Simon Jenkins

EMERGENCY CUNTING: The Guardian’s Simon Jenkins wants to ban rememberance day. Words to describe this muzzie appeasing cunt do not exist. He deserves to be locked in a lift with me for 5 minutes. Only one of us would cone out alive the utter scum cunt.

Nominated by Kravdarth

And as a postscript to this story, read the comments in The Guardian in response to this fuckwittery. Especially this one :
“Forgetting past wars led to Brexit. The biggest success of the EU has been no wars between member states, yet those wars that occurred before its formation are so completely forgotten they were hardly mentioned in the Brexit campaigns.”

Firstly, Remembrance Day is NOT a celebration. Secondly it remembers all who died, not just our side. Jenkins’ attitude is an affront to those who died in all wars on all sides.

And why does the cunt that wrote that comment not understand that the EU is the third European war being fought with politics and economics instead of guns and bombs?

“Those who forget history are in danger of repeating it”

Nominated by Dioclese