Michaela Strachan


The emaciated fuck-pig, Michaela Strachan. A cunt from Slitland.

This deformed (cock-nosed) dirt-bag has:

    No talent whatever
    No skills
    No face (it looks like a piece of shit that has been poked with a stick)
    No knowledge of anything
    No voice (except the faux-intelligent lower-middle class drone of a cunt)
    No personality (save for the relentless phoney cheerfulness of a child-killer)

How the fuck does the worthless cunt keep getting stuck on the TV, you ask. Well it’s because she’s uglier (inside and out) and dumber than the used jam rags that commission and produce shows on TV.

And the TV lovies they also enjoy the knowing Strachan goes ‘home’ and slashes at her arms and legs with razor blades when they criticize her for being a totally vacuous worthless lower-middle class cunt.

Nominated by: You ugly bastards!

Tony Blair [5]


How does Tony Blair get back on the news? He bailed just before the credit crunch and left Gordon “iron chancellor” brown holding the baby. Now he is telling us that the crisis in Iraq was not his fault (Saddam had no problem keeping the locals in line).

And now his Tonyness is blaming it on us not invading Syria too. Funny how, since this jug eared prick got appointed as special peace envoy to the middle east, everything has got worse there. I suggest we drop him into Iraq so he can explain it to them personally

Nominated by: The Mongcoming Wart

What does my head in about Blair is what the fuck it had to do with the UK to begin with?… I don’t remember Pinnochet, Pol Pot, Gadaffi (not for a long time anyway) or Khomeni being invaded because they weren’t very nice guys. So why was Saddam any different? Oh I remember now: The Blair Poodle’s owner (and leash holder), Dubya Bush Junior told him to invade….

War On Terror my arse though. I didn’t see the Yanks invading anywhere or getting upset when Britain was taking seven types of shit from the Provos for over twenty years… Where was their indignation or war on terror then? There wasn’t any. Instead they threw money at the murdering IRA cunts and portrayed them in the American media as Robin Hood type figures… Fuck them all!

Blair went on about big bad Saddam. Yet Blair put out the red carpet and had tea with Gadaffi! What a hypocritical bullshitting New Labour cunt!

Nominated by: Norman Whiteside

Thriller dancers


Cunts who do the thriller dance.

They are always out there. B grade Celebs on TV, Cunts in an all you can drink pub, backpackers, people apt on fucking up a private party – gouging the air to two peado kings – White Man Jackson and Vincent Price.

Not a lot screams I’m a cunt more – possibly apart from the ones that then do a flashmob.

Nominated by: King Cunt

Angelina Jolie


Angelina Jolie is a cunt… Made a dame? For what? Being a Hollywood tosspot? Dropping her knickers every five minutes? Doing crap films? Wrecking homes and marriages? Pathalogical shagging? Buttering up that bald Tory knobend, Willam Hague?

The last one, methinks….

Anyone who works with this wretched Tory government is a cunt anyway, but in the honours list after five minutes? Not only that, also getting a better honour than that Sutton lad: who raised all that money for cancer research, and who is sadly no longer with us? Jolie gets more recognition than young Sutton? What a backscratching, celebrity lickarse shitheap the UK has become… And what a Tinsletown twateratti, knickerless Yank cunt!

That Brad Pitt is a twat as well…

Nominated by: Norman Whiteside



Brazil are cunts….

They are diving, cheating, elbowing bastards. They have help from the referee (how eager was that cunt of a ref to give that penalty?!). They have a Sideshow Bob look-alike as their captain. They are not fit to wipe the arses of Pelé, Jairzinho, Rivellino etc… Part of me hopes that Argentina will win it: just to piss off Brazil, piss off everyone in Brazil and piss off those bent host nation helping cunts at FIFA…. Beautiful game, my arse!

Nominated by: Norman Whiteside

I had come on also to Cunt Brazil. If that own goal was not so obvious (only honest thing those cunts did) It would have been swerved somehow. Slimy bow jangled dancing cunts.

Nominated by: King Cunt

( That’s enough footie cunts. Mind you, that Brazil on the right looks a proper cunt! Ed. )