Disatisfied Syrian Refugees


“A scheme designed to offer Syrian refugees a fresh start away from their war-torn homeland has backfired after two families said the Scottish island they were sent to is “full of old people waiting to die” and they would rather be in Glasgow or Manchester.

The refugees praised the people of Scotland and said they had been made welcome on the Isle of Bute, but also complained that they were unable to find work and said they felt ashamed that they had to rely on charity.

Abd, a 42-year-old father of four, said: “I feel like I have one option now, to die here. Only die here, nothing else.”

The families said they felt isolated, were struggling to learn English and there was nothing to do on the island in the Firth of Clyde.”

If you find life in Syria more exciting then feel free to head home……. Cunts!

Nominated by: Sixdog Vomit

112 thoughts on “Disatisfied Syrian Refugees

  1. Sara Khan is NOT a cunt, although I suspect most of her critics are.


    Never a truer word spoken about the Islamic Republic of Britain in 2016:
    What annoys her even more is that people who ought to know better are falling into their trap. “Sections of the British left have aligned themselves with the Islamist far right who think that people like me are Islamophobic,” she says. “When that happens something has gone horribly wrong with discourse in British society.”

    • Sorry CMC I think she is actually a bit of a cunt. This talk about radicalisation is bollocks. ISIS are not radicals, they are mainstream old school islam.

      • At least she is making the distinction, she deserves some credit for that and being a woman speaking out it will be making those radical (read any) clerics shit through their throats.

        If she can persuade young Muslims that any part of the Quran is shit the whole lot is open to question.

        Christianity sealed its fate through the reformation and Islamic clerics are not keen on going the same way but in the end they will be as potent as Welby………….bye bye Islam

      • Sure, she deserves some credit which is why I only said she was a bit of a cunt, instead of a 6.5 liter V10 supercharged cunt. 😉

        She isn’t the only one working in this area, check out the Quilliam Foundation. But all these so called moderate and anti radical muzzies all feed into the same apologist agenda. That is; the majority of peace lovers are in fact benign and it is only a tiny minority who pervert RoP who cause any problems. Not so, in fact it is quite the opposite. The majority of peace lovers are the problem and only a tiny minority are trying to do something about it.

  2. Move the ungrateful cunts to Gruinard Island before they demand the local church is turned into a mosque and they burn down the local store for selling booze and bacon.

    I would imagine the ovine population of Bute aren’t exactly thrilled to see them either.

  3. Your empty protest is met with the sound of one hand clapping.

    Good for you! Yay!

  4. Hardly up the with Mossad or the Russians and Chinese in DoS are you? Your rants make as much sense as the posts above. Impotent in the bedroom and impotent in your attempts on here.

    Go take a look at yourself in the mirror again and remind yourself why you are a nobody and everyone is laughing at you. Your family, your neighbours sniggering at you, the people in your local, colleagues, everyone that comes into contact with you.

    Close your eyes and listen to the laughter, it’s all at you.

  5. If he feels that he only has the option of dying,he should get on with it. I wont mourn the sponging ingrate.

  6. Ahhhh, that’s better.
    I would like to nominate Keith Vaz for a cunting. It would seem (according to the Sunday Mirror newspaper) that old Keith is a botty boy and paid to have sex with two male prostitutes.

    No issue with Vaz’s sexual inclinations, I just think he’s a cunt! A shady cunt too because a few years ago now he was due to be raked over the coals for some “financial irregularities” and he mysteriously developed a heart condition with made him too ill to be questioned. Bit convenient that Keith mate, don’t you think?

    Anyway, I have no doubt that the thousands of your “peaceful” friends who you lead in a march during the 80’s (to ban Salman Rushdie’s Satanic Verses book) will be wholly tolerant of your life choices.

    Even though you are a Christian you were very quick to jump on the “peaceful” appeasement waggon to keep your greedy ass elected in Leicester East (which is a very “peaceful” area indeed).

    Thing is Keith, had you not dodged being questioned, and then hopefully tried and convicted of your “financial irregularities”, you could have has as much botty boy action as you heart desired in prison and it wouldn’t have cost you a penny, well, maybe a pack of benny hedges.

    If I were you Keith I’d be ringing your private doctor again (NHS not good enough for this Labour stalwart) and see if he can knock up another sickie note for you.

    I hope you lose your job, you untrustworthy, appeasing cunt!

    • I’ll give credit to the Poles. There’s no job that they wont tackle. Even taking it up the arse from that greasy wanker doesn’t deter them.
      Coming over here stealing jobs off our pillow-biters!! The bastards.

      • The cunt’s probably got a 12 inch dildo glued to his chair which he uses to stop the live hamster escaping from his arsehole. No wonder he looks a bit shifty during committee meetings.

      • Now we know why he didn’t want poppers banned when his committee looked at controlled substances . ha ha

    • You beat me to it, Rebel Without A Cunt!

      The sanctimonious, holier than thou cunt Vaz proving just what a fucking hypocrite he is.


      • Well, we know he is corrupt, and only avoided prosecution via parliamentary privilege. It seems he has used rent boys. It is also rumoured that this is the least of it, and the Mirror scoop is a friendly piece to muddy the waters for what is to come

      • I may be wrong, but wasn’t Vaz one of those who protected Lord Nonce Greville Janner…? Any other cunters have any info on this?

      • His prospective constituency in the early 80s was the location Elm Guest house .When asked he claimed to have never heard about allegations of abuse there.

      • No wonder the slimey cunt was so keen to meet the first wave of Eastern Europeans off the plane the day restrictions on their numbers were lifted. Remember him in the airport, buying them coffee? Didn’t realise they had to suck him off for it.

      • Our good friend Dianne Abbot has been on the telly saying what a difficult time it must be for his family, as if the Vaz had been in a car crash or terror attack or something. No he wasn’t. He has been caught bumming rent boys, sniffing poppers and paying for class A drugs. Are we meant to feel sorry for the cunt? Daft fat wog.

      • Now Mr Vas ticks most of the major boxes for the lefty progressives I wouldn’t be surprised if he was a later entry into the leadershit erm leadership contest.

        It’s Smith on the outside with Corbyn holding a strong lead, but wait here comes Vaz launching a surprise entry from behind.

      • Also, Simon Danczuk has been sticking up for him. You know you are fucked when one of your champions is a wife beating, alcoholic sex pest. The cunt tweeted that Vaz hadn’t done anything wrong. I suppose with his moral compass, what else can you expect…..

      • Saw Danczuck on the news earlier whilst channelling flicking.Who is going to get defending him next?Max Mosely? Harvey Procter? Jeffrey Archer? You can always tell a cunt by who jumps to their defence.

    • It matters not that vaz is the anchor man for a four man daisy chain or that he is revealed as a crafty butcher. What really matters is that the slimeball offered to pay for a class A drug for another one of the bum team to use. Plod should be on his case pronto something about intent to supply or something?

  7. A survey of “British” peaceful folk revealed 88% of them like living in UK. But that means 12% do not. That is approximately 324,000 of them. Cheerio then, we won’t keep you….

  8. If they’d been relocated to a “diverse” area of the UK such as Bradfordabad, Leicester Arabia or Lutonistan, I’m guessing learning English wouldn’t be a big priority (being a minority language in those areas).

    Just sounds to me like another bunch of whingers gifted with a second chance away from their shithole existence but who want to be located in an area whose residents want to change it back into the very shithole they’ve just come from!

    Maybe our immo/asylum seeker offices should just be primed to say: “Look, you just won’t like it here. I know it’s taken you the neck end of a year to get here by land, boat and foot but don’t worry, we can have you back in Damascus in 4hrs. You just take a seat over there in the departure lounge and we’ll sort you out.”

      • I heard a report on refugee radio four a while back, and Syrians who had made it to Britain, had been sent to Bradford, and they were not happy. They were moaning that no one there spoke English, and were very peacefully religious, and all the refugees wanted was was to learn English, get jobs and fit in. Funny old world isn’t it?

      • Send them to Cumbernauld.
        Recent raffle 1st prize 1 week in Cumbernauld. 2nd prize 2 weeks…..

    • I would image a shit-load will be allocated to here, Coventristan, soon. Why not, driving through Coventry these days has the same view as what Islamabad must have, I’d imagine. I enjoy playing a game called “spot the white person”, I can normally go a good 10 minutes before I see one.

      • I dare say we will get MORE too, Labour controlled city council, NottingHAMstan …you wouldn’t think they would want to live somewhere with HAM in the name but they do and keep on coming in bloody droves.
        There are parts of Nottingham that have more pillar boxes than the post office and you can throw a stone and hit a mosque and Friday round here is know as Dressing up Friday as most people look like they are walking around in night attire. Oh and don’t try and buy anything that is not Halal because every bloody shop is Halal friendly. We need to move , we have a plan and we are working towards it.

  9. Oh the joy. It’s taken nearly thirty years to out the botty joy cunt Keith Vaz. He was known about in Le

    • I bet he gets to keep his job
      The twat on sky news was claiming rent boys are not illegal and saying it’s no big deal

      The dirty cunt fucked them rent boys without condom then went home and spread aids

  10. The main reason Sturgeon is so desperate to keep Scotland in the EU is immigrants. She is intent on filling Scotland with them. She is under the impression it will bring her shed loads of cash and public recognition for being a “caring first minister”. This is a joke given that her budget deficit is currently at 15 billion quid, more than England, and still rising mainly due to all her ridiculous schemes. The woman is delusional.
    She can’t even manage her own constituency and had a 42 year old Turkish man arrested by police for looking at her funny, when in actual fact he was looking at the shop next to her constituency office with a view to buying it. Crime is rife in her area and the police have almost lost control, if you send her a question through the Constituency office it takes her on average 6 months to reply . Most SMP’s take a week. She want’s immigration and EU status to further her own career and line her own pockets. She doesn’t seem to realise she’s just not that important.

    • She is also trying to play the sympathy card now, by saying she had a miscarriage. Nice lady…..

      • I find that very hard to believe, do you mean to say some one actually shagged it? Unless it was immaculate conception, I could go along with that.

      • Wee Burney Nesbitt-Sturgeon makes me puke… Miscarriage or not, what has that got to do with her political agenda? My mother had a miscarriage and a cot death but she didn’t shout about it… I have no doubts that the sympathy card is being played by Burney… She wants ‘wimmin’ to go ‘Ahhh, bless…’ and then agree with all her bollocks about a second referendum… Fucking corrosive, radioactive dwarf…

        As for Burney’s beloved migrants, it wouldn’t surprise me if there was a Frankenstein moment at some point with either Burney or Merkel (or even Killary Cunton): one of their precious monsters will get out of control and turn on its (their) creator… Thing is though, the TV news still won’t call it a ‘Muslim terrorist act’, will they?

      • Imagine being married to Wee Burney Sturgeon? I can only imagine it to be like the lives/misery of Bert Tilsley and Don Brennan, only a million times worse…

  11. I don’t want to stem the flow of people leaving this country and going to Syria. I want every one of the fuckers to go there and get blown to pieces.

    • Indeed, they get martyrdom, and whatever the fuck their super peaceful fairytale promises them, and we get rid of them. It’s a win win situation!

    • I don’t get this stopping the flow bollocks. If these cunts want to go they should be encouraged in the strongest possible way to fuck off.
      The sooner they do and then become a receptacle for some ordnance the better.

  12. It tells you all you need to know about Scottish Nationalists that, having lambasted the rest of the UK regarding refugees, they promptly shove them on a island in the middle of nowhere and leave them to rot. Racist pricks.

  13. There is nothing radical about IS… They are barbaric savages… How can any cunts with a medieval mentality be radical? Sara Khan is a cunt (just like the BBC etc) for glamming up the image of IS, and making them out to be a bunch of radical desperados… They’ll be calling them ‘The Brown Panthers’ next….

    And if those ungrateful smelly abdabs don’t like Scotland, then it’s tough shit… I feel sorry for the Scots for having to put up with the moaning muzzie gets.. It’s supposed to be a safe haven, not a fucking pick and choose holiday brochure… And we have enough of them in Manchester, so they can fuck off…

  14. If I had the opportunity to live on a quiet Scottish island gratis for the rest of my life I’d take their bloody hands off! Oh hang on, am I getting mistaken with our ally Saudi Arabia whose taken non in, for the hands off stuff?

    Anyway, with all that time on my hands, I could learn Gaelic and a bit of Fazi for in 15-20yrs time, before I lose them.

    • Funny that’s exactly what my hubby said and he is a Scott he would love to live there, unfortunately the SNP have turned Scotland into a shit tip so we won’t be going back there any time soon. 🙁

  15. It must be a terrible thing for hostilities to break out in your homeland and threaten/kill innocent people and all that. I get it. I do – honest. But I just don’t understand why it’s the UK’s problem. As I’ve said before, the UK has had some tough issues to deal with over the last several years. Flooding, financial crises, out of control house prices and a lack of housing, under funding of the NHS, etc., etc. You know the list. Given these may not be as grave (pardon the pun) as war in your part of town, they are nonetheless very real and very damaging to those affected. Remind me when was the last time Syria stepped in to help. Exactly, so why is the UK helping these cunts now? What’s in it for us? Absolutely nothing and the UK tax payers end up footing the bill. I simply do not get how a small, overcrowded island of brow beaten, taxed-to-death Brits are constantly seen as a soft touch and forced to put their hands in their pockets over and over again. All the while, those in power play out this ‘we are a kind, caring nation who seek to help our fellow man in times of need’ charade. They spend gobs of money which doesn’t belong to them and continue to enjoy their privileged lifestyles where they don’t have to live with the consequences.

    I always imagine what the aliens watching our planet would think of how we behave. One would turn to the other and say, “They say they want health, wealth, happiness and independence, but they keep knowingly injecting their society with poison. How odd”. And the other one says, “That’s fucked up and that Stergeon’s a mega cunt too”. Even the aliens get it.

    • I agree… Did Syria give a fuck when Britain had The Blitz? No… Did Syria bother when the IRA were bombing the shit out of the British mainland? Nah… Did they know about that cunt, Gadaffi, funding the bogtrotting bombers? Maybe…. Fuck ’em…

    • Well Saudi Arabia can’t take them in. For starters their country is tiny compared to the UK.

      Secondly they are a very poor country because they don’t have any worldwide commodities that anyone want such as oil.

      Thirdly they have no military capability whatsoever and so no one there can feel safe. It’s not like it’s got more Yank hardware there, second only to the yanks themselves, is it.

      Finally Saudi Arabia is a Jewish country and so any “peaceful” person would feel intimidated there and would have no place to worship.

      That’s all of the reasons why they don’t descend on their neighbour Saudi Arabi. O’course I’m only guessing at the above because why else would you travel west 2,000 miles to come to blighty when you could go 500 miles east (and all over land).

    • But we interfered in the middle east, thanks to Tony Blair and now we are dealing with the tidal wave of unrest thanks to that grinning fuckwit. Successive governments have not got the stomach to right the wrong and we are now stuck with waves of immigrants using that excuse to swarm to the rich countries for a “better life” (can’t remember any other EU country being less safe than the UK, unless it was France and their jihadi intake)

      And can I cunt the French for the jungle? they are saying it is our problem? No it isn’t, it is yours, you let them in, you deport them, Blue was in the name illegal immigrant.

      Oh, and Dickie Doubleday, you made me scroll down chat a bit more you are so awesome! I bow to your cyber terrorism skills 😀

      • From what I have seen of the jungle it is full of coons from africa. Fuck all to do with illegal wars in the middle east. And for those who do come from syria, Saudi Arabia and Israel have more to do with the war their than we do, why aren’t they taking any of the cunts?

  16. BTW, when I saw that ocean going, industrial strength, weapons grade cunt bitch fucktard Clinton get a cunting the other day, I almost had a mental breakdown. I just didn’t know where to begin with that sanctimonious, lying, hypocritical, corrupt, devious bastard of sub-human scum.

    How that thing has the audacity to even show its putrid face in public is beyond me and yet it thinks it should be President. Un-fucking-believable.

    You’d think the aliens would have some snazzy technology at their disposal to put a stop to crap like this. Maybe ‘Tales of the Earth’ is on their Comedy Channel back home. Cunts.

  17. They WANT to be in Glasgow?
    Are you fucking kidding me?
    I’ve been Glasgow 3 times,it was one of the most violent scummy , depressing places I’ve seen

    The muzzies will get absolutely slaughtered in Glasgow

    It’s like me saying I want to go to Brixton or Syria

    • Glasgow is the place they will feel most at home and within weeks they will be taking sides in the only war that matters there, no not that against the age old enemy the English bastards, no the Celtic v Rangers hate fest that makes the Sunni v Cher erm I mean Shite thing seem like a family squalble, that’s a sectarian battle they will relish.

  18. If, say, Raoul Moat, had been a muslim I dare say the BBC and sundry chinstrokers and Twitermongs would have labeled the psychotic Geordie as ‘radical’ or – at the very least – ‘radicalised’… But of course he was viewed as piece of white trash psychotic cop killing shit (which he was), but those IS cunts are no different… One day somebody on the news will have the guts to tell viewers what these cunts really are… Then again, Elvis Presley might make a live comeback in my back garden…

    • We need Reginald Bosanquet back on the news, preferably pissed. He’d tell it like it is!

    • Have you noticed how the Dragons Den cunts are pretty rude and dismissive of the indigenous white entrepreneurs yet,when a black/brown face appears with an equally shit idea they are somewhat more polite.
      Tell every cunt with a shit idea its a shit idea in exactly the same way you bunch of cunts.

      • I have two words “Levi Roots”.

        Now I like old Levi, and I like his Caribbean food programme (not pretentious like Fearengly-PissingStall or Oliver) but…

        Sorry mate, your “Regae Regae” sauce tasted like the smell of a pair of gym socks I’d left in my kit bag over the summer holidays.

        Dragons – all over it! These cunts eat in the top bollocks London poncy restaurants, “Regae Regae” sauce, no chance. If you weren’t so PC you’d rather ear your own faeces first!

      • I really rally really like the reggie sauce to be honest. Levi Roots though has also got s fine criminal record, I for one would never of expected this given his fine cultural heritiage.

  19. No wonder Keith Vazeline was at the airport to welcome the first Romanian migrants from the EU several years back;)

  20. And to top it all the cunts have done the shittiest Abbey Road cover re-creation ever.

    1. You are nowhere near abbey road
    2. There were no suitcases on wheels
    3. Your not even on a Zebra crossing
    4. None of you look remotely like any of the Beatles
    5. Fuck off, if Syrians hadn’t started a war on their own government you would still be living in peace. You’ve ended up in Scotland, serves you fucking right.
    6. You can’t all of been the 5th Beatle, seriously just fuck off.

  21. Quick nomination for Japan, who are now threatening the UK about Brexit. You cunts tanked your economy well before 2008 and now you are threatening the UK with your lame duck soon to be squished by the Chinese shite economy.

    You are going to need all the friends you can get in the near future you daft cunts and it won’t be the EU that comes to your rescue.

    Fuck us over now if you want but when your all doing fast track Mandarin 101 you wont get any help from us.

    PS unlike the Brits I believe the Chinese are far less forgiving about the war crimes committed by the Imperial Army.

    • Slitty eyed yellow bastards. We should all turn our backs on them both literally and metaphorically.

    • Darth Vader is an even bigger cunt in this version (no bad thing)…
      Cheers, Black and White Cunt ….

      • Snatch Wars sounds like a porno movie.
        Snatch wasn’t a bad flick I guess though guy richtie not only stole alot of the films story and plot off of 60’s-70’s gangster films but he stole off himself too lol.

        Snatch was basically Lock,stock and smoking barrels rewritten but instead of a pot heist and shenanigans, its about a diamond heist, and other cheeky misadventures. Basically the same bloody film! oh and LS&SB was a better film

  22. Think this says it all, from the BBC website about most popular boys names, and this was 2015!

    “…….Oliver is the most popular boys’ name for all regions of England except London and the West Midlands, which both had Muhammad as the top name”

      • I dunno, we’ve had to wade through a bit of troll shit to get here so some folk may not be abreast of what’s already passed. Like a kidney stone.

      • I was just trying to ignore a fact that makes my piss boil. I just don’t understand how we as a nation can accept that the most popular boy’s name in the capital and one of the other most populous parts of the country are totally alien to our nation and culture.

        Not only do we accept it, some would have us celebrate it,

        We may as well of invited Germany to send over as many Nazi’s as the ycould in 1938 and celebrated Adolf being the most popular boys name in 1945,

        Time for bed I think, I am in danger of someone in authority calling me Islamophobic.

        For anyone thinking of calling me that I leave you with a thought.

        Number of Muslims persecuted, murdered, raped, stoned to deathy, tortured or abused in any way by me = 0

        Number of Muslims killed, persectuted, raped, stoned to death, tortured and many other heinous crimes by fellow muslims?

        Untold shitloads, but I am Islamophobic.

      • It’s fuck all really. The maggot troll scum has been harassing a terminally ill lady on her blog. Dickless Doubletwat, not even any good at trolling, pathetic to the end. His posts were gone so quick, I didn’t even know the cunt had been back.

      • It appears this ‘Richard The Turd’ likes to pick on women: harassing a sick woman, stealing another woman’s identity and posing as her… You can bet there are more examples… Sick cunt….

    • This apparently ‘edgy artist’ (ie: twat) has done a duet with Pop’s Prince Of Cunts, Justin Bieber… Unmitigated proof of being a complete cunt…

      • Short blonde hair I see looks like shes going for the dido/ annie lennox type look good for her. Wont help her with that awful singing voice though

  23. As they say on the Isle of Man “There’s a boat in the morning” which is Manx for “Fuck off”

  24. I would like to nominate “A Downing Street spokesman” for a cunting for the following statement:

    “A Downing Street spokesman says the precise way in which the government will control the movement of EU nationals to Britain after ‘Brexit’ is yet to be decided however a points based system will not work and is not an option.

    All I’ll say is that it works pretty fucking well for the Australians and they do a pretty fucking good job with their immigration!

    If you (gov’t of whatever colour at time) dare make the claim that we have control of our borders but you still let every cunt from Christendom and beyond come in willy-nilly, then let’s see how far it gets you!

    The whole point of controlling immigration and our borders was so that we could control the numbers coming in (to reduce the burden on our creaking infrastructure) and to only allow those cunts in who will be of use to the country. And no that doesn’t include Keith Vaz’s Polish botty-boys and their plumber mates!

    Dear Government, in case you hadn’t noticed, most of the indigenous UK population is fed up to the back teeth of it (with the exception of the liberal luvvie masses who wants them all in – just so long as they don’t live near them)! Oh, and were fucking FULL!

    I’d also like to cunt Sky News for holding a debate on whether there should be a second EU referendum. The debate has already been had and the vote cast. No more debates or votes required. We’re leaving, live with it you cunts!

    And on my fucking day off! You see I worked over the weekend. I got paid exactly the same as I would had I worked today but I’m happy to be flexible as some money is better than no money – you listening you whingeing Junior Doctor cunts!

    • I seem to remember a points based system was the one put forward by the Leave campaign – with some vigour I seem to remember?
      So we voted for it, decided we wanted, so get the fuck on with it Mrs May and stop backsliding.

      As I said a while back “Vote for May, get Brexit lite”
      Not been proven wrong yet have I?…

  25. In a rare piece of good news, Merkel has had her fat arse handed to her on a plate by AfD in regional elections in germany. The AfD are a far right racist party, acording to the BBC. Aparently it is far right and racist to be against illegal immigration and to uphold international law. I guess I’m far right and racist then. How about you?

    • Yep count me in too Skidmark!

      Fucking BBC! They weren’t so keen to mention the fact that the service sector has actually boomed since brexit (highest increase in the 20yrs stats have been kept) and manufacturing is well up as well.

      They won’t report this because then their brexit rantings that “the world will collapse” following brexit will be shit on thus making their and their cronies want for a 2nd referendum null and void. We voted leave, we’re fine, so live with it cunts!

      However they did like to afford Chuka Umunna a good 10mins for him to explain that Keith Vaz’s sexual preferences/appetites were not relevant in his role as the Chair of the Home Affairs Select Committee, nor his penchant for doing poppers (even though he recently chaired a hearing on relaxing prostitution laws and keeping poppers legal – I wonder why).

      There will be a private meeting tomorrow of the Home Affairs Select Committee (with Vazeline in attendance) to discuss the issues arising from the weekend. So basically “nothing to see here, move along please” as far as the beeb is concerned.

      Good old BBC. Well worth the licence fee…

      • There doesn’t seem to be a day goes by without some “news” by one of the outlets -mostly BBC – about a second vote etc.
        Just tonight the outers were all quoted on immigration and the Remoaners about business thus perpetuating their theme that all outers are pretty much little englander racists.
        Why do I expect balanced reporting. Must be a cunt I suppose.
        And can the list of MPs who are for a second referendum be published so their constituents can get rid of the treacherous bastards next time round.

    • Apparently anyone who objects to their country and race being swamped by a hostile bunch of savages is racist.
      Well, I admit my “guilt”,and in a perverse sort of way, hope that I live long enough to see the soft,liberal twats who let this happen, reap the dubious pleasures which undoubtedly lie ahead.

      • I admit my guilt too. If any of these liberal fuckster tosspieces hates that thought…they can easily kiss my showered arse. Voting Leave was a great day for this country. Remain moaners and toy throwers can fuck out and never bother returning. Prize cunts the lot of them.

  26. I would like to nominate Katrina Percy. She was until recently head of Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust. She resigned After growing criticiism due to the unexplained deaths of 1259 people on her watch and the lack of investigation into the reasons why the people died. She was at the time of her resignation on a salary package of£240,000
    Now instead of fucking off it has been announced that she will be staying on as a strategic adviser giving advice to GP’ s
    Surprisingly her salary package will be exactly the same
    She’s a cunt and so are the people who are allowing her to do it.

    • Yes that’s a great cunting that one!

      Fucks up in her existing role. Says the media pressure is having an adverse affect on her and her family and so does a sideways step into some meaningless role, still within the NHS, and still on £1/4mil salary. Boy I wish I could buy some of those apples!

      If I fucked up as monumentally as her this is how my day would pan out:

      “Oi, you, cunt! My office now!”

      “Yes gaffer?”

      “You fucked up you twat and have cost us £1,259 quid!”

      “Yeah sorry gaffer, I did fuck up. But hey how’s about putting me on a different station, a bit easier work but on the same money. What do you think?”

      “Hmmm, let me see…I tell you what you can have, your cards! Yer sacked! Now fuck off and never darken my door again you cunt!”

  27. RebelWAC,I”m glad I am not the only one who thinks Sky News is wank.Those fucking overpaid lefty cunts all sat round giving it large to the nation,going through “the papers” with that fat useless Eamonn Holmes and co. or that other smarmy cunt Steven Dixon and co.My mrs watches the shit all morning but I refuse to be in the same room when cunting Sky tv is on…………..Baaaaaaaaaaaah

    • Sky “News” is fucking terrible. The level of their bias is staggering, they make no attempt at balanced reporting and they wouldn’t know a fact if it came up and bit them. Utter utter cunts.

    • Well,he wouldn’t like democracy would he. Like taking orders those krauts plus invading other countries.
      Watch out Poland if he has fucked off. Up to something no doubt

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