Cunt of the year 2016

It just occurred to me that when the site was changing admins we never conducted a cunt of the year for 2016.So if each one of you can nominate a cunt you think most embodied cuntitude in 2016 with a brief explanation as to why I will collate all the answers of the winning candidate in a separate post. I may even stretch to a photoshop of said cunt in a graphic sexual position complete with a crown if I can be arsed.Fill your boots. We Will allow nominations until 23:59 on 3rd February and will post the official result shortly after.

309 thoughts on “Cunt of the year 2016

  1. I’ll nominate Dick Fiddler for not having the balls to do a Guy Fawkes and at least make an attempt to blow ” The Mother Of All Parliaments” sky high.

  2. 2016 Cunts of the year…
    Political cunt…. farron
    Film cunt Niro
    Theatre Cunt…. Helen mirren
    Music Cunt …. lily Allen
    Best supporting cunt… Christine lagarde
    Region of Cunts…. London
    Talentless cunts… sue/ Mel Russel brand
    Best newcomer cunt.. Gina miller
    Lifetime Cunt award… ken CLARKE- tony Blair…
    after 20 years of total cuntish behaviour they are inseparable…,

  3. sir lord dame jessica double fucking barrel cunt ennis.
    you can tell she has some wog in her as all those fucking sports type niggers have to go cunting double barreled as they only know their fathers by the csa payment cards…if they are lucky enough to got anything off the scum fuckers
    also, can sir cunt lord ennis actually speak? just looks fucking gormless in the cuntish adverts

  4. 1.farron
    4.michael Moore
    5.russell brand

    Farron has to take the crown of cuntitude for now.

  5. I want to add that peado looking skid stain Verhofstadt to the list. Claiming that the UK will owe up to 600 billion to the Reich when we leave. It proves that him and his fellow bummers live on some far distant planet. That cunt certainly looks like it, a Dr Who creation without doubt. His fucking parents must be devastated at what they produced. Go and get your fucking teeth fixed with our money and then draw ya curtains on your head and fuck off far away. Low life untermensch.

  6. Agreed!! Farron is the premier cunt of our times but can he keep it going like old timers CLARKE and Blair?
    Personally I think farron will blow out and end up working as a supply teacher in some shit hole leftie academy school…?

    • the odious cunt farron should be good until the next election, then hopefully he’ll disappear into obscurity

  7. That fat bag of shite,Diane Abbott,was conveniently “taken ill” before the Brexit vote last night. The bitch didn’t even have the guts to either resign and vote the way she wanted to,or to follow her leader’s instruction to back the Bill.

    Cunt of the Year? Quite possible,but I’m fucking sure that I don”t want to see it.

      • She’s a fucking disgrace and her fanny probably hangs there like a horses harness.

        Taken ill my ass.

        Probably at home eating fried chicken and water melon.

  8. I am tempted also to pick SPivey. His ‘forensic investigations’ are time and time again being shown to be the utter pile of shite sensible people knew them to be . This week it’s the Tunisian beach shootings , last week it was the Bath runaway lorry tragedy, you know the one where a four year old girl was killed as she crossed the road with her grandmother who lost both her legs, according to that numbskull it all never happened. The only thing stopping me nominating him is that most people are lucky enough to have never heard of him.

    • You mean succeeded? “tried” implies that he failed his task, someone I know(not personally) got his website taken down due to trolls. You don’t want to further anger these psychos they will blackmail you or plant cp on you if they dox you I’m not sure posting his address helped but I dunno… screwy situation shame it happened

  9. The Daily Express, for censoring articles on their website, preventing people from leaving comments on articles, particularly articles about Islam/Muslims and then whingeing that the government, aided by cunts like Max Mosely and Jug Ears Lineker, were trying to curtail the freedom of speech of the press. Last night, I found that they’re not accepting any comments that have the name ‘Gina Miller’. They’re fucking pathetic.

    • The guardian and the PC ministry of truth blind followers but I could say the same about the Beeb

  10. Got to be Krankie Sturgeon for services to imbecility.
    (Scotland to stay in single market or go independent. Both possibilities laughable and impossible. Bring on the second independence vote asap))

    • I would love it if/when a legal challenge to their independence vote meant that we all had to the chance to tell them to “get tea fuck”.
      Sturgeon and Salmon win for me. Pair of fat little malignant fuck-pigs

  11. Gina Miller. I know she’s been nominated a lot recently, but she fucking deserves it. Not content with sticking her oar into British affairs, and showing outright contempt for democracy, she’s now saying that she wants to work with the team negotiating our departure from the EU. Apparently, it’s so they can understand what Brexit means for people like her, investment managers, bankers, business owners etcetera. It’s also to offer alternatives to the type of Brexit that May says she wants. The type where we actually leave the EU completely. What an arrogant cunt she is.

    This is nothing but an attempt by Miller and her backers to take over the exit process and replace it with THEIR version of Brexit, a version which makes it pretty pointless to even trigger Article 50. I can’t say for sure who any of her backers are, but I wouldn’t be surprised if Blair and Branson were involved in some way. Anyway, if I were PM, the conservation would go along the lines of:

    “So, you want to work with the Brexit negotiating team Gina? In that case, I have my coffee without milk and sugar. And I’ll have TWO bacon muffins, with smoked bacon, and a little brown sauce. What? You didn’t think I’d allow you to have any input in the negotiations did you? You’re a selfish, anti-democratic cunt! All you and your allies want, is what’s best for you. Well, you’ve got more chance of going down on Frankenstein’s monster than you have of being in that room. Now, bacon muffins, bitch. Oh yes, and once we’re out of the EU, your citizenship will be revoked and you’ll be on the first plane back Guiana. That’ll teach you to fuck with things you should be keeping your nose out of”.

  12. Violent Anti-trump rioters killed a man with a shovel, burned cars, broke windows, attacked passerbys Jesse Arreguin told police to stand down people are injured and dead because of the incompetentance of this Mayor

    Remind me again how Trump is the fascist?!

    • That’s lefties for you. Constantly demanding respect, tolerance, an end to bigotry and hatred etcetera etcetera.. Yet they are the most intolerant, hate filled, disrespectful, illiberal, bigoted, violent fuckwits that you will ever meet. On top of that, they are arrogant, smug, self-superior, self-righteous and dishonest.

      • Just like Rick: ‘There’ll be an end to all poverty and hatred…
        Get up, Neil! I hate you!’

        The National Guard should be wheeled out and they should go snowflake shootin’….

      • And then Cunt Stills Nash & Cunt could write a syrup drenched hippy dirge about how these snowflakes died for freedom… But actually ignored a democratic election result…

    • The incidents at Berkeley are getting zero coverage, and i mean zero coverage by the lame stream media.
      A major whinge on social media about Roots getting mentioned in Coronation Street makes headlines, but leftards rioting coz they don’t get their way, gets nothing.
      and Jesse Arreguin is very punchable looking cunt.

  13. And Gina when you’re finished with the food and drinks my dogs got some shit stuck around his arse hole , there’s a dear…..

    • I’d like to nominate Quislings as a cunt. I got a bad chest infection and when I laughed so hard at the last post it hurt bad. Cunt.

  14. Can the powers that be please have a thread Britains most punchable cunt???
    Please! please! pretty please!!
    I’m going early with nomination
    Booky wooky Russell brand…

      • Britain’s most punchable cunt?…..

        Tim Farron
        Steven Moffatt
        Gary Linekunt
        The McCanns
        Keith Lemon
        Lily Mong
        Russel Brand

        The agony of choice…. Is the aptly named Robin Thicke British or a Yank?… Either way, I’d love to punch that cunt…

      • Don’t forget Jamie Oliver, the biggest punchable cunt out there. Just watch out for all the tongue slavver though, best not to get that all over you.

      • He’s Canadian.
        The thing that got me was, he is a super duppa mega cunt, but his dad Alan Thicke was a pretty funny guy and took the piss out if himself all day long.
        He had a reality show called In The Thicke Of It, and it was excellent.
        Full of tongue in cheek stuff, and trying to play the “do you know who i am” and nobody ever did.
        Funny guy.
        He died a couple of months ago.

  15. I just got an email promoting the vile cunts latest, and I use this term loosely, comedy tour. If the cunt didn’t make me feel so violently sick just looking at it I would be tempted to go and BOO the cunt back to the stone age. Ugly cunt.

  16. So many contenders, but for me it’s Obama. Or to use his full and official title, Ex-President ‘divisive, race baiting, Marxist, Socialist, lying, morally corrupt, weak, inept, deceitful and delusional’ Barak Hussein Obama. Who’s married to a wolfman.

    Any ‘leader of the free world’ who’s been as big a shit bag as Obastard has been, deserves a lifetime achievement award for services to cuntitude.

    A quite unbelievably piss poor president whose abject failure at practically everything is eclipsed only by the twat’s massive ego.

    • I always thought that Mrs Obama’s face was used as a bakers template for their gorilla biscuits.

      • Probably still has one.

        Explains why Barack pauses so often when he speaks, his mind constantly flashes back to the fateful day when he first saw it and thought “Christ it’s bigger than mine”.

        Didn’t stop him though, dirty bugger.

      • Them scheduled fucking pauses.
        Worse than shitcom acting.
        Waiting for applauses.
        I hatehatehatehatehatehatehate that cunt.
        And he whistles when trying to pronounce an S or C.

  17. My nomination for cunt of the year is Michael Fallon MP Defence Secretary. I have just had the misfortune to read some of the cunts comments regarding Russia’s aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov as she transited the Channel on her way back from upsetting muzzis. Cunty Fallon called her the “ship of shame” because she caused lots of upset by “indiscriminate bombing” of the friendly branch of Islam or something. Paraphrasing the cunt, he carried on with “We will keep a close eye on the Admiral Kuznetsov as she skulks (kid you not) back to Russia. We are man-marking (really) these vessels every step of the way as part of our steadfast commitment to keep Britain safe. Fuck me this cunt is on a fucking acid trip or something. The only time the war in Syria actually got anywhere was when the Russians used real bombs not rolled up copies of the human rights act and benefit claim forms. That carrier has enough firepower to take out most of southern England has most likely more crew members than personal in the RAF for fucks sake. Two Typhoons and a couple of knackered frigates plus big John’s whelk dredger ain’t going to bother them much. Now do not get me wrong I was in the forces during the cold war and Russia and it’s allies, bad guys. Things have changed somewhat the bad guys are our own people!! Russian stands up to all the bullshit pc bollocks and I cannot help admiring that attitude. Anyway Fallon should be cunt of the year 2016 because he is a massive cunt. Thank you for reading.

    • Fallon is a cunt, without a doubt… Nice cunting there, Black Biscuit… Cheers…

      Nadiya Hussain is a cunt… More from the BBC’s sacred cow and pet project… Now going on about ‘how hard done by’ she is and how the UK is so ‘racist’ and ‘sexist’… And this from someone who wears mandatory headgear, will do everything ‘her man’ tells her to do, and is rubbishing the country that made her famous… Racist? Sexist? Wouldn’t you just know it… A ‘challenge’ to be a muslim woman in Britain?… Try being a white woman in Sweden or Germany, you cunt… That’s a challenge and a half… But the BBC won’t mention that, will they?… Oh dear me, no….

      Bake-Off?… How about ‘Fuck Off!’

      • When Beckham hooked up with Dog Spice that fateful day at Old Trafford, a well known figure at United was heard to say , ‘She will ruin him, and she is someone we will never, ever be rid of now…’

        Never be rid of…. Sounds like the BBC’s favoured child and cake competition winner…

      • If she thinks its a challange being a muslim bird in UK she want to try it in Afganistan or Saudi. They still stone women to death in Saudi for having a soggy bottomed victoria sponge.

      • If she thinks its a challange being a muslim bird in Britain she wants to try it in Afganistan or Saudi Arabia. I think they still stone women to death in Saudi for having a soggy bottom on the Victoria sponge.

  18. If this was a vote for “Cunt of the Year”2016 on Pornhub, I’d go for Sasha Grey.

    • Porhhub is a slow cunt.
      It can take me up to half an hour to download a scene.
      Xvideos is the same.
      I just stick with xhamster. That takes two minutes tops.
      And if you want to know who the filthiest is, heres my nominations.

      Filthiest Milf – Ava Divine
      Filthiest Gilf – DeBella
      Filthiest Girl – Chastity Lynn

      • Apparently a guy who was a victim of the Thalidomide drug is now a porn star.

        Rumour has it, he’s got an arm like a baby’s cock…..

  19. Just turned on sky news and Kay burley is talking about the Brexit white paper, she has the facial expression of someone who has stepped in dog shit….
    Kier starmer has the facial expression of someone who has swallowed dog shit!!
    FUCKIIN brilliant ????

    • Surprised Burley hasn’t melted under the Sky TV lights before now… There’s more plastic in her fizzog than there is in my blue wheelie-bin….

      And Starmer is a prize cunt… Suck it up, Remaincunts…

  20. I would go for Tony Bliar, because he and his cronies let a great many of these cunts off the leash.
    Pork-botherer Cameron second because he reminds me of Bliar, as well as being an odious, spineless, oily little spiv in his own right.
    Ted Heath third, even though the fat, pompous, treasonous, cabin boy buggerer (and much more allegedly) is stone dead.
    That Farron cunt.
    Failing that the suggestion of nominating the entire political class works for me especially if all the Media can be squeezed in too.

  21. A late entry for Cunt of the year!
    Human rights shyster lawyer Phil shiner has been struck off after being found guilty of drumming up false allegations against British soldiers in Iraq..
    Miserable prick should face a jail sentence……

    • It’s got to go to Izzard, when he was on Question Time playing to the gallery by shouting down Nigel the Great just before Brexit in his fagberry beret.

  22. I could easily spend an afternoon practicing my ‘keepie uppies’ with Owen Jones’ head…

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