

Nominated by: Cunty Cunterson

I nominate Quebec for a good cunting simply because they have allowed the practices, customs and language of the vile degenerate dago French to infiltrate and pervert Canada.

Nominated by: Toadspanker

Hazel Blears [2]


Hazel Blears is indeed a cunt of epic proportions, masquerading as a bona-fide Labour supporter of the people, this vile bitch is yet another closet Tory, whose only motivation is that of self-interest. In that of course, she is not alone, most of the vermin elected to serve the people rarely lose the opportunity to screw the system, exploit their expenses and flagrantly abuse their position.

All this compunded by the fact that the harridan is of the ginger persuasion

Nominated by: Captain Tripps

Hazel Blears is cunt. The no-neck thieving bitch is a typical Labour politician — Always bleating in newspeak and vacant clichés about diversity and opportunities, but really has utter contempt for working people and ‘wogs’.

The filth Blears is a monster cunt. She has ridden the gravy train like a hobo addicted to oxo. The criminal cunt (alledgedly) broke the law to avoid capital gains tax on a property she sold (bought with taxpayers money – £45,000 profit) yet was never prosecuted. Why?

More recently the little bitch has set up a slavery scheme in Manchester, where unemployed desperadoes have to work for nothing cleaning the toilets of the rich. It is marketed by the cunt bitch as ‘opportunity’.

Everything about Blears is cuntish, from her dull rat eyes to her stumpy subnormal flapping limbs.

Hitler was right when he said the worst cunts in the world are the newly elevated bottom-feeders to the lower middle class. They are the most vicious towards the working class, and will do anything to keep them down, and they thieve from and exploit the working class without the merest pang of conscience. Hitler knew a thing or two about cunts like Hazel Blears.

Nominated by: Orange Clown Wig

Pippa Middleton


Pippa Middleton’s a cunt. I am not remotely interested in her life as a socialite or her tips for gracious living.

In fact, with a grandfather who worked down the pit, an uncle called Gary and a mother who made a living selling duty free Woodbines she’s not even posh at all. Her sister may be the next Queen but that is if she can beat the track record for recent royal marriages. I will give it ten years before she is either on Prozac like Diana or ripped to the tits on drink like Fergie.

Nominated by: Anthony Quinn

Barack Obama [12]


Barack Obama is the cunt of the decade. I mean, what sort of cunt wins the nobel peace prize for starting more wars than any other cunt in recent history?

OK, he may have inherited one or two from the Bushy Cunt but he’s done pretty well at starting others as well. The cunt’s done Libya, Syria and now he’s trying his best to kick start cunting WW3 in Ukraine. I know he’s a bit to go to beat that cunt Stalin but you can’t fault the cunts efforts to date. And the cunt’s not finished there either. He’s trying to wind up those slant eyed cunts in China and Japan having got them arguing over some piece of cunting rock that’s no cunting use to anyone. They’ve got to be top cunts to fall for that.

I know that in political terms this may be a difficult one but as the worlds most powerful cunt he is in a position to do something cuntingly positive and has failed to do so. To that end I nominate him as a real cunt above all other cunts.

PS. Do I win a prize for putting the word “cunt” into a nomination more times than any other cunt?

Nominated by: French Cunt

( No prize. Don’t be a cunt! )