should invoke article cuntitude as soon as the result is in to stop anticunticratic fuckers like Birdman asking for another vote!

      (How’s the auld doob this evening Birdman me auld cocker? ?)

      • The doobs are great tonight.
        The missus is on nights, and the daughter is away at her pals.
        The dogs been out, the budgies are gathered up and there’s an Ancient Aliens marathon on the telly.
        Simple pleasures.
        I don’t know how Ancient Aliens comes across straight, but when yer stoned, it’s excellent.

      • You’re right there but when the cunt does die do you think that Zimbabwe will elect a truly democratic leader and try and sort itself out, or, do you reckon it will degrade into some civil war shite for the next 10yrs that the west will ignore for 8 of them (no oil or shit in Zimbabwe of any use and no money) until pressurised into acting and putting in a Mugabe #2 character?

        I’ve got a fiver on the latter.

    • Birdman, there have been quite a few black nominees this year. I noticed Barack Obama and Mo Farrah, plus the whole of Africa, so to help things along, I’d like to nominate all the people of colour (cunts) in South America, the Caribbean, Brixton, the USA, and many other places. Hope that meets with your approval.

      • I’ve just heard there’s virtual marches going on all over Australia coz you failed to nominate aborigines.
        Samantha Muamba is starting one in Dublin.

  10. Cheers for counting up the noms .Kept losing track.I am going to vote for Farron but there are so many honorable mentions and noms I will have to write up in the post tomorrow morning crowning the winner.

  11. Could it be a photo finish??? Has Blair still got it?? Or will the younger farron carry the day??
    Maybe a complete outsider will shock the more established cunts?? Very very exciting

  12. Will write up the results after a good sleep tonight.Apologies for being a lazy procrastinating cunt.

    • Human Rights,Queer,Vegan,Feminist,Slut? lol yeah its my human right to get fucked in the arse sure buddy.

      People like this is why Trump was needed the special snowflakes need to be put in their place or else society as a whole will fail. We just had a socialist moslem from kenya just give Trump a bloody chance 2017 is the Year of the shitlord Its a New current Year bitches! 🙂

    • Truly an utter Cunt, however, my definition of a true Cunt is somebody who knows they are being a Cunt. This bloke would need to be told by others that he’s being a right Cunt. Lily Allen doesn’t realise it but it’s youthful ignorance that makes her a Cunt. … yet a Cunt all the same.
      Snowflake behaviour, again, youthful ignorance of Cuntitude.

      Tony Blair knows full well he is being an utter Cunt. He knows and has admitted he is the most hated man around British politics. This would make many others just stay inside and keep quiet, not Blair, he just tries to get more involved and promotes his own importance. Surely Cunt of theYear.

  13. Terrible News, Cunters….Lily Allen is going to boycott Presentation Night. Apparently Norman has made some slightly hurtful remarks about her…Oh well,hopefully Diane Abbott will recover enough to make it, we’ve always been pleasant about her.

    • That’s what Lily Liar wants us to think… She’s just thrown her toys out of the pram because Gina Miller is going to beat her to it…

      • You were meant to pick her up in a taxi, Norman.
        What happened ?

        Oh wait, ah, yeah, its all over twitter.

  14. Last pitch for Lily Allen.

    I heard this the other day, but forgot all about it.
    The Lily Allen is releasing an anti Trump “protest song”.
    It’s a cover, surprise, serfuckingprise.
    Anyway, she gets my vote , and anybody else left undecided, just think of her tits.


    Just about to post, then realised that my votes too late.

  15. Fellow cunters, I beg you, it just has to be Spivey. If you can bear it, have a look at his latest ranting. Please mods, please, there is no bigger cunt in the whole of christendom. Everyone knows that Blair et al are all cunts but this epic cunt deserves the highest accolade that cuntdom has to offer.

    • I was gonna nominate a comedian but there isn’t any. Because by definintion if they’re not funny they can’t be a comedian. If they are funny then they can’t be a cunt.

  16. J r. Cuntleys right is cunt of the year legally binding or simply advisory??
    Also due to the ambiguity of the question I’m not sure people have understood what they are voting for?
    I would also like to complain about something written on a red bus
    Although I respect the democratic decision of the site users I would seek a 2nd vote on cunt of the year just to make sure that people still agree with their democratic decision 2 years later on…. TF

  17. Late nomination for 2016’s top cunt, that jug eared shit stain Gary Lineker .
    His constant rants over Brexit & calling leave voters too stupid to know what they voted for. He clearly doesn’t know his Ali’s from his Akbars if he thinks grown men with beards are ‘child refugees’.
    And for those of you who havn’t seen it check out You Tube vid of Gary shitting his pants on the pitch at 1990 World Cup and trying to wipe his arse on the grass.

  18. A cunting for the Church of England

    “A Church of England theological college has expressed regret after trainee priests held a service in the antiquated gay slang language Polari.”

    The congregation was told the use of the lexicon was an attempt to “queer the liturgy of evening prayer”.

    Instead of the traditional “Glory be to the father, and to the son, and the Holy Spirit” the prayer offered was: “Fabeness be to the Auntie, and to the Homie Chavvie, and to the Fantabulosa Fairy”.

    Have these trainee priests been thrown out? No, they got told off.

    If the people running the CoE believed what they preach these fuckers would of been gone. This is pretty much on par with celebrating a black mass.

    I don’t expect to see anyone from the CoE in the press or on the media anytime soon preaching to me about morality and how many migrants I should finance or invite into my home.


    • Good Cunting S.V…..but,to be fair,I don’t reckon that the queer shite that they’re spouting is any more ridiculous than the normal shite that gets spouted in churches,mosques,synagogues,temples etc,, every day of the week. Complete load of hypocritical bollocks preached by a bunch of nutters.

      • I agree, my issue is the church then sits on judgement of us all and feels free to tell me to clean my house.

        If they stop telling me what they think I should do I will do the same for them.

  19. Yeh lineker is a cunt , worst of all a pseudo intellectual one, the BBC allow this “sports presenter ” to air his unsolicited biased shite all the time….
    Maybe when Cunt of the year in done we could have sports cunt of the year, I saw Mc Murray served up in a earlier post ,for me it’s Lewis Hamilton all the way…..

    • I think being a cunt to a degree is a prerequisite to being a winner. Hamilton and Murray don’t come close to the majority of super uber cunts cited on here.

  20. Fuckin” lettuce shortage eh?………..Mark my words,this is just the tip of the iceberg…….Baaaaaaaaah

  21. Have we had a result yet or is the Supreme Court still interfering with the will of the people?

    • It’s fuckin gina miller again!

      Soon she’ll be on here telling us that we should thank her.

  22. Kendo I agree somewhat as they are simply sportsman and are in a way lightweight cunts, maybe the competition should be titled sports most boring Cunt??? And I’m staying with my man Hamilton ???

    • I am a Hamilton fan as a racer but I agree he has become somewhat uppity of late with all his bling and his cunt celeb music mates as well as his extreme disrespect and downright bad manners to some of the reporters trying to do their jobs. So that does qualify him on pole as a Cuntette.

      • I agree Kendo… Hamilton’ s a good driver, but he’s a ponce… A racing driver with diamond earrings and is a professional ‘Don’t you know who I am?!’ celebrity/fashion ‘icon’… Ie: he is a cunt…

  23. Just been watching the 1st half oc Chelski v. Artemus and a late CUNT nominee is Martin Tyler.What an utter utter boring,drivel talking,trouble inciting Sky tv cunt he is.And, Martin and your fellow boring, “nasal” sidekick Neville….it”s a PASS,NOT an assist you cunts.One passes a football,you ignorant cunts……..Baaaaaaaaaaaah

    • And what’s all this ‘centre back’ bollocks?… A central defender is a centre-half…It’s like all the other shite these Sky cunts come out with : ‘Zonal Marking’ ‘False Nine’ ‘The Number Ten Role’… The most famous No 10 in the British game, Denis Law, was an out an out striker… All this foreign tactical shite has ruined the game… And that Pep Guardiola is a cunt and all…

  24. And it seems the cunt count for Beckham and ‘Brand Beckham’ has gone off the scale…
    Bear in mind it is The Sun reporting it, but I’ve been hearing this sort of stuff about Golden Bollocks around Manchester for years… He was once a seemingly down to earth and affable lad, then he he met her (or should that be ‘it’?) and he was fucked…. It makes hilarious reading for those of us who hate celebricunts, and harrowing reading for the many celeb worshipping mongs in the UK… ‘Sir Becks’ really does come across as a right cunt though, and he won’t sue… Just like he didn’t when Rebecca Loos blew the whistle after blowing him… I personally have no time for multi millionaires trying to get money off me every year when they’re only doing it for personal gain…. Cunt…

    • I hope that’s the end of them, i doubt it, but fingers and toes crossed.
      I’d say that’s the first time I’ve witnessed a human side to the cunt.

      If he is to sue, I’d get them for saying “football legend” and “fashion icon”.

    • Right out of the Smashy & Nicey school of charity work!

      “So David how’s being a charity shill for Unicef working out for you, tucking into a meal of two grains of rice and a plate of flies?”

      “Yeah wey’ull Vics didn’t eat the floies cos she’s stiwl on ‘er 20 year doiet and she says the roice was Al Dentee but oy knows it was Masimbu who cooked it, in’it!”

      “Doing it next year then David?”

      “Nah, wey’ull, Vics wornted me to loike get a knighthood so she’s can be lady Vics in’it bat the ungrateful cants only gived me an ohhb…”

      “You mean O.B.E.?”

      “Yeah that’s wot oy said, an ohhb, anyway, wey’ull loike Vics is orl disappointed an’ that in’it but oy’m actually quoite relieved really cos gettin’ abhart in a suit of armour all the toime would be a right cant in’it!”

      “Ah yes, always a silver lining where you’re concerned eh, David.”

      “Er no, it’s polyester oy fink. Oy’ll ‘ave arsk Vics in’it!”

      • Hilarious, Rebel without a Cunt.
        Especially the suit of armour.

        Get that printed up an distributed. It needs a wider audience.

  25. As a racer Hamilton is brilliant no doubt but how can a man that earns £30+ million a year , travels the world to some of the best locations, race at 200 mph!, be surrounded by drop dead hot fanny, poke some of the loveliest looking girls in the world ,buzz around in a private jet, cruise around on a private yacht and still against all the odds make it sound so utterly FUCKIIN dull??, that in itself is a rare talent…. My mate sells hearing aids and his life comes across as far more interesting…

    • I’ve got a mate who fixes windows and fits doors… And he has more birds per year than some showbiz cunts… Mind you, he does look like a young Elvis Presley…

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