Air wankers

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Been plagued for years in this fucking PC world by cunts next to other cunts doing the old sign language hand jive for cunts that cannot hear. Theatre performances, kinema shows, fucking BBC news – you name it and there is some self important tosser distracting and ruining one’s viewing pleasure. If you are Mutt and Jeff every sympathy old cock but do fuck orf and read about it later.

Only look on the bright side delicious news that the signing cunt during the snuff of Mandela celebrations was a total fake. Deaf cunts had not a clue what was going on. PC police now trying to find out who the fuck the tosser was. Hero in my book blagging it to earn a few quid. Him excepted, signers are air wanking cunts.

Nominated by: Sir Limply Stoke

8 thoughts on “Air wankers

    • Harry, what an extremely strange comment. Of course we are no strangers to the weird, banal and completely fucked up comment on this site. But really, I’m actually intrigued enough to ask you to expand on your terse and incomprehensible comment. Just makes my teeth itch, that’s all.

      • Most intrigued to learn more about Harry’s axewound. A self lobotomy? With him on autocomplete. Always try to turn it orf if I can. Otherwise just accept its suggestions and text or write total bollocks.

  1. totally changing the subject…. who the fuck won the dead pool with O’toole? that cunt dropped dead and not a peep from admin… what the fuck is going on back there? anywho, otoole is now a dead cunt …… my money still sitting on the hugh heffner of england, bruce forsythe (doddering old cunt who’s still cutting the rug…) chin up boys christmas is almost here. (let one christian cunt knock at my door begging and i’ll black their fucking eye in….)

    • I nominated O’Toole because I have always been amazed that he could go on living given all the booze, fags and substances but in the wrong pool damnation. Scavanger cunts failed to spot it.

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