Tony Blair, Man of Peace [6]


t’s time once again to nominate Tony Blair for a cunting. The worthless, warmongering, piece of shit recently told the world that the UK should send troops to fight ISIS in Iraq and Syria. Obviously this murdering cunt isn’t content with having the blood of tens of thousands on his hands, he wants even more blood, including that of British soldiers.

Well, I think it’s time for his two sons to be forced to join the army. He’s quick to send other people’s sons and daughters into danger. Let’s see how long his love of war lasts when he has to worry about whether his own sons will come home alive and in one piece. In fact, he should go there himself to fight. Let him experience first hand what it’s like having mortars, .50 Cal rounds and assorted small arms fire thrown at him. I’m willing to bet he won’t find war so wank worthy when it’s his own life at risk.

The biggest irony is that Blair and Bush are responsible for the rise of ISIS. Had they left Saddam Hussein alone, we would not be in the position we currently find ourselves in. Men like James Foley and the two other murdered hostages would still be alive. The hostages currently being held, would not be hostages.

In 1991 Norman Schwarzkopf, the allied commander during the first Gulf War predicted the chaos that would follow if Hussein was removed from power.

But Blair and Bush not only wilfully ignored all the advice to leave Iraq alone, they falsified evidence to make it look like Saddam Hussein posed a grave threat to the West. Strange as may sound, Hussein was actually a stabilising force in the Middle East. And those two dipshits removed that stability. In Blair’s case, I believe he did so knowing full well what would happen. He wanted to promote himself as one of the great leaders of the free world. A warrior against evil. And it didn’t matter how many died as long he got the adulation he craved.

Blair wanted a legacy. Well he has one, he’s a mass murderer. That’s his legacy. He’s killed as many people as Saddam Hussein. Not with own hands of course. But he is responsible for all those who have died in the ‘War on Terror’. And he’s responsible for those who WILL die in that war in the years to come. And believe me, it will be many years before this is over.

I despise Blair with every fibre of my being. It’s not often I’ll say this, but I really can’t wait for the day that evil creature snuffs it. That day, unfortunately is years away. I won’t celebrate, but I will not shed a single tear either. Too many people are dead because of him. And in the mean time, we have to suffer the injustice of watching that monster making millions of pounds.

Nominated by: Quick Draw McGraw

The Labour Party [2]


Two Eds are better than one – especially when it comes to spouting out the same old shit about tax and spend, squeeze the rich until the pips squeak, shower money on the poor downtrodden working class, slag off the wicked Tory bastards, etc etc etc…

Boring, boring, boring. These cunts have nothing to offer and no fucking idea how to run a country.

Cunts the lot of ’em.

Nominated by: Dioclese

Leon Brittan


Leon Brittan, now Lord Brittan, Baron of ect ect is back in the news again. This wart faced cunt with a kiddie sniffer conk and former Home Secretary to Margaret Thatcher during the Miners Strike and later Secretary for Trade and Industry (he resigned over his perverse anti British meddling in the Westland Affair) was also a Queen’s Council so should know his arse from his elbow in matters legal. If one was casting a film about paedos this ugly cunt’s boat race alone would take him to the top orf the bally list.

It has been confirmed that he was handed a forty page dossier in 1983 detailing allegations of high level kiddy fumbling activities amongst the denizens of Westminister. To begin with this former top legal eagle was unable to recall this happening (well such a common and unmemorable event me dears) then under media pressure he could remember but could not recollect its contents or any actions taken about it or indeed what happened to the dossier in the end.

I wonder if his brother, Samuel, a leading journalist for The Times, could assist in his recollection. Other sources are popping some names into the frame of allegations including Cyril Smith, Jeremy Thorpe and confirmed batchelor Ted Heath. Not to forget our favourite master of paedo ceremonies, Jimmy Savile.

Old paedo cunts never die, they only wank away.

Nominated by: Sir Limply Stoke

Maori tattoos

robbie williams tattoo13

Anyone with a Maori tattoo is a cunt.

I go swimming during the week, and the state of some of the fat bloated cunts who splosh into the pool has to be seen to be believed….but they have a confidence that they simply don’t warrant having, and it’s all because they have these fucking ridiculous Moari tattoos on their arm and shoulder….and most ridiculously of all, their calf.

Wise the fuck up, you daft cunts.

It’s not cool, it’s not hard, and when you are old and wrinkly, as well as fat, white and blotchy, you’ll look like an even bigger prick.

Get a Bazooka gum transfer instead if you need some ink.

Nominated by: Dan

( and that Robbie Williams is a cunt too )



This ebola virus thing is a right cunt. Apparently incurable until some stupid yanks and brits catch it and get flown home for treatment with a drug that doesn’t exist because there’s no known cure.

If the end of the world is coming can we please get on with it? Too many people occupying too little land with not enough food. Something has to give. Nature needs to reset the balance. I had great hopes for Aids but that fizzled out. Maybe ebola is the answer?

Here’s a thought: Why don’t we round up all the infected people and fly them to Iraq and Syria to join the jihad? Makes perfect sense. Much cheaper than military intervention.

Expect some cunt will come up with a cure if it ever reaches America – which it will if they keep flying their own people home for treatment with that non-existent drug they’ve got. Stupid cunts.

Apocalypse Now. Keep calm and watch Brad Pitt movies…

Nominated by: Dioclese