Tara Hudson


Tara Hudson who wants its cake and to eat it…is a Cunt.

Her mummy says : “My 26 year old daughter, Tara Hudson, has recently been sentenced to 3 months in prison. She is transgender and has lived her whole adult life as a woman. Despite this she has been told by Bath Magistrates that she will serve her sentence in an all male prison. The Magistrates have said that because she is legally identified as male (on her passport), they can’t place her in a female prison. I know that transgender women are at high risk of abuse in male prisons and don’t want my daughter to suffer because of bureaucracy. That is why I am campaigning for the courts to be humane about this and place my daughter in an all female prison, where she belongs.” Followed by an invitation to sign their petition. NO!

He, she, it or sh’it can’t have it both ways, or most probably it can on C wing with sh’its faux fanny and duck lipped pout, shower time’s going to be an interesting place. You’d-a-thunk it’d have the sense to have its documents seen to after seeing to its privates. Nah! Tough titty -very likely. Let this be schadenfreude justice for those poor sods who’ve pulled one of these ………….????? and ended up with a hand full of meat and two veg in the clinch; it’s not a game and it would make you cry.

Cunt! (Artificial)

Nominated by: King Cnut

Isn’t justice a marvellous thing? The magistrates say it’s up to the prison service and bugger all to do with them. So they reject her appeal. Then the justice secretary decided that it would be a good bit of PR to get her moved after 140,000 with fuck all better to do signed a petition.

More than that signed a petition to leave the EU, but they did fuck all about that!

Perhaps the cunt should learn to behave itself and not go around head butting barmen and breaking their teeth then we wouldn’t be having the debate.

Transgender people are a fucking pain in the arse – or wherever they’ve moved it to…

Nominated by: Gender Bender

Dead Pool [26]


* * * * WE HAVE A WINNER! * * * *
Congratulations to me, Dioclese, for winning the 25th dead pool with a long standing pick of mine – Al Molinaro.

This makes Dioclese the only 5 time winner! Gloat , gloat…

So come on all you cunters! The slate is been wiped clean and everyone gets to pick a new ‘dead cunt walking’ as we move on to The Dead Pool 26. They’re dropping like flies this time of year so there’s never been a better time to get your name on the slate!

Here’s the rules :

1. Nominate who you think is next on the way out.
You can have a maximum of five cunts each. Leave names in the Comments.

2. You win if your Cunt dies first.
Then the slate is wiped clean and we start again. Of course, you can always be a cunt and steal someone else’s dead cunt candidate from the last Dead Pool.

Any cunt who tries to cheat by nominating the World’s Oldest Man or Woman is a cunt and will be ignored. Any anonymous cunt who can’t be bothered to make up a name for themselves will also be ignored. Oh, and the usual “Our Blog Our Rules” thing applies.



Yes, it’s Halloween time again. I’d explain what it’s all about but I can’t be arsed to repeat meself, so if you’re really that interested, then read what I wrote here.

Basically it’s a medieval religious fuckfest that’s been bastardised by the Yanks and converted into a merchandising opportunity and, thanks to the morons who run the EU/Britain into a night when you can light up a kiddywinkle. Why? Well because the cheapjack shite costumes they foist on the little darlings are classed as toys not clothing and don’t have to meet the same fire safety standards FFS!

So, want to celebrate Halloween? Why not fire up a kiddie?

On the other hand just print out this poster, stick it in your window and the cunts to fuck the fuck off!

Nominated by: Dioclese



Why is it when I fancy a banana I can only ever buy them green and unripe in a bunch these days?

All the local greengrocers have been squeezed out of the high street by fucking Tesco, Asda, Sainsbuys and the chavvy Aldi and Lidl.

So I really want a banana, I go to the supermarket and have to buy a bunch of 12 of the green fuckers for £2.

I then get them home and it really is pot luck when they will ripen, will it be a few days? will it be like usual and take 10 days? Who fucking knows, but you can bet your bottom dollar they will all ripen on the same day, so two weeks ago I wanted a banana, now I have to eat 12 of the cunts before they start to rot!

Fucking CUNTS

Nominated by: Boaby

Paula Radcliffe [2]


Paula Radcliffe is a cunt.. She claims she feels like she has been “almost abused” by calls for her to release her blood data….The former British athlete, 41, says she has been implicated by a parliamentary hearing on blood doping, following a Sunday Times investigation…. Asked if freeing data would clear her, she said: “I don’t need to. I’m clean….”

First off, you are either abused or you aren’t…. There’s no such thing as almost abused… As I’m sure Savile’s victims and plenty of poor cunts in Rotherham will tell you… It’s just a typical over the top crybaby toys out of the pram can’t take any sort of questions or criticism whine….

Then “I don’t need to. I’m clean….” If you’re clean then you’ve got nothing to hide… If she has nothing to hide then why all the fuss? It’s her that’s making the noise… Methinks someone is worried about a very large can of juicy worms that might be opened..

Nominated by: Norman

You’re seriously telling me that the fastest woman to ever run a marathon distance in the history of athletics is from Cheshire?!

Not Ethiopia, not Kenya, not Somalia or Morocco……..Cheshire. Yeah, fuck off Paula you shitty arsed, 14 year old lanky boy bodied cunt.

Average as fuck until suddenly at the age of 29!!!! TWENTY-FUCKING-NINE! you miraculously become the greatest female distance runner the world the worlds ever seen? Pull the other one, it’s not covered in your street feces. Cunt.

Nominated by: Cunt O’MaCunto