Window cleaners


Window cleaners are cunts…

Years ago we had one window cleaner, a nice bloke called Brian… And he went everywhere on his bike and he grafted… He cleaned all the windows on every house in the street and he charged a fair price for it… Brian finally retired around 1996…

Fast forward to 2016… The modern window cleaner travels around in a van and has two or three goons ‘helping’ him to do the windows… Except they do fuck all… These twats will do the front (lounge and bedroom) windows if somebody is in to see/watch them… But most of the time they don’t bother… They hardly ever do the side windows and they never do the upstairs back windows… I have words with this cunt several times and now our esteemed window cleaner now wants 5.50 (five pounds fucking fifty!) every two weeks for cleaning three front windows… Well, I am going to tell him to fuck off when he turns up tomorrow…

This cunt also does his ’rounds’ when it is pissing down and expects to be paid for cleaning your windows when it is raining… Thieving cunt…

Nominated by: Norman

The oldest swinger in town

Roy Maggs 49 (allegedly)

Roy Maggs 49 (allegedly)

Interesting little titbit doin’ the roindes from me neck orf the woods doine Forest orf Dean way, namely one decrepit old cunt name orf Roy Maggs who claims to be 49 (not even yours truly would try to pull that one) is claiming a refund for having been given the bum’s rush at a swingers party organised by some oitfit calls itself Swingfields. Apparently old flaky cock was required to show references before he was allowed to take his mack orf. Indeed got hacked orf because he had paid £127.85 online and had not seen any requirement for same. Felt his professional standing as an accountant (now who do we know was one orf those, must ask Dioclese) was reference enough. Anyway organisers would not let him in or give him his money back so took it to m’Learned Friends. Would have loved to have been at the Citizens Advice when the cunt came in.

Upshot is m’Lud has found against Mr Maggs so no refund despite the old tosser offering to show m’Lud his references (nudge nudge), an offer m’Lud declined. Bright side is old tosser has not wasted his Vallium and Swingfields will let him in to their next soiree. Ah me, an everyday story orf simple country folk. Bless ’em all, bless ’em all, the old, the fat and the small…

Come on cunters, I know you are all gagging for it and you’re up for some fun

Nominated by: Sir Limply Stoke

Amateur Dramatics


Amateur Dramatics deserves a good cunting.

Mrs Boaby’s Sister is a wanna be actor, actress or whatever the PC ‘term’ is these days. Her claim to fame is being an extra in some BBC period drama 12 years ago (I forget the name) which was filmed at Felbrigg Hall in Norfolk. You cannot even see her face and no-where is she credited apart from her own CV.

She is a member of the local ‘amateur dramatics society’ and last night I had to endure their performance of ‘Cat On A Hot Tin Roof’

For fuck sakes, it was fucking dire. The film was bad enough, but a cheap local ‘am-dram’ production made me want to rip my own arsehole out.

Amateur Dramatics, more like Amateur Traumatics

Nominated by: Boaby

Vlad the Impaler


If we can nominate dead people I would like to choose Vlad the Impaler he was a cruel and ruthless dictator, but very good to his mother and enjoyed flower arranging in his spare time.

I bet even Hitler had a cuddly side.

Nominated by: Mummy Bear